Rey-Tornero, Nicolas
Universite de Grenoble Alpes, 621 Av. Centrale, 38400 Saint-Martin-d'Heres (France); CEA, DES-DM2S (France)2023
Universite de Grenoble Alpes, 621 Av. Centrale, 38400 Saint-Martin-d'Heres (France); CEA, DES-DM2S (France)2023
[en] This study is part of the framework of high power energy supply in space. It consists in designing an electro-generating system based on a molten salt nuclear reactor for the generation of electrical power of the order of MW in a space environment. Then characterizing it, in particular in terms of specific mass, in order to obtain different configurations depending on the type of conversion system, the operating points, the working fluids and the cold source technology. Therefore, the subject contains two objectives: the design of the core and its anti-radiation shield on the one hand, that of the conversion system with the cold source on the other. For the first, we sought to identify the materials, justify a geometry on the basis of a neutron study. The idea was to select a core design to characterize it more precisely: mass, temperature feedback, criticality lifespan, power extraction. Work on the shield consisted in determining its thickness and the materials in order to deduce its mass according to the thermal power. For the second objective, the existence of an optimal cold temperature from the point of view of the radiating surface necessary for the rejection of thermal power in vacuum led to the search using genetic optimization for the characteristics of an optimal conversion system with the criteria of mass or surface of the cold source and supplied electrical power. The objective pursued was to compare various solutions with different technological maturity in order to provide an indication for a subsequent choice of research. This study made it possible to identify certain characteristics of the space power supply system based on a molten salt reactor: highly enriched fluoride salt in a graphite core and importance of the conversion system in the mass estimate. In particular, a core design has been proposed which has been shown to exhibit negative temperature feedback, a reactivity control system consistent with a cold start and critical lifespan of more than four years when continuously delivering 5 MW thermal power. Among the conversion systems studied, the Rankine cycles lead to lighter cold sources than the Brayton cycles thanks to a higher radiation temperature. The difference in mass between all the options is mainly due to the heat sink, which explains why the use of a droplet radiator (LSDR) makes it possible to reduce the mass even further among Rankine cycle conversions. Two important points have not been studied: the design of the shield in order to know its precise mass and the verification of the power extraction, incompatible as it is with the design of the proposed core and therefore implying its modification. (author)
Cette etude s'inscrit dans le cadre de l'alimentation electrique de forte puissance en milieu spatial. Elle consiste a concevoir systeme electro generateur s'appuyant sur un reacteur nucleaire a sel fondu pour la generation d'une puissance electrique de l'ordre du MW en milieu spatial puis de le caracteriser, en particulier en termes de masse specifique, et ce afin d'obtenir differentes configurations selon le type de systeme de conversion, les points de fonctionnements, les fluides de travail et la technologie de la source froide. On peut donc partager le sujet en deux objectifs: la conception du coeur et de son bouclier anti radiations d'une part, celle du systeme de conversion avec la source froide d'autre part. Pour le premier, on a cherche a identifier les materiaux, justifier d'une geometrie, sur la base d'une etude neutronique. L'idee a ete de selectionner un design de coeur pour le caracteriser plus precisement: masse, contre reactions en temperature, duree de vie critique, extraction de puissance. Le travail sur le bouclier a consiste a en determiner l'epaisseur et les materiaux afin d'en deduire sa masse, en fonction de la puissance thermique. Pour le second objectif, l'existence d'une temperature froide optimale du point de vue de la surface rayonnante necessaire pour le rejet de puissance thermique dans le vide a conduit rechercher par optimisation genetique les caracteristiques d'un systeme de conversion optimal selon les criteres de masse ou surface de la source froide et de puissance electrique delivree. L'objectif poursuivi etait de comparer diverses solutions presentant des maturites technologiques differentes afin de fournir une indication a un choix ulterieur de recherche. Cette etude a permis d'identifier certaines caracteristiques d'un systeme electro generateur spatial base sur un reacteur a sels fondus: sel fluorure hautement enrichi dans un coeur en graphite et importance du systeme de conversion dans le devis de masse. On a propose en particulier un design de coeur dont on a montre qu'il presente des contre reactions en temperature negatives, que son systeme de controle de reactivite est coherent avec un demarrage a froid et qu'il peut etre maintenu critique pendant plus de quatre ans en delivrant 5 MW de puissance thermique en continu. Parmi les systemes de conversions etudies, les cycles de Rankine conduisent a des sources froides plus legeres que les cycles de Brayton grace a une temperature de rayonnement superieure. La difference de masse entre toutes les options est majoritairement due a la source froide ce qui explique que l'utilisation d'un radiateur a gouttelettes (LSDR) permettent de reduire encore la masse, parmi les conversions a cycle de Rankine. Deux etudes n'ont pas ete menees jusqu'a leur terme: la conception du bouclier afin d'en connaitre sa masse precise et la verification de l'extraction de puissance, incompatible en l'etat avec le design du coeur propose et qui requiert donc sa modificationOriginal Title
Etude et conception d'un reacteur spatial a sels fondus
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Secondary Subject
9 Jan 2023; 159 p; 118 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses; Mecanique des Fluides, Energetique, Procedes
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Rey-tornero, Nicolas; Campioni, Guillaume; Heuer, Daniel
Proceedings of the international conference on physics of reactors - PHYSOR 20222022
Proceedings of the international conference on physics of reactors - PHYSOR 20222022
[en] As new space missions are planned, longer and more ambitious, the need for a controllable powerful energy becomes a priority. Though electric propulsion still suffers from its very low thrust, advanced designs like NASA's X3 or Ad Astra Rocket Company's VASIMR are filling the gap at the price of a great power supply need. Given this context, we began the study of a 1 MWe reactor for space application. Because of its inherent safety, as well as its high controllability allowing quick power changes, we choose the molten salt reactor technology. The presented work relates to the building of the core design based on the technology of molten salt reactors, already taking into account technological and safety constraints. Initial calculations motivated the choice of a thermal graphite-moderated reactor using a U235 highly enriched fluoride salt. A study of different configurations and the sensibility of the criticality to some variations of the design, as well as some identified constraints on the system, then oriented the work toward the proposed design. Once a design chosen, the reactivity reserve and the Doppler effect compensation have been studied. This last point is essential to ensure an autonomous start-up of the core, an easier design and the possibility to shut-down and restart the reactor several times as a solid salt means no density negative feedback. Otherwise, the core could not reach on its own its operating temperature without an additional and independent core heater system to melt the salt. Eventually lifespan issues through Monte-Carlo burn-up calculations on the proposed design have been investigated. (authors)
Primary Subject
American Nuclear Society - ANS, La Grange Park, IL 60526 (United States); 3701 p; ISBN 978-0-89448-787-3; ; 2022; p. 3434-3443; PHYSOR 2022: International conference on physics of reactors; Pittsburg (United States); 15-20 May 2022; Available (CD Rom) from the American Nuclear Society, 555 North Kensington Avenue, La Grange Park, Illinois 60526 (US); Country of input: France; 14 refs.
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