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[en] Methods of laser fluorescent determination of sodium atom and hydroxyl molecule (impurity fire component) concentration are described. A method of wide-band detection is presented in detail. A monochromator, its transmission band allowing one to detect all rotational lines of hydroxyl electron-vibrational transition, is used as wide-bond filter. High efficiency of using the methods described in studying the combustion chemistry, kinetics of sodium atom compound production in combustion product plasma and pre-electrode processes is demonstrated. 95 refs., 12 figs., 4 tabs
Original Title
Lazernaya fluorestsentnaya diagnostika plasmy produktov sgoraniya s shchelochnoj prisadkoj
Smirnov, B.M. (ed.); 320 p; 1993; p. 249-287; Ehnergoatomizdat; Moscow (Russian Federation)
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[en] The problem on the potential of interparticle electrostatic interaction in a therma plasma with macroparticles is considered in the case when thermo-electron emission constitutes the basic process, determining the macroparticles charge is considered. It is shown that consideration of the Poison equation high nonlinearity, characteristic of the dust plasma systems, makes a number of ratios, used in this area, irrelevant. The account for this condition makes it possible to correctly determine the value of the interparticle interaction parameters which is one of the most important parameters in the dust plasma physics
Рассмотрен вопрос о потенциале межчастичного электростатического взаимодействия в термической плазме с макрочастицами, когда основным процессом, опрределяющим зарядку макрочастиц, является термоэлектронная эмиссия. Показано, что учет сильной нелинейности уравнения Пуассона, характерной для систем пылевой плазмы, делает неприменимым ряд часто используемых в этой области соотношений. Учет этого обстоятельства позволяет корректно определить величину параметра межчастичного взаимодействия, являющегося одним из важнейших параметров в физике пылевой плазмыOriginal Title
Potentsial ehlektrostaticheskogo vzaimodejstviya v termicheskoj plazme s makrochastitsami
Primary Subject
18 refs., 3 figs.
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Journal Article
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[en] To determine the phase composition of the carbide coatings epigrams were recorded in an RKSO-2 x-ray camera with a flat film holder in the inverse position (reflection angles greater than 450 were registered). The Debye-Scherrer method was also used (RKD camera with d=57.3 mm). The work was performed in an x-ray tube with a copper anode (continuous x-rays in the first case, filtered in the second). The coating thickness was measured microscopically and by weighing. The adhesion of the coating to the substrate was determined by an MRO5-1 machine, the microhardness was measured by a PMT-3 microdurometer. Data are obtained on the effect of the substrate temperature, the ratio Csub(C7H8)/Csub(WCl6), and the duration of the process on the rate of deposition of W carbides and their phase composition. One-phase WC coatings can be obtained at Csub(C7H8)/Csub(WCl6)=6-12. The adhesion of the coatings to the W substrate can be increased by an order of magnitude by forming a sublayer consisting of a mixture of W2C and WC
Original Title
Obrazovanie karbidov vol'frama pri pirolize WCl6 i toluola
Primary Subject
3 refs.; for English translation see the journal Inorg. Mater.
Record Type
Journal Article
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy; v. 12(2); p. 233-237
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No abstract available
Original Title
Ob izmerenie temperatury neodnorodnogo istochnika izlucheniya metodom obrashcheniya
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Secondary Subject
Published in summary form only; for English translation see the journal High Temp.
Record Type
Journal Article
Teplofizika Vysokikh Temperatur; v. 6 p. 1317-1318
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No abstract available
Original Title
Vliyanie neodnorodnosti plazmy na profil' spektral'noj linii i temperaturu obrashcheniya
Primary Subject
For English translation see the journal Opt. Spectrosc.
Record Type
Journal Article
Optika i Spektroskopiya; v. 33(5); p. 825-831
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[en] The process of W(CO)6 decomposition in the media of H2 and H2 with C7H8 addition was studied in the temperature range of 620-970 K. It was found that the carrying out of W(CO)6 decomposition process in the presence of C7H8 significantly increased the rate of coating formation, shifted its maximum towards higher temperatures and permitted to produce a dense, highly adhesive to the surface coating. It was shown that the addition of C7H5 upto 920 K did not effect coating phase composition, but at a higher temperatures the emergence of W2C phase was observed and its quantity increased as W(CO)6 decomposition temperature and Csub(Csub(7)Hsub(8))/Csub(W(CO)sub(6)) increased
Original Title
Vliyanie toluola na protsess razlozheniya W(CO)6
Primary Subject
For English translation see the journal Inorganic Materials (USA).
