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[en] We present Keck LRIS spectroscopy for a sample of 103 massive (M > 1010.6 M ☉) galaxies with redshifts 0.9 < z < 1.6. Of these, 56 are quiescent with high signal-to-noise absorption line spectra, enabling us to determine robust stellar velocity dispersions for the largest sample yet available beyond a redshift of 1. Together with effective radii measured from deep Hubble Space Telescope images, we calculate dynamical masses and address key questions relating to the puzzling size growth claimed by many observers for quiescent galaxies over the redshift interval 0 < z < 2. Our large sample provides the first opportunity to carefully examine the relationship between stellar and dynamical masses at high redshift. We find this relation closely follows that determined locally. We also confirm the utility of the locally established empirical calibration which enables high-redshift velocity dispersions to be estimated photometrically, and we determine its accuracy to be 35%. To address recent suggestions that progenitor bias—the continued arrival of recently quenched larger galaxies—can largely explain the size evolution of quiescent galaxies, we examine the growth at fixed velocity dispersion assuming this quantity is largely unaffected by the merger history. Using the velocity dispersion-age relation observed in the local universe, we demonstrate that significant size and mass growth have clearly occurred in individual systems. Parameterizing the relation between mass and size growth over 0 < z < 1.6 as R∝M α, we find α = 1.6 ± 0.3, in agreement with theoretical expectations from simulations of minor mergers. Relaxing the assumption that the velocity dispersion is unchanging, we examine growth assuming a constant ranking in galaxy velocity dispersion. This approach is applicable only to the large-dispersion tail of the distribution, but yields a consistent growth rate of α = 1.4 ± 0.2. Both methods confirm that progenitor bias alone is insufficient to explain our new observations and that quiescent galaxies have grown in both size and stellar mass over 0 < z < 1.6.
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[en] We report the discovery of a massive galaxy at the same redshift as a carbon-monoxide-bearing sub-damped Lyα absorber (sub-DLA) seen in the spectrum of QSO J1439+1117. The galaxy, J1439B, is located 4.″7 from the QSO sightline, a projected distance of 38 physical kpc at z = 2.4189, and exhibits broad optical emission lines () with ratios characteristic of excitation by an active galactic nucleus (AGN). The galaxy has a factor of ∼9 lower star formation than is typical of star-forming galaxies of the same mass and redshift. The nearby sub-DLA is highly enriched, suggesting its galactic counterpart must be massive if it follows the mass–metallicity relationship. Metallic absorption within the circumgalactic medium of the sub-DLA and J1439B is spread over a velocity range , suggesting an energetic origin. We explore the possibility that a different galaxy could be responsible for the rare absorber, and conclude that it is unlikely based on imaging, integral-field spectroscopy, and high-z massive galaxy pair statistics. We argue that the gas seen in absorption against the QSO was likely ejected from the galaxy J1439B and therefore provides a unique observational probe of AGN feedback in the distant universe.
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[en] We extend our analyses of the dark matter (DM) distribution in relaxed clusters to the case of A383, a luminous X-ray cluster at z = 0.189 with a dominant central galaxy and numerous strongly lensed features. Following our earlier papers, we combine strong and weak lensing constraints secured with Hubble Space Telescope and Subaru imaging with the radial profile of the stellar velocity dispersion of the central galaxy, essential for separating the baryonic mass distribution in the cluster core. Hydrostatic mass estimates from Chandra X-ray observations further constrain the solution. These combined data sets provide nearly continuous constraints extending from 2 kpc to 1.5 Mpc in radius, allowing stringent tests of results from recent numerical simulations. Two key improvements in our data and its analysis make this the most robust case yet for a shallow slope β of the DM density profile ρDM ∝ r -β on small scales. First, following deep Keck spectroscopy, we have secured the stellar velocity dispersion profile to a radius of 26 kpc for the first time in a lensing cluster. Second, we improve our previous analysis by adopting a triaxial DM distribution and axisymmetric dynamical models. We demonstrate that in this remarkably well-constrained system, the logarithmic slope of the DM density at small radii is β < 1.0 (95% confidence). An improved treatment of baryonic physics is necessary, but possibly insufficient, to reconcile our observations with the recent results of high-resolution simulations.
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Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Astrophysical Journal Letters; ISSN 2041-8205; ; v. 728(2); [6 p.]
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[en] A number of recent challenges to the standard ΛCDM paradigm relate to discrepancies that arise in comparing the abundance and kinematics of local dwarf galaxies with the predictions of numerical simulations. Such arguments rely heavily on the assumption that the Local Volume's dwarf and satellite galaxies form a representative distribution in terms of their stellar-to-halo mass ratios. To address this question, we present new, deep spectroscopy using DEIMOS on Keck for 82 low-mass (107-109 M ☉), star-forming galaxies at intermediate redshift (0.2 < z < 1). For 50% of these we are able to determine resolved rotation curves using nebular emission lines and thereby construct the stellar mass Tully-Fisher relation to masses as low as 107 M ☉. Using scaling relations determined from weak lensing data, we convert this to a stellar-to-halo mass relation for comparison with abundance matching predictions. We find a discrepancy between our observations and the predictions from abundance matching in the sense that we observe 3-12 times more stellar mass at a given halo mass. We suggest possible reasons for this discrepancy, as well as improved tests for the future.
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Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] We analyze the stellar populations of a sample of 62 massive (log M */M ☉ > 10.7) galaxies in the redshift range 1 < z < 1.6, with the main goal of investigating the role of recent quenching in the size growth of quiescent galaxies. We demonstrate that our sample is not biased toward bright, compact, or young galaxies, and thus is representative of the overall quiescent population. Our high signal-to-noise ratio Keck/LRIS spectra probe the rest-frame Balmer break region that contains important absorption line diagnostics of recent star formation activity. We obtain improved measures of the various stellar population parameters, including the star formation timescale τ, age, and dust extinction, by fitting templates jointly to both our spectroscopic and broadband photometric data. We identify which quiescent galaxies were recently quenched and backtrack their individual evolving trajectories on the UVJ color-color plane finding evidence for two distinct quenching routes. By using sizes measured in the previous paper of this series, we confirm that the largest galaxies are indeed among the youngest at a given redshift. This is consistent with some contribution to the apparent growth from recent arrivals, an effect often called progenitor bias. However, we calculate that recently quenched objects can only be responsible for about half the increase in average size of quiescent galaxies over a 1.5 Gyr period, corresponding to the redshift interval 1.25 < z < 2. The remainder of the observed size evolution arises from a genuine growth of long-standing quiescent galaxies
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Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] Using the MOSFIRE near-infrared multi-slit spectrograph on the Keck 1 Telescope, we have secured high signal-to-noise ratio absorption line spectra for six massive galaxies with redshift 2 < z < 2.5. Five of these galaxies lie on the red sequence and show signatures of passive stellar populations in their rest-frame optical spectra. By fitting broadened spectral templates we have determined stellar velocity dispersions and, with broad-band Hubble Space Telescope and Spitzer photometry and imaging, stellar masses and effective radii. Using this enlarged sample of galaxies, we confirm earlier suggestions that quiescent galaxies at z > 2 have small sizes and large velocity dispersions compared to local galaxies of similar stellar mass. The dynamical masses are in very good agreement with stellar masses (log M */M dyn = –0.02 ± 0.03), although the average stellar-to-dynamical mass ratio is larger than that found at lower redshift (–0.23 ± 0.05). By assuming evolution at fixed velocity dispersion, not only do we confirm a surprisingly rapid rate of size growth but we also consider the necessary evolutionary track on the mass-size plane and find a slope α = dlog Re /dlog M * ≳ 2 inconsistent with most numerical simulations of minor mergers. Both results suggest an additional mechanism may be required to explain the size growth of early galaxies
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Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Astrophysical Journal Letters; ISSN 2041-8205; ; v. 788(2); [6 p.]
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Newman, Andrew B.; Belli, Sirio; Ellis, Richard S., E-mail: anewman@obs.carnegiescience.edu2015
[en] We report the discovery of RG1M0150, a massive, recently quenched galaxy at z = 2.636 that is multiply imaged by the cluster MACSJ0150.3-1005. We derive a stellar mass of and a half-light radius of Taking advantage of the lensing magnification, we are able to spatially resolve a remarkably massive yet compact quiescent galaxy at in ground-based near-infrared spectroscopic observations using Magellan/FIRE and Keck/MOSFIRE. We find no gradient in the strength of the Balmer absorption lines over which are consistent with an age of 760 Myr. Gas emission in [N ii] broadly traces the spatial distribution of the stars and is coupled with weak Hα emission (log [N ii]/), indicating that OB stars are not the primary ionizing source. The velocity dispersion within the effective radius is km s We detect rotation in the stellar absorption lines for the first time beyond Using a two-integral Jeans model that accounts for observational effects, we measure a dynamical mass of and This is a high degree of rotation considering the modest observed ellipticity of 0.12 ± 0.08, but it is consistent with predictions from dissipational merger simulations that produce compact remnants. The mass of RG1M0150 implies that it is likely to become a slowly rotating elliptical. If it is typical, this suggests that the progenitors of massive ellipticals retain significant net angular momentum after quenching which later declines, perhaps through accretion of satellites.
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Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Astrophysical Journal Letters; ISSN 2041-8205; ; v. 813(1); [7 p.]
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[en] We present stellar and dark matter (DM) density profiles for a sample of seven massive, relaxed galaxy clusters derived from strong and weak gravitational lensing and resolved stellar kinematic observations within the centrally located brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs). In Paper I of the series, we demonstrated that the total density profile derived from these data, which span three decades in radius, is consistent with numerical DM-only simulations at radii ∼> 5-10 kpc, despite the significant contribution of stellar material in the core. Here, we decompose the inner mass profiles of these clusters into stellar and dark components. Parameterizing the DM density profile as a power law ρDM∝r –β on small scales, we find a mean slope (β) = 0.50 ± 0.10(random)+0.14–0.13(systematic). Alternatively, cored Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW) profiles with (log r core/kpc) = 1.14 ± 0.13+0.14–0.22 provide an equally good description. These density profiles are significantly shallower than canonical NFW models at radii ∼< 30 kpc, comparable to the effective radii of the BCGs. The inner DM profile is correlated with the distribution of stars in the BCG, suggesting a connection between the inner halo and the assembly of stars in the central galaxy. The stellar mass-to-light ratio inferred from lensing and stellar dynamics is consistent with that inferred using stellar population synthesis models if a Salpeter initial mass function is adopted. We compare these results to theories describing the interaction between baryons and DM in cluster cores, including adiabatic contraction models and the possible effects of galaxy mergers and active galactic nucleus feedback, and evaluate possible signatures of alternative DM candidates.
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Newman, Andrew B.; Ellis, Richard S.; Treu, Tommaso; Bundy, Kevin, E-mail: anewman@astro.caltech.edu2010
[en] We present deep Keck spectroscopy for 17 morphologically selected field spheroidals in the redshift range 1.05 < z < 1.60 in order to investigate the continuity in physical properties between the claimed massive compact red galaxies ('nuggets') at z ≅ 2 and well-established data for massive spheroidal galaxies below z ≅ 1. By combining Keck-based stellar velocity dispersions with Hubble Space Telescope-based sizes, we find that the most massive systems (Mdyn>1011 Msun) grew in size over 0 < z < 1.6 as (1 + z)-0.75±0.10 (i.e., x2 since z = 1.5) whereas intermediate mass systems (1011 Msun>Mdyn>1010 Msun) did not grow significantly. These trends are consistent with a picture in which more massive spheroidals formed at higher redshift via 'wetter' mergers involving greater dissipation. To examine growth under the favored 'dry' merger hypothesis, we also examine size growth at a fixed velocity dispersion. This test, uniquely possible with our dynamical data, allows us to consider the effects of 'progenitor bias'. Above our completeness limit (σ>200 km s-1), we find size growth consistent with that inferred for the mass-selected sample, thus ruling out strong progenitor bias. To maintain continuity in the growth of massive galaxies over the past 10 Gyr, our new results imply that size evolution over 1.3 < z < 2.3, a period of 1.9 Gyr, must have been even more dramatic than hitherto claimed if the red sources at z>2 are truly massive and compact.
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Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Astrophysical Journal Letters; ISSN 2041-8205; ; v. 717(2); p. L103-L107
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[en] We present deep near-infrared spectra for a sample of 24 quiescent galaxies in the redshift range obtained with the MOSFIRE spectrograph at the W. M. Keck Observatory. In conjunction with a similar data set we obtained in the range with the LRIS spectrograph, we analyze the kinematic and structural properties for 80 quiescent galaxies, the largest homogeneously selected sample to date spanning 3 Gyr of early cosmic history. Analysis of our Keck spectra together with measurements derived from associated Hubble Space Telescope images reveals increasingly larger stellar velocity dispersions and smaller sizes to redshifts beyond . By classifying our sample according to Sérsic indices, we find that among disk-like systems the flatter ones show a higher dynamical to stellar mass ratio compared to their rounder counterparts, which we interpret as evidence for a significant contribution of rotational motion. For this subset of disk-like systems, we estimate that , the ratio of the circular velocity to the intrinsic velocity dispersion, is a factor of two larger than for present-day disky quiescent galaxies. We use the velocity dispersion measurements also to explore the redshift evolution of the dynamical to stellar mass ratio, and to measure for the first time the physical size growth rate of individual systems over two distinct redshift ranges, finding a faster evolution at earlier times. We discuss the physical origin of this time-dependent growth in size in the context of the associated reduction of the systematic rotation.
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Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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