Petrova, Karla; Frasch, Gerhard; Mundigl, Stefan, E-mail:
Proceedings of IRPA12: 12. Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association: Strengthening Radiation Protection Worldwide - Highlights, Global Perspective and Future Trends2010
Proceedings of IRPA12: 12. Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association: Strengthening Radiation Protection Worldwide - Highlights, Global Perspective and Future Trends2010
[en] ESOREX project has been presented several times already in international forum (e.g. IRPA11, Madrid, Eurados Conference IM2005, 2nd European IRPA Congress, Paris 2006, IRPA Regional Congress in Brasov, Romania 2007). The Survey consists of two parts. Each project contains always a qualitative information survey (Part I) and a quantitative data survey (Part II). Part I surveys the structure of national systems applied to monitor and register individual occupational radiation exposures in each country involved in the project. The surveys of part II provide data for a comparable overview over the exposure of radiation workers in the European countries. It was the aim of ESOREX 2005 to cover a ten-years time series of the calendar years 1995 to 2004. A special web site has been in preparation and currently awaits EC approval to publish all collected data and results. Some general information are already available on the address Based on the data and information collected in ESOREX for 1996 - 2004 (2005) we can give a first valuable assessment of dose trends for radiation workers in different work sectors in Europe for last ten years. The first evaluation of the results shows that the number of workers increased from app. 1,030 millions up to 1,100 millions and the collective dose decreased from 564 manSv to 407 manSv. This situation leads of course also to the decreasing of the average doses for workers from 0,55mSv to 0,37mSv resp. from 1,54 mSv to 1,21 mSv for those with doses higher that 0 mSv (resp. MDL). The form of the available data from the different European countries is not still standardized. However many countries during this survey developed their own system of the national central register and what could be seen as positive they used also ESOREX platform for the sharing of the information about the systems and structures of the registers operated in other countries. This is good beginning for the establishment of the sustainable platform where countries can discuss, solve and share the problems on this specific field. And this could be seen also as one on the main objective of the ESOREX project in the future. (author)
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Argentine Radiation Protection Society (SAR), Buenos Aires (Argentina); International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); World Health Organization, Geneva (Switzerland); Pan American Health Organization, Washington, DC (United States); vp; ISBN 978-92-0-105410-4; ; May 2010; 8 p; IRPA 12: 12. International congress of the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA): Strengthening radiation protection worldwide - Highlights, Global Perspective and Future Trends; Buenos Aires (Argentina); 19-24 Oct 2008; ISSN 0074-1884; ; CONTRACT TREN/04/NUCL/S07.31198(ESOREX2005); Also available on-line:; For orders and requests for information, please contact IAEA, Sales and Promotion Unit, E-mail:; Web site:; 2 refs, 1 tab, 7 graphs
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Vinklář, Jan; Petrova, Karla
International Conference on Occupational Radiation Protection – Strengthening Radiation Protection of Workers – Twenty Years of Progress and the Way Forward. Abstracts and Posters2022
International Conference on Occupational Radiation Protection – Strengthening Radiation Protection of Workers – Twenty Years of Progress and the Way Forward. Abstracts and Posters2022
[en] Current system of occupational exposure regulation after implementation of ICRP 103, IAEA BSS and EU BSS is described. The poster will explain a system of categorization of workers, personal monitoring requirements, regulation of exposures at NORM workplaces as well as radon workplaces. There will be described also a system of outside workers exposures control and regulation. National Central Register of Occupational Exposures (CRPO) is in operation in the Czech Republic more then 20 years. The description of CRPO structure is presented as well as the results of data evaluation. There is about 23 ths active radiation workers registered in CRPO with collective dose 7,8 Sv. The average individual effective dose is 0,35 mSv for all workers and 0,9 mSv for those with doses above MDL. NORM workplaces are categorized in the Czech Republic as planned exposure situation with all relevant requirements for them. Radon workplaces are understood as existing exposure situation and some of relevant requirements for planned exposure situation are applied (see also poster Berčíková et all.) Paper will give also a short overview of personal dosimeters in use and the system of dosimetric services and their authorization and control in the country. The approach for evaluation of higher doses and excess of the limits is also presented. (author)
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International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); 249 p; 2022; p. 89; International Conference on Occupational Radiation Protection - Strengthening Radiation Protection of Workers - Twenty Years of Progress and the Way Forward; Geneva (Switzerland); 5-9 Sep 2022; IAEA-CN--300-198; Also available on-line:; Abstract only
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Petrova, Karla, E-mail:
International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA), Fontenay-aux-Roses (France); Sociedad Argentina de Radioproteccion (SAR), Buenos Aires (Argentina); International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna (Austria); Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Washington, DC (United States); World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva (Switzerland)2008
International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA), Fontenay-aux-Roses (France); Sociedad Argentina de Radioproteccion (SAR), Buenos Aires (Argentina); International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna (Austria); Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Washington, DC (United States); World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva (Switzerland)2008
[en] Recently the radon program in the Czech Republic is running under the governmental resolution adopted in 1999 for 10 years. During the 2008 year a new national strategy for the further long term management of the radon issue should be proposed to the government. Taking into account the experience from the preceding years and particularly the effectiveness of the running radon program the proposal which is now in preparation is more focused to the prevention in new houses and to the more qualified, understandable information distribution within the population. The current initiatives of E U concerning the natural exposure regulation within the recast process of the European legislation related to the radiation protection are also reflected as far as possible at the moment. The principal points of the decision making process and the highlights of the proposal for a new national radon program in the Czech Republic are given in the paper. (author)
Primary Subject
2008; 5 p; SAR; Buenos Aires (Argentina); IRPA 12: 12. International congress of the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA): Strengthening radiation protection worldwide; Buenos Aires (Argentina); 19-24 Oct 2008; Oral presentation; 4 refs.
