Prouillac, C.
Toulouse-3 Univ. Paul Sabatier, 31 (France)2006
Toulouse-3 Univ. Paul Sabatier, 31 (France)2006
[en] This work falls under a research program. The aim was to synthesize new organic phosphorylated compounds having an interesting radio pharmacological activity without toxicity. That is why, we carried out the synthesis of new benzothiazole and thiadiazole N-substituted derivatives as thiols, amino thiols, acids thio-sulfonic and phosphoro thioates. All these compounds were characterized by NMR (proton, carbon, phosphorus, 2D), by mass spectrometry, elementary analyzes and for some of them by diffraction of x-rays. The activity of the majority of them was evaluated by in vitro tests. The experimental results were confirmed by theoretical study: the aim of D.F.T. calculation was the study of the mechanism of capture of the free radicals by our compounds. In addition, a study of relation structure activity (Q.S.A.R.) was carried out. Our results allow us to create a model making it possible to establish structure-activity relationship. (author)
Original Title
Synthese et evaluation de nouveaux composes organiques et phosphores contre les effets des rayonnements ionisants. Etude de leur mecanisme d'action in vitro
Primary Subject
Oct 2006; 293 p; Also available from SCD Toulouse-3 - BU de Sciences, 118, route de Narbonne, 31062 - Toulouse Cedex 4 (France); These chimie biologie sante
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[en] This paper presents the realization of the first advanced reactor of the 1400/1500MWe series. The technical characteristics of this type of boiler are first given; then the Franco-Belgian collaboration is recalled and the conditions of realization presented
Electricite de France a procede au lancement de la realisation du premier reacteur avance de la serie 1400/1500 MWe. C'est cette premiere realisation a Chooz qui est evoquee ici, en indiquant tout d'abord les caracteristiques techniques de ce type de chaudiere, puis en rappelant la collaboration Franco-Belge a laquelle elle donne lieu avant d'en venir aux conditions de realisation proprement ditesOriginal Title
Le projet de reacteur PWR avance N4, a Chooz
Primary Subject
1985; 17 p; VGB congress ''power plants 1984''; The Hague (Netherlands); 9-12 Oct 1985
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Prouillac, C.; Yvon, M.
Proceedings of the CREST specialist meeting on applicability of quantitative reliability analysis of complex systems and nuclear plants in its relation to safety1971
Proceedings of the CREST specialist meeting on applicability of quantitative reliability analysis of complex systems and nuclear plants in its relation to safety1971
No abstract available
Original Title
Merites de l'approche systematique et probabiliste de la surete des centrales nucleaires
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Technische Univ. Munich, Garching (F.R. Germany). Lab. fuer Reaktorregelung und Anlagensicherung; vp; Nov 1971; Reliability analysis of complex systems and nuclear plants; Munich, F.R. Germany; 26 May 1971; 5 figs.
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The model of the French advanced steam generator N4 is to be installed initially on the Chooz site. With a capacity approaching 1500 MW (electrical) it is a development of the current 1300 MW unit series and promises significant improvements, for example, better controllability, a steam generator with an economizer, efficient primary pumps and an advanced fuel. For operational planning which envisages commissioning in the first half of 1991, there is only little flexibility, since the project constitutes the start of a construction series. Current construction progress is good and manufacture proceeds in accordance with French regulations. (orig.)
Das Modell des weiterentwickelten franzoesischen Dampferzeugers N4 soll am Standort Chooz erstmalig eingesetzt werden. Mit einer Leistung von annaehernd 1500 MW (elektrisch) setzt er die bisherige Baulinie der 1300-MW-Bloecke fort und weist wesentliche Verbesserungen auf, zum Beispiel bessere Regelbarkeit, Dampferzeuger mit Economiser, leistungsfaehige Primaerpumpen sowie einen weiterentwickelten Brennstoff. Fuer die betriebliche Planung, die eine Inbetriebnahme inder ersten Haelfte des Jahres 1991 vorsieht, besteht nur wenig Handlungsspielraum, da das Projekt den Anfang einer Baureihe bildet. Der gegenwaertige Baufortschritt ist gut, die Herstellung erfolgt nach den franzoesischen Richtlinien. (orig.)Original Title
Das N4-DWR-Projekt in Chooz B1
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
VGB Kraftwerkstechnik; ISSN 0372-5715; ; v. 65(6); p. 557-562
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Jegu, J.; Maire, D.; Poitou, M.; Prouillac, C.
Proceedings of the 4. International conference on reactor shielding
Proceedings of the 4. International conference on reactor shielding
No abstract available
Original Title
Protection contre les rayonnements et inginierie nucleaire
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Nuclear Energy Agency, Paris (France); CEA, 75 - Paris (France); v. 1 p. 149-165; nd; Eyrolles; Paris, France; 4. International conference on reactor shielding; Paris, France; 09 Oct 1972
Record Type
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Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue