[en] In a nuclear power plant there are several systems which are on stand-by position as, for instance, safety systems. These stand-by systems have to be ready to start as soon as any situation for which they have be designed occurs. A test policy is then necessary in order to know the state of such a system and repair the possible failures. The tests are normally performed at regular intervals of time according to a scheduled sequence. We have already shown during the 'IIIeme Congres National de Fiabilite' held in Perros-Guirec in 1976 how it is possible in this case to find the optimum test interval leading to the best mean availability of the system. It is, in fact, possible, to improve that by considering that if the test interval is fixed 'a priori' this does not allow to take into account information we have on the system state every time
Il existe au sein des installations nucleaires de nombreux systemes en attente de fonctionnement comme, par exemple, les systemes de sauvegarde. Normalement a l'arret, ces systemes doivent etre prets a demarrer lorsqu'une situation necessitant leur intervention se produit. Pour connaitre l'etat dans lequel il se trouve et reparer ses defaillances eventuelles, un systeme en attente est generalement soumis a une certaine politique de test. Les tests ont habituellement lieu a intervalle regulier selon une 'grille' prevue a l'avance et nous avons montre au cours du IIIeme Congres National de fiabilite qui s'est tenu a Perros-Guirec en 1976 comment il etait possible de trouver l'intervalle entre test optimum permettant d'obtenir la meilleure disponibilite moyenne. On peut en fait faire mieux si on considere qu'un intervalle entre test fixe a priori ne permet pas de tenir compte des informations que l'on a a chaque instant sur le systeme. C'est ce que nous nous proposons de montrer au cours de cette conferenceOriginal Title
Optimisation de la politique de test des systemes en attente de fonctionnement
Primary Subject
Sep 1980; 8 p; International colloquium on reliability and maintenance; Perros-Guirec, France; 8 - 12 Sep 1980
Record Type
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Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] It is shown that operate-shutdown decision on a main system and test policy in a safety system have to be considered jointly. Two criteria are taken into account: an economic criterion (loss of production) and a risk criterion (risk of accident). A method is described in order to evaluate these two criteria according to given policies and operate-shutdown rules. This method leads to the optimisation of test policies and of operate-shutdown rules. Minimisation of loss of production and risk of accident is determined. (author)
Primary Subject
National Centre of Systems Reliability, Culcheth (UK); Institute of Quality Assurance, London (UK); p. 5B/4/1-5B/4/11; 1981; p. 5B/4/1-5B/4/11; 3. National reliability conference; Birmingham, UK; 29 Apr - 1 May 1981; Available from Institute of Quality Assurance, 54 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, London SW7 2PG, price Pound35.00
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The optimal test policy for a safety stand-by system is considered. In this paper we introduce a closed loop policy: the tests are not fixed in advance but a testing decision can be taken at any time. The method of dynamic programming is used to find the optimal policy in the case of a single unit and of a two-unit redundant system. The results are compared with those that would be obtained in the case where the testing policy is fixed in advance. The subject is discussed in relation to nuclear power plants. (author)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Reliability Engineering; v. 4(3); p. 127-139
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue