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Bourdette, A.; Perrot, J.
Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant, TN (USA); CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Fontenay-aux-Roses, 92 (France)1986
Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant, TN (USA); CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Fontenay-aux-Roses, 92 (France)1986
[en] The experimental protocol for an experiment investigating the transport of released plumes of SF6 and UF6 were discussed in this report
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
22 Jan 1986; 15 p; Available from NTIS, PC A02/MF A01 as DE86008132
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[en] Under the leadership of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, design criteria for operator information in control rooms were issued and were made mandatory for all nuclear plants in the United States. The main criteria are given in nuclear regulation (NUREG) document 696 regarding the safety parameter display system (SPDS), and in NUREG 0654 regarding the radiological release and dose assessment display (RRDAD). Subsequently information display systems were added or complemented to the safety assessment. In 1990, CEGELEC together with the Korean Company Hyundai Electronic Industries was chosen to implement such a system on each of the eight PWR units under operation. The systems, called Operator Aid Computer Systems (OACS) for the Korean project under way, are already partly delivered and will be fully commissioned in 1993. The four groups of functions provided by OACS are described, i.e., those related to supervision, to SPDS, RRAD and other functions. The main characteristics of the system are given. (Z.S.)
Primary Subject
European Nuclear Society (ENS), Bern (Switzerland); Czech Nuclear Society, Prague (Czech Republic); Slovak Nuclear Society, Bratislava (Slovakia); 245 p; Jan 1993; p. 221-224; ENS Topform '92: ENS East-West topical meeting on the safe and reliable operation of LWR NPPs; Prague (Czechoslovakia); 18-21 Oct 1992
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[en] The Korean nuclear safety authority decided, after the Three Mile Island accident, that the eight PWR units operated by Korea Electric Power should comply with the new regulations issued by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This necessitated an improvement in information display. A new display system, the Operator Aid Computer System (OACS) has been developed for the Korean PWRs. The system carries out four groups of functions. These are: on-line and off-line supervision; safety parameter display; release and dose assessment; long-term data storage. (UK)
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Gilles, P.; Ringot, C.; Warniez, P.; Grall, L.; Perrot, J.
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Fontenay-aux-Roses, 92 (France). Dept. d'Analyse de Surete1986
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Fontenay-aux-Roses, 92 (France). Dept. d'Analyse de Surete1986
[en] A high safety is obtained by International regulations on radioactive materials transport. It is obtained by packaging design adapted to the potential risk. An important accident to consider is fire for two reasons: the probability of fire occuring for time and temperature higher than conditions applied to type B packaging (800 deg C, 1/2 hr) is not negligible, particularly for air or maritime transport. Safety margins are studied by computation and experimental tests. This report presents results obtained for different types of packagings. Results show a large safety margin
Le reglement international du transport des matieres radioactives garantit un degre de surete eleve. Ceci est obtenu principalement par une conception de l'emballage adaptee au risque potentiel presente par la matiere transportee. Un cas d'environnement accidentel important a considerer est l'incendie, pour deux raisons - la probabilite d'occurrence d'incendie ayant des durees et des temperatures superieures aux conditions appliquees aux colis de type ''B'' (800 deg C, 1/2 heure) n'est pas negligeable, en particulier pour le transport par voie aerienne et maritime et le danger associe peut etre important (voie de transfert par inhalation). Des etudes ont ete entreprises dans le but de connaitre les marges de surete des emballages. Ces etudes ont ete realisees, dans certains cas par des calculs, dans d'autres cas par des essais. L'objet du rapport est de presenter les resultats obtenus pour differents types d'emballages. Les resultats de ces etudes font apparaitre une grande marge de securite par rapport aux conditions de feu reglementaires (800 deg C, 30 minutes)Original Title
Evaluation des marges de securite des emballages de transport de matieres radioactives dans des conditions d'environnement de feu severes
Primary Subject
Jun 1986; 10 p; IAEA International symposium on the packaging and transport of radioactive materials (PATRAM 86); Davos (Switzerland); 16-20 Jun 1986; CEA-DAS--268
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Perrot, J.; Labrot, R.
