Pacheco, E.M.; Araujo, C.B. de
Proceedings of the 12. National Meeting on Condensed Matter Physics1989
Proceedings of the 12. National Meeting on Condensed Matter Physics1989
[en] Published in summary form only
Original Title
Transferencia de energia e conversao ascendente de frequencias em vidros borados dopados com Pr3+
Primary Subject
Sociedade Brasileira de Fisica, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); 301 p; 1989; p. 185; 12. National Meeting on Condensed Matter Physics; Caxambu, MG (Brazil); 9-13 May 1989; Available from the Library of Comissao Nacional de Energia Nuclear, RJ, Brazil
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Barcelos, I.K.; Araujo Zanardi, V. de; Brito Pacheco, E.M. de.
Proceedings of the 23. Brazilian Congress on Radiology; 21. Meeting on Radiology from Sao Paulo; 10. Course of Recycling; 6. Congress of Technician on Radiology from Sao Paulo; 1. Congress from South-East Region of Technician on Radiology1991
Proceedings of the 23. Brazilian Congress on Radiology; 21. Meeting on Radiology from Sao Paulo; 10. Course of Recycling; 6. Congress of Technician on Radiology from Sao Paulo; 1. Congress from South-East Region of Technician on Radiology1991
[en] Published in summary form only
Original Title
Tumor de Wilms extra-renal: relato de um caso
Primary Subject
Sociedade Brasileira de Radiologia, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); 450 p; 1991; p. 417; 23. Brazilian Congress on Radiology; Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); 11-15 Oct 1991; 21. Meeting on Radiology from Sao Paulo; Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); 11-15 Oct 1991; 10. Course of Recycling; Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); 11-15 Oct 1991; 6. Congress of Technician on Radiology from Sao Paulo; Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); 11-15 Oct 1991; 1. Congress from South-East Region of Technician on Radiology; Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); 11-15 Oct 1991
Record Type
Literature Type
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Pacheco, E.M.; Araujo, C.B. de
Proceedings of the 10. National Meeting on Condensed Matter Physics1987
Proceedings of the 10. National Meeting on Condensed Matter Physics1987
[en] Published in summary form only
Original Title
Transferencia de energia entre ions de Pr3+ em vidros boratos
Primary Subject
Sociedade Brasileira de Fisica, Rio de Janeiro; 192 p; 1987; p. 124; 10. National Meeting on Condensed Matter Physics; Caxambu, MG (Brazil); 5-8 May 1987
Record Type
Literature Type
Report Number
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Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The prognosis of colerectal carcinoma is closely linked to the anatomic extent of tumor presented at the time of diagnosis. An accurate preoperative staging of colorectal carcinoma will permit precise individual treatment to be planned before surgery. Transrectal ultrasound has beens shown to demonstrate the depth of tumor spread, invasion into perirectal fat, tumor spread to lymph nodes, and invasion of adjacent organs. In order to compare the ability of intrarectal ultrasound in recognizing the extent of disease, 14 patients with histologically proven carcinoma of the rectum were examined before operation and the results were compared with those from the resected specimens. Sonography correctly staged 12 of 14 tumors with one false negative. The other subject could not be studied because the probe could not be passed through the involved area. In addition, intrarectal ultrasound was performed in 6 patients operated on for rectal cancer and 3 local recurrences were recognized. A review of the normal ultrasonographic pattern of the rectal wall is done paying attention to the correlation between sonographic and histologic layers. Based on the low cost, reliability and simple use, intrarectal ultrasound is proposed as a method that permits accurate staging of rectal cancer in our population. (author)
O prognostico do carcinoma do reto esta ligado a extensao da lesao na epoca do diagnostico. Um adequado estadiamento pre-operatorio do cancer de reto permitira que o tratamento individual correto seja planejado. A ultra-sonografia transretal tem se mostrado eficaz em determinar o grau de infiltracao do tumor na parede do reto, a invasao da gordura e dos linfonodos perirretais e a invasao de orgaos vizinhos. Para comparar a capacidade de ultra-sonografia transretal em demonstrar a extensao da neoplasia, 14 pacientes com carcinoma de reto provado foram examinados antes da cirurgia, e, os resultados, comparados com o exame das pecas cirurgicas. O exame endossonografico estadiou corretamente 12 dos 14 tumores, ocorrendo um falso negativo. No outro paciente, o exame nao pode ser concluido porque o transdutor nao conseguiu transpor a area do tumor. Seis outros pacientes em seguimento pos-cirurgico por cancer de reto foram submetidos a endossonografia, demonstrando-se recidiva local em tres. Uma revisao do padrao sonografico da parede do reto normal e feita, com atencao especial para a correlacao entre as camadas histologicas e as sonograficas. Baseado no baixo custo, na acuracidade e simplicidade, a ultra-sonografia transretal e proposta como um metodo que permite adequado estadiamento do cancer de reto em nossa populacao. (autor)Original Title
Ultra-sonografia transretal no estadiamento do cancer de reto: estudo inicial
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Chest radiographs and computed tomographic scans of the mediastinum were correlated with pathologic findings of the thymus following thymectomy in 10 patients with thymic disease. There were five patients with thymoma, four with thymic hiperplasia and one with benign thymic cyst. Computed tomography shoud be the imaging method of choice following plain chest radiographs when a suspect thymic abnormality requires further evaluation. Recognition of variations in the normal location, size, shape and density of the thymus prevents misinterpretation as abnormal mediastinal mass. Furthermore, knowledge of the normal computed tomography appearance has proved helpful in evaluating thymic abnormalities. (author)
Original Title
Tomografia computadorizada das anormalidades do timo: revisao de 10 pacientes
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Radiological diagnosis of pulmonary sequestration: review of six cases, including one bilateral. Pulmonary sequestration is an uncommon disorder consisting of aberrant pulmonary tissue that has no normal connection with the bronchial tree or with the pulmonary arteries, but is supplied by a systemic artery which usually arises from the aorta. Six cases of pulmonary sequestration are presented and the radiological manifestation of this rare congenital disorder are discussed. These sequestrations were intralobar/unilateral in four patients, extralobar/unilateral in one and extralobar/bilateral in the other patient. Special attention is given to the extremely uncommon bilateral sequestration. To our knowledge only four cases of this form of disease has been described in the literature. (author)
Sequestro pulmonar e uma anomalia congenita rara, constituida de tecido pulmonar aberrante sem conexoes com a arvore bronquica ou com as arterias pulmonares. O suprimento arterial origina-se geralmente da aorta e o diagnostico definitivo e estabelecido pela angiografia aortica. Seis casos de sequestro pulmonar sao apresentados: quatro da forma intralobar unilateral, um extralobar unilateral e um intralobar bilateral. As manifestacoes radiograficas dessa malformacao sao discutidas, dando-se enfase especial ao sequestro pulmonar bilateral, apresentacao extremamente rara, com apenas quatro casos descritos na literatura. (autor)Original Title
Diagnostico radiologico do sequestro pulmonar: analise de seis casos, incluindo um bilateral
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue