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[en] To assess the real effect of the inclusion type on fatigue life of ultra clean high strength steels mechanical components made of 100Cr6 steel were fatigue tested and fracture surfaces analysed to determine the origin of fatigue cracks.Two heats proceedings from different steelmaking routes were taken for the tests. The material were forged into ring shape components which were fatigue tested under compression-compression loads. Failures were analysed by SFEM (Scanning field Emission Microscopy), proving that most of failures at high loads were originated by manganese sulphides of small size (10-70 micros), while less than 40% of all fatigue cracks due to inclusions were caused by titanium carbonitrides and hard oxides. It has been demonstrated that once number and size of hard inclusions have been reduced, the hazardous effect of oxides and carbonitrides on the fatigue life decreases also. However, softer inclusions as manganese sulphides, currently considered as less hazardous, play a more relevant role as direct cause of fatigue failure and they should be taken into account in a deeper way in order to balance both machinability and fatigue life requirements in high strength steel components. (Author) 11 refs
Original Title
Efecto de segundas fases no metalicas sobre el comportamiento a fatiga de componentes de acero con elevadas solicitaciones
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Journal Article
Revista de Metalurgia; CODEN RMTGAC; v. 41; p. 45-52
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[en] The whole crystallisation process of three Fe-rich FeZr metallic glasses has been studied using in situ neutron thermo-diffraction. While the beginning of the transformation occurs at the same temperature, the further evolution is strongly compositional dependent. Metastable BCC-Fe phase appears at intermediate temperatures only in Fe75Zr25 alloy. From this study a clear evidence of the existence of an FCC-Fe3+xZr is shown
3. European conference on neutron scattering; Montpellier (France); 3-6 Sep 2003; S092145260400537X; Copyright (c) 2004 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Spinosa, M.; Santoro, N.; Pizarro, R.; Marabini, S.
10. Latin American Regional Congress IRPA Protection and Radiation Safety2015
10. Latin American Regional Congress IRPA Protection and Radiation Safety2015
No abstract available
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Efectos de la radiación gamma y UV-C sobre resinas de intercambio iónico
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Sociedad Argentina de Radioprotección, Buenos Aires (Argentina); 14 p; 2015; 8 p; 10. Latin American Regional Congress IRPA Protection and Radiation Safety; 10. Congreso Regional Latinoamericano IRPA de Protección y Seguridad Radiológica; Buenos Aires (Argentina); 12-17 Apr 2015; Also available at:; Published only in pdf form; 9 refs., 5 figs., 1 tab.
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[en] To investigate whether past exposure to Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) were risk factors for the development of Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) in Peru, a case-control study of 136 patients with HCC and 136 age-matched and sex-matched control subjects was performed. Past exposure to HBV and HCV were assessed respectively by antibody to hepatitis B core antigen (Anti-HBc) and HbsAg and Anti-HCV. Of the HCC cases, 63,2% were positive for HbsAg and 0,73% for anti-HCV. Of the control patients, 4,4% were positive to HbsAg and 0,73% to anti-HCV. The mean age of patients with HCC negative for HbsAg was significantly greater than that of patients HCC positive for HbsAg (35,4 versus 29,4 years, p less than 0,001). The HbsAg patients are 36,26 times more prone to developing HCC than those with HbsAg negative (95% confidence interval: 15.31-90.7). Infection with HCV does not pose a risk for the development of HCC (RR 1, 95% confidence interval: 0.062-16.152). A causal relation between HBV infection in children HCC was observed. These results indicate that HbsAg carriage is a risk factor for HCC in Peru. The importance of vertical or perinatal transmission of HBV and the prophylactic role of passive immunization plus vaccination during childhood is emphasized as well as the selective vaccination of high risk groups. (authors)
Original Title
Infeccion con virus de la hepatitis B y hepatitis C como factores de riesgo para hepatocarcinoma en el Peru: estudio de casos y controles
Primary Subject
72 refs., 11 tabs., 2 figs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Revista de Gastroenterologia del Peru; ISSN 1022-5129; ; v. 18(3); p. 199-211
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[en] The ohmic drop in the bulk of the electrolytic solution and at the surgace layers of corrosion products, RΩ, can be the source of errors on estimating the corrosion rates, icorr, by the polarization resistance technique, Rp, if their effect is not compensated, for which nowadays use can be made of convenient and effective proceedings. In this paper some experimental results with Al, Cu, Fe and Zn in sulphuric acid solutions are included. These results prove that very important errors can appear even in high conductivity media, whenever the corrosion rates would be high (low Rp), because the relative error magnitude is expressed by the RΩ/Rp ratio, between the resistance offered by the media to the current flow and the polarization resistance value. (author)
Original Title
Errores de estimacion de la intensidad de corrosion al despreciar el efecto de la caida ohmica en medios muy conductores
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Spinosa, M.; Pizarro, R.; Grassi, E.; Itria, R.; Levin, L., E-mail:
XLIII Annual meeting of the Argentine Association of Nuclear Technology (AATN 2016)2016
XLIII Annual meeting of the Argentine Association of Nuclear Technology (AATN 2016)2016
