Muller, Serge, E-mail:
[en] Although mammography is currently considered by many to be the best tool for the early detection of breast cancer, conventional film-screen imaging is still far from perfect. A fundamental limitation of film-screen mammography is the fact that the detection, display and storage devices are one and the same, making it impossible to separately optimize each device. In addition to a potentially equivalent or better image quality compared to the film-screen technology, full-field digital mammography (FFDM) will provide the radiologist with numerous advantages: digital image management, digital data transfer and new medical applications. Nevertheless, to fulfil the potential of digital mammography, an FFDM unit must not only provide an outstanding technology for X-ray detection, but should be designed as a complete system. Each component of the FFDM system should be designed to provide or to increase the current image quality, the current ease of use and the current throughput: the X-ray tube, the gantry, the image receptor packaging, the detector, the acquisition electronics, the softcopy review workstation, the user interface, as well as the network capabilities
Primary Subject
S0720048X99000662; Copyright (c) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Barthod, Christian; Clement, Marc; Duval, Francois; Ledenvic, Philippe; Letourneux, Francois; Muller, Serge; Orizet, Francois-Regis; Perrin, Therese; Ullmann, Gabriel; Vindimian, Eric
Autorite environnementale du Conseil general de l'Environnement et du Developpement durable, MEEM/CGEDD/Ae, Tour Sequoia, 92055 La Defense Cedex (France)2017
Autorite environnementale du Conseil general de l'Environnement et du Developpement durable, MEEM/CGEDD/Ae, Tour Sequoia, 92055 La Defense Cedex (France)2017
[en] This document first presents the context of the French project of national strategy for biomass mobilisation (SNMB) as an application of the law related to energy transition for a green growth, and also as an item within the complex set of strategic documents such as the national strategy for low carbon, the national programme for forest and wood, the multi-year programming of energy, regional climate-air-energy schemes. It presents the SNMB project, its scope (with some recommendations made by the Environmental Authority), the usage challenges, the present situation of biomass with respect to the SNMB objectives for different biomass sources (forest, agriculture, breeding, by-products and wastes). It briefly discusses procedures related to the SNMB and to its environmental assessment. The second section addresses the analysis of the environmental assessment. It formulates some methodological recommendations, discusses the articulation with other programmes, and the initial analysis of the environment and of its perspectives of evolution, comments the justification of choices made regarding substitution solutions. It comments the analysis of likely effects of the SNMB implementation, and measures to avoid, mitigate or compensate these impacts. It briefly discusses the assessment of Natura 2000 effects, and choices made by the SNMB regarding indicators and modalities of environmental follow-up
Original Title
Avis delibere de l'Autorite environnementale sur la strategie nationale de mobilisation de la biomasse (SNMB)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
22 Mar 2017; 23 p; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the 'INIS contacts' section of the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses:
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Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Banoun, Sylvie; Bertrand, Nathalie; Bour-Desprez, Barbara; Clement, Marc; Douard, Pascal; Dumoulin, Virginie; Hubert, Louis; Jean, Christine; Ledenvic, Philippe; Letourneux, Francois; Muller, Serge; Pascal, Michel; Viu, Annie; Wormser, Veronique
Autorite environnementale, Conseil general de l'Environnement et du Developpement durable - CGEDD, Tour Pascal B, 92055 La Defense cedex (France)2021
Autorite environnementale, Conseil general de l'Environnement et du Developpement durable - CGEDD, Tour Pascal B, 92055 La Defense cedex (France)2021
[en] After a presentation of the context, of the EPR project and of the associated environmental stakes noticed by the Ae (environmental Authority), this document reports a critical analysis of the impact study provided by EDF: remarks on the study content, discussion of various aspects (non-radioactive atmospheric releases and climate factors, surface waters and non-radioactive aqueous releases, soils and underground waters, impacts of radioactive releases on the environment, biodiversity, population and human health, human activities, material and waste management), analysis of cumulated impacts, assessment of impacts on Natura 2000 sites. It comments the content of the risk management study: risk management for the first phase of the project, return on experience from other types of reactor, return on experience from EPR reactors, risk management at the commissioning phase
L'avis de l'Ae sur le reacteur nucleaire EPR de Flamanville (50) est sollicite dans le cadre de sa mise en service, prevue desormais en 2022. L'EPR, d'une puissance de 1600 MW, est le troisieme reacteur de ce centre nucleaire de production d'electricite (CNPE), les deux premiers d'une puissance de 1300 MW chacun ayant ete mis en service en 1985 et 1986. Sa conception se veut plus securitaire que celle des precedents reacteurs, mais la construction de ce nouveau type de reacteur s'est revelee difficile a Olkiluoto (Finlande) et a Flamanville. Le principal enjeu de la mise en service de ce reacteur est la surete et la securite. Il s'agit d'un reacteur reposant sur des techniques nouvelles. Les principaux enjeux environnementaux du projet sont, dans ce contexte: - la protection durable des populations contre les rayonnements ionisants; - la qualite des milieux aquatiques; - la protection de la biodiversite; - la production de matieres et de dechets nucleaires et les incidences environnementales de leur gestion; - la securite du site. L'etude d'impact initiale n'est pas fournie. Ce qu'EDF presente comme sa mise a jour est clair et didactique, mais trop restreint dans son objet, qui se focalise sur la seule mise en service de l'EPR. Ni la phase de construction, ni la ligne electrique a tres haute tension Cotentin Maine, necessaire a l'exploitation de l'EPR et deja construite, ne sont incluses. L'etude d'impact devrait correspondre a une actualisation des etudes d'impact precedentes, rappelant en particulier les autorisations dont beneficie le projet, l'etat d'avancement de chacune de ses composantes et les incidences effectives a l'echelle globale du projet sur l'environnement. Elle devrait rappeler les raisons des choix retenus et expliciter les options remises en cause ou susceptibles d'evoluer a la lumiere du retour d'experience depuis que les premieres autorisations ont ete accordees. Pour tous les volets, l'evaluation des incidences ne prend en compte que les valeurs limites des rejets. Si elle permet ainsi de demontrer que ces incidences restent compatibles avec le bon etat du milieu et la sante humaine, appliquer la demarche 'eviter, reduire, compenser' (ERC) aux valeurs moyennes de rejets, en coherence avec le principe d'optimisation de la radioprotection, constituerait un facteur de progres qui doit pouvoir trouver sa traduction dans les autorisations de rejets (par exemple en specifiant des valeurs cibles aussi basses que raisonnablement possibles). Elle vaudrait alors demarche d'optimisation pour les rejets radioactifs. L'Ae recommande de rappeler l'evolution des rejets reels de tous les polluants chimiques et radionucleides depuis le debut des travaux, puis de presenter l'evolution attendue des valeurs limites et des rejets reels du fait de la mise en service de l'EPR. L'Ae formule plusieurs autres recommandations: expliciter les combustibles qui seront utilises et etendre le chapitre 'gestion des dechets' a toutes les matieres radioactives: developper l'analyse des incidences et les mesures ERC pour les gaz a effet de serre: assurer un suivi de la biodiversite terrestre. L'etude de maitrise des risques est d'un acces plus difficile que l'etude d'impact, consistant essentiellement en un rappel theorique des principes de la demarche de surete et des caracteristiques prevues pour y repondre, sans evoquer en detail les specificites de l'EPR de Flamanville. L'Ae recommande, a la veille de la mise en service du reacteur, de recapituler les ecarts, incidents et accidents qu'a connus I'EPR en lien avec la surete nucleaire pendant sa phase de construction et d'expliciter les mesures prises pour y repondre, en particulier pour ce qui concerne la cuve du reacteur. Elle recommande egalement de presenter le retour d'experience des EPR d'Olkiluoto (Finlande) et de Taishan (Chine) et de specifier la facon dont l'EPR va le prendre en compte, dans le cadre de la mise en service mais aussi pour anticiper les incertitudes liees a ce nouveau type de reacteur. L'ensemble des observations et recommandations de l'Ae est presente dans l'avis detailleOriginal Title
