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Kotsarev, A.; Lizorkin, M.; Petrin, R.
Proceedings of the twentieth symposium of atomic energy research2010
Proceedings of the twentieth symposium of atomic energy research2010
[en] The seventh dynamic benchmark is a continuation of the efforts to validate systematically codes for the estimation of the transient behavior of VVER type nuclear power plants. This benchmark is a continuation of the work in the sixth dynamic benchmark. It is proposed to be simulated the transient - re-connection of an isolated circulating loop with low temperature or low boron concentration in a VVER-440 plant. It is supposed to expand the benchmark to other cases when a different number of loops are in operation leading to different symmetric and asymmetric core boundary conditions. The purposes of the proposed benchmark are: 1) Best-estimate simulations of an transient with a coolant flow mixing in the Reactor Pressure Vessel of WWER-440 plant by re-connection of one coolant loop to the several ones on operation, 2) Performing of code-to-code comparisons. The core is at the end of its first cycle with a power of 1196.25 MWt. The basic additional difference of the 7-seventh benchmark is in the detailed description of the downcomer and bottom part of the reactor vessel that allow describing the effects of coolant mixing in the Reactor Pressure Vessel without any additional conservative assumptions. The burn-up and the power distributions at this reactor state have to be calculated by the participants. The thermohydraulic conditions of the core in the beginning of the transient are specified. Participants self-generated best estimate nuclear data is to be used. The main geometrical parameters of the plant and the characteristics of the control and safety systems are also specified. Use generated input data decks developed for a WWER-440 plant and for the applied codes should be used. The behaviour of the plant should be studied applying coupled system codes, which combine a three-dimensional neutron kinetics description of the core with a pseudo or real 3D thermohydraulics system code. (Authors)
Primary Subject
Vidovszky, I. (Kiadja az MTA KFKI Atomenergia Kutatointezet, Budapest (Hungary)); Fortum Nuclear and Thermal (Finland); VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland (Finland); Lappeenranta University of Technology (Finland); The Aalto University School of Science and Technology (Finland); Paks NPP Ltd., Paks (Hungary); KFKI Atomic Energy Research Institute, Budapest (Hungary); Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Institute of Nuclear Techniques, Budapest (Hungary); Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority (Hungary); VUJE, Inc., Trnava (Slovakia); Slovak University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Department of Nuclear Physics and Technology, Bratislava (Slovakia); Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic (Slovakia); Nuclear Research Institute Rez plc, Husinec-Rez (Czech Republic); Skoda JS a.s., Plzen (Czech Republic); CEZ , Inc. (Czech Republic); University of Defence in Brno (Czech Republic); The University of West Bohemia Faculty of Applied Sciences (Czech Republic); Russian Research Center 'Kurchatov Institute', Moscow (Russian Federation); JSC OKB 'GIDROPRESS' (Russian Federation); JSC 'TVEL' (Russian Federation); Forschungszentrum Dresden- Rossendorf, Institute of Safety Research, Dresden (Germany); GRS mbH (Germany); Studsvik Scandpower GmbH (Germany); TUEV SUED Industrie Service, Energy and Technology (Germany); Gesellschaft fuer Anlagen - und Reaktorsicherheit (Germany); Studsvik Scandpower (Sweden); State Scientific and Technical Centre on Nuclear and Radiation Safety of Ukraine, Kyiv (Ukraine); Nuclear and Radiation Safety Centre (Armenia); Jiangsu Nuclear Power Corporation, Tianwan Nuclear Power Station (China); Jiangsu Nuclear Power Corporation (China); 790 p; ISBN 978-963-372-643-3 (OE); ; Oct 2010; p. 1-16; 20. Atomic Energy Research Symposium on WWER Physics and Reactor Safety; Hanasaari, Espoo (Finland); 20-24 Sep 2010; 3 figs.; 9 tabs.; 8 refs.
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Conference; Numerical Data
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