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Petrova, Karla
Proceedings of the 4. European Workshop on Occupational Exposure Management at NPPs (ISOE '04)2004
Proceedings of the 4. European Workshop on Occupational Exposure Management at NPPs (ISOE '04)2004
[en] The radiation protection of itinerant (called 'outside' in EU directive and 'external' in the Czech legislation) workers in the light of the new legislation adopted after the harmonization with the EU directives in last two years in the Czech Republic is described. With respect to new legislation being in force from 2002, SUJB is authorized to issue and register radiation passports. Forms of these passports, rules of the forms filling and verification of registered data are laid down in new special Decree of SONS No.419/2002 Coll. on personal radiation passports. The radiation passport consists of two parts, one part is permanent with the possibility of ten years dosimetric results registration and second part with detailed registration of annual doses will be changed every year. During 2003 SUJB has issued 2 050 personal radiation passports. The licensing process and requirements for undertakings and operators are described and the actual problems which raised during the implementation process are also identified. The recent status of the international recommendations as well as the necessity of the unified and clear approach on this field is also discussed. (authors)
Primary Subject
D'Ascenzo, Lucie (ISOE ETC - CEPN, BP 48, 92263 Fontenay-aux-Roses Cedex (France)); Information System on Occupational Exposure, ISOE Programme, OECD Nuclear Energy Agency, 12, boulevard des Iles, 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux (France). Funding organisation: Information System on Occupational Exposure, ISOE Programme, OECD Nuclear Energy Agency, 12, boulevard des Iles, 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux (France); AEN/NEA, Le Seine Saint-Germain, 12, boulevard des Iles, F-92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux (France); Centre d'etude sur l'Evaluation de la Protection dans le domaine Nucleaire, CEPN, Route du Panorama, BP 48, F-92263 Fontenay-sur-Roses cedex (France); International Atomic Energy Agency, PO Box 100, 1400 Wien (Austria); Electricite de France, Site Cap Ampere, 1, place Pleyel, 93282 Saint Denis Cedex (France); FRAMATOME ANP, 10, rue Juliette Recamier, F-69456 Lyon (France); COGEMA, 2, rue Paul Dautier BP 4, F-78141 Velizy Villacoublay (France); 849 p; 2004; p. 810-812; ISOE '04: 4. European workshop on occupational exposure management at NPPs; Lyon (France); 24-26 Mar 2004; Available also from
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Klener, Vladislav; Petrova, Karla; Davidkova, Jana, E-mail: vladislav.klener@sujb.cz2013
[en] The history of radiation accidents and reported elevated exposures divided into the 1954-1978, 1979-1994 and 1995-2012 periods is described in detail. The spectrum of reported radiation events has changed during the years, now including e.g. retrieval of orphan sources, illicit traffic, etc. Since 1995 the agenda of radiation protection has been dealt with by the State Office of Nuclear Safety, where an Emergency Coordination Centre was established.
Original Title
Historie zajistovani pomoci pri radiacnich nehodach v CR a evidence mimoradnych udalosti
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1 tab., 6 refs.
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Journal Article
Bezpecnost Jaderne Energie; ISSN 1210-7085; ; v. 21(7-8); p. 218-224
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[en] National monitoring of occupational radiation exposure in Europe faces several new challenges. Occupational radiation protection was considerably intensified as well as extended by the adoption of the new basic safety standards in the Council Directive 96/29 EURATOM. This resulted in a substantial reduction of the annual dose limit. Furthermore, natural radiation exposure at the work place is now considered as occupational radiation exposure and thus has to be regulated. The Council Directive is not only an obligation for the current EU-Member States but also for the assessed and future Member States. Therefore, all concerned European states have to take actions in order to implement the Council Directive into adequate national regulations. The expanding Common European Market with its open borders leads to an increasing exchange of labour-force between Member States. The new dose limits must also be kept for migrating labour-force and outside workers. Therefore the updating of the individual dose history must likewise be guaranteed for transnational migrating outside-workers. These challenges meet with different national practices of occupational radiation monitoring. The European Commission has both to support the process of adaptation and to evaluate the effectiveness of the new Council Directive. It is the purpose of the ESOREX projects to provide information and international transparency for these tasks. (orig.)
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Journal Article
StrahlenschutzPraxis (Koeln); ISSN 0947-434X; ; v. 11(1); p. 21-24
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Petrova, Karla; Danihelka, Pavel; Praks, Pavel; Zidkova, Sarka; Volfova, Julie; Hermanova, Pavla; Kapsiova, Veronika, E-mail:
International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA), Fontenay-aux-Roses (France); Sociedad Argentina de Radioproteccion (SAR), Buenos Aires (Argentina); International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna (Austria); Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Washington, DC (United States); World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva (Switzerland)2008
International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA), Fontenay-aux-Roses (France); Sociedad Argentina de Radioproteccion (SAR), Buenos Aires (Argentina); International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna (Austria); Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Washington, DC (United States); World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva (Switzerland)2008
[en] Full text: The management system of the radiation protection in the Czech Republic is using already more that ten years as a one tool a monetary value of man Sv. The appropriate values are published in the Decree on radiation protection and they are distinguished for different types and levels of exposure. The derivation of these values has been done about 15 years ago based on studies performed at the 90's. Recently the State Office for Nuclear Safety initiated a new pilot study with the following scope: 1-) To analyze the current economic approaches and techniques used for the determination of the monetary statistical value of the human life under new economical, political and social conditions; 2-) To design the mathematical model for the determination of the lost production and to gain economic and demographic data necessary for the calculation; 3-) To organize a pilot survey of the public opinion in the Czech Republic with the accent on the detriment caused by ionizing radiation and on the willingness to pay for the averted risk or to accept the compensation of the elevated risk. The first evaluation of the results shows that a new evaluated values are not significantly different for the currently used values in the legislation. Although the approaches of the life value estimation are different the valuation is relatively consistent and the average value of the statistical life fall into the range between 300 - 350 thousands CZK (app.10-13 ths EUR) per one year of life. The study confirmed a fact that the optimization of the processes covering the threat of the human health and life is very complicated, complex and demanding a multidisciplinary approach. The study and research will continue in the future focusing to the particular aspects of the problem. The poster will describe in details the methods used and will present the results achieved. (author)
Primary Subject
2008; 1 p; SAR; Buenos Aires (Argentina); IRPA 12: 12. International congress of the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA): Strengthening radiation protection worldwide; Buenos Aires (Argentina); 19-24 Oct 2008; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA); Abstract only
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Fremout, An; Vanderlinck, Annie; Berlamont, Jolien; Van Bladel, Lodewijk; Petrova, Karla; Ulbak, Kaare; Mundigl, Stefan); Markkanen, Mika; Godet, Jean-Luc; Tran-Thien, Vivien; Koch, Isabell Christin; Hackstein, Matthias; Griebel, Juergen; Kamenopoulou, Vasiliki; Fennel, Stephan; Ryan, Tom; Schreiner, Alexandra; Majerus, Patrick; Vermeulen, Ton; Holo, Eldri; Wiklund, Asa; RYF, Salome; Thomas, Gareth; Wellens, Rob; Ebdon-Jackson, Steve
Heads of European radiological Protection Competent Authorities - HERCA, 15, rue Louis Lejeune, CS 70013, 92541 Montrouge cedex 6 (France)2014
Heads of European radiological Protection Competent Authorities - HERCA, 15, rue Louis Lejeune, CS 70013, 92541 Montrouge cedex 6 (France)2014
[en] On 5 December 2013, the Council of the European Union adopted Council Directive 2013/59/Euratom laying down basic safety standards for protection against the dangers arising from exposure to ionising radiation.1 Member States have to transpose the new Basic Safety Standards Directive (BSS Directive) into their national legal systems by 6 February 2018 at the latest. At the 13. meeting of the Board of HERCA (BoH) in Vilnius in June 2014, a proposal to establish a special Task Force (TF) to make proposals in relation to HERCA activities in support of the transposition and implementation of the new Euratom BSS Directive was agreed. The BSS-TF was established, commenced its work on the basis of a 'non-questionnaire' and a discussion document. It met on one occasion on 7 October 2014 and agreed an action plan for consideration by the BoH. The agreed action plan proposal was approved by the BoH on the occasion of its 14. meeting in Stockholm, on 21-22 October 2014. The approved Action Plan covers the following areas: - Identification of HERCA's role in the transposition of the new Euratom BSS; - Definition of actions for HERCA in relation to the transposition of the BSS; - Coordination between HERCA and the EC in relation to BSS transposition activities. The Actions identified relate to several subject areas: Emergency preparedness and response; Medical exposures; Radon; Non-medical imaging exposures; RPE/RPO; General exchange of information. HERCA is a voluntary association, in which the Heads of European Radiological Protection Competent Authorities work together in order to identify common issues and propose practical solutions for these issues. It has no statutory role in relation to the transposition of the Euratom BSS. However, additional work by HERCA can support the transposition process as indicated in the Action Plan. Uniform transposition or implementation in the Member States is not an objective of HERCA activities. Clearly it will remain a matter for individual Member States as to the extent to which they avail of HERCA's work in transposing the BSS into their national regulations
Primary Subject
Oct 2014; 20 p; 7 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the 'INIS contacts' section of the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses:
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Chevet, Pierre-Franck; Godet, Jean-Luc; Tirmarche, Margot; Strand, Per; Mrdakovic Popic, Jelena; Dysvik, Solveig; Skjold, Anne Marit; Vallet, Benoit; Van Deventer, Emilie; Colgan, Tony); Mundigl, Stefan); Magnusson, S.; Long, Bill; McBurney, Ruth; Thompson, P.A; Pollard, David; Fenton, David; Long, Stephanie; Dehandschutter, Boris; Murith, Christophe; Skeppstroem, Kirlna; Petrova, Karla; Davidkova, Jana; Pravdova, Eva; Kiselev, Sergey; Mc Coll, Neil; Vallet, Jeremie; Rannou, Alain; Kurttio, Paivi; Martinsen, Finn; Roulet, Claude-Alain; Goyette, Joelle; Frutos, Borja; Olaya, Manuel; Linares Alemparte, Pilar; Marinko, Janez; Garcia-Talavera, Marta; Pedrazzi, Lisa; Mc Laughlin, James; Gutierrez-Villanueva, Jose-Luis; Janssens, Augustin
Autorite de surete nucleaire - ASN, 15, rue Louis Lejeune, 92120 Montrouge (France)2015
Autorite de surete nucleaire - ASN, 15, rue Louis Lejeune, 92120 Montrouge (France)2015
[en] Following the publication of the new European Basic Safety Standards Directive (the Council Directive 2013/59/EURATOM ), published in January 2014, Member States of the European Union have 4 years to incorporate it and to prepare or update their strategy for reducing radon concentration and the associated national radon action plan. Under a joint initiative from ASN and NRPA, 20 European countries, represented by authorities in charge of Radiation Protection, Health, Labour and Housing and Landscaping were brought together during a workshop on national radon action plans. The objective of the workshop, held in ASN's premises, was to share the views and experiences concerning national strategies for reducing radon exposure of the population and associated lung cancer risk. The radon workshop was supported by the World Health Organisation (WHO), the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the Heads of European Radiation protection Control Authorities (HERCA) and the European Commission (EC). Authorities from USA (EPA, CRCPD), Canada (CNSC) and Russia (FMBA) and the European Radon Association (ERA) also participated in the workshop. This radon workshop has offered the opportunity to compare the actions in place or in preparation in different countries aiming at reducing radon exposure in home and dwellings, in buildings with public access (i.e. schools) and in workplaces. Preventive and corrective solutions, associated with incentives and communication to increase the public awareness, as well as education and training actions for different actors concerned, have been presented and discussed. The question about the relative place of regulation in the national strategy has been considered as an important key point. This document brings together the presentations (slides) given at the workshop. The main conclusions of the workshop are presented at the end of the document
Primary Subject
2015; 651 p; Radon national action plan workshop; Montrouge (France); 30 Sep - 2 Oct 2014; 8 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the 'INIS contacts' section of the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses:
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