[en] Ion exchange resins are used for water purification in a variety of processes as food industry, medicine and beverages as well as in nuclear and research reactors to remove nuclides present in the system. Biodegradation of spent ion exchange resin coming from the nuclear area is a potential alternative for treatment and volume reduction of this radioactive waste, as the incineration, pyrolysis and others. Ligninolytic fungi secrete several unspecific and high redox potential enzymes that allow them to degrade lignin and other recalcitrant compounds with similar aromatic nature. The main enzymes involved in this process are lignin-peroxidase, Mn-peroxidase and laccase. The molecular structure of ion exchange resin resembles that of lignin and is extremely recalcitrant as well. The main objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of ligninolytic fungi on ion exchange resin. The studied strains were Trametes trogii BAFC 463, Trametes versicolor BAFC 2234, Fomes fasciatus, Ganoderma lucidum E47 and Pestalotiopsis güepinii BAFC 4311 and BAFC 4314. First, the growth of these fungi in the presence of mixed and anionic ion exchange resin in agar plates with 5% of glucose as carbon source or without any additional carbon source, was evaluated. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) showed that anionic ion exchange resins were modified by T. trogii BAFC 463 and T. versicolor BAFC 2234. Then, T. trogii and T. versicolor were grown in plates of a synthetic medium with glucose and asparagine as carbon and nitrogen sources, respectively, supplemented with cationic and anionic ion exchange resins. Radial growth plate was evaluated. Finally, each strain was grown on glucose/asparagine liquid culture. Cationic and anionic ion exchange resins were included to evaluate laccase production and copper concentration in the culture medium. In both strains evaluated a delay in growth was registered with the anionic resin, and copper concentration remained constant in the culture supernatants. With the cationic resin the fungi assayed couldn't growth and a very low concentration of copper was observed in both fungal cultures. In conclusion, T. trogii and T. versicolor, were able to growth under the presence of the anionic resin but not with the cationic one. The last one inhibited their growth probably due to low availability of copper and other nutrients not evaluated, that were interchanged with the resin. (author)
Las resinas de intercambio iónico son utilizadas para la purificación de aguas en diferentes procesos como la producción de alimentos, medicamentos, bebidas, así como también en los reactores nucleares y de investigación para remover los nucleídos presentes en el sistema. La biodegradación de las resinas de intercambio iónico agotadas provenientes del área nuclear, es una potencial alternativa para el tratamiento y la disminución del volumen de estos residuos radiactivos, como la incineración, pirolisis y otros. Los hongos ligninolíticos poseen una batería enzimática extracelular, inespecífica y con alto potencial redox, que les permite degradar eficientemente a la lignina y a numerosos compuestos recalcitrantes de naturaleza aromática semejantes. Las principales enzimas que están involucradas en este proceso son la lignin-peroxidasa, Mnperoxidasa y lacasa. Las resinas de intercambio iónico extremadamente recalcitrantes tienen una estructura molecular semejante a la lignina. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de hongos ligninolíticos sobre las resinas de intercambio iónico. Las especies estudiadas fueron Trametes trogii BAFC 463, Trametes versicolor BAFC 2234, Fomes fasciatus, Ganoderma lucidum E47 y dos cepas de Pestalotiopsis güepinii BAFC 4311 y BAFC 4314. En la primera etapa se evaluó el crecimiento de cada uno de estos hongos ante la presencia de resinas de intercambio iónico mixtas y aniónicas en medio - agar-agua con el agregado de glucosa 5% como fuente de carbono o sin fuente de carbono adicional. A través de Microscopía Electrónica de Barrido (SEM) se pudo observar que T. trogii BAFC 463 y T. versicolor BAFC 2234 fueron los que presentaron un potencial efecto sobre las resinas de intercambio iónico y específicamente sobre las resinas aniónicas. Posteriormente T. trogii y T. versicolor fueron cultivados en medio de cultivo agarizado rico en nutrientes en presencia de resinas de intercambio iónico aniónicas y catiónicas evaluándose la velocidad de crecimiento radial. Por último se los cultivó en medio líquido sintético con glucosa y asparagina como fuentes de carbono y nitrógeno respectivamente y con la adición de resina aniónica o catiónica, determinándose la actividad ligninolítica lacasa a diferentes tiempos y la concentración de cobre en el medio de cultivo. En los cultivos de ambos hongos con resina aniónica se observó un retardo en el crecimiento de la colonia, aunque la concentración de cobre se mantuvo constante en el sobrenadante de cultivo. En el caso de los cultivos con resina catiónica, no se observó crecimiento y la concentración de cobre disminuyó considerablemente. En conclusión, T. trogii y T. versicolor fueron capaces de crecer en presencia de resina aniónica y no así en presencia de resina catiónica. Esta última produjo una inhibición en el desarrollo fúngico relacionado con la disminución en la disponibilidad de cobre u otros micronutrientes no evaluados en el ensayo, necesarios para su crecimiento y presentes en el medio de cultivo, por intercambio catiónico con la resina. (author)Original Title
Efecto de resinas de intercambio iónico sobre hongos Ligninolíticos
Primary Subject
Asociación Argentina de Tecnología Nuclear (Argentina); vp; 2016; 13 p; AATN 2016: 43. Annual meeting of the Argentine Association of Nuclear Technology: Nuclear Energy in the Climate Change. Before It's too late; AATN 2016: 43. Reunión Anual de la Asociación Argentina de Tecnología Nuclear: La Energía Nuclear en el Cambio Climático. Antes de que sea tarde; Buenos Aires (Argentina); 21-25 Nov 2016; 13 refs., 9 figs.
