Goltzene, A.; Schwab, C.; Meyer, B.; Nikitine, S.
11. european congress on molecular spectroscopy1973
11. european congress on molecular spectroscopy1973
No abstract available
Primary Subject
AN Ehstonskoj SSR, Tallinn; no. 56 vp; 1973; 11. european congress on molecular spectroscopy; Tallinn, USSR; 28 May 1973; Published in summary form only.
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[en] A short introduction is given on exciton spectroscopy both at low and high intensity of excitation. It is shown then that the quantum mechanical particle approach has to be completed by an electrodynamic wave approach. In this approach, the exciton and photon are considered as a wave packet called polariton. This approach can in some cases introduce substantial corrections to the quantum mechanical description of excitons. Though this development was initiated some time ago by Pekar, the experimental support is rather recent and not very extended. Important work is carried out at present. (orig./WL)
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Molecular Structure; ISSN 0022-2860; ; v. 59 p. 273-289
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Baruthio, J.; Constantinesco, A.; Chavas, M.; Meyer, P.; Dumitresco, B.; Chambron, J.; Nikitine, S.; Voegtlin, R.
International conference on signals and images in medicine and biology (BIOSIGMA 78), Paris, 24-28 April 19781978
International conference on signals and images in medicine and biology (BIOSIGMA 78), Paris, 24-28 April 19781978
[en] This work is based on a acquisition and pretreating Service of data and signals resulting from several types of functional explorations in cardiology. This Service, through a specialised phone-line, is connected to the Medical Centre of Informatic where the different treatments and on occasion the recording of data are carried out. This functions according to the Real Time Executive System and the clinical results are send back to the investigation unit. The main types of cardiologic analysis as studied by the system are envisaged: measure in real time of the cardiac output and analysis of the radiocardiogram, measure and display of the thoracic potentials, spectral analysis of the vectorcardiogram, quantitative cineangiocardiography and analysis of intracardiac pressures. This system is particularly interesting in that it may treat several processes which could ask for a great capacity of storing and an important calculus power, see for instance the study of thoracic potentials. This type of analysis could not be envisaged financially with isolated calculators. The set of results obtained enables us to investigate thoroughly and precisely the cardiac performance
Il est presente une Antenne d'acquisition et de pretraitement de donnees et de signaux provenant de plusieurs types d'explorations fonctionnelles en cardiologie. Cette antenne est reliee par ligne specialisee au centre d'Informatique Medicale ou sont effectues les traitements et l'archivage des donnees et des resultats. L'ensemble fonctionne sous le systeme 'temps reel' et les resultats sont renvoyes sur le site d'exploration. Les differents ensembles d'acquisition des signaux et des donnees sont decrits, ainsi que les traitements appropries: mesure en temps reel du debit cardiaque par radioisotopes, analyse du radiocardiogramme, cartographie thoracique, analyse des vectocardiogrammes, cineangiocardiographie quantitative et analyse des pressions intracardiaques. L'interet de la realisation reside essentiellement dans la possibilite d'offrir une aide au diagnostic a plusieurs types d'explorations cardiologiques et ceci par le meme systeme central d'acquisition, dans le caractere evolutif de l'ensemble, dans l'obtention de parametres cardiaques difficilement accessibles par des systemes isoles et dans la possibilite de mener, conjointement a un but diagnostic, un programme de recherche dans l'etude des signaux et de la mecanique cardiaqueOriginal Title
Acquisition decentralisee et exploitation des donnees d'explorations fonctionnelles
Primary Subject
Anon; v. 2 p. 418-422; 1978; v. 2 p. 418-422; International conference committee BIOSIGMA 78; Paris, France; International conference on signals and images in medicine and biology (BIOSIGMA 78); Paris, France; 24 - 28 Apr 1978; Available from BIOSIGMA 78, 75783 Paris Cedex 16
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