[en] The modified version of cascade model of hadron-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions has been adopted for simulation of inclusive pion asymmetry in polarized hadron-nucleus interactions. Pion asymmetry in single spin proton-proton collision is used as input in the model. Cascade-cascade interactions, s-wave resonance production and the concept of formation time of secondaries are included into the description of multiparticle production. copyright 1995 American Institute of Physics
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
11. international symposia on high energy spin physics and polarization phenomena in nuclear physics; Bloomington, IN (United States); 15-22 Sep 1994; CONF-9409103--
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
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Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Musulmanbekov, J.J.
Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR). Lab. of Computing Techniques and Automation1988
Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR). Lab. of Computing Techniques and Automation1988
[en] The possibility of describing multiparticle production in single-diffractive and non-single-diffractive interactions for pp and p-barp collisions is treated using the hypothesis of statistical cluster emission. The description is valid under the following basic assumptions: 1)The cluster masses grow with collision energy. 2)The rapidity space occupied by clusters depends on inelasticity and collision energy. 3)The decay of clusters of masses Mcl>>mπ is similar to the hadronization processes in w+e- annihilation. An account of the Monte-Carlo simulation model is given. It is shown that there is the changing of the behaviour of single-diffractive cross section in the energy region √s ≅ 50-200 GeV. 43 refs.; 22 figs
Primary Subject
1988; 28 p
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Nystrand, J.I.; Adamovich, M.I.; Aggarwal, M.M.; Alexandrov, Y.A.; Andreeva, N.P.; Anzon, Z.V.; Arora, R.; Avetyan, F.A.; Badyal, S.K.; Basova, E.; Bazarov, I.K.; Bhalla, K.B.; Bhasin, A.; Bhatia, V.S.; Bogdanov, V.G.; Bubnov, V.I.; Burnett, T.H.; Cai, X.; Carshiev, D.A.; Ceitimbetov, A.M.; Chasnikov, I.Y.; Chernova, L.P.; Chernyavsky, M.M.; Eligbaeva, G.Z.; Eremenko, L.E.; Gaitinov, A.S.; Ganssauge, E.R.; Garpman, S.; Gerassimov, S.G.; Graf, C.; Grote, J.; Gulamov, K.G.; Gupta, S.K.; Gupta, V.K.; Jakobsson, B.; Just, L.; Kachroo, S.; Kalyachkina, G.S.; Kanygina, E.K.; Karabova, M.; Kharlamov, S.P.; Kitroo, S.; Krasnov, S.A.; Kumar, V.; Larionova, V.G.; Li, Y.D.; Liu, L.S.; Lokanatan, S.; Lord, J.J.; Lukicheva, N.S.; Luo, S.B.; Maksimkina, T.N.; Mangotra, L.K.; Marutyan, N.A.; Maslennikova, N.V.; Mittra, I.S.; Mookerjee, S.; Musulmanbekov, J.J.; Nasyrov, S.Z.; Navotny, V.S.; Ochs, M.; Orlova, G.I.; Otterlund, I.; Peresadko, N.G.; Petrov, N.V.; Plyushchev, V.A.; Qian, W.Y.; Qin, Y.M.; Raniwala, R.; Raniwala, S.; Rao, N.K.; Roeper, M.; Saidkhanov, N.; Salmanova, N.A.; Sarkisova, L.G.; Sarkisyan, V.R.; Shabratova, G.S.; Shakhova, T.I.; Shpilev, S.N.; Skelding, D.; Soederstrom, K.; Solovjeva, Z.I.; Stenlund, E.; Surin, E.L.; Svechnikova, L.N.; Tolstov, K.D.; Tothova, M.; Tretyakova, M.I.; Trofimova, T.P.; Tuleeva, U.; Tursunov, B.P.; Vokal, S.; Vrlakova, J.; Wang, H.Q.; Weng, Z.Q.; Wilkes, R.J.; Xia, Y.L.; Yang, C.B.; Zhang, D.H.; Zheng, P.Y.; Zhokhova, S.I.; Zhou, D.C.
EMU01 Collaboration1994
EMU01 Collaboration1994
[en] Pseudorapidity density distributions of charged particles in heavy-ion collisions have been studied. The results from EMU01 have been compared to the results from the experiments WA80 and E802. The recently obtained pseudorapidity distributions from Au+Au and Au+Ag interactions have been compared to a linear extrapolation from lighter systems. (orig.)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
10. international conference on ultra-relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions (Quark Matter '93); Borlaenge (Sweden); 20-24 Jun 1993
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Conference; Numerical Data
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue