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Demoulin, F.; Collinet, J.; Nguyen, C.
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Fontenay-aux-Roses, 92 (France). Dept. d'Analyse de Surete1987
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Fontenay-aux-Roses, 92 (France). Dept. d'Analyse de Surete1987
[en] Examination of the lessons to be learned from the accident of the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant on 20 March 1979 led the French Safety Authorities and EDF (Electricite de France) to adopt a series of measures intended to improve the performance of the containment of French PWRs, especially in the event of accident. Among the measures adopted, two of them contribute to the upgrading of the containment of nuclear island buildings, by reducing radioactivity constraints inside these buildings and by limiting radioactive releases into the environment. These are: (1) dynamic containment of auxiliary buildings likely to be contaminated following an accident, (2) reinjection back into the reactor building of liquid effluents arising in the auxiliary buildings. In this paper we shall discuss, for each measure, the approach to the problem and describe the arrangements made to arrive at a satisfactory solution
L'examen des enseignements tires de l'accident survenu le 20.03.1979 sur la centrale nucleaire de Three Mile Island a conduit les organismes de surete francais, ainsi qu'Electricite de France (EDF), a mettre en oeuvre un programme d'actions visant a renforcer le niveau de confinement des Reacteurs a Eau sous Pression (REP), notamment pendant une situation accidentelle. Parmi ces actions, deux d'entre elles permettent d'apporter une contribution au probleme de confinement dans les batiments de l'ilot nucleaire en reduisant les contraintes radiologiques a l'interieur de ces batiments et en cherchant a diminuer les rejets radioactifs dans le milieu naturel, il s'agit: 1) du confinement dynamique des locaux des batiments auxiliaires susceptibles d'etre contamines en phase post-accidentelle, 2) de la reinjection a l'interieur du batiment reacteur des effluents liquides produits dans les batiments auxiliaires. Pour chacune de ces deux voies, l'approche du probleme et les dispositions mises en place pour y apporter une solution satisfaisante sont developpeesOriginal Title
Confinement dynamique des effluents gazeux dans les batiments auxiliaires et reinjection des effluents liquides depuis ces batiments dans le batiment reacteur, d'un reacteur a eau sous pression de 900 MWe pendant une situation accidentelle
Primary Subject
Apr 1987; 28 p; International conference on nuclear containment; Cambridge (UK); 6-8 Apr 1987; CEA-DAS--351
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Ageron, M.; Hrisoho, A.; Nguyen, C.; Truong, K.
Paris-11 Univ., 91 - Orsay (France). Lab. de l'Accelerateur Lineaire1989
Paris-11 Univ., 91 - Orsay (France). Lab. de l'Accelerateur Lineaire1989
[en] An automatic system for testing the detectors applied in high energy physics is developed. Such detectors have a large number of linear chains. The test procedures and the test bench are described. The parameters to be tested are the gain, the shape of the signal, the noise, the diaphony and the signal resolution
Le travail presente le systeme de tests automatiques developpe pour effectuer les controles des detecteurs utilises en physique des hautes energies. Ces detecteurs sont equipes avec des chaines lineaires dont le nombre est grand. On decrit les methodes de tests ainsi que le banc de test. Les parametres etudies sont le gain, la forme du signal, le bruit, la diaphonie et la discrimination du signalOriginal Title
Systeme de tests automatiques avec un oscilloscope numerique + PC
Oct 1989; 6 p
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Nozaki, S.; Feick, H.; Weber, E.R.; Micovic, M.; Nguyen, C.
Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Lab., CA (United States). Funding organisation: AFOSR F49620-98-1-0135. (United States)2000
Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Lab., CA (United States). Funding organisation: AFOSR F49620-98-1-0135. (United States)2000
No abstract available
Secondary Subject
LBNL--49827; AC03-76SF00098; Available from Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Lab., CA (US); Journal Publication Date: 7 May 2001
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Nguyen, C., E-mail:
Symposium on international safeguards: Addressing verification challenges. Book of extended synopses2006
Symposium on international safeguards: Addressing verification challenges. Book of extended synopses2006
[en] Analyzing the gamma spectra in energy range of 0-600 keV measured by Planar HP-Germanium detector and of 0-15 MeV by Coaxial HP-Germanium detector of 238PuBe, 239PuBe and 241AmBe neutron sources shown that interaction of neutrons with germanium material dose not induce the gamma lines in coincidence with ones used in MGA++ software program for analyzing the Pu material. Compton tail of 4438 keV gamma rays and effect of interaction of neutrons and germanium material mainly increase the background of low energy region (0-600 keV). The background decreases the uncertainty of the MGA++ commercial program; however, the program can be still well used to analyze the 0-600 keV spectra for getting the Pu isotopic composition and age in general. Some case of in correction of U existence in MGA++ -report was discussed
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Section for System Studies, Division of Concepts and Planning, Department of Safeguards, Vienna (Austria); Institute of Nuclear Materials Management (United States); European Safeguards Research and Development Association, Ispra, VA (Italy); 386 p; 2006; p. 317-318; Symposium on international safeguards: Addressing verification challenges; Vienna (Austria); 16-20 Oct 2006; IAEA-CN--148/163P; 4 refs
