Perrier, Celine; Picard, Olivier; Jouan, Rachel; Jouan, Rachel; Peyron, Jean-Luc; Landmann, Guy; Peyron, Jean-Luc; Legay, Myriam; Boulanger, Vincent; Le Bouler, Herve; Berger, Frederic; Collin, Eric; Cordonnier, Thomas; Curt, Thomas; Riou-Nivert, Philippe; Perrier, Celine; Picard, Olivier; Guillet, Philippe; Rebendenne, Matthieu; Bailly, Alain; Bellin, Isabelle; Meeschaert, Pascale; Reysset, Bertrand; Duvernoy, Jerome; Mondon, Sylvain; Bourcier, Vincent; Badeau, Vincent; Breda, Nathalie; Ducousso, Alexis; Granier, Andre; Leban, Jean-Michel; Moulia, Bruno; Robinet, Christelle; Roques, Alain; Zeller, Bernt; Caquet, Thierry; Delzon, Sylvain; Lefevre, Francois; Plomion, Christophe; Robinet, Christelle; Chuine, Isabelle; Consandey, Claude; Morin, Xavier; Fournier, Meriem; Roman-Amat, Bernard; Brender, Pierre; Cailleton, Romain; Croguennec, Stephanie; Croquette, Gilles; Darses, Ophelie; Dong, Yue; Goubet, Cecile; Guibert, Olivier de; Lunet, Joseph; Millard, Frederique; Moraud, Sabine; Vergez, Antonin; Sapijanskas, Jurgis; Canet, Alain; Le Marechal, Anne; Mayer, Catherine; Nebout, Jean-Paul; Poffet, Laetitia; Slak, Marie-Francoise
Observatoire national sur les effets du rechauffement climatique - Onerc/National Observatory on the Effects of Global Warming (France); La documentation Francaise, 26, rue Desaix, 75727 Paris Cedex 15 (France)2014
Observatoire national sur les effets du rechauffement climatique - Onerc/National Observatory on the Effects of Global Warming (France); La documentation Francaise, 26, rue Desaix, 75727 Paris Cedex 15 (France)2014
[en] The work of the Working Group II of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was presented in March 2014. Entitled Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability, this second volume of the fifth IPCC Assessment Report details the impacts of climate change to date, future risks due to climate change and opportunities for effective intervention to reduce these risks. The effects of climate change are already being felt in all sectors and in all areas (agriculture, health, land and ocean ecosystems, water supply), and on every land mass and ocean (from small islands to large continents) from the richest to the poorest. Climatic change often interacts with other sources of stress to increase risk. The world is nevertheless unprepared for the risks of climate change and adaptation can contribute greatly to reducing them. Since its creation in 2001, the 'Observatoire national sur les effets du rechauffement climatique' or ONERC has worked for the dissemination of knowledge on climate change and its expected impacts on natural and human systems. Published in 2011 under the aegis of ONERC, the 'Plan national d'adaptation au changement climatique' (national plan for adaptation to climate change) (PNACC) points out that the forest sector has been facing serious crises over the last decade, such as storms, droughts and recurrent forest fires. Climate change appears as an additional risk factor, which must therefore be afforded the keenest attention. From this point on, in addition to these exceptional events we must also take stock of background developments, given the length of forest life cycles. These events and developments present a double aspect, with some more favourable (increased productivity in some areas) and others more problematic (changes to the areas of distribution of species, increased risks), both requiring management. The ONERC advisory board wanted the 2013 report to take up the issue of trees and forests facing the challenges of climate change. This report is intentionally limited to mainland France, since for overseas areas the topic has already been the subject of a chapter in the sector-specific analysis of a previous report entitled 'Les outre-mer face au defi du changement climatique' ('Overseas departments facing the challenge of climate change'). Moreover, most of the elements related to forest management are still relevant for overseas areas. This report is organized into seven chapters. The first introduces the problem, outlining the different aspects of trees and forests and explaining the different services they provide. The second deals with the visible or expected effects of climate change on trees and forests. The third deals with protective forests and explores possible developments of this particular service. The fourth looks at forest management methods promoting the adaptation of forests and trees. The fifth tackles the lesser known problem of agroforestry, the usefulness of trees for adaptation in agricultural areas. The sixth reflects upon those economic activities related to the forest industries. The seventh and final chapter addresses the topic with an unusual perspective, suggesting a walk in the Troncais forest in 2050. Three appendices complete this report: Appendix 1 - report on the observatory's activity, Appendix 2 - abbreviations and acronyms, Appendix 3 - contributors and acknowledgements
