[en] The author presents a theological perspective on nuclear power based on Israel's history, as revealed in the Hebrew Bible and the Alexandrian Greek Septuagint. Nuclear energy is described as God's energy choice for the whole of creation, which can be made as safe as traditional sources
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
CHEMTECH; v. 12(7); p. 420-423
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] It is for a long time that, in this journal also, nuclear energy has been discussed in great detail with respect to its scientific, technical and engineering aspects. In connection with the public controversy about electricity generation being performed on an nuclear basis, the political, sociological and ethical aspects of nuclear energy have been discussed, too. As a third category, also theology plays an important role in this controversy. A theological discussion must include an explicit presentation of the relationship between mankind, nature and God, and must cover the insights and necessities of this relationship. On the basis of assumed rules, the referency system for this is not subject to scientific debate since the points of view as well as the methodology and the presuppositions forming part of theology generally appear strange to ordinary science. The controversy about nuclear energy has become a matter about which also the World Council of Churches as well as the National Council of Churches, and many other religious groups are concerned. For this reason, the editorial department of this journal would like to inform its scientific readers about how this controversy appears from theological standpoints. The author's considerations are based on the understanding of nature, mankind and God as it has been handed down in the Hebrew bible an in the Septuagint; it is confined to categories which are derived from our religious heritage. (orig.) 891 HP/orig. 892 KSCH
Die Kernenergie wurde schon lange sehr ausfuehrlich in ihren wissenschaftlichen, technischen und ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Aspekten - auch in dieser Zeitschrift - behandelt. Ebenso wurden im Zusammenhang mit der oeffentlichen Kontroverse ueber die aus Kernenergie erzeugte Elektrizitaet hier die politischen, soziologischen und ethischen Aspekte der Kernenergie eroertert. Es bleibt die Theologie als vierte Kategorie, die in dieser Kontroverse auch eine grosse Rolle spielt. Die theologische Diskussion zur Kernenergie muss von einer expliziten Darstellung des Verhaeltnisses von Mensch und Natur zu Gott ausgehen und die Einsichten und Notwendigkeiten dieser Beziehung einschliessen. Die Bezugssysteme hierfuer sind bei angenommenen Regeln fuer eine wissenschaftliche Debatte ausgeschlossen, da die Gesichtspunkte, Methodologie und die Voraussetzungen der Theologie generell der normalen Wissenschaft fremd erscheinen. Die Kontroverse ueber die Kernenergie ist auch eine Sorge des Weltrates der Kirchen, des Nationalrates der Kirchen und zahlreicher anderer religioeser Gruppen geworden. Die Redaktion dieser Zeitschrift moechte die wissenschaftliche Leserschaft informieren, wie diese Betrachtung unter theologischen Gesichtspunkten erscheint. Die Basis fuer dies Ueberlegungen des Autors ist das Verstaendis von der Natur, der Menschheit und Gottes, wie sie ueberliefert wurde durch die hebraeische Bibel und die Septuaginta; sie ist beschraenkt auf Kategorien, die aus unserem religioesen Erbe abgeleitet sind. (orig.)Original Title
Eine theologische Betrachtung der Kernenergie
Primary Subject
Published in Nuclear News, Vol. 22, No. 2, February 1979, p. 79-83.
Record Type
Journal Article
Atom und Strom; ISSN 0004-7066; ; v. 25(5); p. 135-137
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Whittle, C.E.; Allen, E.L.; Cooper, C.L.; MacPherson, H.G.; Phung, D.L.; Poole, A.D.; Pollard, W.G.; Rotty, R.M.; Treat, N.L.; Weinberg, A.M.
Institute for Energy Analysis, Oak Ridge, Tenn. (USA)1976
Institute for Energy Analysis, Oak Ridge, Tenn. (USA)1976
[en] This study assesses some economic and environmental implications of a nuclear moratorium in the United States. The moratorium is assumed to prohibit new construction starts of reactors after 1980, but to allow continued operation of reactors on line by 1985. Though the main focus is the period between 1980 and 2010, some consideration is given to the implications of a permanent loss of the nuclear option
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Sep 1976; 77 p; Available from NTIS., PC A06/MF A01
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] There are several hints in physics of a domain of external reality transcendent to three-dimensional space and time. This paper calls attention to several of these intimations of a real world beyond the natural order. Examples are the complex state functions in configuration space of quantum mechanics, the singularity at the birth of the universe, the anthropic principle, the role of chance in evolution, and the unaccountable fruitfulness of mathematics for physics. None of these examples touch on the existence or activity of God, but they do suggest that external reality may be much richer than the natural world which it is the task of physics to describe
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
American Journal of Physics; ISSN 0002-9505; ; v. 52(10); p. 877-881
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Spejewski, E.H.; Mlekodaj, R.L.; Carter, H.K.; Schmidt-Ott, W.D.; Robinson, E.L.; Fink, R.W.; Palms, J.M.; Brantley, W.H.; Kern, B.D.; Hofstetter, K.J.; Zganjar, E.F.; Quinton, A.R.; Avignone, F.T.; Bugg, W.M.; Bingham, C.R.; Culp, F.; Lin, J.; Hamilton, J.H.; Ramayya, A.V.; Ijaz, M.A.; Jacobs, J.A.; Duggan, J.L.; Pollard, W.G.; Livinston, R.S.; Bemis, C.E.; Eichler, E.; Johnson, N.R.; Robinson, R.L.; Toth, K.S.
Proceedings of the 8th international EMIS conference on low energy ion accelerators and mass separators held at Skoevde, Sweden, June 12-15, 19731973
Proceedings of the 8th international EMIS conference on low energy ion accelerators and mass separators held at Skoevde, Sweden, June 12-15, 19731973
No abstract available
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Andersson, G.; Holmen, G. (eds.); Chalmers Tekniska Hoegskola, Goeteborg (Sweden). Institutionen foer Fysik; Goeteborg Univ. (Sweden); p. 316-323; Aug 1973; 8. international conference on low energy ion accelerators and mass separators; Skoevde, Sweden; 12 Jun 1973
Record Type
Literature Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue