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[en] One noticeable phenomenon regarding the engineering education in general is its tight relation to the industrial, and technological activities in each society. All branches of liberal arts, science, law, medicine, and economy, education seem to have established its roots in the society and grow almost equally with the development. On the other hand, branches of engineering education grow or deoline according to the needs of constructions or industrial activities of the society at a given period of time. 6 fig
Primary Subject
Arab Atomic Energy Agency (AAEA), Tunis (Tunisia); Atomic Energy Establishment, Cairo (Egypt); 766 p; 1993; p. 127-144; Symposium on physics and technology of nuclear reactors; Cairo (Egypt); 11-16 Sep 1993
Record Type
Literature Type
Conference; Numerical Data
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Shaat, M.K.; Nagy, M.E.
National Centre for Radiation Research and Technology, Cairo (Egypt)1985
National Centre for Radiation Research and Technology, Cairo (Egypt)1985
[en] A method for collapsing a large set of group constants is performed. The energy range of interest is divided up into the required few-energy groups. The cross section data supplied by a library code are collapsed over these groups. The spatial dependence is ignored, and a I/E spectrum is used in the slowing down range. A flow chart represents the method of calculation is drawn. The program is tested by collapsing the LASL 16-group constants to 4, 3 and 2 groups, respectively. These results are important in 4, 5 and 2 group reactor calculations
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Arab Journal of Nuclear Sciences and Applications; CODEN AJNAD; v. 18(1); p. 30-44
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[en] This paper describes how the fictitious parameters of black bodies can be used to apply the continuity of thermal fluxes and currents at the surface of control rod. This leads to an easier method for describing the criticality condition of cylindrical core containing array of cylindrical control rods differ in material, location and size. Some special configurations for rods through bare or reflected core are tested to calculate the critical core radius, rod worth and flux distribution. Parameters of the ET-RR-1 reactor core are taken as a data for calculations, the rods are taken to be of boron carbide. A complete computer code is written on Fortran 4 language to calculate the above items
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Record Type
Journal Article
Arab Journal of Nuclear Sciences and Applications; v. 12(2); p. 447-471
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Zaki, A.A.; Khalil, M.Y.; Nagy, M.E.; Aly, H.F.
International conference on the safety of radioactive waste management. Contributed papers2000
International conference on the safety of radioactive waste management. Contributed papers2000
[en] Laboratory experiments were carried out to determine the breakthrough of uranium (VI) through a saturated porous wedron-510 sand column in absence and presence of goethite colloid (α-FeOOH). NaCl solution in the ionic strength range of 10-4M- 10-2 M at pHs 7.5 and 10.5 and Inshas groundwater were used to saturate wedron-510 sand column. In the presence of CaCO3 , the species of U(VI) were UO22+, (UO2)2CO3(OH)3-, UO2(OH)3-, and UO2(OH)42-. At pH 7.5, the transport of U(VI) at 10-4M NaCl was retarded, while it facilitated at 10-3 and 10-2 M NaCl in the presence of goethite colloid. On the other hand, at pH 10.5 the transport of U(VI) was facilitated in the presence of goethite colloid. In Inshas groundwater the transport of U(VI) was retarded in the presence of goethite colloid. (author)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); European Commission, Brussels (Belgium); OECD/Nuclear Energy Agency, Paris (France); World Health Organization, Geneva (Switzerland); 447 p; Mar 2000; p. 30-34; International conference on the safety of radioactive waste management; Cordoba (Spain); 13-17 Mar 2000; IAEA-CN--78/8; 7 refs, 5 figs, 1 tab
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Nagy, M.E.; Sawan, M.E.; Wassef, W.A.; El-Gueraly, L.A.
Nuclear Research Centre, Inshas (Egypt)1983
Nuclear Research Centre, Inshas (Egypt)1983
[en] A model which predicts the asymptotic time behavior of the neutron distribution in multi-dimensional systems is presented. The model is based on the kernel factorization method used for stationary neutron transport in a rectangular parallelepiped. The accuracy of diffusion theory in predicting the asymptotic time dependence is assessed. The use of neutron pulse experiments for predicting the diffusion parameters is also investigated
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Secondary Subject
1983; 32 p
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Nagy, M.E.; Sultan, M.A.; Michaiel, M.L.; Metwally, A.M.; Elsherebiny, E.M.
