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[en] National oil companies were key elements in the initial OPEC strategy and they brought a de-integration of oil industry. These companies have tried to move from crude marketing to product marketing through new investments at home and abroad in order to get higher value added and more secure markets for crude. Low prices bring new challenges. Venezuela's answers are strategic associations, operating contract for marginal fields and profit sharing agreements. (Author)
Primary Subject
International Seminar on National Societies Future of Hydrocarbons Exporter Countries; Paris (France); 26-27 May 1994
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Journal Article
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Rodriguez, M.
Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Assistant Secretary for Environment, Safety, and Health, Washington, DC (United States)1997
Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Assistant Secretary for Environment, Safety, and Health, Washington, DC (United States)1997
[en] The treatment for some thyroid carcinomas involves surgically removing the thyroid gland and administering the radiopharmaceutical Sodium iodide-131I (NaI). A diagnostic dose of NaI is given to the patient to determine if remnant tissue from the gland remains or larger doses are administered in order to treat the malignant tissue. Past research regarding NaI uptake and retention in euthyroid individuals (normal functioning thyroid) reveal that radioiodine concentrates mainly in the thyroid tissue and the remaining material is excreted from the body. The majority of radioiodine in athyroid (without thyroid) individuals is also eliminated from the body; however, there has been recent evidence of a long-term retention phase for individuals with no radioiodine concentrating tissue. The general purpose of this study was to develop a kinetic model and estimate the absorbed dose to athyroid individuals regarding the distribution and retention of NaI
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Thesis/Dissertation; Numerical Data
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Rodriguez, M.
Savannah River Site, Aiken, SC (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2010
Savannah River Site, Aiken, SC (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2010
[en] This paper discusses the Savannah River Site Accelerated Transuranic (TRU) Waste Project that was initiated in April of 2009 to accelerate the disposition of remaining legacy transuranic waste at the site. An overview of the project execution strategy that was implemented is discussed along with the lessons learned, challenges and improvements to date associated with waste characterization, facility modifications, startup planning, and remediation activities. The legacy waste was generated from approximately 1970 through 1990 and originated both on site as well as at multiple US Department of Energy sites. Approximately two thirds of the waste was previously dispositioned from 2006 to 2008, with the remaining one third being the more hazardous waste due to its activity (curie content) and the plutonium isotope Pu-238 quantities in the waste. The project strategy is a phased approach beginning with the lower activity waste in existing facilities while upgrades are made to support remediation of the higher activity waste. Five waste remediation process lines will be used to support the full remediation efforts which involve receipt of the legacy waste container, removal of prohibited items, venting of containers, and resizing of contents to fit into current approved waste shipping containers. Modifications have been minimized to the extent possible to meet the accelerated goals and involve limited upgrades to address life safety requirements, radiological containment needs, and handling equipment for the larger waste containers. Upgrades are also in progress for implementation of the TRUPACT III for the shipment of Standard Large Boxes to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, the US TRU waste repository. The use of this larger shipping container is necessary for approximately 20% of the waste by volume due to limited size reduction capability. To date, approximately 25% of the waste has been dispositioned, and several improvements have been made to the overall processing plan as well as facility processing rates. These lessons learned, challenges, and improvements will be discussed to aid other sites in their efforts to conduct similar activities.