Alors que les ecosystemes forestiers connaissent un cycle de developpement et de reproduction long (entre cinquante et deux cent cinquante ans en moyenne), le changement climatique, decrit dans les rapports du GIEC, impose des pressions fortes et brusques qui equivalent a un choc, et peuvent menacer leur survie. Ainsi l'aire de repartition favorable a telle ou telle espece se retrouve deplacee vers le nord ou en altitude. Au-dela du diagnostic, de nombreux defis lies au climat sont a relever, aujourd'hui, pour preserver la foret francaise metropolitaine de demain. Les acteurs de ces ecosystemes vont devoir agir en coordination sur plusieurs fronts pour accompagner l'adaptation des forets et assurer l'existence d'un etat boise, preserver la fourniture des biens et services environnementaux a la societe et, egalement, conserver leur role d'attenuation du changement climatique. En effet, si des arbres et des forets en bonne sante et en croissance permettent de fixer du carbone et donc de reduire les emissions de gaz a effet de serre, tel n'est pas le cas lorsque les vegetaux deperissent ou subissent des incendies. Un recit d'anticipation se deroulant en foret de Troncais en 2050 propose enfin un point de vue original sur ces aspects, dans un monde devenu ecocitoyen. Cet exercice de prospective illustre dans un futur proche le resultat des decisions prises aujourd'hui. a la lumiere des derniers developpements scientifiques, le present rapport eclaire les differents aspects des impacts du changement climatique pour l'arbre et la foret, en s'attachant a identifier des pistes d'action d'adaptation, lorsqu'elles paraissent pertinentes et suffisamment robustes. Les forestiers et les agroforestiers rencontrent, aujourd'hui, l'opportunite inedite de developper des actions anticipatives en s'appuyant sur les projections climatiques pour modeler un paysage resilient au climat de demainOriginal Title
L'arbre et la foret a l'epreuve d'un climat qui change - Rapport au Premier ministre et au Parlement
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
2014; 2015; 193 p; ISBN 978-2-11-009766-8; ; [180 refs.]; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Augusto, Laurent; Bastien, Catherine; Breda, Nathalie; Carnus, Jean-Michel; Collet, Catherine; Deconchat, Marc; Dhote, Jean-Francois; Dreyer, Erwin; Garcia, Serge; Guehl, Jean-Marc; Guyon, Dominique; Houllier, Francois; Jactel, Herve; Lefevre, Francois; Rigolot, Eric; Saint-Andre, Laurent; Wigneron, Jean-Pierre; Bailly, Alain; Barbier, Jean-Marc; Berthelot, Alain; Bonfils, Pierre; Cacot, Emmanuel; Cornilier, Claire; De Morogues, Francis; Deroubaix, Gerard; Faye, Carole; Fraysse, Jean-Yves; Golja, Robert; Gourves, Valerie; Guinard, Ludovic; Harveng, Luc; Kleinschmitt Von Lengefeld, Andreas; Labat, Gilles; Lanvin, Jean-Denis; Le Neve, Serge; Maire, Louis; Molinie, Patrick; Monchaux, Philippe; Petit-Conil, Michel; Rouger, Frederic; Roux, Marie-Lise; Vial, Estelle; Vuillermoz, Morgan; BELOUARD, Thierry; PIOU, Dominique; Berger, Frederic; Callois, Jean-Marc; Durrieu, Sylvie; Gosselin, Frederic; Blanc, Nicolas; Cattiau, Thomas; Pichon, Vincent; Chartier, Michel; Girard, Sabine; Gonin, Pierre; Heois, Bernard; Merzeau, Dominique; Paillassa, Eric; Perrier, Celine; Picard, Olivier; Vidal Christophe; Deleuze, Christine; Jolly, Anne; Legay, Myriam; Delisee, Christine; Esparon, Stephane; Florentin, Georges-Henri; Fournier, Meriem; Gerardin, Philippe; Grelier, Stephane; Gril, Joseph; Hagolle, Olivier; Hameury, Stephane; Herve, Jean-Christophe; Vega, Cedric; Landmann, Guy; Peyron, Jean-Luc; Lenon, Gilles; Mortier, Frederic; Orazio, Christophe; Triboulot, Pascal; D'Amecourt, Antoine; Houllier, Francois; Lemas, Pierre-Rene; Seve, Jean-Claude; Bailly, Alain; Blanc, Nicolas; Carnus, Jean-Michel; Dhote, Jean-Francois; Florentin, Georges-Henri; Formery, Thomas; Guehl, Jean-Marc; Heois, Bernard; Picard, Olivier; Pichon, Vincent; Vedele, Francoise
Alliance Nationale de Recherche pour l'Environnement - AllEnvi (France); Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique - INRA (France); Centre National de la Propriete Forestiere - CNPF (France); Foret Cellulose Bois-construction Ameublement - FCBA (France); Groupe Caisse des Depots (France)2016
Alliance Nationale de Recherche pour l'Environnement - AllEnvi (France); Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique - INRA (France); Centre National de la Propriete Forestiere - CNPF (France); Foret Cellulose Bois-construction Ameublement - FCBA (France); Groupe Caisse des Depots (France)2016
[en] The forest-based sector, like the regions where it is a symbolic feature, is currently central to challenges that are not only specifically national but also of a global nature. As a major carbon sink that is currently affected by climate change, forests are acknowledged as supplying a large number of products and services. Both economically and socially important - representing a turnover of euros 60 billion and 440,000 direct and indirect jobs -, the 14. ranking strategic industrial sector in France remains vulnerable, with a marked trade deficit of around euros 1 billion per year for timber alone, and nearly euros 5.5 billion per year if the imported materials used by the furniture, paper and board sectors are added. Faced with these challenges, support for the competitiveness of the forest-based sector, and improvements to its global, economic, environmental and social performance, necessitate a reinforcement of the research-development innovation (RDI) continuum. Work on this assignment combined various pre-existing sources (studies by the National Forest Wood Programme (PNFB) and the Strategic Committee for Forestry and Wood Sector (CSFB)), with individual or collective consultations with different actors in the sector. This approach generated two series of proposals: - 13 RDI projects grouped according to three central and complementary priorities: (a) to improve performance in all parts of the sector through systemic approaches, (b) to develop uses for wood in a future bio-economic context, and (c) to adapt forests and prepare forest resources for the future; - an analysis of RDI mechanisms and funding instruments in the sector, supplemented by recommendations: (a) mapping of these mechanisms, and (b) the characterisation and development of innovative funding modes
Original Title
Plan recherche et innovation 2025, filiere foret-bois + Synthese pour decideurs
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Apr 2016; 223 p; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue