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Reinhardt, M.
Goettingen Univ. (Germany, F.R.)1989
Goettingen Univ. (Germany, F.R.)1989
[en] The subjects, principles and purpose of the atomic energy law and the radiation protection law are set out, and criminal offences under atomic energy law are outlined explaining the legal terminology applied. The peaceful uses of nuclear energy and radioactive materials are briefly discussed, primarily looking at the hazards involved and the protective role of criminal law principles that have been developed in connection with the atomic energy law and its application in practice. The draft version of the 16th criminal law amendment act - Act to combat environmental delinquency - is discussed, which aims at adoption of all criminal offences under atomic energy law by the Criminal Code. The book furthermore presents considerations about basic features of delinquency under atomic energy and radiation protection law, revealing elements and facts of offences defined, and particular problems resulting thereof. The question arises, e.g., whether an incorporation of the provisions into the Special Annex to the Criminal Code, in sections 27 and 28, is a wise and suitable decision. The book finally discusses the development of definition of criminal offences by a de lege feranda approach, referring to (1) the Chernobyl reactor accident, (2) the Nuclear Safeguards agreements, and (3) the definition of maximum permissible radiation dose. (HP)
Die Gegenstaende des Atom- und Strahlenschutzrechts werden skizziert und die Terminologie der atomstrafrechtlichen Tatbestaende werden festgelegt. Kurz werden Anwendungsmoeglichkeiten radioaktiver Stoffe, deren Gefahren und die Rolle des Strafrechts in der Kernenergienutzung dargelegt. Die historische Entwicklung des Atomstrafrechts, besonders der Entwurf eines Sechzehnten Strafrechtsaenderungsgesetzes - Gesetz zur Bekaempfung der Umweltkriminalitaet zur Uebernahme saemtlicher Strafvorschriften des AtG in das StGB. Es folgen Ueberlegungen zu den Grundstrukturen der Kernenergie- und Strahlendelikte. Tatbestandskonstruktionen der atomstrafrechtlichen Bestimmungen und damit zusammenhaengende Einzelprobleme werden untersucht. Die Frage wird ueberprueft, ob die systematische Eingliederung im Besonderen Teil des StGB innerhalb des 27. und 28. Abschnitts als geglueckt anzusehen ist. Es folgen Ueberlegungen zur rechtlichen Entwicklung der Kernenergie- und Strahlendelikte de lege feranda anhand der Probleme 1) Tschernobyl-Unfall; 2) Uebereinkommen ueber den physischen Schutz von Kernmaterial und 3) Festlegung von Dosisgrenzwerten. (HP)Original Title
Der strafrechtliche Schutz vor den Gefahren der Kernenergie und den schaedlichen Wirkungen ionisierender Strahlen
Primary Subject
Studien zum internationalen Wirtschaftsrecht und Atomenergierecht; v. 78; 1989; 484 p; Heymanns; Koeln (Germany, F.R.); ISBN 3-452-21658-6; ; Diss.
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] In the first part of the paper the known results on the gravitational interaction of a massive black hole with the surrounding stars in a galactic nucleus are discussed. The tidal disruption of stars in close encounters with a black hole is reviewed. Expressions for the flux of stars on a black hole are given, taking into account energy and angular momentum diffusion of stellar orbits. The scenario of star disruption and accretion of the released stellar matter is depicted. The growth of a black hole in a typical galactic nucleus on account of gas accretion from disrupted stars is discussed. A comparison with the upper limit to the luminosity of the nucleus of our Galaxy puts rather severe constraints on the mass of a hypothetical black hole at the galactic centre. Possible mechanisms preventing the formation and growth of black holes in normal galactic nuclei are discussed. The second part of the paper deals with the hypothesis that massive black holes are the primary energy sources in active galaxies and quasars. The luminosity requirements of bright quasars and weak Seyferts can probably be accounted for in such a model, but there are difficulties in explaining the intermediate range. Mass ejection from Seyferts and quasars is not a severe problem. The same applies to the spectrum. A much more serious objection is the observed periodic and quasi-periodic variability. Another unsatisfactory feature of this hypothesis is that one needs two different evolutionary tracks for quasars and active galaxies, and for normal galaxies. (Auth.)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Astrophysics and Space Science; ISSN 0004-640X; ; v. 59(1); p. 171-192
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No abstract available
Original Title
Fragen des Gravitationskollaps
Primary Subject
43 refs.; 2 figs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Naturwissenschaften; v. 59(1); p. 7-12
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Effective systems for secondary side steam generator maintenance are critical in maximizing the life of PWR steam generators. Corrosion products formed throughout the secondary cycle settle on top of the tubesheet and promote degradation of the tube bundle. Foreign objects introduced into the secondary side during either initial fabrication or maintenance activities impinge on tubes during operation and can eventually cause the wall to wear through, causing primary to secondary leakage. Ultimately, if a sufficient number of tubes are damaged by these corrosion or wear mechanisms and are subsequently plugged, the steam generators have to be replaced. CECIL (Consolidated Edison Combined Inspection and Lancing system) was developed to help extend the life of steam generators by providing superior secondary side maintenance capabilities. CECIL 4 is a teleoperated robot which can remotely perform PWR steam generator secondary side inspections, soft and hard sludge removal, sludge sampling and foreign object search and retrieval. Its main features are described here. (author)
Original Title
Robot for Pressurized Water Reactor steam generator secondary side maintenance
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
