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Kajian Kestabilan Agar MacConkey dan MacConkey Broth Purple yang Digunakan dalam Ujian Ketakhadiran E.coli
Primary Subject
2019; 18 p; NTC 2019: Nuclear Technical Convention 2019; Bangi (Malaysia); 22-24 Oct 2019; Available in Malaysian Nuclear Agency Document Delivery Center; Oral presentation
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No abstract available
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2019; 14 p; NTC 2019: Nuclear Technical Convention 2019; Bangi (Malaysia); 22-24 Oct 2019; Available in Malaysian Nuclear Agency Document Delivery Center; Oral presentation
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No abstract available
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Ujian Kawalan Mutu Mikrobiologi ke atas Radioisotop Lu-177
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Secondary Subject
2020; 1 p; R&D Seminar 2020: Research and Development Seminar 2020; Bangi (Malaysia); 16-19 Nov 2020; Available from Malaysian Nuclear Agency Document Delivery Center; Oral presentation
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[en] BIOTEST Service Center is a service center that offers microbiological testing to customers from outside as well as inside the Malaysian Nuclear Agency. Most of the test samples received were radiopharmaceutical products produced by hospitals and private companies. This paper aims to report on microbiological testing services that have been performed over a period of five years from January 2015 to December 2020. During this period, the three main customers who have sent their samples were the National Cancer Institute, BEACON Hospital and Curiumpharma. The most performed tests are the incubation of environmental monitoring samples, sterility testing and bacterial endotoxin testing. The BIOTEST Service Center has successfully maintained its performance of providing microbiological testing services to customers every year from 2015 to 2020. (author)
Original Title
Khidmat Ujian Mikrobiologi Kepada Pelanggan Pusat Khidmat BIOTEST dari Tahun 2015-2020
Primary Subject
2021; 5 p; NTC 2021: Nuclear Technical Convention 2021; Bangi (Malaysia); 26-28 Oct 2021; Available from Malaysian Nuclear Agency Document Delivery Center; Oral presentation
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[en] System migration and upgrade are among the important issues in information system. Rapid change in chasing new technology forces many organizations to migrate their system to a new hardware and software platforms. At the same time, system requirements change overtime when new policy such as on information security is introduced, reflects the system processes. Gradually, users of a system become more productive demand more efficient, fast, dynamic, and intelligent interactions. These situations force a system to be upgraded. The same things happened to a system called VBMikrotestV01. This system was used many years ago to manage information of microbiological testing services. The services conducted by Microbiological test laboratory at Medical Technology Division, Malaysian Nuclear Agency. The system was developed by Mr. Yahaya. He was a senior research officer in the Medical Technology Division. Due to the fast-changing technology, needs for improvement in few work processes and requirements for more user-efficient interactions, needs major upgrade and migration to the system. Therefore, a new system named as Microbiological Test Information System (MBioTest) is developed to fulfil those needs on the new system environment technology platform. Development of MBioTest has been proposed in the beginning of the year 2020, but the development has been postponed due to Covid-19 pandemic and some major technology migration works at IT Centre platform. The development continues in the year 2021, with major of development works have to be conducted from home due to Covid-19’s Movement Control Order (MCO). The use of social media and online discussion platforms such as WhatsApp, Zoom, and Google Meet were very helpful to assist the development works. This paper discusses experiences in the system development approach, architecture design and work challenges during the Covid-19 pandemic. Experiences in this system development works may contribute to the information system developer and microbiological test communities and interest groups as well as R&D organizations like Nuclear Malaysia. (author)
Primary Subject
2021; 8 p; NTC 2021: Nuclear Technical Convention 2021; Bangi (Malaysia); 26-28 Oct 2021; Available from Malaysian Nuclear Agency Document Delivery Center; Oral presentation
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Literature Type
Conference; Software
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue