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Rantien, Caroline; Gibaud, Gwenaelle; Richter, Claudine; Pousse, Noemie; Boulanger, Vincent; Deleuze, Christine
Agence de l'environnement et de la maitrise de l'energie - Ademe, 20 Avenue du Gresille, 49000 Angers (France); Office national des forets - ONF, Direction generale, 2, avenue de Saint-Mande, 75570 Paris cedex 12 (France)2014
Agence de l'environnement et de la maitrise de l'energie - Ademe, 20 Avenue du Gresille, 49000 Angers (France); Office national des forets - ONF, Direction generale, 2, avenue de Saint-Mande, 75570 Paris cedex 12 (France)2014
[en] Within the context created by the objective to increase the production of biomass-based energy, the authors studied the possibilities of using various crops and species in forests (i.e. in more acid soils), but also the impacts of these cultures on soil fertility. In a first part, they present and describe the experimental installation: site selection and characterization, experiment scheme, ash supply (choice, packaging, origin of ashes), and realisation. Then, they report the study of plants growth after one year, report some measurements regarding initial soil conditions (physical and chemical properties), and observations about flora development. They also mention performed information and communication action, and discuss perspectives
Original Title
Projet ICIF: Evaluation d'Itineraires de Cultures Innovantes en Foret pour la production de biomasse. Rapport final de l'installation du dispositif experimental dans les Ardennes
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Dec 2014; 35 p; 8 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the 'INIS contacts' section of the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses:
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Bouvot-Mauduit, Severine; Couturier, Christian; Brasset, Thierry; Rantien, Caroline; Chauvin, Melanie
Agence de l'environnement et de la maitrise de l'energie/Agence de la transition ecologique - Ademe (France); Solagro, 75 Voie du Toec, CS 27608, 31076 Toulouse Cedex 3 (France); Aquasol, 48 Rue de Bray, 35510 Cesson-Sevigne (France); Bureau d'Etudes Trivalor, Chambery (France); Bois Energie 66, Route du Col de Jau, 66500 Mosset (France); Comite Interprofessionnel du Bois-Energie - Cibe, 28 rue de la Pepiniere, 75008 Paris (France); Federation des Services Energie Environnement - Fedene, 28 rue de la Pepiniere, 75008 Paris (France); Syndicat des energies renouvelables - Ser, 40-42 rue La Boetie, 75008 Paris (France); France Bois Energie - FBE, L'Oree du Bois, 61310 Silly-en-Gouffern (France)2001
Agence de l'environnement et de la maitrise de l'energie/Agence de la transition ecologique - Ademe (France); Solagro, 75 Voie du Toec, CS 27608, 31076 Toulouse Cedex 3 (France); Aquasol, 48 Rue de Bray, 35510 Cesson-Sevigne (France); Bureau d'Etudes Trivalor, Chambery (France); Bois Energie 66, Route du Col de Jau, 66500 Mosset (France); Comite Interprofessionnel du Bois-Energie - Cibe, 28 rue de la Pepiniere, 75008 Paris (France); Federation des Services Energie Environnement - Fedene, 28 rue de la Pepiniere, 75008 Paris (France); Syndicat des energies renouvelables - Ser, 40-42 rue La Boetie, 75008 Paris (France); France Bois Energie - FBE, L'Oree du Bois, 61310 Silly-en-Gouffern (France)2001
[en] After a synthesis of regulation and a presentation of different related sectors (agricultural valorisation, forest-based valorisation, valorisation in ceramic industry, in building and public works, storage or elimination in technical landfill centre), a first document reports a study of ash resource related to wood-fired boilers (inventory of installations, fuel types, ash resource), the physical-chemical characterisation (bibliographical study, analyses, comparison between both), discusses the existing regulation and its perspective of evolution for different types of installation of wood or waste combustion, reports an analysis of existing valorisation installations (wood-fired boilers, agricultural valorisation), and proposes a study of new sectors of application (specific agricultural valorisation, biomass ash valorisation in forest, industrial valorisation). Various aspects (ash production, ash storage, valorisation assessment, equipment) of the management and valorisation of wood-fired boiler ashes are addressed for different fields: regulation, average analyses of ashes, pre-feasibility study, storage and spreading, spreading follow-up, agricultural valorisation for wood-fired boilers of different size. The last document presents different aspects related to ashes produced by automatic wood-fired boilers and their valorisation possibilities: standardisation of agricultural and forest spreading, installation classification, ash storage and spreading, influence of the different types of wood fuels, financial interest of ash valorisation by spreading
