Alonso, L.; Prieto, D.; Sanchez, K.; Ferrer, N.; Arranz, L.
XVIII National Congress SEFM and XIII National Congress SEPR of Quality and Safety. Seville, Spain, 10-13 May 20112011
XVIII National Congress SEFM and XIII National Congress SEPR of Quality and Safety. Seville, Spain, 10-13 May 20112011
[en] The radiation risks are probably for historical reasons related to their military origin, the paradigm of subjectivity and its perception by the population has become increasingly of interest to those responsible for management and management of any applications of ionizing radiation. This interest is positive because the more you know, the better will the conditions to try to change attitudes and approaches to the problem, particularly from the point of view of communication with society.
Original Title
La comunicacion como herramienta para modificar la percepcion negativa del riesgo radiologico
Primary Subject
619 p; 2011; p. 599; Editorial ADI; Madrid (Spain); 18. National Congress SEFM and 13. SEPR National of Quality and Safety; Seville (Spain); 10-13 May 2011
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Sanchez, K.; Prieto, D.; Alonso, L.; Sastre, J. M.; Ferrer, N.; Arranz, L.
XVIII National Congress SEFM and XIII National Congress SEPR of Quality and Safety. Seville, Spain, 10-13 May 20112011
XVIII National Congress SEFM and XIII National Congress SEPR of Quality and Safety. Seville, Spain, 10-13 May 20112011
[en] Continuing education programs and information and personal follow through written and verbal notifications implemented in the hospital have allowed to know the causes of non-delivery of the dosimeter, reduce the percentage of administrative dose assignment and achieve a more effective dosimetric control.
Original Title
Analisis sobre la asignacion de dosis adminsitrativas en el control de dosimetria personal en el Hu Ramon y Cajal de Madrid
Primary Subject
619 p; 2011; p. 588; Editorial ADI; Madrid (Spain); 18. National Congress SEFM and 13. SEPR National of Quality and Safety; Seville (Spain); 10-13 May 2011
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Prieto, D.; Angueira, C.
Nuclear techniques to assess irrigation schedules for field crops. Results of a co-ordinated research programme1996
Nuclear techniques to assess irrigation schedules for field crops. Results of a co-ordinated research programme1996
[en] An experiment was conducted during 5 growing seasons (1990-1994) at the INTA-EEASE (Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria-Estacion Experimental Agropecuaria Santiago del Estero) in Argentine with the objectives of i) determining cotton response to water stress on different growing stages; ii) define practical recommendations for water management and iii) to check the values of the crop coefficient Kc, the crop response factor ky and the water use efficiency WUE under local conditions. In a randomized block trial we provided eight treatments: (T1) without water stress; (T2) with water stress on vegetative period and early bud formation; (T3) with water stress during flowering stage; (T4) with water stress in ripening; (T5) non irrigated; (T6) with water stress during late ripening; (T7) a traditional practice in the area with one irrigation during peak flowering and (T8) a traditional practice in the area with one irrigation during the early ripening period. Precipitation during the growing seasons ranged from 249 to 594 mm covering the normal variation in the region, while the range of measured actual evapotranspiration ETa was from to 649 to 914 mm. Results proved that the vegetative-bud formation period is the more sensitive growing stage (ky = 0.75) while the ripening period is the lowest (ky = 0.20). Stress during flowering was intermediate (ky = 0.48) and the response coefficient for the entire growing season was found to be the highest (ky = 1,02). The highest ETa lead to a yield reduction, owing to an excessive vegetative growth and unfavourable conditions for fruit ripening in the bottom part of the plants. Owing to these conditions, the ETa-yield curve was not a straight line and was found to be Y = - 8602 + 43,571ETa -0,0341(ETa)2. The recommended water management for a highest yield and WUE would be to maintain soil moisture content at a good level (50% in our case) during vegetative and flowering periods and to stop irrigation at 90 - 95%. 12 refs, 17 figs, 8 tabs
Primary Subject
Joint FAO/IAEA Div. of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture, Vienna (Austria); 271 p; ISSN 1011-4289; ; Jun 1996; p. 13-32
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Numerical Data
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Prieto, D.; Esteve, S.; Sanchez, K.; Rodriguez, P.; Barquero, R.; Ferrer, N.; Arranz, L.
