[en] Reviewed are data available on properties of polyurethane varnish-and-paint materials (VPM) hardened by accelearted electron flux. Properties of irradiated VPM coatings are determined both by the composition of VPM and by irradiation conditions (dose rate, temperature and composition of atmosphere, interval between successive irradiation exposures). It is shown that the introduction of urethane and isocyanate groups into the composition of VPM improves surface properties of coatings made of them, reduces the necessary radiation dose at hardenin.o
Original Title
Poliuretanovye lakokrasochnye materialy, otverzhdaemye potokom uskorennykh ehlektronov
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Lakokrasochnye Materialy i Ikh Primenenie; ISSN 0130-9013; ; (no.1); p. 34-38
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Bykov, A.A.; Pronina, I.A.; Kudriavtsev, G.I.
PSAM 5: Probabilistic safety assessment and management2000
PSAM 5: Probabilistic safety assessment and management2000
[en] The paper deals with the generalized probabilistic approach for analyzing health consequences caused by various exposure factors. Formally basing on the competitive risk theory, it is introduced a general risk model for analysis the influence of environmental risk factors to human health. The usefulness of the model approach is in the opportunity of taking into account: time delay of impact and consequence manifestation; easy comparisons of exposure factors with different nature and various consequences (morbidity and mortality, carcinogenic and genetic); social and environmental components in overall mortality. Preliminary examples of comparative risk analysis are demonstrated on the Russian demography and environmental data with the attempt of characterizing the dynamical tendencies and evolution of introduced risk index. The prospects of the probabilistic approach and the results obtaining on this basis are discussed. (author)
Primary Subject
Kondo, S.; Furuta, K. (University of Tokyo, Tokyo (Japan)) (eds.); 2820 p; ISBN 4-946443-64-9; ; 2000; p. 2595-2601; PSAM 5: 5. international conference on probabilistic safety assessment and management; Osaka (Japan); 27 Nov - 1 Dec 2000; Vol. 4/4; 5 refs., 6 figs., 1 tab.
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