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[en] The study of occupational exposure is generally conducted by 2 methods: by atmospheric sampling on the work site and after analysis; by dosing metabolites when it is possible. The Service d'Hygiene Industrielle (SHI) has developed sampling monitors for measuring the local concentration of 4 pollutants near the machine tools and measurement by tracer in the work cell. The simultaneous utilization of tracer and mapping give possible the optimization of filtration in the work cell and reduce the exposure for workers
L'etude de l'exposition professionnelle au poste de travail est menee classiquement par deux methodes: un prelevement d'atmosphere au poste de travail et les analyses correspondantes; un dosage des metabolites, lorsque cela est possible, qui permet une connaissance plus precise des effets integres. Dans les deux cas, il s'agit d'un constat, qui permet par comparaison aux valeurs moyennes d'exposition, de definir l'urgence d'un traitement. Le Service d'Hygiene Industrielle a aussi developpe des methodes de diagnostic, plus lourdes a mettre en oeuvre, mais plus performantes, car elles permettent d'evaluer l'efficacite des differentes methodes pour reduire les niveaux d'exposition. Il s'agit: de la cartographie des polluants au poste de travail. Dans ce but, le S.H.I. a developpe une centrale d'acquisition micro-informatisee capable de gerer automatiquement la mesure des concentrations de 4 polluants selectionnes en 4 points de prelevements, ces performances pouvant etre etendues a des cas plus complexes: de l'evaluation directe du transfert par des mesures par gaz traceur au SF6. L'utilisation simultanee de la cartographie et du transfert permet de definir les debats-source des machines, donc d'optimiser la politique d'amelioration des conditions de travail. Il devient alors possible par exemple d'optimiser le taux de recyclage dans l'atelier, en prenant en compte les debits-source non captes des machines et le flux souffle de fines qui ne sont pas piegees par les filtres integres dans l'installation de recyclageOriginal Title
Les technologies performantes en hygiene industrielle pour les mesures de diffusion et de pollution en multi-points
Primary Subject
CEA, 75 - Paris (France); 305 p; ISBN 2-7272-0128-1; ; 1987; p. 17-24; Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique; Paris (France); Meeting on protection, handling, detection and safety (PMDS-86); Grenoble (France); 12-14 Mar 1986
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Roussel, C.
Proceedings of the FSC Topical Session on Experience with Electronic, Web and Internet Platforms for Communicating on Radioactive Waste Management2006
Proceedings of the FSC Topical Session on Experience with Electronic, Web and Internet Platforms for Communicating on Radioactive Waste Management2006
[en] The IDEMU, or Urban Ecology Institute was created in 1995 as a non profit association to contribute to the development of training and information on the know-how related to environment and energy in urban areas. The Institute has had to set up a system of internet watch to keep up with evolutions in relevant domains such technologies, law, society, state policies and computer sciences. Among the various tools used for active research we have: research and meta research motors, specialised and generalized press, news-groups, import of the full content of selected web-sites and forum with data exchange
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Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development, Nuclear Energy Agency - OECD/NEA, Radioactive Waste Management Committee - RWMC, Forum on Stakeholder Confidence - FSC, 46 quai Alphonse Le Gallo, 92100 Boulogne Billancourt (France); 29 p; 9 Nov 2006; p. 25-26; FSC Topical Session on Experience with Electronic, Web and Internet Platforms for Communicating on Radioactive Waste Management; Boulogne Billancourt (France); 8 Jun 2006
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Roussel, C.; Bertrand, R.; Garnier, G.; Berard, P.; Archimbaud, M.
Comparison of risks resulting from major human activities1983
Comparison of risks resulting from major human activities1983
[en] The aim of this study is to compare the impact on the environment of oil and coal fired power plants, and of nuclear plants. The impact is evaluated by the level of the air pollution around the plant. But the selected pollutants (Sulfur oxides, Nitrogen oxides, Trace elements, organic compounds) are not specific of the pollution produced by the power plant. Therefore, we measured the specific emission of the plant by a continuous sampling in the stack gases. To evaluate the contribution of the plant to the global pollution, a series of diffusion tests was run to measure the atmospheric transfer between the stack and the monitoring system. Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) was added to the stack plume and its concentration was measured in the environment continuously at the monitoring stations, and by a mobile network for tracing the movement of the plume due to a shift in wind direction. Thereby the impact of other sources could be estimated
Le but de cette etude est de comparer l'impact sur l'environnement des centrales a fuel et a charbon et des centrales nucleaires. L'impact est evalue par le niveau de pollution atmospherique autour de la centrale. Mais les polluants selectionnes (oxydes de soufre, oxydes d'azote, elements chimiques, composes organiques) ne sont pas specifiques de la pollution produite par les centrales thermiques. On a mesure l'emission specifique de la centrale par un echantillonnage en continu dans les gaz de la cheminee. Pour evaluer la contribution de la centrale a la pollution globale, on a realise une serie de tests de diffusion pour mesurer les transferts atmospheriques entre la cheminee et le systeme de surveillance. L'hexafluorure de soufre (SF6) a ete ajoute au panache et sa concentration a ete mesuree dans l'environnement en continu aux stations de surveillance et par un dispositif mobile pour suivre le mouvement du panache du a un changement de direction du vent. Par ce moyen l'impact d'autres sources pourrait etre egalement estimeOriginal Title
Evaluation des consequences sur l'environnement des rejets des centrales thermiques
Primary Subject
Societe Francaise de Radioprotection, 92 - Fontenay-aux-Roses; 642 p; 1983; p. 249-254; Societe Francaise de Radioprotection; Fontenay-aux-Roses (France); 10. Regional congress of International Radiation Protection Association; Avignon (France); 18-22 Oct 1982
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Roussel, C.; Soulatges, D.