Egyptian Society of Nuclear Sciences and Applications, Cairo (Egypt)1989
Egyptian Society of Nuclear Sciences and Applications, Cairo (Egypt)1989
[en] The present work provides an optimized model for fuel loading patterns in pressurized water reactors. The developed model satisfies the following objectives: A) An improved power distribution throughout the reactor core at the begining of the core cycle. This model provides also an acceptable power profile throughout the whole core cycle. The minimum peak-to-average power ratio was chosen as the objective characteriatic of the optimum loading. b) Less management effort, as for instance simple computer programme or small computer time, for generating optimized loading patterns. This is justified by: 1. Using an improved fuel grouping and region classifications. 2. Excluding many of the failed shuffling iterations due to either using the loading priority sequence in order to perfor a good initial loading or using the local reactivity requirement for initially accepting or rejecting a shuffle iteration before power calculation is made. Because of the vast number of possible fuel assembly allocations, it is not possible to obtain a strictly optimum solution for a given criteria function. In this work the number of feasible patterns is greatly reduced through the use of a logical set of shuffling rules which utilizes the radial power and reactivity distributions of each shuffling iteration. In order to calculate the two dimensional power distribution, a two dimensional simulated 1.5 group coarse mesh diffusion theory model is used. The results obtained shown that the proposed simple modified algorithm adopted is efficient and applicable in determining the optimum loading patterns when compared to results from previous publications
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Arab Journal of Nuclear Sciences and Applications; CODEN AJNADV; v. 22(2); p. 209-223
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Nagy, M.E.; Sultan, M.A.; Michaiel, M.L.; Metwally, A.M.; Elsherbiny, E.M.
Egyptian Society of Nuclear Sciences and Applications, Cairo (Egypt)1989
Egyptian Society of Nuclear Sciences and Applications, Cairo (Egypt)1989
[en] This paper describes the specifications of a computer code 'POWDS' for resolving the one-and-half group coarse mesh diffusion model. This model is based on the two group diffusion method, however, it takes into consideration the fact that the mean free path length of the fast group neutrons is comparatively long, and thus allowing for large space nodes in the fast group. For thermal energy group neutrons the space nodes ranging about 20 cm are of several mean free paths. Since most neutrons diffuse within the energy span of the fission spectrum thus the thermal leakage is neglected. The computer program 'POWDS' is written to calculate the power distribution inside the reactor core. The overrelaxated technique is used to accelerate the convergence and minimize the number of iterations. The computer running time for calculating one quarter core power distribution using this 1.5 group method is relatively small as compared with other methods. The low computer cost, the small dimension and the ease of adoption make this program of considerable use specially in determining fuel loading patterns in the in core fuel management calculations
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Arab Journal of Nuclear Sciences and Applications; CODEN AJNADV; v. 22(1); p. 193-207
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No abstract available
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Secondary Subject
American Nuclear Society meeting; San Francisco, CA, USA; 12 - 16 Nov 1979; CONF-791103--; Published in summary form only.
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society; ISSN 0003-018X; ; v. 33 p. 440-441
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No abstract available
Primary Subject
European nuclear conference; Hamburg (Germany, F.R.); 6 - 11 May 1979; CONF-790519--; Published in summary form only.
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society; ISSN 0003-018X; ; v. 31 p. 313-314
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[en] The behaviour of neutron wave propagation is analyzed using energy, space and time-dependent diffusion theory with synthetic kernels in the slowing down region. A delta function source in energy and space which oscillates sinusoidally with frequency ω is used. Fermi age slowing down model is found to be valid only for very low frequencies. It is found that if a neutron wave experiment could be performed, information about the Greuling Georetzel parameters zeta and γ can be obtained by measuring the attenuation and phase at asymptotic distances from the source. (author)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Arab Journal of Nuclear Sciences and Applications; v. 13(2); p. 477-505
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