Avis delibere de l'Autorite environnementale sur l'installation nucleaire de base no. 167 - Flamanville 3 (reacteur EPR) - EDF (50)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
22 Dec 2021; 38 p; 187 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
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Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Banoun, Sylvie; Bertrand, Nathalie; Bour-Desprez, Barbara; Brule, Karine; Clement, Marc; Dumoulin, Virginie; Galtier, Bertrand; Hubert, Louis; Jean, Christine; Ledenvic, Philippe; Letourneux, Francois; Michel, Laurent; Milan, Olivier; Muller, Serge; Schmitt, Alby; Vindimian, Eric; Wormser, Veronique
Autorite environnementale, Inspection generale de l'Environnement et du Developpement durable - IGEDD, Tour Sequoia, 92055 La Defense cedex (France)2023
Autorite environnementale, Inspection generale de l'Environnement et du Developpement durable - IGEDD, Tour Sequoia, 92055 La Defense cedex (France)2023
[en] After a synthesis of the opinion of the French Environmental Authority about the content of decommissioning file concerning the Fessenheim nuclear site, the detailed presentation of this opinion is provided. After a brief presentation of the context, its presents the project and projected developments with a description of the decommissioning process (objective, operations, radioactivity evolution and wastes generated by the project, duration and cost, operational procedures). It proposes an analysis of the impact study, and notably comments the search for alternatives, the choice made and the reference scenario, the project environmental impact study (wastes, air, underground and surface waters, soils, impact of radioactivity on health and on the environment, biodiversity, flooding risks). It briefly addresses the articulation of the project with different planning documents, schemes or programmes, impacts on Natura 2000, and the non-technical summary. It finally comments the content of the risk management study, and of the safety report
Original Title
Avis delibere de l'Autorite environnementale sur l'INB no. 75: Fessenheim - dossier de demantelement (68). Avis delibere no. 2023-108 adopte lors de la seance du 21 decembre 2023
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
21 Dec 2023; 24 p; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Bertrand, Nathalie; Bour-Desprez, Barbara; Clement, Marc; Dumoulin, Virginie; Galtier, Bertrand; Jean, Christine; Ledenvic, Philippe; Letourneux, Francois; Muller, Serge; Schmitt, Alby; Vindimian, Eric; Wormser, Veronique; Bourcier, Alban; Chevin, Andre; Lemoine, Catherine
Autorite environnementale, Inspection generale de l'Environnement et du Developpement durable - IGEDD, Tour Sequoia, 92055 La Defense cedex (France); Republique francaise, Departements de la Seine-Maritime, Prefecture de la Seine-Maritime (France)2022
Autorite environnementale, Inspection generale de l'Environnement et du Developpement durable - IGEDD, Tour Sequoia, 92055 La Defense cedex (France); Republique francaise, Departements de la Seine-Maritime, Prefecture de la Seine-Maritime (France)2022
[en] A first document reports the opinion of the French Environmental Authority (Ae) about a project of modification of one of the Paluel nuclear reactors. It first presents the Paluel electric power production nuclear centre (CNPE), its operation and emissions (radionuclides, liquids, chemical atmospheric effluents), procedures related to the project, and the main environmental stakes noticed by the Ae. It comments the various aspects of the project impact study: radiological pollution, waters, aquatic and marine environments, air and atmospheric pollutions, waste production, population and human health, natural and technological risks, energy, climate change mitigation, project vulnerability. It comments the evolutions of impacts with the introduction of MOX in the reactor nr. 4. It briefly discusses the content of the non-technical summary, and finally comments how hazards and population safety are addressed. The second document is the report of the inquiry commission about the public inquiry associated with this project. It presents the public inquiry framework, the project as it was submitted to the public inquiry (location, reactor operation, the Paluel centre, the 'moxing' project), describes the content of the file submitted to public inquiry, and the inquiry organisation and process, and proposes an analysis of contributions produced during the inquiry
Original Title
Avis delibere de l'Autorite environnementale sur la modification substantielle du reacteur no. 4 du centre nucleaire de production electrique (CNPE) de Paluel (76) - Avis delibere no. 2022-84 adopte lors de la seance du 22 decembre 2022. Enquete publique relative a la demande d'autorisation de modification substantielle de l'installation nucleaire de base (INB) No. 115, Denommee 'Reacteur No. 4 du centre nucleaire de production d'electricite (CNPE) de Paluel', en vue d'autoriser l'introduction de precurseurs MOX, projet depose par Electricite de France (EDF) - Rapport de la commission d'enquete + Conclusions motivees et avis de la commission d'enquete
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
22 Dec 2022; 16 Jun 2023; 200 p; 61 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Development of breast tumors is often accompanied by angiogenesis--the formation of new blood vessels. It is possible to image the effects of this process by tracking the uptake and washout of contrast agents in the vicinity of a lesion. In this article, a method for carrying out contrast subtraction mammography on a full-field digital mammography unit is described. Spectral measurements and modeling were performed to optimize the choice of x-ray target, kilovoltage and x-ray beam filtration for contrast digital mammography (CDM) on an available digital mammography system. Phantom studies were carried out to determine the sensitivity of CDM to iodine. Detection of iodine area densities of 0.3 mg/cm2 is possible for a circular object with a radius of 1.3 mm, which allows detection of uptake levels in the breast typically seen with cancer and some benign breast conditions. It was found that with a molybdenum anode x-ray tube, copper filtration could be used to effectively shape the x-ray spectrum to maximize the proportion of x rays with energies above the k edge of iodine. Simple logarithmic subtraction was found to be adequate in suppressing background signals dependent on the x-ray beam intensity and background thickness of the breast. The total x-ray dose from the procedure ranges between 1 and 3 mGy, similar to that from a conventional single view film mammogram. A clinical pilot study is currently being carried out to evaluate this technique
Primary Subject
(c) 2002 American Association of Physicists in Medicine.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
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[en] To assess the diagnostic accuracy of Dual-Energy Contrast-Enhanced Digital Mammography (CEDM) as an adjunct to mammography (MX) versus MX alone and versus mammography plus ultrasound (US). 120 women with 142 suspect findings on MX and/or US underwent CEDM. A pair of low- and high-energy images was acquired using a modified full-field digital mammography system. Exposures were taken in MLO at 2 min and in CC at 4 min after the injection of 1.5 ml/kg of an iodinated contrast agent. One reader evaluated MX, US and CEDM images during 2 sessions 1 month apart. Sensitivity, specificity, and area under the ROC curve were estimated. The results from pathology and follow-up identified 62 benign and 80 malignant lesions. Areas under the ROC curves were significantly superior for MX+CEDM than it was for MX alone and for MX+US using BI-RADS. Sensitivity was higher for MX+CEDM than it was for MX (93% vs. 78%; p < 0.001) with no loss in specificity. The lesion size was closer to the histological size for CEDM. All 23 multifocal lesions were correctly detected by MX+CEDM vs. 16 and 15 lesions by MX and US respectively. Initial clinical results show that CEDM has better diagnostic accuracy than mammography alone and mammography+ultrasound. (orig.)