Original Title
Etude de valorisation des cendres de chaufferies bois - Ademe DVNAC. Gestion et valorisation des cendres de chaufferies bois: Reglementation, Analyses moyennes des cendres, Etude de Prefaisabilite, Stockage et Epandage, Suivi epandage, Valorisation agricole - Exemple d'une petite chaufferie, Exemple de petites chaufferies (1 MW), Exemples de chaufferies moyennes (4 MW), Forets et besoins, Epandage en foret. Les Cendres des chaudieres automatiques au bois et leurs possibilites de valorisation - Les cahiers du Bois energie Fascicule 1. Valorisation par epandage des cendres issues de la combustion de la biomasse - Note d'information du 28 mars 2017
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Secondary Subject
Nov 2001; 28 Mar 2017; 168 p; 69 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Chevallier, Laurent; Forot, Virginie; Rouillon, Adrien; Rantien, Caroline; Zegers, Jean-Pierre
Cabinet Gressard Consultants, 65/67 cours de la Liberte, 69003 Lyon (France); FranceAgriMer, etablissement national des produits de l'agriculture et de la mer, 12, rue Henri Rol-Tanguy, TSA 20002, 93555 Montreuil cedex (France); Agence de l'environnement et de la maitrise de l'energie - Ademe, 20, avenue du Gresille, BP 90406, 49004 Angers Cedex 01 (France)2014
Cabinet Gressard Consultants, 65/67 cours de la Liberte, 69003 Lyon (France); FranceAgriMer, etablissement national des produits de l'agriculture et de la mer, 12, rue Henri Rol-Tanguy, TSA 20002, 93555 Montreuil cedex (France); Agence de l'environnement et de la maitrise de l'energie - Ademe, 20, avenue du Gresille, BP 90406, 49004 Angers Cedex 01 (France)2014
[en] This study aimed at elaborating a method of quantification of annual inter-regional, national and international biomass flows within the French market, within a perspective of integration into the French national biomass resource observatory (ONRB). This method is based on numerous existing data which are available for all French regions. Three main data sources have been selected. After a presentation of definitions and nomenclature used within these data sources, and a discussion of ways to address the flow concept, the report presents the different studied data (regional, national and international data), and then presents the adopted method for the assessments of inter-regional flows, flows between a region and the international level, and between France and the rest of the world. Recommendations are then made for the implementation and integration of this method into existing tools
Original Title
Etude de faisabilite pour l'evaluation des flux de matiere de biomasse - Rapport final. Tome 1: rapport principal, Tome 2: monographie des sources de donnees existantes
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Secondary Subject
Jan 2014; 181 p; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the 'INIS contacts' section of the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses:
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Colin, Antoine; Barnerias, Cyrille; Salis, Mireille; Thivolle-Cazat, Alain; Coulon, Frederic; Couturier, Christian; Rantien, Caroline
Inventaire Forestier National- IFN (France); Institut Technique Foret Cellulose Bois Ameublement - FCBA, 10 rue Galilee, 77420 Champs-sur-Marne (France); Association Solagro, 75 Voie du Toec, CS 27608, 31076 Toulouse Cedex 3 (France)2009
Inventaire Forestier National- IFN (France); Institut Technique Foret Cellulose Bois Ameublement - FCBA, 10 rue Galilee, 77420 Champs-sur-Marne (France); Association Solagro, 75 Voie du Toec, CS 27608, 31076 Toulouse Cedex 3 (France)2009
[en] Based on an innovative approach to wood resources, this study aimed at improving the assessment of the wood biomass availability (in forests, outside of forests, with respect to potential usages), at characterising this availability with respect to exploitation technical conditions, to mobilisation economic conditions, and to a sustainable management of resources, and according to a yearly crop. It also aimed at determining the resource mobilisation feasibility from technical and economic points of view, and at determining environmental benefits and limitations. Thus after an overview of the study context, objectives and scope of validity, the report addresses biomass availabilities of the main wood resources and of supplementary wood resources. Possible ways for future improvements are finally briefly discussed
