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[en] Migma ion motion in configurations with a magnetic well has been analyzed numerically. It is shown that if the field geometry is orthogonal then the migma ion motion with large Larmor radii remains regular, like the ions in the midplane of a simple mirror configuration. When the orthogonality is destroyed the trajectory becomes chaotic and particles may be thrown out of the confinement system. 7 refs., 8 figs
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Secondary Subject
Translated from Fiz. Plazmy.; 19, 660-668(May 1993).
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Journal Article
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[en] Radial profiles of ion densities depending on two dimensionless parameters, which values are determined by the trap, plasma and injected beam parameters are found in dimensionless units for a plasma generated by fast atom injection in an adiabatic trap. The calculated profiles are used for determining the neutron yield. Simple approximated dimensional relations permitting to estimate quickly neutron yield, required injection power, flux of charge exchange atoms on the wall around the plasma in a wide energy range of injected atoms, trap field modulud, injection angle, trap radius and length are determined. The energetic efficiency of neutron production is estimated and it is shown that it grows with the injection energy. 7 refs.; 7 figs
Original Title
Radial'nyj profil' plazmy i vykhod nejtronov v adiabaticheskoj lovushke pri inzhektsii bystrykh atomov
Primary Subject
Gosudarstvennyj Komitet po Ispol'zovaniyu Atomnoj Ehnergii SSSR, Moscow (USSR). Tsentral'nyj Nauchno-Issledovatel'skij Inst. Informatsii i Tekhniko-Ehkonomicheskikh Issledovanij po Atomnoj Nauke i Tekhnike; Voprosy atomnoj nauki i tekhniki; (no.4); 42 p; 1988; p. 3-8
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Panov, D.A.
Gosudarstvennyj Komitet po Ispol'zovaniyu Atomnoj Ehnergii SSSR, Moscow. Inst. Atomnoj Ehnergii1982
Gosudarstvennyj Komitet po Ispol'zovaniyu Atomnoj Ehnergii SSSR, Moscow. Inst. Atomnoj Ehnergii1982
[en] Non-contribution to and splitting of charged particle drift surfaces in a field of the general type are shown to be specified by the violation of the mutual orthogonality of lines B = const (where B the magnetic field modulus) and the field force lines on the magnetic surfaces. Attention is drawn to the impossibility of aligning the electron- and ion drift shells in the magnetic configurations with the non-orthogonal geometry of the field. The drift shells plitting is shown to be accompanied by generation of a magnetic field lateral to the vacuum field. The lateral field is comparable with the diamagnetic field in the order of magnitude. The field orthogonality condition, invariant with regard to selecting co-ordinates, is obtained, with the differentiation being performed along the directions of a force line and a line binormal to it. The structure of averaged and splitted drift surfaces with violation of the field geometry orthogonality is studied for a final anisotropic plasma pressure, the latter being considered as preset and satisfying the equilibrium conditions. Some consequences of violation of the field geometry orthogonality are considered that affect the conditions of the plasma MHD-equilibrium and maintaining its quasi-neutrality
Original Title
Vliyanie struktury polya na povedenie chastits v magnitnykh lovush-- kakh. Uslovie ortogonal'nosti
Primary Subject
1982; 28 p; 18 refs.; 3 figs.
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Zhil'tsov, V.A; Panov, D.A.; Skovoroda, A.A.; Shcherbakov, A.G.
Gosudarstvennyj Komitet po Ispol'zovaniyu Atomnoj Ehnergii SSSR, Moscow. Inst. Atomnoj Ehnergii1982
Gosudarstvennyj Komitet po Ispol'zovaniyu Atomnoj Ehnergii SSSR, Moscow. Inst. Atomnoj Ehnergii1982
[en] Results of experimental studies of cyclotron oscillations and related ion losses across a magnetic field in the presence of HF and LF-oscillations are presented and possible mechanisms of plasma ion losses are discussed. Experiments conducted with the open trap at a minimum magnetic field of Ogra-3B with low-density plasma (ωsub(pi) <= ωsub(ci)) show that anomalous losses are explained by ion diffusion across the magnetic field during mutual effect of high-frequency (HF) cyclotron and low-frequency (LF) drift oscillations excited in the process of ion cyclotron instability evolution. Characteristics of HF-oscillations, the value of diffusion coefficient over transverse ion energies under the effect of HF oscillations are measured, and comparison of the diffusion coefficient observed with results of the quasilinear theory is made. Anomalous plasma ion losses and dependence of the losses on plasma parameters are investigated. Expressions for coefficients of spatial diffusion of ions across the magnetic field under the effect of HF and LF oscillations are obtained
Original Title
Poteri ionov v otkrytoj lovushke magnitnogo polya Ogra-3B
Primary Subject
1982; 26 p; 18 refs.; 17 figs.
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The motion of charged particles in nonaxisymmetric open confinement systems is studied. The concept of orthogonality of the field geometry is introduced. The disruption of the nesting of the drift surfaces and the splitting of these surfaces are determined by how much the field deviates from an orthogonal geometry. The conditions required for quasineutrality and MHD equilibrium of the plasma in the case of a deviation from orthogonality are discussed. A necessary and sufficient condition for orthogonality of the field geometry is derived: B/sub s/t/sup double-prime/ where the mixed derivative of the field modulus is calculated along the directions of the magnetic line of force and along the binormal to it
Primary Subject
Cover-to-cover translation of Fizika Plazmy (USSR).
