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Rajainmaeki, H.; Nieminen, M.; Laakso, L.
Meeting of the expert committee for the production and processing of copper, of the Gesellschaft Deutscher Metallhuetten- und Bergleute e.V. (DGMB)1992
Meeting of the expert committee for the production and processing of copper, of the Gesellschaft Deutscher Metallhuetten- und Bergleute e.V. (DGMB)1992
[en] Published in summary form only
Original Title
Kupferkanister zur Endlagerung nuklearer Abfaelle
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Gesellschaft Deutscher Metallhuetten- und Bergleute e.V., Clausthal-Zellerfeld (Germany); 9 p; 1992; p. 9; Meeting of Fachausschuss fuer die Gewinnung und Weiterverarbeitung von Kupfer of Gesellschaft Deutscher Metallhuetten- und Bergleute e.V. (DGMB); Tagung des Fachausschusses fuer die Gewinnung und Weiterverarbeitung von Kupfer der Gesellschaft Deutscher Metallhuetten- und Bergleute e.V. (DGMB); Pori (Finland); 17-18 Jun 1992; Available from FIZ Karlsruhe
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Nieminen, M.
Posiva Oy, Helsinki (Finland)2010
Posiva Oy, Helsinki (Finland)2010
[en] The game statistics for the island of Olkiluoto were updated in the spring 2010, and compared with earlier studies. Population size estimates are based on interviews of local hunters, and on other material available. No elk nor deer inventories were made in the winter 2009-2010. The elk population is still slightly decreasing. The white-tailed deer population was made smaller by hunting. The changes in the roe deer population are not known accurately, but population size varies somewhat from year to year. The number of hunted small predators approximately doubled in the latest hunting season. Altogether 17 waterfowl were hunted in 2009 (none in the previous year). The populations of mountain hare and red squirrel are abundant. The brown hare population is still small, even though there was one brood in Olkiluoto in 2009. (orig.)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Oct 2010; 24 p; Also available in fulltext at o; 28 refs.; This record replaces 42027076
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Niemi, M.; Nieminen, M.
Posiva Oy, Helsinki (Finland)2015
Posiva Oy, Helsinki (Finland)2015
[en] The game statistics for the island of Olkiluoto were updated in the summer 2014 and compared with earlier statistics. In addition, the estimated biomass of hunted animals was calculated. The reported game bag and population size estimates are based on the annual action report of local hunting club (Olkiluodon Metsaestysseura ry) and interviews of hunting club's secretary. No moose or deer inventories were made in the winter 2013-2014. The moose population has been a slightly increasing when comparing the previous year; there were 4-6 individuals on the island after hunting season. The number of moose varies because they tend to move between the island and mainland. Winter 2013-2014 was relatively easy for white-tailed deer and roe deer but the predation caused by lynxes inhibits the increase of populations. However, the current amount of lynxes on the island is unknown because the lack of snow in the winter 2013-2014. In the summer of 2014, there were several lynx observations. The number of hunted raccoon dogs was almost four times as large as in the previous year; altogether 26 individuals were killed. There were no noticeable changes in the number of other hunted small or medium-sized predators. American minks were not killed at all. The total number of hunted hares decreased from eleven to seven. Once again, mallard was the most common hunted bird species followed by hooded crow. Other bird species hunted were wood pigeon, herring gull, hazel grouse, wigeon, teal and common pochard. The total biomass hunted was approximately 1 225 kilos (1 170 for mammals and 55 for birds) which was 305 kilos more than in the previous year. The biomass destined to human consumption (i.e. game meat) was approximately 415 kilos (400 kilos for mammals, 15 for birds). (orig.)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
May 2015; 20 p; Also available in fulltext at; 7 refs.
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No abstract available
Original Title
Porot ja säteily
Primary Subject
FAO/AGRIS record; ARN: FI880016688; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Vuosikirja - Lapin tutkimusseura; ISSN 0457-1479; ; (no.28); p. 37-50
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[en] The validity of Koba-Nielsen-Olesen scaling hypothesis was examined in the case of heavy, black, and grey prongs in proton-emulsion collisions ('heavy' means 'either black or grey'). The average multiplicities of these prongs were computed in the region 0.1-400 GeV for the nuclei C, N, O, S, Br, Ag, and I. After the inclusion of the energy-dependent excitation probability of the nuclei of the form P* = b0 + b1 ln E0 into the model, experimental multiplicity distributions in the energy region 6-300 GeV agreed satisfactorily with the scaling hypothesis. The ratio of the dispersion D (D = √< n2>-< n>2) to the average multiplicity < n> in the scaling functions of heavy, balck, and grey prongs was estimated to be 0.86, 0.84, and 1.04, respectively, in the high energy region. (Auth.)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Physica Scripta; ISSN 0031-8949; ; v. 19(4); p. 307-312
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[en] Liming (with applications of 1000 to 8000 kg/ha) had no long- term (1929-1985) effect on the growth of Scots pine on drained oligotrophic peatlands. Liming plus NPK fertilization had a variable effect on the growth of stands. The same treatment could result in a very different response in different experimental areas. Both liming alone and liming plus NPK fertilization increased the calcium, magnesium and nitrogen contents of peat and decreased the C/Nratio and acidity. Liming plus fertilization decreased needle boron and manganese and increased calcium and nitrogen concentrations. The results of peat and needle analysis indicated that the changes in nitrogen availability to trees caused by liming have not been sufficient enough to affect tree growth. It was also concluded that boron deficiency was the main reason for the lowered yield. (26 refs., 6 tabs., 8 figs.) (author)
Original Title
Puuston kasvu ja ravinteiden saatavuus turvemaiden vanhoilla kalkituskokeilla
Primary Subject
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Journal Article
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Rajainmaeki, H.; Nieminen, M.; Laakso, L.
Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co, Stockholm (Sweden)1991
Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co, Stockholm (Sweden)1991
[en] The fabrication technology and costs of various manufacturing alternatives to make large copper canisters for spent fuel repository are discussed. The capsule design is based on the TVO's new advanced cold process concept where a steel canister is surrounded by the oxygen free copper canister. This study shows that already at present there exist several possible manufacturing routes, which results in consistently high quality canisters. Hot rolling, bending and EB-welding the seam is the best way to assure the small grain size which is preferable for the best inspectability of the final EB-welded seam of the lid. The same route turns out also to be the most economical. (au)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Jun 1991; 43 p
Record Type
Literature Type
Numerical Data
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Rajainmaeki, H.; Nieminen, M.; Laakso, L.
Voimayhtioeiden Ydinjaetetoimikunta, Helsinki (Finland)1991
Voimayhtioeiden Ydinjaetetoimikunta, Helsinki (Finland)1991
[en] The fabrication technology and costs of various manufacturing alternatives to make large copper canisters for spent fuel repository are discussed. The capsule design is based on the TVO's new advanced cold process concept where a steel canister is surrounded by the oxygen free copper canister. This study shows that already at present there exist several possible manufacturing routes, which result in consistently high quality canisters. Hot rolling, bending and EB-welding the seam is the best way to assure the small grain size which is preferable for the best inspectability of the final EB-welded seam of the lid. The same route turns out also to be the most economical
Primary Subject
Aug 1991; 39 p
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Arvela, H.; Torsti, J.J.; Nieminen, M.; Valtonen, E.
Conference papers. 17. International cosmic ray conference, Paris, 13-25 July 19811981
Conference papers. 17. International cosmic ray conference, Paris, 13-25 July 19811981
[en] A double neutron monitor consisting of two neutron monitors, one on top of the other, has been constructed. A thick layer of moderating material between the monitors enables two separate independent measurements of multiplicity. The total thickness of the production layer in the double monitor is approximately 3 interaction mean free paths of high-energy hadrons in lead. A brief discussion of the characteristics of the monitor is given
CEA, 75 - Paris (France); International Union of Pure and Applied Physics; 238 p; ISBN 2-7272-0064-1; ; 1981; v. 8 p. 172-175; Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique; Paris, France; 17. International cosmic ray conference; Paris, France; 13 - 25 Jul 1981; Sold by Reidel, Dordrecht, Netherlands
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Torsti, J.J.; Vainikka, E.K.; Nieminen, M.; Valtonen, E.
Conference papers. 17. International cosmic ray conference, Paris, 13-25 July 19811981
Conference papers. 17. International cosmic ray conference, Paris, 13-25 July 19811981
[en] Contribution of geomagnetic effects to the diurnal cosmic ray variation has been calculated. Daily variations in the directions of approach and in the acceptance cones are taken into account. In the estimation, the trajectory tracing method is used. The model used for the geomagnetic field is a combination of the dipole field and of the external field given by Olson and Pfitzer
Primary Subject
CEA, 75 - Paris (France); International Union of Pure and Applied Physics; 384 p; ISBN 2-7272-0060-5; ; 1981; v. 4 p. 150-153; Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique; Paris, France; 17. International cosmic ray conference; Paris, France; 13 - 25 Jul 1981; Sold by Reidel, Dordrecht, Netherlands
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