Record Type
Journal Article
Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Neorg. Mater; ISSN 0002-337X; ; v. 18(3); p. 439-441
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[en] The presence in the high-temperature flows of condensed disperse phase (CDP) particles may lead either to an increase of the electron number density ne if the particles assume a positive charge or to its decrease if the charge is negative. The existence of CDP also may effect on optical parameters of the thermal dusty plasma flows, on heat and radiative transfer in the plasma. The entire range of states, from a Debye plasma to a highly nonideal system of charged particles, is realized in a thermal dusty plasma under standard conditions T=2000-3000 K, ne=108 - 1014 cm-3. The advanced probe and optical diagnostic instruments are needed to study the optical and electrophysical properties of thermal dusty plasma flows. The diagnostic techniques must give the data about such parameters of gas and dispersed phase as temperatures of gas and particles, number densities of electrons, atoms and ions of alkali metals, sizes, velocities and concentrations of CDP particles. It should be noted that number density of alkali metal atoms and gas temperature may be measured by the well known full absorption and generalized reversal methods. This paper describes the probe and optical techniques for diagnostic of dusty plasma flows developed in High Energy Density Research Center of Russian Academy of Sciences. The Forward Angle Scattering Transmissometer (FAST) allows measurement of the average size (Sauter diameter), mass number density, and refractive index of particles in the 0.5-15.0 gm size range. The basis of the method is a dependence of the measured extinction of radiation upon an angular acceptance aperture of the photo detector. The FAST instrument allows one to determine the mass density and the Sauter diameter of a polydispersion of particles without a priori specification of the particle size distribution model and exact data about the article refractive index
Primary Subject
Becker, K.H.; Carr, W.E.; Kunhardt, E.E. (eds.); 256 p; 1995; p. 75-76; Stevens Institute of Technology; Hoboken, NJ (United States); 22. international conference on phenomena in ionized gases; Hoboken, NJ (United States); 31 Jul - 4 Aug 1995
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[en] The presence in the high-temperature flows of condensed disperse phase (CDP) particles may lead either to an increase of the electron number density ne if the particles assume a positive charge or to its decrease if the charge is negative. The existence of CDP also may effect on optical parameters of the thermal dusty plasma flows, on heat and radiative transfer in the plasma. The entire range of states, from a Debye plasma to a highly nonideal system of charged particles, is realized in a thermal dusty plasma under standard conditions T=2000-3000 K, ne=108-1014 cm-3. The advanced probe and optical diagnostic instruments are needed to study the optical and electrophysical properties of thermal dusty plasma flows. The diagnostic techniques must give the data about such parameters of gas and dispersed phase as temperatures of gas and particles, number densities of electrons, atoms and ions of alkali metals, sizes, velocities and concentrations of CDP particles. It should be noted that number density of alkali metal atoms and gas temperature may be measured by the well known full absorption and generalized reversal methods. This paper describes the probe and optical techniques for diagnostic of dusty plasma flows developed in High Energy Density Research Center of Russian Academy of Sciences. The Forward Angle Scattering Transmissometer (FAST) allows measurement of the average size (Sauter diameter), mass number density, and refractive index of particles in the 0.5-15.0 μm size range. The basis of the method is a dependence of the measured extinction of radiation upon an angular acceptance aperture of the photo detector. The FAST instrument allows one to determine the mass density and the Sauter diameter of a polydispersion of particles without a priori specification of the particle size distribution model and exact data about the particle refractive index
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Becker, K.H.; Carr, W.E.; Kunhardt, E.E. (eds.); 226 p; 1995; p. 189-190; Stevens Institute of Technology; Hoboken, NJ (United States); 22. international conference on phenomena in ionized gases; Hoboken, NJ (United States); 31 Jul - 4 Aug 1995
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Mohov, A.V.; Nefedov, A.P.
Proceedings of the 17. International conference on phenomena in ionized gases held at Budapest, Hungary 8-12 Jul 1985, v. 21985
Proceedings of the 17. International conference on phenomena in ionized gases held at Budapest, Hungary 8-12 Jul 1985, v. 21985
[en] The dynamics of combustion plasmas is not known because of the lack of experimental data about the concentration distribution of different chemical species in the plasma and near the boundary layers. A new method is proposed to determine the composition of plasma, and an experiment with aerosol solution of a sodium salt is described. The distribution of sodium atoms was detected by laser induced fluorescence. This method produced a high space resolution (0.1 mm) and allowed to carry out measurements at low atom concentrations (1010 cm-3) for the case when the effect of nonequilibrium is more pronounced. (D.Gy.)
Primary Subject
Bakos, J.S.; Soerlei, Zsuzsa (eds.); Eoetvoes Lorand Fizikai Tarsulat, Budapest (Hungary); Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest. Central Research Inst. for Physics; 606 p; ISBN 963 372 373 6; ; Jun 1985; p. 1111-1113; Koezponti Fizikai Kutato Intezet; Budapest (Hungary); 17. International conference on phenomena in ionized gases; Budapest (Hungary); 8-12 Jul 1985; 3 refs.; 2 figs.
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Winter, J.; Fortov, V.E.; Nefedov, A.P., E-mail:
[en] Small particles (dust) exist in magnetic confinement fusion devices. Their origin is due to plasma-surface interactions. Dust particles may contain significant amounts of hydrogen isotopes, 50% of which will be Tritium in future devices. The radioactive decay of Tritium incorporated into carbonaceous dust may lead to its charging and to the formation of a nuclear induced plasma associated with levitation and transport of dust inside the vacuum vessel. We will discuss the experimental evidence of dust levitation and removal by appropriately shaped electric fields and we will discuss some aspects of radioactive dust in fusion devices
Primary Subject
S0022311500005249; Copyright (c) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: Ukraine
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