Original Title
Biomasse forestiere, populicole et bocagere disponible pour l'energie a l'horizon 2020 - Rapport final, Novembre 2009
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Secondary Subject
Nov 2009; 105 p; 47 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Gardette, Yves-Marie; Dieckhoff, Lea; Lorne, Daphne; Postec, Gwenael; Cherisey, Hugues de; RANTIEN, Caroline
Office National des Forets - ONF, 2, avenue de Saint-Mande, 75570 Paris Cedex 12 (France); European Institute for Energy Research - EIFER, Emmy-Noether-Strasse 11, ground floor, D-76131 Karlsruhe (Germany); Electricite de France - EDF (France); IFP Energies nouvelles (France); Agence de l'Environnement et de la Maitrise de l'Energie - ADEME (France); Agence Francaise de Developpement - AFD, 5 Rue Roland Barthes, 75012 Paris (France); GDF Cofely Services (France); ONF International - ONFI, Jardin Tropical, 45 bis avenue de la Belle Gabrielle, 94736 Nogent Cedex (France); France Bois Foret - FBF, CAP 120, 120 avenue Ledru Rollin, 75011 Paris (France)2014
Office National des Forets - ONF, 2, avenue de Saint-Mande, 75570 Paris Cedex 12 (France); European Institute for Energy Research - EIFER, Emmy-Noether-Strasse 11, ground floor, D-76131 Karlsruhe (Germany); Electricite de France - EDF (France); IFP Energies nouvelles (France); Agence de l'Environnement et de la Maitrise de l'Energie - ADEME (France); Agence Francaise de Developpement - AFD, 5 Rue Roland Barthes, 75012 Paris (France); GDF Cofely Services (France); ONF International - ONFI, Jardin Tropical, 45 bis avenue de la Belle Gabrielle, 94736 Nogent Cedex (France); France Bois Foret - FBF, CAP 120, 120 avenue Ledru Rollin, 75011 Paris (France)2014
[en] This publication proposes a synthesis of a study which aimed at analysing the present and future place of wood-energy in the European Union as the main renewable resource used to produce heat and electricity. This study comprised an analysis of European markets of solid biomass and of regulation, case studies on wood-energy producer markets (North America, Eastern Europe, Brazil and Africa), a study of preparation modes (shredding, granulation, roasting) and biomass transport. This study is based on bibliographical searches in national and European sources, and on field data collected by the various bodies involved in this study. This synthesis notably discusses the following issues: solid biomass is the main renewable resource for the EU and has many applications; European objectives for solid biomass by 2020 are very ambitious; markets are becoming international to face the EU's increasing demand; pellet production in North America is strongly increasing; in Europe, eastern European countries are the main exporters; Brazil has an export potential which is still to be confirmed; the African trade with Europe is still in its infancy. Finally, the development perspectives of roasted wood trade are discussed
Original Title
Biomasse internationale. Marches internationaux de la biomasse energie - Synthese publique
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Secondary Subject
Nov 2014; 9 p; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the 'INIS contacts' section of the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses:
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Colin, Antoine; Pilate, Marion; Py, Nicolas; Thivolle-Cazat, Alain; Bouvet, Alain; Rantien, Caroline; Buitrago, Miriam; Mousset, Jerome
Agence de l'Environnement et de la Maitrise de l'Energie - ADEME, 20 avenue du Gresille, BP 90406, 49004 Angers Cedex 01 (France)2016
Agence de l'Environnement et de la Maitrise de l'Energie - ADEME, 20 avenue du Gresille, BP 90406, 49004 Angers Cedex 01 (France)2016