Record Type
Journal Article
Soviet Journal of Plasma Physics; ISSN 0360-0343; ; v. 9(1); p. 112-122
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The splitting and the nonomnigenous nature of the drift surfaces of charged particles in mirror magnetic confinement systems are shown to result from a disruption of the mutual orthogonality of the magnetic lines of force and the lines of B = const on magnetic surfaces. A condition for orthogonality of the field geometry is derived
Primary Subject
Cover-to-cover translation of Pis'ma v Zhurnal Ehksperimental'noj i Teoreticheskoj Fiziki (USSR).
Record Type
Journal Article
JETP Letters; ISSN 0021-3640; ; v. 35(2); p. 82-85
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Zhil'tsov, V.A.; Likhtenshteyn, V.Kh.; Panov, D.A.; Kosarev, P.M.; Chuyanov, V.A.; Shcherbakov, A.G.
Gosudarstvennyj Komitet po Ispol'zovaniyu Atomnoj Ehnergii SSSR, Moscow. Inst. Atomnoj Ehnergii
Gosudarstvennyj Komitet po Ispol'zovaniyu Atomnoj Ehnergii SSSR, Moscow. Inst. Atomnoj Ehnergii
No abstract available
Primary Subject
nd; 19 p; 5. conference on plasma physics and controlled nuclear fusion research; Tokyo, Japan; 11 Nov 1974; Translation of CN--33/D-4 .
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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[en] Processes of gas desorption from walss play important role in experiments on the accumulation of ion-hot plasma in open traps. Therefore, a decrease in gas evolution during fast atom beam injection pulse seems urgent. Data on the interaction of a powerful beam of injected atom with the receiver material under experimental conditions in thermonuclear facility are rather scanty. Experiment on long-term purification of the Ogra-4 vacuum chamber by glow discharge in argon and on the measurement of beam atom implantation coefficient as a result is described. It is shown that using the vacuum technique (without heating) the implantation of hydrogen atoms with a factor of 0.7 can be attained
Original Title
Ochistka kamery tleyushchim razryadom kak sredstvo umen'sheniya gazovydeleniya ot puchkov bystrykh atomov vodoroda
Primary Subject
Velikhov, E.P. (ed.); Gosudarstvennyj Komitet po Ispol'zovaniyu Atomnoj Ehnergii SSSR, Moscow (USSR). Tsentral'nyj Nauchno-Issledovatel'skij Inst. Informatsii i Tekhniko-Ehkonomicheskikh Issledovanij po Atomnoj Nauke i Tekhnike; Voprosy atomnoj nauki i tekhniki; no. 3; p. 7-9; 1988; p. 7-9; 3 figs.
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Golovin, I.N.; Zhil'tsov, V.A.; Panov, D.A.; Skovoroda, A.A.; Shatalov, G.E.; Shcherbakov, A.G.
Thermonuclear synthesis1988
Thermonuclear synthesis1988
[en] A possibility of 14 MeV neutron generator (NG) production on the basis of axial-symmetric adiabatic trap with MHD cusped armature for the testing of materials and elements of the DT reactor first wall and blanket structure is discussed. General requirements to NG are formulated. It is shown that the NG variant discussed meets the requirements formulated. Approximate calculation of the NG parameters has shown that total energy consumption by the generator does not exceed 220 MW at neutron flux specific capacity of 2.5 MW/m2 and radiation test area of 5-6 m2
Original Title
Generator nejtronov na osnove adiabaticheskoj lovushki
Primary Subject
Velikhov, E.P. (ed.); Gosudarstvennyj Komitet po Ispol'zovaniyu Atomnoj Ehnergii SSSR, Moscow (USSR). Tsentral'nyj Nauchno-Issledovatel'skij Inst. Informatsii i Tekhniko-Ehkonomicheskikh Issledovanij po Atomnoj Nauke i Tekhnike; Voprosy atomnoj nauki i tekhniki; no. 3; p. 3-6; 1988; p. 3-6; 12 refs.; 2 figs.
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Arsenin, V.V.; Zhil'tsov, V.A.; Kosarev, P.M.; Makashin, I.N.; Panov, D.A.; Skovoroda, A.A.; Shcherbakov, A.G.
Gosudarstvennyj Komitet po Ispol'zovaniyu Atomnoj Ehnergii SSSR, Moscow. Inst. Atomnoj Ehnergii1981
Gosudarstvennyj Komitet po Ispol'zovaniyu Atomnoj Ehnergii SSSR, Moscow. Inst. Atomnoj Ehnergii1981
[en] Characteristics of low frequency (LF) oscillations of low density plasma νsub(pi) <= νsub(ci) where νsub(pi) and νsub(ci) are ion plasma and cyclotron frequencies, respectively, have been experimentally investigated. Experiments were carried out in the ''Ogra-3B'' simple mirror. LF-oscillations of 1-500 kHz were recorded by electrostatic antennas (including mobile ones) located near plasma surface. The antennas allowed to measure the mode structure and oscillation amplitude out of plasma. To measure oscillation characteristics in plasma cold ion and electron flux fluctuations behind the mirrors along line of force have been recorded. The experiments carried out show that intensive LF-oscillations may be excited in open traps with minimum B. LF-oscillation generation is accounted for within the frames of a simple model of plasma column natural forced flute oscillations. The waves are excited by injected beam current fluctuations at density below the threshold of high-frequency (HF) oscillation origination and by HF-oscillations at higher densities near cyclotron frequencies
Original Title
Ehksperimental'noe izuchenie zhelobkovykh kolebanij v otkrytoj lovushke s minimumom magnitnogo polya
Primary Subject
1981; p. 323; 19 refs.; 11 figs.
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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