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Venturini, M.; Filevich, A.; Pizarro, R.; Ibáñez, J.; Bauleo, P.; Rodríguez Martino, J., E-mail:
[en] Fourteen years ago, studies on bacteria growing in clean water were made in order to assess the hazard imposed by a possible expansion of bacteria population in the water tanks of the Pierre Auger Observatory Cherenkov detectors. In 1999 TANGO Array, a reduced-size unitary cell, composed of four water Cherenkov detectors, was constructed at the TANDAR campus of the Atomic Energy Commission, in Buenos Aires, to be used as a working model of the proposed surface array. TANGO Array ran for one year observing energy, intensity, and arrival directions of cosmic rays at sea level. Nine years after it was decommissioned, the water tanks configuring the Cherenkov detectors are still kept closed. In May 2009 water and liner samples from these tanks were collected to determine eventual long term bacteria growth in the internal detector environment, which is very similar to those of the detectors installed in the Malargüe Site. In the present note we report the results of the bacteriological study performed on the samples obtained from the TANGO Array detector tanks. Cultivable, long time surviving, bacterial species were identified, both in the water mass and on the liner surface, and the light transmission in water at the relevant Cherenkov wavelength was studied. An upper limit of possible interferences caused by bacteria is estimated.
Primary Subject
S0168-9002(11)01550-6; Available from; Copyright (c) 2011 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment; ISSN 0168-9002; ; CODEN NIMAER; v. 659(1); p. 169-174
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[en] The crystallization of the Fe75Zr25 as-milled amorphous alloy has been studied by Moessbauer spectroscopy. The process begins at around 880 K with the complete and fast crystallization of the amorphous phase into the crystalline α-Fe and Fe2Zr ones but, from around 915 K, there is a sudden phase transformation into the Fe23Zr6 phase, which remains stable after cooling. A fitting for the Moessbauer contribution of the Fe23Zr6 phase, consistent with its crystalline structural features, has been obtained.
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ICAME 2005: 28. international conferenceon the applications of the Moessbauer effect; Montpellier (France); 4-9 Sep 2005; Copyright (c) 2006 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Vasquez, S.; Colina, R.; Espinoza, J.; Delgado, S.; Ferreyros, G.; Pizarro, R.
1998-2001 Scientific Technological Report2002
1998-2001 Scientific Technological Report2002
[en] Detection of hepatitis C virus in sera samples by specific amplification of the 5' non-coding conserved region of HCV. 8 anti-HCV EIAs positive blood donors sera were evaluated, 5 from the Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia (HNCH) and 3 from the Instituto de Enfermedades Neoplasicas (INEN). RNA was extracted from sera using trizol and reverse transcripted with primer 209. Nested PCR amplification was carried out with primers 209-939 in a first round and 211-940 primers during the second round of amplification. Visualization of amplification products was done after electrophoresis in 2% agarose gel and ethidium bromide staining
Primary Subject
Gayoso C, C.; Ezpinoza Z, M.; Prado C, A.; Robles N, A. (eds.); Instituto Peruano de Energia Nuclear (IPEN), Lima (Peru); 512 p; ISSN 1684-1662; ; 2002; p. 200; Also available from the Library of the Peruvian Institute of Nuclear Energy in electronic format (pdf)
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[en] The amorphous system Fe-Zr has been extensively studied due to its particular magnetic behaviour, especially in the concentration range around 90 at.% Fe, only accessible by rapid quenching. We have extended the study to lower Fe content alloys, by using mechanical alloying to synthesize FexZr100-x amorphous powders with x = 65, 70, 75. Moessbauer spectra and magnetization measurements have been performed as a function of temperature. Different magnetic measurements were performed to characterize the Curie temperatures of these multiphase samples and hyperfine field (Bhf) distributions, P (Bhf), were used to fit Moessbauer spectra below the Curie temperature (TC) and quadrupole splitting distributions, P (Δ), above TC, in agreement with the amorphous structures. The hyperfine field distributions of as-milled samples are characterized by two maxima and are fitted with two Gaussian curves that evolve with temperature in position, intensity and width. This bimodal behaviour has been also found in higher Fe content FeZr alloys as well as in ternary alloys with boron, and with nickel, and can be interpreted as arising from different neighbourhood Fe sites. The rather uncommon P (Δ) are also interpreted in the same terms. (author)
Available online at the Web site for the Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter (ISSN 1361-648X) http://www.iop/org/; Country of input: Portugal; Refs
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Journal Article
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Numerical Data
Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter; ISSN 0953-8984; ; v. 12(13); p. 3101-3112
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