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[en] It is the miracle of the life, that sublime formation, the given more beautiful gift for heaven's sake to our to exist, and it is consequently our responsibility to look after their protection and care. Today in day the quantity of radiation absorbed by the fetus in the treatments for radiodiagnostic, mainly in the procedures of on-line axial tomography, the fetus absorbs a considerable dose of radiation and the questions generated regarding if these doses, bear to a risk of malformations or if it is necessary the interruption of the pregnancy is very frequent. In most of the cases, the treatment with ionizing radiations that it is beneficial for the mother, is only indirectly it for the fetus that is exposed to a risk. The possibility that a fetus or a small boy contract cancer caused by the radiation it can be three times superior to that of the population in general, of there the importance of analyzing the goods of the prenatal irradiation and the main agents to consider for the estimate of the magnitude of the risk of the exhibitions in uterus. In the different circumstances in that these can happen in treatments of on-line axial tomography computerized. (Author)
Original Title
Analisis de dosis fetal en procedimientos de tomografia computarizada
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Record Type
Journal Article
Radioproteccion (Madrid); CODEN RDPREY; v. 49(XIII); p. 99-102
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[en] This work presents a Monte Carlo simulation of electron beam interaction with tissue in intra surgery radiotherapy
Original Title
Simulacion Montecarlo de la interaccion de un haz de electrones con el tejido en radioterapia intraoperatoria
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Radioproteccion (Madrid); CODEN RDPREY; v. 49(XIII); p. 175-178
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[en] In the prostate cancer treatment, the dose prescribes by the medical radio-oncologist depends on the extension of the disease and the threshold dose of the adjacent healthy tissues. In order to achieve an optimal tumoral control in early and locally advanced stages, it is necessary to increase the dose with a low morbidity probability at the vesicle a rectal level. This is achieved through conformal radiotherapy. The Instituto Nacional de Cancerologia uses this technique, but two questions arise from the medical-physicists and medical radio-oncologist: In accordance with clinical protocols, the conformal radiotherapy delivers a low dose to the adjacent healthy tissues. What experimental method exists that can prove with certainly the veracity of this affirmation? And, Do the dosimetric simulation systems calculate suitably the dose for each tissue, as recommended by International Atomic Energy Agency quality control programs for ionizer radiation? This paper seeks to answer these questions. Through thermoluminescent dosimetry and the use of a physical simulator, we measured the absorbed dose at the target volume and the adjacent tissues using conformal and conventional radiotherapy. We proved that organs such as the rectum and bladder, receive a minor dose in conformal radiotherapy, hence reducing their morbidity probability. In addition, the readings from the thermoluminescent dosimeters and the doses calculated by the ECLIPSE dosimetric system were compared, concluding that the patient's prescribes dose is effectively delivered as recommended by the quality control programs in radiotherapy
Original Title
Comparacion de los tratamientos en radioterapia convencional y conformal para cancer de prostata por medio de dosimetria termoluminiscente
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Record Type
Journal Article
Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales; ISSN 0370-3908; ; v. 30(117); p. 517-524
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[en] To achieve an optimal tumoral control to prostate cancer in early and locally advanced stages, it is necessary to increase the dose with a low mobility probability at the vesicle an rectal level. This is achieved through conformal radiotherapy. The Instituto Nacional de Cancerologia uses this technique, but two questions arise from the medical-physicists and medical radio-oncologist: In accordance with clinical protocols, the conformal radiotherapy delivers a low dose to the adjacent healthy tissues. What experimental method exists that can prove with certainly the veracity of this affirmation?. And, Do the dosimetric simulation system calculate suitable the dose for each tissues?. Through thermoluminescent dosimetry and the use of a physical simulator,we measured the absorbed dose at the target volume and the adjacent tissues using conformal and conventional radiotherapy. We proved that organs such as the rectum and bladder, receiver a minor dose in conformal radiotherapy, hence reducing their mobility probability. In addition, the readings from the thermoluminescent dosimeters and the doses calculated by the ECLIPSE dosimetric system were compared, concluding that the patient's prescribed dose is effectively delivered as recommended by the quality control program in radiotherapy. (Author)
Original Title
Control de calidad de un sistema de planeacion dosimetrico utilizando cristales termoluminiscentes y su aplicacion en tratamientos de pacientes con cancer de prostata
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Radioproteccion (Madrid); CODEN RDPREY; v. 49(XIII); p. 171-173
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[en] A material was made of soft fish tissue, water and glycerine in order to substitute tissue in radiotherapy
Original Title
Caracterizacion de un nuevo material para uso como tejido sustituto en radioterapia
Primary Subject
2001; 7 p; 2. Ibero-latin-american and the Caribbean Congress of Medical Physics; 2. Congreso Iberolatinoamericano y del Caribe de Fisica Medica; Caracas (Venezuela); 17-20 Oct 2001; Available in pdf from Distance Information Service:; also available from author:
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[en] The conditions of Stereo Tactic Radio Surgery treatments are simulated by means of the use of thermo luminescent glasses TLD-100 LiF; Mg; Ti placed in mannequins, to demonstrate that the doses received by the patients, either in the fractioned or in the mono fractioned techniques, are over the 500cGy, making urgent the use of a reliable dosimetric method
Se simulan las condiciones de los tratamientos con Radiocirugia Estereotactica (RE) utilizando cristales termoluminiscentes TLD-100 LiF; Mg; Ti colocados en maniquies, para demostrar que las dosis recibidas por los pacientes para las tecnicas fraccionada y monofraccionada estan por encima de los 500cGy, haciendo imperiosa la necesidad de utilizar un metodo dosimetrico confiableOriginal Title
Analisis dosimetrico con cristales TLD-100 Lif; Mg; Ti para la optimizacion de los programas de control de calidad en radiocirugia estereotactica
Primary Subject
2001; 5 p; 2. Ibero-Latinamerican and Caribbean Congress of Medical Physics; 2. Congreso Iberolatinoamericano y del Caribe de Fisica Medica; Caracas (Venezuela); 17-20 Oct 2001; Also available in pdf from Distance Information Service:; also available from author:
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Brandan, M.E.; Caspani, C.E.M.; Mora, R. de la; Miranda, A.A.; Plazas, M.-C.; Borras, C.
Radiological protection of patients in diagnostic and interventional radiology, nuclear medicine and radiotherapy. Contributed papers2001
Radiological protection of patients in diagnostic and interventional radiology, nuclear medicine and radiotherapy. Contributed papers2001
[en] Under the auspices of PAHO/WHO, a multicentric investigation is carried out in five Latin American countries. Its aim is to correlate quality indicators of radiology services with the accuracy of the radiological interpretation as determined by a panel of experts. We present preliminary results from mammographic imaging facilities, which indicate that the failure to comply with the international standards of quality control produces images of unacceptable quality, as measured either by using a phantom or by an independent evaluation of the clinical images. (author)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); European Commission, Brussels (Belgium); Pan American Health Organization, Washington, DC (United States); World Health Organization, Geneva (Switzerland); [928 p.]; Sep 2001; [3 p.]; International conference on radiological protection of patients in diagnostic and interventional radiology, nuclear medicine and radiotherapy; Malaga (Spain); 26-30 Mar 2001; IAEA-CN--85-103; ISSN 1562-4153; ; Also available on 1 CD-ROM from IAEA, Sales and Promotion Unit. E-mail:; Web site:; 6 refs
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Brandan, M.E.; Caspani, C.E.M.; Mora, R. de la; Miranda, A.A.; Plazas, M.-C.; Borras, C.