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
17 Dec 2010; 11 p; Waste Management 2011 Symposium; Phoenix, AZ (United States); 7-11 Mar 2011; AC09-08SR22470; Available from; PURL:
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[en] The nuclear power plants of Almaraz, Trillo and Cofrentes (Iberdrola) have decoded tp change the way to manage their engineering activities. They have replaced their old project management model, with a new methodology called Critical Chain, developed by Doctor Goldratt. They have achieved outstanding results in the improvement of productivity and quality. In other words, with the same people they are making project in a 20% shorter period of time. As a direct consequence, the Engineer departments are able to complete more projects with the same resources by keeping the quality of the final product. After working in many different project scenarios where the symptoms were similar to the ones described in this article, the conclusion is that technical time of execution is around 30% of the total time of project. The other 70% are interruptions and Parkinson's Law. This is shows that technical solutions are just a little part of the solution. We believe that tis necessary to replace the current project management rules with other rules that will foster the action minimizing the interruptions and Parkinson's Law. the key for improvement comes from the Execution Management. CMG Consultores is one of the leaders companies in Europe in the implementation of Critical Chain methodology. In order to achieve this goal CMG signed a strategic alliance with Realization Technologies, Inc eight years ago. Realization, located in California, USA is the leading implementer of Critical Chain Execution Management in the world, along with execution management system called Concerto that is based on Critical Chain principles and is deployed in the Nuclear Power Plants of Almaraz, Trillo and Cofrentes. In addition to Energy Industry, Critical Chain has been implemented in a wide range of organizations. (Author)
Original Title
Gestion de la Ejecucion el puente entre las aspiraciones y los resultados
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Nuclear Espana (1996); ISSN 1137-2885; ; v. 283; p. 22-24
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The present invention relates to methods for making cationic radiodiagnostic agents and, in particular, to methods for preparing 99 /SUP m/ Tc-labelled cationic radiodiagnostic agents
Primary Subject
5 Feb 1985; v p; US PATENT DOCUMENT 4,497,790/A/; U.S. Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D.C. 20231, USA, $.50; PAT-APPL-414608.
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[en] The objectives of the study are: Gathering of the available information on winds (speeds stockings and predominant addresses of the wind every hour) in the Colombian Atlantic Costa. Analyze it and to adjust it. Mensuration team characteristic; Speed monthly average; duration and frequency of periods of calm, relative and accumulative monthly frequency and mainly the year, address and distribution of the wind typical curve for energy and power during the year, to determine, the aero generation of potential and the water pumping. The mensurations were made 10, 15, 20, 15 meters on the surface and the Himat gave the primary information, 18 stations were studied with a volume of 1321104 data. The parameters of weibull distribution were determined for every month and for all the stations. San Andres' airport is that of better potential with 2182 kw/m to the square/year, with an annual average of 344.53 w/m to the square that is a very good potential. The maximum of 292 kWh/m to the square is given in December and the minimum of 81.47 kWh/m to the square during September. They are considered good places for aero generation those from 500 kWh/m to the square and they are attractive: Riohacha, Soledad, Cartagena, Valledupar, Santa Marta and Codazzi areas. These places are favorable for the electricity generation in on-line systems with systems already existent or with aero generator-diesel combined systems or solar aero generator-cells. The results of aero generators simulation show the possibility to use these teams clearly. In the case of San Andres factors are had up to 57 percent for aero generators like the Siemens 2000 and the wind worker 10 since the potential is important they are considered convenient to study projects to implement the aero generation and the pumping
Original Title
Energia eolica. Evaluacion del potencial eolico de la Costa Atlantica
Primary Subject
1986; 209 p; Available through the INIS Liaison Officer Colombia; Published in 'Situacion energetica de la Costa Atlantica 13', v.5,no.1 (1986)
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Lopez Rodriguez, M.
Junta de Energia Nuclear, Madrid (Spain)1981
Junta de Energia Nuclear, Madrid (Spain)1981
[en] Different opinions on nuclear energy make the middle citizen feel confounded and wonder hundreds of questions to wwhich an easy reply is not found. May be if nuclear energy is really necessary, the first of these questions, without noticing that necessity is a vague concept with a double interpretation. To some, those support a total change in the actual society into more primitive situations, the energy pattern the world has chosen -both the East and West models- is annoying, and they consider a pattern based on ''soft energies''to be the solution to the social scheme they imagined. To others, those who think on an economic, industrial and social development in the countries, it should be based on a strong energy pattern, which could supply what the world needs more and more, nuclear energy is, at least nowadays, an unavoidable necessity and an inevitable option. The document shown has been prepared on the conclusions of the most recent works on the subject, and it is deduced from all of them what everybody considers to be the future energy demand for the year 2000 and its distribution into energy sources, nuclear energy includes. The two basic parameters for tAe valuation of this demand are the increasing of population and gross national product. Available energy resources are mentioned on the document and, mainly, the nuclear capacity of each country. (author)