Primary Subject
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[en] Purpose: Dual-energy (DE) contrast-enhanced digital mammography (CEDM) uses an iodinated contrast agent in combination with digital mammography (DM) to evaluate lesions on the basis of tumor angiogenesis. In DE imaging, low-energy (LE) and high-energy (HE) images are acquired after contrast administration and their logarithms are subtracted to cancel the appearance of normal breast tissue. Often there is incomplete signal cancellation in the subtracted images, creating a background “clutter” that can impair lesion detection. This is the second component of a two-part report on anatomical noise in CEDM. In Part I the authors characterized the anatomical noise for single-energy (SE) temporal subtraction CEDM by a power law, with model parameters α and β. In this work the authors quantify the anatomical noise in DE CEDM clinical images and compare this with the noise in SE CEDM. The influence on the anatomical noise of the presence of iodine in the breast, the timing of imaging postcontrast administration, and the x-ray energy used for acquisition are each evaluated.Methods: The power law parameters, α and β, were measured from unprocessed LE and HE images and from DE subtracted images to quantify the anatomical noise. A total of 98 DE CEDM cases acquired in a previous clinical pilot study were assessed. Conventional DM images from 75 of the women were evaluated for comparison with DE CEDM. The influence of the imaging technique on anatomical noise was determined from an analysis of differences between the power law parameters as measured in DM, LE, HE, and DE subtracted images for each subject.Results: In DE CEDM, weighted image subtraction lowers β to about 1.1 from 3.2 and 3.1 in LE and HE unprocessed images, respectively. The presence of iodine has a small but significant effect in LE images, reducing β by about 0.07 compared to DM, with α unchanged. Increasing the x-ray energy, from that typical in DM to a HE beam, significantly decreases α by about 2 × 10−5 mm2, and lowers β by about 0.14 compared to LE images. A comparison of SE and DE CEDM at 4 min postcontrast shows equivalent power law parameters in unprocessed images, and lower α and β by about 3 × 10−5 mm2 and 0.50, respectively, in DE versus SE subtracted images.Conclusions: Image subtraction in both SE and DE CEDM reduces β by over a factor of 2, while maintaining α below that in DM. Given the equivalent α between SE and DE unprocessed CEDM images, and the smaller anatomical noise in the DE subtracted images, the DE approach may have an advantage over SE CEDM. It will be necessary to test this potential advantage in future lesion detectability experiments, which account for realistic lesion signals. The authors' results suggest that LE images could be used in place of DM images in CEDM exam interpretation
Primary Subject
(c) 2013 American Association of Physicists in Medicine; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
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[en] Purpose: The use of an intravenously injected iodinated contrast agent could help increase the sensitivity of digital mammography by adding information on tumor angiogenesis. Two approaches have been made for clinical implementation of contrast-enhanced digital mammography (CEDM), namely, single-energy (SE) and dual-energy (DE) imaging. In each technique, pairs of mammograms are acquired, which are then subtracted with the intent to cancel the appearance of healthy breast tissue to permit sensitive detection and specific characterization of lesions. Patterns of contrast agent uptake in the healthy parenchyma, and uncanceled signal from background tissue create a “clutter” that can mask or mimic an enhancing lesion. This type of “anatomical noise” is often the limiting factor in lesion detection tasks, and thus, noise quantification may be useful for cascaded systems analysis of CEDM and for phantom development. In this work, the authors characterize the anatomical noise in CEDM clinical images and the authors evaluate the influence of the x-ray energy used for acquisition, the presence of iodine in the breast, and the timing of imaging postcontrast administration on anatomical noise. The results are presented in a two-part report, with SE CEDM described here, and DE CEDM in Part II. Methods: A power law is used to model anatomical noise in CEDM images. The exponent, β, which describes the anatomical structure, and the constant α, which represents the magnitude of the noise, are determined from Wiener spectra (WS) measurements on images. A total of 42 SE CEDM cases from two previous clinical pilot studies are assessed. The parameters α and β are measured both from unprocessed images and from subtracted images. Results: Consistent results were found between the two SE CEDM pilot studies, where a significant decrease in β from a value of approximately 3.1 in the unprocessed images to between about 1.1 and 1.8 in the subtracted images was observed. Increasing the x-ray energy from that used in conventional DM to those of typical SE CEDM spectra with mean energies above 33 keV significantly decreased α by about a factor of 19, in agreement with theory. Compared to precontrast images, in the unprocessed postcontrast images at 30 s postinjection, α was larger by about 7.4 × 10−7 mm2 and β was decreased by 0.2. While α did not vary significantly with the time after contrast administration, β from the unprocessed image WS increased linearly, and β from subtracted image WS increased with an initial quadratic relationship that plateaued by about 5 min postinjection. Conclusions: The presence of an iodinated contrast agent in the breast produced small, but significant changes in the power law parameters of unprocessed CEDM images compared to the precontrast images. Image subtraction in SE CEDM significantly reduced anatomical noise compared to conventional DM, with a reduction in both α and β by about a factor of 2. The data presented here, and in Part II of this work, will be useful for modeling of CEDM backgrounds, for systems characterization and for lesion detectability experiments using models that account for anatomical noise.
Primary Subject
(c) 2013 American Association of Physicists in Medicine; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
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