[en] In order to reduce its dependency on fossil energies and to struggle against effects of climate change, France defined an ambitious objective of 40 per cent for biomass in its renewable energy mix by 2020, with a large part of forestry products. This study aims at determining future exploitable wood volumes, in quantity as well as in quality by 2035, in order to support the elaboration of national and regional forest-wood policies. By using several data (in situ measurements, maps of private forests, regulatory zoning maps), a precise and realistic assessment of exploitable volumes has been performed. The authors also assessed capacities of the French forest to meet production objectives which could be defined for the twenty years to come. Two scenarios have been used in the implemented models: a scenario of constant forestry (same practices as now over 20 years) and a scenario of progressive dynamic management (evolution of species to obtain an increase of volume production). Wood availabilities are distributed among different potential uses: construction, industry and energy, and small woods. Unworkable volumes are taken into account. Demand is also modelled according to different market scenarios, and results obtained by supply scenarios and demand scenarios are compared
Original Title
Disponibilites forestieres pour l'energie et les materiaux a l'horizon 2035
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Feb 2016; 234 p; 23 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the 'INIS contacts' section of the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses:
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Foulonneau, Catherine; Mazzenga, Anthony; Perrin, Marc; Guerrini, Olivier; Bessieres, Marie; Gagnepain, Bruno; Houdon, Aude-Claire; Rantien, Caroline; Alexandre, Sylvie; Boukhetaia, Nadia; Lampin, Laure; Contamin, Raphael; Aribart, Michel; Vert, Julien; Dermaux, Valerie; Molinie, Lea
GrDF, 6 rue Condorcet, 75009 Paris (France); Centre de Recherche et d'Innovation Gaz et Energies Nouvelles - CRIGEN, GDF SUEZ (France)2013
GrDF, 6 rue Condorcet, 75009 Paris (France); Centre de Recherche et d'Innovation Gaz et Energies Nouvelles - CRIGEN, GDF SUEZ (France)2013
[en] This study aims at determining the bio-methane production potential by using so-called second-generation technologies in France in order to inject it into the natural gas network by 2020 or 2050. The second-generation production process is described: gasification, cleaning, methanation, compliance with specifications. Energetic and environmental performances of these processes are also addressed. Different biomass are considered (forest biomass, sawmill by-products, wood wastes, paper sludge, crops, energetic cops, agro-food industry by-products) within three prospective scenarios
Original Title
Biomethane de gazeification. evaluation du potentiel de production en France aux horizons 2020 et 2050. Rapport final - fevrier 2013. Etude realisee pour le compte de GrDF par le CRIGEN de GDF SUEZ
Primary Subject
Feb 2013; 72 p; 15 refs.;Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the 'INIS contacts' section of the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses:
Record Type
Literature Type
Numerical Data
Report Number
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Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Foulonneau, Catherine; Mazzenga, Anthony; Pierre, Helene; Guerrini, Olivier; Selmi-Olivetti, Olga; Camus, Nathalie; Gagnepain, Bruno; Houdon, Aude-Claire; Rantien, Caroline; Alexandre, Sylvie; Boukhetaia, Nadia; Lampin, Laure; Contamin, Raphael; Aribart, Michel; Vert, Julien; Dermaux, Valerie; Molinie, Lea
GrDF, 6 rue Condorcet, 75009 Paris (France); Centre de Recherche et d'Innovation Gaz et Energies Nouvelles - CRIGEN, GDF SUEZ (France)2013
GrDF, 6 rue Condorcet, 75009 Paris (France); Centre de Recherche et d'Innovation Gaz et Energies Nouvelles - CRIGEN, GDF SUEZ (France)2013
[en] After a presentation of the technical aspects of microalgae processing, and comments on its integration within third-generation biomethane production sector, the authors describe the methodological framework of their study: scope and identification of economic sectors potentially in charge of 3. generation biomethane production, characterization of technological scenarios and technical hypotheses, aggregation and sensitivity analysis on the biomethane production potential. Results are commented in terms of potential of deployment of the microalgae technology within each identified sector, of production of third-generation biomethane by the identified sectors, and of third-generation biomethane production by 2020 and by 2050. Appendices notably give examples of microalgae production technologies, and give sheets of analysis of the potential of implementation of microalgae technologies for different sectors: chemistry-refinery-petro chemistry, agro-food industries, paper, rubber, textile, plastics engineering, metallurgy, materials, farming, crops, thermal power stations, gas infrastructures, etc.