No abstract available
Primary Subject
7. international conference on gravitation and relativity; Tel-Aviv, Israel; Jun 1974
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
General Relativity and Gravitation; v. 6(1); p. 71-73
Country of publication
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[en] The contribution of gravitationally bound subsystems to the potential energy of systems of galaxies is investigated. A statistical correction factor to the virial mass is derived using Holmberg's observed frequency function of multiple galaxies. It is of the order of ten for groups of galaxies and negligible for rich clusters. However, it is emphasized that an individual treatment is necessary. As an illustration the contribution to the binding energy by observed binary galaxies in the de Vaucouleurs groups 48 and 49, and the Coma Cluster, is calculated. In all three cases a single double galaxy removes the virial mass paradox. It is concluded that corrections for subclustering are substantial in stability analyses of systems of galaxies, and they can remove easily mass discrepancies of the order of ten in groups and rich clusters, and that they should be made individually and not statistically. (Auth.)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Astrophysics and Space Science; ISSN 0004-640X; ; v. 60(2); p. 267-275
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] In order to give a good description of extragalactic radio sources together with some other radio and optical data for these sources, all published polarization observations of extragalactic radio sources from 1965 to the middle of 1974 have been collected. After applying selection criteria for inadequately observed sources and applying weighting procedures for different measurements at the same wavelength these data form a catalogue to 510 sources with a maximum of 120 entries per source. It is available on magtape (or cards...) from the Strasbourg Stellar Data Center. The statistical and physical investigation of the data and their implications are presented. Starting both from synchrotron radiation theory with a simple source model and from the observed spectral polarization it was possible to define a polarization index, called αsub(p), the degree of polarization P(lambda) being P approximately γsup(αsub(p)). This αsub(p) is calculated in analogy to the spectral index and seems to give a good description of the spectral polarization of extragalactic sources. By use of either this polarization index or the spectral distribution of the flux densities significant differences between radio galaxies and quasars have been found (radio galaxies show steeper spectra than quasars). For all the original, recalculated and derived data a statistical analysis has been performed. The results and conclusions from it are discussed. (Auth.)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Astrophysics and Space Science; ISSN 0004-640X; ; v. 61(1); p. 153-167
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
No abstract available
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Schmutzer, E. (ed.); Friedrich-Schiller-Universitaet, Jena (German Democratic Republic). Sektion Physik; 274 p; 1980; p. 51; 9. international conference on general relativity and gravitation; Jena, German Democratic Republic; 14 - 19 Jul 1980; Published in summary form only.
Record Type
Literature Type
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The magnetic field structure in the LMC is re-analysed using the polarization data given by Mathewson and Ford and combining them with recent photometric and spectroscopic observations of supergiants. The following results were derived: (i) The ratio of the degree of polarization to absorption is the same as in our Galaxy. (ii) Accepting the galactic foreground correction by Mathewson and Ford after a critical discussion, the existence of a uniform field component in the direction to the SMC is confirmed. The field is roughly perpendicular to the bars of the LMC and SMC. (iii) The magnetic field is not concentrated towards the young spiral arms found by Schmidt-Kaler and Isserstedt. (iv) A radial component of the magnetic field with respect to 30 Dor is discovered. This radial field is dominating the polarizations in the surroundings of 30 Dor up to an angular distance of 10. From the orientations of the polarization vectors the supergiant H II region N 157 is determined as the centre of the magnetic field. (v) The observed radial field is interpreted as a dipole field with the field axis perpendicular to the plane of symmetry of the LMC. The strong and uniform field within N 157 is due to the projection of the field along the dipole axis. (vi) The space orientation and sense of rotation is discussed. It seems that the LMC rotates with leading spiral arms. (author)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society; v. 176(3); p. 693-704
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] After a short discussion of the basic properties of black-hole physics, including the 'no-hair' theorems, the hypothesis of the 'cosmic censor' and the first and second law of black-hole dynamics, we proceed to the thermodynamics of black holes. The concepts of entropy and temperature of a black hole are explained and the generalized second law of black-hole dynamics is presented. We then discuss particle creation in the gravitational fields of black holes and their lifetime due to evaporation. After a digression on chaotic cosmology the possible formation of black holes in the carly universe is treated. Finally we discuss the last violent stages of the evaporation process of black holes and possible observational tests. A few remarks on white holes - though a totally different phenomenon - are included at the end for the sake of clarity. (orig.) 891 HK/orig. 892 MB
Original Title
Zum Verdampfen und anderen Eigenschaften Schwarzer Loecher
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Naturwissenschaften; ISSN 0028-1042; ; v. 66(8); p. 390-402
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
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