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Romero, M.
Grenoble Univ., 38 (France). Inst. des Sciences Nucleaires1970
Grenoble Univ., 38 (France). Inst. des Sciences Nucleaires1970
No abstract available
Original Title
Etude de la reaction 28Si(p,d)27Si a 29,5 et 45MeV
Primary Subject
1970; 64 p; These (3e Cycle).
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Romero, M. L.; Barrera, M.; Valino, F.
Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas Medioambientales y Tecnologicas (CIEMAT), Madrid (Spain)2010
Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas Medioambientales y Tecnologicas (CIEMAT), Madrid (Spain)2010
[en] The document describes the outcome of the CSN/CIEMAT-2008 interlaboratory test comparison among environmental radioactivity laboratories. The exercise was organised according to the ISO-43 and the ISO/IUPAC/AOAC. Aphosphogypsum material was used as a test sample, in an attempt to evaluate the performance of the laboratories analyzing NORM (Naturally-Occurring Radioactive Materials). The analysis required were: U-238, Th-234, U-234, Th-230, Ra-226, Pb-214, Bi-214, Pb-210, Po-210, Th-232 and U-235, and also gross alpha and gross beta activities. Reference values have been established according to the method of consensus of expert laboratories, with four international laboratories of credited experience: IAEA Seibersdorf, IAEA MEL, IRSN-Orsay and Sta.Teresa ENEA. The results of the exercise were computed for 34 answering laboratories and their analytical performance was assessed using the z-score. Robust statistics of the participants results was applied to obtain the median and standard deviation, to achieve a more complete and objective study of the laboratories performance. The exercise has shown an homogeneous behaviour of laboratories, being statistical parameters from the results close to the assigned Reference Values. Participant laboratories have demonstrated their ability to determine natural radionuclides in phosphogypsum samples (NORM material) with a satisfactory quality level. The scheme has also allowed examining the capability of laboratories to determine the activities of natural radionuclides at the equilibrium. (Author) 10 refs.
Original Title
Evaluacion de la Intercomparacion CSN/CIEMAT-2008 entre Laboratorios Nacionales de Radiactividad Ambiental (Fosfoyeso)
Primary Subject
2010; 100 p
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Barreraa, M.; Romero, M. L.; Valino, F.
Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas Medioambientales y Tecnologicas (CIEMAT), Madrid (Spain)2008
Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas Medioambientales y Tecnologicas (CIEMAT), Madrid (Spain)2008
[en] The document describes the methodology used at CIEMAT in order to determine, by gamma spectrometry, the background levels of the radionuclide Cs-137 in soils of the Spanish peninsular territory. the work is a part of an extensive research project developed jointly by the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU) and the CIEMAT, endellite Content and migration of radiocaesium and radiostrontium in Spanish soils, which is funded by the Plan I+D of the Spanish Nuclear Security Council (CSN). The objective of the project is to establish the reference levels of man-made radionuclides in Spanish soils, with respect to which the evaluation of a possible posterior accidental release of radioactive material could be appraised. The activity concentration of the fission products Cs-137 has been determined in 34 soil cores extracted from representative Spanish soils type zones. This publication describes the experimental system employed, its calibration, the particular conditions applied to perform the measurements, as well as the experimental validation of the methodology. The activity profiles and inventories of the radioactive element so obtained are also presented. The estimation of the background Cs-137 reference levels, will provide a basis for later applications as the study of the spatial distribution in the region, the determination of the correlation between the deposited activity and the meteorological conditions, or the calculation of the specific migration parameters of the radioactive elements in Mediterranean conditions. (Author) 15 refs
Original Title
Puesta a Punto de un sistema de Expectrometria Gamma para la Determinacion de Cs-137 en Suelos Espanoles
Primary Subject
2008; 52 p
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[en] The present study is aimed to develop porcelain from locally available raw materials. This porcelain was prepared from the mixture of kaolin, quartz, feldspar, and recycled waste glass. In this work, the expensive K-feldspar was substituted by recycled waste glass derived from broken car glass. The effects of recycled waste glass in partial replacement of K-feldspar for porcelain are discussed. Experimental results showed significant effects of recycled waste glass substitution and sintering temperature on physical properties. Furthermore, the microstructure observation indicated that the replacement of K-feldspar by the recycled waste glass indicates the reducing firing temperature 200°C was achieved by 30wt% glass addition. Moreover, experimental investigations showed excellent mechanical (micro-hardness) and insulating properties (dielectric strength) of the prepared porcelain when compared to that of traditional porcelain insulators. The Vickers micro-hardness found an increase with both glass addition and sintering temperature. Dielectric constant (′), dielectric loss tangent (tanδ) and loss factor (″) were measured at different frequencies. The results reveal that glass addition enhances the dielectric properties of the samples fired at 1100°C. Finally, the best results of phase angle were obtained ∼(−89.2°) for this porcelain. These results prove that our prepared insulator is a dielectric capacitor.
El presente estudio tiene como objetivo obtener porcelana a partir de materias primas disponibles localmente. Esta porcelana se preparó con la mezcla de caolín, cuarzo, feldespato y residuos de vidrio reciclado. En este trabajo, el costoso feldespato potásico se sustituyó por residuos de vidrio reciclado de vidrio roto de automóviles. Se abordan los efectos de los residuos de vidrio reciclado que sustituyen parcialmente al feldespato potásico en la elaboración de la porcelana. Los resultados experimentales mostraron efectos importantes de la sustitución de residuos de vidrio reciclado y la temperatura de sinterización sobre las propiedades físicas. Además, la observación de la microestructura mostró que la sustitución del feldespato potásico por los residuos de vidrio reciclado indica que la reducción de la temperatura de cocción de 200°C se obtuvo con el 30% del peso de adición de vidrio. Aparte de ello, las investigaciones experimentales mostraron excelentes propiedades mecánicas (microdureza) y aislantes (resistencia dieléctrica) de la porcelana preparada en comparación con las de los aislantes de porcelana tradicionales. La microdureza de Vickers encontró un aumento con la adición de vidrio y la temperatura de sinterización. La constante dieléctrica (’), la tangente de pérdida dieléctrica (tan δ) y el factor de pérdida (”) se midieron a diferentes frecuencias. Los resultados revelan que la adición de vidrio mejora las propiedades dieléctricas de las muestras cocidas a 1.100°C. Finalmente, los mejores resultados del ángulo de fase ∼(-89,2°) se obtuvieron de esta porcelana. Estos resultados demuestran que nuestro aislante preparado es un condensador dieléctrico.Original Title
Mejora de las propiedades mecánicas y dieléctricas de los aislantes de porcelana mediante el uso de materias primas económicas
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Record Type
Journal Article
Boletin de la Sociedad Espanola de Ceramica y Vidrio (Internet); ISSN 2173-0431; ; v. 58(1); 10 p
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[en] A disinfectant change on water distribution network, by chlorine dioxide in that case, avoids THM formation. In the other hand it creates big doubts about utilization and analytical determination of another oxidant different to chlorine. Just a need to comply the current legislation points us to make a change as the one mentioned above and carried out in DWTP Rio Verde, being managed by Acosol, where the THM formation is been reduced to 80%, according to the new limit of 100μg/l, along the 200 km of the supply network. (Author) 13 refs.
Original Title
Reduccion de THM en red de distribucion utilizando dioxido de cloro como desinfectante
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Tecnologia del Agua; CODEN TEAGEN; v. 314; p. 30-38
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Barcena, J.; Nunez, B.; Romero, M.; Baladiam, M.
40 Annual Meeting of Spanish Nuclear Society, Oct 1-3, 2014, Valencia, Spain2014
40 Annual Meeting of Spanish Nuclear Society, Oct 1-3, 2014, Valencia, Spain2014
[en] Recently, the supplier of paints that were qualified for use in nuclear applications as protective coatings have ceased to supply in Spain the paints that was used in areas or components with special requirements for nuclear power plants (NPPs). This lack of the common commercial products called for the search for and homologation of other products. A study was performed on the current status of the homologation of commercial products for NPPs and on the codes and standards governing them. The criteria to be met have been defined and the results of the tests performed on the selected paints have been compared against the established criteria so as to allow the homologation of the paints. (Author)
Original Title
Qualified Coatings in Nuclear Power Plants. Commercial products. Pinturas homologadas en centrales nucleares. Productos comerciales
Primary Subject
2500 p; 2014; 6 p; 40. Annual Meeting of Spanish Nuclear Society; 40. Reunion Anual Sociedad Nuclear Espanola; Valencia (Spain); 1-3 Oct 2014
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[en] This work presents the electrochemical noise results obtained of the surface degradation on copper, due to erosion corrosion phenomena, which were a function of the hydrodynamic parameters of the system (fluid movement). A modified rotating cylinder (RC) comprising three ring electrodes under two rotating speeds (880 and 1750 rpm with a Reynolds numbers 1486 Re and 2972 Re, respectively) were used. Characteristic electrochemical noise spectra as a function of the hydrodynamic parameters were found, as well as surface attack intensities the noise signal. An increase and a more uniform attack due to particle impact was related to larger particle size and lesser erosion corrosion intensity, in the form of more localized attack over the surface, was obtained for smaller ones. Erosion corrosion attack presents characteristic electrochemical current and potential noise signals, according to the laminar or transitional turbulent regime and particle size added. (Author).
Original Title
Ruido electroquimico de la erosion-corrosion en cobre: su relacion con los parametros hidrodinamicos
Primary Subject
Available in
Record Type
Journal Article
Revista de metalurgia; CODEN RMTGAC; v. 46(5); p. 446-457
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Romero, M. T.; Rodriguez, J. A.; Takeuchi, Noboru
Funding organisation: United States (United States)2001
Funding organisation: United States (United States)2001
[en] The adsorption of S on the Si(001)c(4 x 2) surface is studied by first-principles total-energy calculations. We started with the adsorption of a single atom up to a full-monolayer coverage. The first S atom occupies a bridge site, on top of a Si dimer that becomes completely symmetric. At half-monolayer coverage, all bridge sites are occupied, and all Si dimers become symmetric. The overall periodicity is (2 x 1). The adsorption of an additional S atom results in the breaking of two Si dimers. From this point and up to one monolayer, it is energetically more favorable for the S atoms to be adsorbed along the [bar 110] direction. At full monolayer coverage, all Si dimers are broken, and the Si surface is dereconstructed with all Si atoms near bulk ideal positions
Othernumber: PRBMDO000064000007075317000001; 051127PRB
Record Type
Journal Article
Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics; ISSN 1098-0121; ; v. 64(7); p. 075317-075317.5
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External URLExternal URL
Magan Romero, M.; Sordo Balbin, F.; Vivanco Sanchez, R.
38 Annual Meeting of Spanish Nuclear Society, Oct 17-19, 2012, Caceres, Spain2012
38 Annual Meeting of Spanish Nuclear Society, Oct 17-19, 2012, Caceres, Spain2012
[en] This paper, we explore the effect of designs different moderators, and discusses the influence of some design parameters the same, using a parameterized model in MCNPX. This allows on the one hand compare the merits of different designs moderator, and secondly identify which parameters are sensitive results.
Original Title
Analisis de moderadores para la fuente de espalacion ESS
Primary Subject
2450 p; 2012; 1 p; 38. Annual Meeting of Spanish Nuclear society; 38. Reunion Anual Sociedad Nuclear Espanola; Caceres (Spain); 17-19 Oct 2012
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Romero M, C.
Proceedings of the 3. Regional Meeting on Radiological and Nuclear Safety; Regional Meeting on International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA); 3. Peruvian Meeting on Radiological Protection1995
Proceedings of the 3. Regional Meeting on Radiological and Nuclear Safety; Regional Meeting on International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA); 3. Peruvian Meeting on Radiological Protection1995
[en] Short communication
Original Title
La seguridad radiologica en la industria petrolera y petroquimica de Venezuela
Primary Subject
Peruvian Society of Radioprotection (SPR), Lima (Peru); 122 p; Oct 1995; p. 45; 3. Regional Meeting on Radiological and Nuclear Safety; 3. Congreso Regional sobre Seguridad Radiologica y Nuclear; Cusco (Peru); 23-27 Oct 1995; Regional Meeting on International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA); Congreso Regional IRPA; Cusco (Peru); 23-27 Oct 1995; 3. Peruvian Meeting on Radiological Protection; 3. Congreso Peruano de Proteccion Radiologica; Cusco (Peru); 23-27 Oct 1995
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