Original Title
Biomethane de microalgues evaluation du potentiel de production en france aux horizons 2020 et 2050 rapport final - fevrier 2013. Etude realisee pour le compte de GrDF par le CRIGEN de GDF SUEZ
Primary Subject
Feb 2013; 146 p; 34 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the 'INIS contacts' section of the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses:
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Literature Type
Numerical Data
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Grovel, Remi; Pasquier, Francois; Helou, Tammouz Enaut; Barthelet, Didier; Boittin, Eric; Rantien, Caroline; Cousin, Stephane; Gauthier, Alice; Monchaux, Philippe; Bigot, Maryse; Marchand, Nolwenn; Grivet, Amelie; Pischedda, Didier; Douzain-Didier, Nicolas; Chauvin, Christophe; Taverne, Marie; Defaye, Serge; Laurent, Andre; Bellanger, Delphine; Bouvarel, Luc
Agence de l'environnement et de la maitrise de l'energie - Ademe (France); Federation Nationale Entrepreneurs Des Territoires - FNEDT, 44 rue d'Alesia, 75682 Paris cedex 14 (France); Cabinet Coudert, La Fontclaire, F 19200 Saint-Pardoux-Le-Vieux (France)2012
Agence de l'environnement et de la maitrise de l'energie - Ademe (France); Federation Nationale Entrepreneurs Des Territoires - FNEDT, 44 rue d'Alesia, 75682 Paris cedex 14 (France); Cabinet Coudert, La Fontclaire, F 19200 Saint-Pardoux-Le-Vieux (France)2012
[en] Within a context of development of projects which consume large quantities of forest pellets, this publication addresses the following issues: characterization of the forest pellet for energy (definition, quality parameters, standards and classification), forest resources, deposits and availabilities of wood energy in forest (the French forest as an important source of renewable energy, deposit assessment and harvest predictions, integration of wood energy harvest into a sustainable management of the French forest, wood energy in forest and territorial policies, wood energy valorisation in a forest massif), general principles of forest pellet production (production steps and equipment, production optimisation principles, costs of production operations), ways and costs of forest pellet production (detailed sheets per production way and production costs), storage, drying, packaging and delivery, and supply in forest pellets for wood boilers (prices, consumption according to the boiler type, supply modes and suppliers, technical and contractual securing of supplies). This publication also aims at providing answers to questions which can be asked by landlords of forest properties (interest, consequences of wood energy production, potential assessment, revenue calculation), by forest exploitation managers (harvest planning and organisation, reasons to advice a landlord), by forest exploitation companies and associated commercialisation structures (expected profitability, influence of tree population, necessary equipment for pellet production, pellet storage and drying systems, quality and quantity production, cost and price determination, transport and delivery organisation), heating installers (how to deal with pellet purchase), or public commissioners (pellet purchase mode, expected impact on territorial forests, wood and forest potential for wood energy production, environmental performance of a forest pellet supply, issue of the security of supply)
Original Title
Bois energie: l'approvisionnement en plaquettes forestieres
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
30 Mar 2012; 191 p; 28 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Rantien, Caroline; Charasse, Laurent; Wlerick, Lise; Landmann, Guy; Nivet, Cecile; Jallais, Anais; Augusto, Laurent; Bigot, Maryse; Thivolle Cazat, Alain; Bouget, Christophe; Brethes, Alain; Boulanger, Vincent; Richter, Claudine; Cornu, Sophie; Rakotoarison, Hanitra; Ulrich, Erwin; Deleuze, Christine; Michaud, Daniel; Cacot, Emmanuel; Pousse, Noemie; Ranger, Jacques; Saint-Andre, Laurent; Zeller, Bernd; Achat, David; Cabral, Anne-Sophie; Akroume, Emila; Aubert, Michael; Bailly, Alain; Fraysse, Jean-Yves; Fraud, Benoit; Gardette, Yves-Marie; Gibaud, Gwenaelle; Helou, Tammouz-Enaut; Pitocchi, Sophie; Vivancos, Caroline
Agence de l'environnement et de la maitrise de l'energie - Ademe, 20 Avenue du Gresille, 49000 Angers (France); Ministere de l'Agriculture, de l'Agroalimentaire et de la Foret, 78 rue de Varenne, 75349 Paris SP 07 (France); GIP ECOFOR, 42, rue Scheffer, 75116 Paris (France)2014
Agence de l'environnement et de la maitrise de l'energie - Ademe, 20 Avenue du Gresille, 49000 Angers (France); Ministere de l'Agriculture, de l'Agroalimentaire et de la Foret, 78 rue de Varenne, 75349 Paris SP 07 (France); GIP ECOFOR, 42, rue Scheffer, 75116 Paris (France)2014
[en] The Resobio project (management of forest slash: preservation of soils and biodiversity) aimed at updating knowledge available at the international level (with a focus on temperate areas) on the potential consequences of forest slash sampling on fertility and on biodiversity, and at identifying orientations for recommendations for a revision of the ADEME guide of 2006 on wise collecting of forest slash. The first part of this report is a synthesis report which gives an overview of results about twenty issues dealing with the nature of wood used for energy production and the role of slash, about the consequences of this type of collecting for soil fertility and species productivity, and about impacts on biodiversity. Based on these elements, recommendations are made for slash management and for additional follow-up and research. The second part contains five scientific and technical reports which more deeply analyse the issue of fertility, and technical documents on slash management (guides) published in various countries
Original Title
Projet Resobio. Gestion des remanents forestiers: preservation des sols et de la biodiversite. Rapport final
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Mar 2014; 243 p; 129 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the 'INIS contacts' section of the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses:
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