III Joint Congress Spanish Societies of Medical Physics and Radiation Protection, 18-21 Jun 2013, Caceres Spain2013
III Joint Congress Spanish Societies of Medical Physics and Radiation Protection, 18-21 Jun 2013, Caceres Spain2013
[en] The first objective of this study is to carry out a theoretical study of the dose absorbed in the breast, comparing different types of source used, and according to location of the same. On the other hand, for the location of these nodes, or tumors in the operating room, can be used as well as portable gamma-cameras, intraoperative sensor probes of gamma radiation, facilitating the work the surgeon. Currently there is no protocol at national level describing quality control tests to be carried out on these computers. The second objective of the study is to collect a series of tests that enable to verify the correct operation of an intraoperative probe. These tests are classified according to their frequency, specialist, and test type, and allow you to check if the effectiveness of the operation of the probe is provided in your acquisition. Among the parameters that let you check the performance specifications are sensitivity, angular resolution and spatial resolution. (Author)
Original Title
Criterios de calidad en cirugia radioguiada pra deteccion y extirpacion de ganclio centinela en lesiones no palpables
Primary Subject
910 p; ISBN 978-84-697-1831-5; ; 2013; p. 708-709; 3 Joint Congress Spanish Societies of Medical Physics and Radiation Protection; 3 Congreso Conjunto Sociedad Espanola Fisica Medica y Proteccion Radiologica; Caceres (Spain); 18-21 Jun 2013; Available; 4 refs.
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Esteve, S.; Sanchez, K.; Prieto, D.; Rodriguez, P.; Diaz, E.; Barquero, R.; Ferrer, N.; Arranz, L.
III Joint Congress Spanish Societies of Medical Physics and Radiation Protection, 18-21 Jun 2013, Caceres Spain2013
III Joint Congress Spanish Societies of Medical Physics and Radiation Protection, 18-21 Jun 2013, Caceres Spain2013
[en] The use of high doses of radiopharmaceutical requires special measures for radiation protection and establishing protocols to minimize the dose of professionally exposed workers and family members who have to care for, or living with the patient treated. (Author)
Original Title
Consideraciones de proteccion radiologica por la utilizacion de un nuevo radiofarmaco en terapia metabolica
Primary Subject
910 p; ISBN 978-84-697-1831-5; ; 2013; p. 710; 3 Joint Congress Spanish Societies of Medical Physics and Radiation Protection; 3 Congreso Conjunto Sociedad Espanola Fisica Medica y Proteccion Radiologica; Caceres (Spain); 18-21 Jun 2013; Available; 3 refs.
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Analysis of the uncertainty of semiconductor diodes in dosimetry in vivo of brachytherapy treatments
Sanchez, K.; Rodriguez, P.; Prieto, D.; Esteve, S.; Colmenares, R.; Bejar, M. J.; Ordonez, J.; Capuz, B.; Moris, R.
III Joint Congress Spanish Societies of Medical Physics and Radiation Protection, 18-21 Jun 2013, Caceres Spain2013
III Joint Congress Spanish Societies of Medical Physics and Radiation Protection, 18-21 Jun 2013, Caceres Spain2013
[en] Brachytherapy involves the administration of high doses in some parts of healthy tissue, especially in the organ at risk coming to the region of prescription, as it is the case of the rectum and bladder in various gynecological treatments. The possibility of trying to know the actual dose in vivo through the use of dosimeters of semiconductor diode could be. However, to know if you can have certainty in these measures it is necessary to establish the uncertainty previously. The objective of this work consists in estimating the intrinsic uncertainty of diodes and compare it with other dosimetry uncertainties such as the one given the displacement of these between the planning and administration of treatment. (Author)
Original Title
Analisis de la incertidumbre de diodos semiconductores en dosimetria in vivo de tratamientos de braquiterapia
Primary Subject
910 p; ISBN 978-84-697-1831-5; ; 2013; p. 585-586; 3 Joint Congress Spanish Societies of Medical Physics and Radiation Protection; 3 Congreso Conjunto Sociedad Espanola Fisica Medica y Proteccion Radiologica; Caceres (Spain); 18-21 Jun 2013; Available; 4 refs.
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Rodriguez, P.; Prieto, D.; Sanchez, K.; Esteve, S.; Colmenares, R.; Moris, R.; Capuz, B.; Ordonez, J.; Bejar, M. J.