Control of a transport system for dangerous materials: the case of nuclear materials1987
Control of a transport system for dangerous materials: the case of nuclear materials1987
[en] The testing station of the Scientific and technique study centre of Aquitaine is described. Materials and systems are evaluated by mechanical tests (vibration, shock, centrifugation), climatic tests, ballistic tests etc. In particular it is equipped for fire test of active container (30 B with UF6), explosions, UF6 release. It has the agreement of the Ministry for qualification of packaging for dangerous materials transport
Le Centre d'Etudes Scientifiques et Techniques d'Aquitaine est le centre le plus puissant de France en matiere d'essais de qualite, de fiabilite et de surete des materiels et systemes. Il est agree par le Ministere des Transports en ce qui concerne les essais de qualification d'emballages de transport de matieres dangereuses. Il est equipe pour les essais mecaniques (vibrations, chocs, centrifugation) climatiques, balistiques etc... En particulier il comprend des sites d'essais d'incendie de conteneurs actifs (30B avec UF6), d'explosions, de lacher d'UF6 etcOriginal Title
Evaluation experimentale des materiels et systemes; Testing station
Primary Subject
CEA, 75 - Paris (France); 271 p; ISBN 2-7272-0129-X; ; 1987; p. 103-109; Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique; Paris (France); SFRP Meeting on control of a transport system for dangerous materials; Paris (France); 7-8 Oct 1986
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Warniez, P.; Ringot, C.; Perrot, J.; Bernard, H.
Uranium hexafluoride: Safe handling, processing, and transporting: Conference proceedings1988
Uranium hexafluoride: Safe handling, processing, and transporting: Conference proceedings1988
[en] This paper describes the tests which have been performed in France: first to verify the behavior of 30B cylinders with their 21PF.1 protective overpack, and secondly to develop a better mechanical protection of the valve. The thermal tests have been performed on real packagings filled with UF6, after the mechanical AIEA tests (free drop 9 m and 1 m on a pitch). A methodical approach has been used with large thermal instrumentation: tests with inert material, transposition by calculation of the results of the case of UF6 filling, confirmation tests with UF6. The results were very satisfactory, the maximal temperatures which were measured on the external overpack of the 30B cylinder being much lower than the filling temperature. In the Mont Louis wreckage, some of the valves of 48Y cylinders were damaged, as a consequence of the displacement of the protecting cover, and two of them were so damaged as to enable water to enter the cylinder. A new valve protector was designed and was tested under impact situations. The test programme was preformed with the two designs: the standard one the new protecting covers. The tests have demonstrated that the new design which has the same weight as the original one the and which may be used without any modifications of the cylinder, has a better behavior, increasing the safety during transport
Primary Subject
Strunk, W.D.; Thornton, S.G. (eds.); Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant, TN (USA); 239 p; 1988; p. 133-139; Uranium hexafluoride--safe handling, processing, and transporting conference; Oak Ridge, TN (USA); 24-26 May 1988; NTIS, PC A11/MF A01 as DE88010460
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Gilles, P.; Ringot, C.; Warniez, P.; Grall, L.; Perrot, J.
Packaging and transportation of radioactive materials (PATRAM '86)1987
Packaging and transportation of radioactive materials (PATRAM '86)1987
[en] The international Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials guarantee a high level of safety, achieved mainly by a packaging design which is suited to the potential risk inherent in the materials being transported. In fact, many of the packages used at present are designed so that they behave satisfactorily in environmental conditions which are much more severe than the regulatory conditions. Any risk evaluation should be made with data which are as realistic as possible, including the behaviour of the packaging in relation to the nature of the accident (fire, collision, immersion and so on) and the associated source term. This is a basic objective for the validation of codes such as INTERTRAN developed by the IAEA. For all these reasons, a databank is needed on the behaviour of the main packagings used. Fire is an example of an accident environment which should be considered for two reasons: the probability of fires occurring with durations and temperatures greater than the conditions applied to Type B packages (800 deg. C for 30 min) is not insignificant, particularly in the case of air and sea transport, and the associated risk may be considerable (transfer by inhalation). Studies have been conducted to identify safety factors for the packagings. These studies have been carried out in some cases by calculations and in others by tests. The paper presents the results obtained for different types of packagings; they show a high safety factor by comparison with regulatory fire conditions (800 deg. C for 30 min). (author)
Original Title
Evaluation des marges de securite des emballages de transport de matieres radioactives dans des conditions d'envrionnement de feu severes
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); Proceedings series; 634 p; ISBN 92-0-020087-7; ; 1987; v. 1 p. 305-316; IAEA; Vienna (Austria); International symposium on the packaging and transportation of radioactive materials; Davos (Switzerland); 16-20 Jun 1986; IAEA-SM--286/191; 4 figs.
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[en] With regard to the operation of nuclear power plants, Electricite de France formally recognized in 1973 that it was necessary for safety reasons and economically acceptable to adopt organizational principles of quality assurance that would be applicable both to its own activities and to those of its suppliers. Generally speaking, the form and spirit of the quality assurance programme chosen is based largely on the Code of Practice No. 50-C-QA. In particular, the programme focuses on the flexible character of quality assurance requirements and stresses that in the final analysis product quality depends above all on those to whom the project has been assigned, because it is they who are responsible for meeting the quality objectives set. Ten years of experience with the suppliers of Electricite de France has shown that these suppliers, after some initial difficulty, have been able to adapt the application of quality assurance so as to achieve satisfactory quality as regards both safety and availability. In the case of the French standard nuclear power plants, quality assurance is particularly important thanks to the traceability which it affords and to the allowance for corrective measures which it demands. The safety services normally take action related to quality assurance in three ways: through regulation, the analysis of measures to assure plant safety, and plant supervision. As regards regulation, an order has just been published relating to design, construction and operational quality in base-load nuclear power plants. The requirements laid down in this document incorporate the recommendations of the IAEA Code on quality assurance. (author)
Original Title
Roles de l'exploitant et des organismes de surete dans le domaine de la qualite pour les centrales nucleaires
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); Proceedings series; 718 p; ISBN 92-0-020185-7; ; 1985; p. 443-451; IAEA; Vienna (Austria); International symposium on safety codes and guides (NUSS) in the light of current safety issues; Vienna (Austria); 29 Oct - 2 Nov 1984; IAEA-SM--275/6
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[en] The temporary immunological depression previously demonstrated after high level head irradiation of adult rabbits seems to be due to decrease in lymphoblastic transformation capacity connected with encephalon injury
L'immunodepression transitoire precedemment mise en evidence chez le lapin adulte apres irradiation a dose elevee, localisee a la tete, semble due a une diminution de la capacite de transformation lymphoblastique liee a l'atteinte de l'encephaleOriginal Title
Action d'une irradiation cephalique sur la capacite de transformation lymphoblastique chez le lapin adulte
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences. Serie D; v. 284(20); p. 2031-2034
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[en] The characteristics of the pressure waves transmitted by detonation of gaseous mixtures to the surrounding air were measured by tests made near the ground level in 1 to 54 m3 spherical balloons containing air-acetylene or air-ethylene mixtures. As concerns the peak overpressure Δp, a theoretical dimensional analysis in accordance with the experimental results shows that Δp can be expressed as a function of two independent variables, which are the radial distance R and the volume V of the balloon . A semi-empirical formula, including ground effects, is proposed and its present validity range is given. (author)
Primary Subject
1978; 8 p; ENS/ANS international topical meeting on nuclear power reactor safety; Brussels, Belgium; 16 - 19 Oct 1978; 5 refs., 7 figs.
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