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[en] Effect of radiation-resonance interactions (RRI) of ion-acoustic waves and electrons is accounted for in consideration of the beam instability in a plasma in the presence of ion-acoustic turbulences. It is shown that variation of the superthermal part of the electron distribution function due to fast particle generation, conditioned by RRI of ion-acoustic waves and plasma electrons, leads to decreasing the increment of Langmuir wave swinging and may lead to beam instability stabilization. Conditions are obtained for excess of electron energy increase rate due to RRI over their energy increase rate due to nonlinear and quasi-linear interactions of resonant and nonresonant interactions with wave beam
Original Title
K voprosu o razvitii puchkovoj neustojchivosti v plazme v prisutstvii ionno-zvukovoj turbulentnosti
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Integral equations describing modulational instability of the lower hybrid waves spectra, are obtained. It is shown that the behaviour of the short-wave instability of unidimensional spectra is similar to the behavior of the short-wave modulational instability of the monochromatic feed-up wave. It is demonstrated that the spectra long-wave instability is generally weakened as compared to the monochromatic feed-up wave. The problem on transition from the state of weak turbulence to the high-turbulence states discussed. It is shown, that the notion of such a transition makes sense only in relation to the systems, wherein there exists a very wide weakly-turbulent wave spectrum. The problem on the effect of the modulational instability on the drive current generation through lower hybrid waves is discussed
Получены интегральные уравнения, описывающие модуляционную неустойчивость спектров нижегибридных волн. Показано, что поведение коротковолновой неустойчивости одномерных спектров сходно с поведением коротковолновой модуляционной неустойчивости монохроматической волны накачки. Продемонстрировано, что длинноволновая неустойчивость спектров в целом ослаблена по сравнению со случаем монохроматической волны накачки. Обсуждена проблема перехода из состояния слабой в состояние сильной тербулентности. Показано, что понятие такого перехода имеет смысл лишь для систем, в которых имеется очень широкий слаботурбулентный спектр волн. Обсуждается проблема влияния модуляционной неустойчивости на генерацию токов увлечения нижегибридными волнамиOriginal Title
Modulyatsionnaya neustojchivost' shirokikh spektrov nizhegibridnykh voln
Primary Subject
53 refs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The purpose of the Freya project consisted in studying the interaction between the magnetosphere hot plasma and the upper atmosphere/ionosphere. The threshold density values of the lower hybrid fields energy, observed from the Freya scattering and characterizing the process of the localized wave packets excitation in the Earth atmosphere, are explained. This makes it possible to confirm, that formation of the localized wave structures in the Earth magnetosphere plasma is connected with the modulation processes development
Цель проекта Фрея заключалась в исследовании взаимодействия между горячей плазмой магнитосферы и верхней атмосферой/ионосферой. Объяснены характеризующие процесс возбуждения локализованных волновых пакетов в магнитосфере Земли значения пороговой плотности энергии нижнегибридных полей, наблюдаемые со спутника Фрея. Это позволяет утверждать, что образование локализованных волновых структур в плазме магнитосферы Земли связано с развитием модуляционных процессовOriginal Title
Porogovaya plotnost' ehnergii nizhnegibridnykh polej v ehksperimente Freya
Primary Subject
11 refs., 2 figs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The effect of radiation-resonant interactions (RRI) between ion-acoustic waves and electrons is treated, including the beam-plasma instability in the presence of ion-acoustic turbulence. It is shown that the change in the subthermal part of the electron distribution function due to the production of fast particles on account of the RRI of ion-acoustic waves and plasma electrons gives rise to a reduction in the growth rate for Langmuir waves, which in turn can lead to stabilization of the beam instability. Criteria for stabilization of the beam instability are found. Conditions are obtained under which the electron energy increases due to RRI faster than the electron energy increases due to the nonlinear interaction of resonant and nonresonant waves with the beam and faster than the rate at which the electron energy changes due to the quasilinear interaction. 12 refs
Primary Subject
Translated from Fiz. Plazmy.; 19, 60-65(Jan 1993).
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Based on the study of the long-range maxima of the atom radial distribution function, interatomic distances have been revealed in a molten compound In2Bi. Comparison of model curves describing electron diffraction activity with an experimental curve points to the existence of the following four structural elements in the melt: shperical regions with a statistical distribution of various types of atoms (20%), clusters of atoms of pure Indium and Bismuth (40 and 10% respectively), and a chain quasi-structure of various types of atoms (30%)
Original Title
O stroenii rasplavlennogo soedineniya In2Bi
Primary Subject
12 refs.; 1 table; 2 figs; for English translation see the journal Russ. Metall.
Record Type
Journal Article
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Metally; (no.3); p. 47-50
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The possibility of determining the structure of molten metals on the basis of the far maxima of the function of the radial atomic distribution is discussed. It is demonstrated that according to the ratios of the abscissa of the second and fourth maxima to that of the first maximum, all the investigated metals (Fe, Ni, Li, Cs, In and others) can be divided into two groups with the dense and loose premelting structures, respectively, which proves the objective nature of information carried by the farther spectra of the distribution function. The calculated and experimental data are compared
Original Title
Difraktsionnye issledovaniya osobennosti stroeniya zhidkikh metallov
Primary Subject
For English translation see the journal Russ. Metall.
Record Type
Journal Article
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Metally; (no.2); p. 68-72
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] An approximate method for calculation of interatomic distances and coordination numbers in liquid metals with dense structure of premelting by the main parameters of the experimental structural factor is suggested. Coefficients of melt package are determined according to the found values of distances and densities of metals in solid and liquid states
Original Title
Pervye preimushchestvennye rasstoyaniya, koordinatsionnye chisla i koehffitsient upakovki atomov v zhidkikh metallakh s plotnoj strukturoj predplavleniya
Primary Subject
For English translation see the journal Russian Metallurgy (UK).
Record Type
Journal Article
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Metally; ISSN 0568-5303; ; (no.2); p. 62-65
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Time of steady-state current and its drive efficiency are determined taking into account radiation-resonance interactions. Their account is shown to be significant when determining the time steady-state current. 6 refs
Original Title
K voprosu ob ehffektivnosti generatsii tokov uvlecheniya nizhnegibridnymi volnami
Primary Subject
AN SSSR, Moscow (USSR). Fizicheskij Inst; Kratkie soobshcheniya po fizike; (no.1); 56 p; 1990; p. 18-20
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Problem of the limiting values of increments describing the non-linear interaction of resonance and non-resonance (with beam particles) waves, is considered taking plasma, in which one-dimensional electron beam is propagating, as an example. It is shown that the presence of the limiting increment values is linked with stochastic properties of non-resonance waves. A condition is obtain, under which the nonlinear interaction indicated prevails over the quasilinear one. 8 refs
Original Title
O predel'nykh znacheniyakh inkrementov, opisyvayushchikh nelinejnoe vzaimodejstvie rezonansnykh i nerezonansnykh voln
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Radiation-resonance interactions are taken into account in the problem of dynamics of an electron beam inb plasma. The beam characteristics to be taken into account are determined. Stabilization conditions for beam instability are established
Original Title
O nelinejnom razvitii puchkovoj neustojchivosti
Primary Subject
Basov, N.G.; AN SSSR, Moscow (USSR). Fizicheskij Inst; Kratkie soobshcheniya po fizike; (no.4); 39 p; 1990; p. 22-24
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
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