Radiological protection of patients in diagnostic and interventional radiology, nuclear medicine and radiotherapy. Contributed papers2001
Radiological protection of patients in diagnostic and interventional radiology, nuclear medicine and radiotherapy. Contributed papers2001
[en] Under the auspices of PAHO/WHO, a multicentric investigation is carried out in five Latin American countries. Its aim is to correlate quality indicators of radiology services with the accuracy of the radiological interpretation as determined by a panel of experts. We present preliminary results from mammographic imaging facilities, which indicate that the failure to comply with the international standards of quality control produces images of unacceptable quality, as measured either by using a phantom or by an independent evaluation of the clinical images. (author)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); European Commission, Brussels (Belgium); Pan American Health Organization, Washington, DC (United States); World Health Organization, Geneva (Switzerland); 916 p; Mar 2001; p. 151-153; International conference on radiological protection of patients in diagnostic and interventional radiology, nuclear medicine and radiotherapy; Malaga (Spain); 26-30 Mar 2001; IAEA-CN--85-103; ISSN 1563-0153; ; 6 refs
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[en] An optical fibre point dosemeter based on the gated detection of the luminescence from a Cu1+-doped fused quartz detector effectively eliminated errors due to Cerenkov radiation and native fibre fluorescence. The gated optical fibre dosemeter overcomes serious problems faced by scintillation and optically stimulated luminescence approaches to optical fibre point dosimetry. The dosemeter was tested using an external beam radiotherapy machine that provided pulses of 6 MV X-rays. Gated detection was used to discriminate the signal collected during the radiation pulses, which included contributions from Cerenkov radiation and native fibre fluorescence, from the signal collected between the radiation pulses, which contained only the long-lived luminescence from the Cu1+-doped fused quartz detector. Gated detection of the luminescence provided accurate, real-time dose measurements that were linear with absorbed dose, independent of dose rate and that were accurate for all field sizes studied. (authors)
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Secondary Subject
SSD14: 14. International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry; New Haven (United States); 27 Jun - 2 Jul 2004; Available from doi:; Country of input: France; 9 refs
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Radiation Protection Dosimetry; ISSN 0144-8420; ; v. 120(1-4); p. 20-23
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Personal dosimetry TLD 100 in orthopedic surgeons exposed to ionizing radiation in Bogota - Colombia
Sierra C, B. Y.; Jimenez, Y.; Plazas, M. C.; Eslava S, J.; Groot R, H., E-mail:
Sociedad Peruana de Radioproteccion, Lima (Peru); Sociedad Mexicana de Irradiacion y Dosimetria, Mexico D. F. (Mexico). Funding organisation: Organizacion Panamericana de la Salud, Washington D. C. (United States); Universidad Nacional de San Antonio de Abad del Cusco, Cusco (Peru); Instituto Peruano de Energia Nuclear, Lima (Peru); Elekta AB (Sweden); RadPro International GmbH (Germany); ThermoFisher Scientific, Inc. (United States); Varian Medical Systems (United States)2014
Sociedad Peruana de Radioproteccion, Lima (Peru); Sociedad Mexicana de Irradiacion y Dosimetria, Mexico D. F. (Mexico). Funding organisation: Organizacion Panamericana de la Salud, Washington D. C. (United States); Universidad Nacional de San Antonio de Abad del Cusco, Cusco (Peru); Instituto Peruano de Energia Nuclear, Lima (Peru); Elekta AB (Sweden); RadPro International GmbH (Germany); ThermoFisher Scientific, Inc. (United States); Varian Medical Systems (United States)2014
[en] Orthopedic surgeons should be considered as professionals occupationally exposed to ionizing radiation, for using C arc (fluoroscope) an equipment of X type radiation emission, during surgical procedures for imaging generation. Some health institutes, use of C arc under uncontrolled circumstances, such a lack of dosimetry control, incomplete or absence of personnel protective elements and protective measures, which in turn, lead to a high exposition to the personnel. Materials and methods. Study of double match cohort by age and gender, was conducted, in four health institutions of second and third level of attention in Bogota city. Personal dosimetry measurements with TLD-100 dosimetry crystals in both cohorts and environmental dosimetry in each of operation rooms used for orthopedic procedures, were carry out during six months of follow up. Dosimetry crystals were read in a Harshaw 4500 - Bicron equipment, in the Medical Physics Laboratory of National University of Colombia. Results. Dosimetry measurements are compatibles with those of occupationally exposed personnel 3.44 mSv/6 m CI 95% (1.66-3.99), even does not overpass ICRP recommendations, are higher as were expect at the beginning of the study. The median of effective accumulative dose in thorax is 3,4 mSv CI 95% (1,66-3,99), higher in comparison with neck value 2,7 mSv CI 95% (1,73-3,80) and hand dosimetry 1,42 mSv CI 95% (0,96-2,34). Conclusions: Orthopedic surgeons should be considered occupational exposed to ionizing radiation, who has to accomplish to the radiological protection measures, dosimetric follow up and maintenance of the used X ray equipment. It was confirm throughout this study that dosimetry shows higher levels as expected at the beginning of the study, compatible with occupationally exposed personnel. (Author)
Original Title
Dosimetria personal TLD 110 en medicos ortopedistas expuestos a radiacion ionizante en Bogota - Colombia
Primary Subject
Aug 2014; 17 p; Sociedad Mexicana de Irradiacion y Dosimetria; Mexico, D. F. (Mexico); 14. International Symposium on Solid State Dosimetry; 14. Conferencia Internacional sobre Dosimetria de Estado Solido; Cusco (Peru); 13-16 Apr 2014
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