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[en] The total synthesis of the title compound from pyruvic aldehyde dimethyl acetal and ethyl [2-13C]acetate is reported. (author)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals; ISSN 0362-4803; ; CODEN JLCRD; v. 24(12); p. 1461-1467
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Liang, H.; Whited, G.; Nguyen, C.; Stucky, G.D.; UC, Santa Barbara
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center SLAC (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2007
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center SLAC (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2007
[en] Proteorhodopsin is the membrane protein used by marine bacterioplankton as a light-driven proton pump. Here, we describe a rapid cooperative assembly process directed by universal electrostatic interactions that spontaneously organizes proteorhodopsin molecules into ordered arrays with well defined orientation and packing density. We demonstrate the charge density-matching mechanism that selectively controls the assembly process. The interactions among different components in the system are tuned by varying their charge densities to yield different organized transmembrane protein arrays: (i) a bacteriorhodopsin purple membrane-like structure where proteorhodopsin molecules are cooperatively arranged with charged lipids into a 2D hexagonal lattice; (ii) selected liquid-crystalline states in which crystalline lamellae made up of the coassembled proteorhodopsin and charged lipid molecules are coupled three-dimensionally with polarized proteorhodopsin orientation persisting through the macroscopic scale. Understanding this rapid electrostatically driven assembly process sheds light on organizing membrane proteins in general, which is a prerequisite for membrane protein structural and mechanistic studies as well as in vitro applications
Primary Subject
SLAC-REPRINT--2007-125; AC02-76SF00515
Record Type
Journal Article
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; ISSN 0027-8424; ; CODEN PNASA6; v. 104; p. 8212-8217
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[en] Mevalonolactone is the essential and universal precursor to terpenoid compounds, giving rise to the ''isoprene'' unit by a decarboxylation-dehydration reaction. The synthesis of (3RS) (5R) [5-2H]-, (3RS) (5S) [5-2H]-and (3RS) (5S) [5-3H]-mevalonolactones are described. (author)
Secondary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals; ISSN 0362-4803; ; CODEN JLCRD; v. 25(11); p. 1189-1196
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Lakosi, L.; Almasi, I.; Nguyen, C.; Zsigrii, J.; Hlavathy, Z.; Nagy, P.
International Conference on Physics and Technology of Reactors and Applications2011
International Conference on Physics and Technology of Reactors and Applications2011
[en] Full text: Uranuim enrichment of homogenous and profiled fuel assemblies was verified by gamma spectrometry. The fuel rods in the assemblies contained uranium enriched to 1.6 to 4.4% among which those of 1.6, 2.4 and 3.6% were of homogenous composition. In one of the types of heterogenous (profiled) assemblies the enrichment in the central region is the highest (4%) and it is lower at the peripheral region (3.6 and 3.3%). In the other type it is 4.4% in the central part and 3.6 and 4% at the periphery. Three gamma detectors were used in the study two HPGe detectors of different resolution and efficiency and a CdZnTe (CZT) detector, which fits into the central tube of the assemblies In this way possible to obtain information from both the inner and outer parts of the assemblies. It proved to be possible to distinguish different types of assemblies within a reasonable measurement time(15-20 min). For the HPGe measurements the assemblies had to be lifted out from their storage rack, while when using the CZT detector, the assemblies could be left at their storage position. A routine project is going on for enrichment verification of -10% of the freshly arrived assemblies at a random basis in the fresh fuel storage under normal operational conditions, upon inspection, having minimum impact on the NPP work, it is also tested that 232U content of the examined assemblies is much smaller than what is expected for pellets made of reprocessed material.
Primary Subject
The Ministry for Energy and Mining (Morocco); The Moroccan Association for Nuclear Engineering and Reactor Technology (Morocco); National Center for Energy Science and Nuclear Technics (Morocco); 71 p; 2011; 71 p; PHYTRA 2: 2. International Conference on Physics and Technology of Reactors and Applications; Fez (Morocco); 26-28 Sep 2011; Available in abstract form only, full text entred in this record
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[en] This paper describes the design and construction of a microcomputer software code - for predicting light water properties. The U.O. code uses simple correlations and is valid for a wide range of temperature and pressure. The accuracy and speed of U.O. code are compatible with existing codes
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Allen, R.W. (Systems Technology, Inc. (USA)); 154 p; ISBN 0-911801-43-X; ; 1989; p. 138-141; Society for Computer Simulation; San Diego, CA (USA); Society for Computer Simulation western multiconference; San Diego, CA (USA); 4-6 Jan 1989; CONF-890128--; Society for Computer Simulation, P.O. Box 17900, San Diego, CA 92117 (USA)
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[en] The chemical synthesis of double labelled mevalonolactone with carbon 13C at positions C-4 and C-6 with a 42% yield is reported starting from [1,3-13C2]acetone. (author)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals; ISSN 0362-4803; ; CODEN JLCRD; v. 25(10); p. 1081-1086
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