Las diferentes opiniones sobre la energia nuclear hacen que el hombre de la calle se sienta confundido y se formule cientos de preguntas para las que no encuentra facil respuesta. Tal vez la primera de estas preguntas sea si la energia nuclear es realmente necesaria, sin darse cuenta de que la necesidad es un concepto ambiguo con una doble interpretacion. Para unos, los que propugnan el cambio radical de la sociedad actual hacia situaciones mas primiticas, les estorba el modelo energetico que ha elegido el mundo -el del Este y el del Oeste- y consideran que un modelo basado en ''energias blandas'' resolveria la situacion del esquema social por ellos imaginado. Para otros, los que piensan que el desarrollo economico, industrial y social de los paises ha de basarse en un modelo energetico fuerte, capaz de proporcionar lo que el mundo demanda cada vez mas, la energia nuclear es, al menos por el momento, una necesidad ineludible y una opcion inevitable. El documento que se presenta se ha preparado en base a las conclusiones de los mas recientes estudios sobre el tema y de todos ellos se deduce lo que el mundo estima que sera la demanda global de energia en el a;o 2000 y su distribucion por fuentes energeticas, entre ellas la nuclear. Los dos parametros basicos para la estimacion de esta demanda son los crecimientos de poblacion y de producto interior bruto. En este articulo se mencionan las disponibilidades de recursos energeticos y, en particular, la capacidad nuclear de los distintos paises. (autor)Original Title
Necesidad de la energia nuclear en el contexto energetico mundial
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Energia Nuclear (Madrid); ISSN 0013-7324; ; v. 25(131); p. 179-190
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Cyclotron-based manufacturing of PET radiopharmaceutical products in Spain. (Author)
Original Title
Fabricacion de radiofarmacos PET con ciclotron enEspana
Primary Subject
Available on-line:
Record Type
Journal Article
Alfa. Revista de Seguridad Nuclear y Proteccion Radiologica; ISSN 1888-8925; ; v. 30; p. 53-55
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Rodriguez, M.; Linan, A.
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (Spain). Escuela Tecnica Superior de Ingenieros Aeronauticos1980
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (Spain). Escuela Tecnica Superior de Ingenieros Aeronauticos1980
[en] The self-similar compression of an isentropic spherical gas pellet is analyzed for large values of the ratio of the final to initial densities. An asymptotic analysis provides the solution corresponding to a prescribed value of the final density when it is high. In addition an approximate solution is given when the specific heat ratio is not constant. The time evolution of the pressure on the outer surface leading to the self-similar solution, is calculated for large density ratios. (author)
1980; 26 p
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Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Cuba as neo tectonics structure in the southern of the North American plate had three tsunamis. One of them [local] occurred in the Central-Northern region [1931.10.01, Nortecubana fault], the other was a tele tsunami [1755.11.01, in the SW of the Iberian Peninsula] that hit the Bay of Santiago de Cuba, and the third took place at 1867.11.18, by the regional source of Virgin Islands, which produced waves in the Eastern Cuban region. This tsunami originated to the NE of Puerto Rico in 1918.10.11, with another earthquake of equal magnitude and at similar coordinates, produced a tsunami that did not affect Cuba. Information on the influence of regional tsunami in 1946.08.08 of the NE of the Dominican Republic [Matanzas] in Northwestern Cuba [beaches Guanabo-Baracoa] is contrary to expectations with the waves propagation. The local event of 1939.08.15 attributed to Central- Northern Cuba [Cayo Frances with M = 8.1] does not correspond at all with the maximum magnitude of earthquakes in this region and the potential of the Nortecubana fault. Tsunamis attributed to events such as 1766.06.11 and 1932.02.03 in the Santiago de Cuba Bay are not reflected in the original documents from experts and eyewitnesses. Tsunamis from Jamaica have not affected the coasts of Cuba, despite its proximity. There is no influence in Cuba of tsunamigenic sources of the southern and western parts of the Caribbean, or the Gulf of Mexico. Set out the doubts as to the influence of tsunamis from Haiti and Dominican Republic at Guantanamo Bay which is closer to and on the same latitude, and spatial orientation than the counterpart of Santiago de Cuba, that had impact. The number of fatalities by authors in the Caribbean is different and contradictory. (Author) 76 refs.
Original Title
Tsunamis en Cuba?
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Fisica de la Tierra; ISSN 0214-4557; ; v. 23; p. 173-197
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