III Joint Congress Spanish Societies of Medical Physics and Radiation Protection, 18-21 Jun 2013, Caceres Spain2013
III Joint Congress Spanish Societies of Medical Physics and Radiation Protection, 18-21 Jun 2013, Caceres Spain2013
[en] The objective of this work is to present the most relevant dosimetric data derived from acceptance of unit testing and the applicators available at that time. (Author)
Original Title
Verificaciones iniciales de la unidad de HDR 60-Co Multisource (BEBIG)
Primary Subject
910 p; ISBN 978-84-697-1831-5; ; 2013; p. 591-592; 3 Joint Congress Spanish Societies of Medical Physics and Radiation Protection; 3 Congreso Conjunto Sociedad Espanola Fisica Medica y Proteccion Radiologica; Caceres (Spain); 18-21 Jun 2013; Available; 3 refs.
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[en] ITER magnetic diagnostics are now in their detailed design and R and D phase. They have passed their conceptual design reviews and a working diagnostic specification has been prepared aimed at the ITER project requirements. This paper highlights specific design progress, in particular, for the in-vessel coils, steady state sensors, saddle loops and divertor sensors. Key changes in the measurement specifications, and a working concept of software and electronics are also outlined.
Primary Subject
(c) 2012 American Institute of Physics; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
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Heng, L.K.; Cai, G.; Ramana, M.V.; Sachdev, M.S.; Rusan, M.M.; Sijali, I.V.; El Mejahed, K.; Mohammad, W.; Sene, M.; Prieto, D.; Issaka, M.; Moutonnet, P.
Nutrient and water management practices for increasing crop production in rainfed arid/semi-arid areas. Proceedings of a coordinated research project2005
Nutrient and water management practices for increasing crop production in rainfed arid/semi-arid areas. Proceedings of a coordinated research project2005
[en] A synthesis of data on carbon-isotope discrimination (Δ), yield and water-use efficiency (WUE) of various plant organs was carried out to determine if relationships exist among these traits for a range of C3 and C4 crops, and if Δ is a suitable selection tool for yield and WUE under different levels of applied nitrogen (N) and diverse cropping systems. The samples were from the co-ordinated research project on 'Management of Nutrients and Water in Rainfed Arid and Semi-Arid Areas for Increasing Crop Production', with Members States covering a wide range of arid and semi-arid regions. The results showed that genotypic variation in carbon-isotope discrimination exists within plant organs in all crops, with Δ values lowest in the grain component. Genotypic variation in Δ also exists in different environments; in the case of wheat, the lowest Δ was found in the driest regions (Jordan compared with China, the latter having a higher growing-season rainfall). There were strong correlations between wheat grain Δ and grain yield in all studies; however, the correlations were negative in two (China and India) and positive in the other three countries (Jordan, Morocco and Pakistan). While various factors may influence Δ, these contrasting results showed that it is difficult to predict outcome in a particular environment and hence in using Δ as a tool for selecting yield; however, breeders could argue that yield in these two environments could be chosen based on lower Δ in relatively wet years in the negative cases, and high Δ in wet years in the positive cases. Correlation between Δ and WUE was less strong, and cropping system had little effect on the variation of Δ values within plant organs for most crops. The level of N applied affected Δ value in wheat, except in China. In all cases, Δ decreased with increasing leaf-N content. Nitrogen deficiency reduces photosynthetic capacity, and hence an inverse relationship between %N and Δ should exist. This relationship was more pronounced in the grain component than in straw. The association between yield and the carbon-isotope discrimination value in different organs of wheat showed that better correlations were achieved for grain Δ than for other organs, indicating that grain is the more suitable organ for Δ analysis. Weak correlations were observed for most C4 crop traits with respect to Δ values. It appears that the use of Δ as a selection criterion for C4 crops is even less obvious, but more studies are needed before concrete conclusions can be drawn, as the examination of the utility of Δ was not the main objective of the CRP. (author)
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Agency's Laboratory, Seibersdorf (Austria); 228 p; ISBN 92-0-109405-1; ; ISSN 1011-4289; ; Oct 2005; p. 15-41; Also available on-line:; For availability on CD-ROM, please contact IAEA, Sales and Promotion Unit: E-mail:; Web site:; 37 refs, 16 figs, 30 tabs
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