8. International congress of the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA8)1992
8. International congress of the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA8)1992
[en] VENTILEX provides a computer help for safety analysis of nuclear plants ventilation systems. It uses knowledge on nuclear ventilation regulation and on the state of the art. Data relative to rooms, process and draft of the ventilation system are taken into account. Conformity of the user's solution with safety and protection principles is checked. Particular points are recognized and memorized when justifications are needed. All conclusions of the system are updated when inputs are modified. Using VENTILEX would facilitate the dialogue between safety analysts and nuclear plants conceptors. (author)
Original Title
VENTILEX - Un systeme expert en ventilation nucleaire
Primary Subject
International Radiation Protection Association, Montreal, Quebec (Canada); 2 v; ISBN 1-55048-657-8; ; 1992; (v.2) p. 1674-1676; 8. international congress of the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA8); Montreal, Quebec (Canada); 17-22 May 1992; 1 ref.
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[en] The irradiation by a high intensity proton beam of the spallation target in accelerator driven systems (ADS) gives rise to structural damages that must be considered in the design and handling of such materials. In this work, some of these damages are evaluated in the case of the irradiation of a tantalum target. Tantalum was recently proposed as solid target in the case of low power systems. Unfortunately, not enough experimental data of spallation reactions in this material are available. Therefore, our calculations were made using MCNPX and the stand-alone version of the spallation codes INCL4 + ABLA. Results of this work are the concentrations of spallation residues produced in the target after one year of irradiation and calculations of the activity derived. Also displacements per atom in the target material have been evaluated. Different components (elastic scattering and non-elastic reactions) of the displacement cross-sections were calculated with two different methods. (orig.)
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[en] The Institute for radiation protection and nuclear safety (IPSN) of the Commissariat a l'energie atomique (CEA) has set up testing centres for equipment connected with the safety of facilities and staff protection. These centres, established in order to co-ordinate the resources of the CEA and of its subsidiaries, particularly in relation to testing, are responible, each within its own field of activity, for the following main tasks: approval of equipment, calculation techniques and processes; participation in national and international standardization work; specialized training activities; centralization and dissemination of available information. So far, three centres have been set up and are playing an important role in radiation protection and nuclear safety through their work in relation to: the quality of equipment and materials, calculation techniques and processes, ensuring in particular that products are adequate to meet the needs expressed; operational quality, through participation in staff training and by ensuring that the feedback of experience is taken into account; the quality of the actions undertaken in accident and post-accident situations
L'Institut de protection et de surete nucleaire du Commissariat a l'energie atomique (CEA) s'est dote de centres de qualification pour les equipements lies a la surete des installations et a la protection des travailleurs. Ces centres crees pour coordonner les moyens du CEA et de ses filiales notamment dans le domaine des essais ont pour missions principales l'homologation d'equipements, de moyens de calcul et de procedes, la participation a la normalisation nationale et internationale; les actions de formation specialisee; la centralisation et la diffusion de l'information disponible. A ce jour, trois centres ont ete mis sur pieds: le Centre technique d'homologation de l'instrumentation de radioprotection (CTHIR), le Centre technique de reference en ventilation et epuration des effluents gazeux (CETREVE), et le Centre technique d'homologation des equipements de protection, de manipulation, de detection et de securite (CTHPMDS). Ils couvrent les domaines suivants: confinement, ventilation, epuration de l'air ou des effluents gazeux; instrumentation de radioprotection et de securite des installations et de l'environnement; dispositifs et vetements de protection, blindages, dispositifs de transfert de materiaux radioactifs, teleoperation, telemanipulation et transferts. Ces centres jouent un role important pour la protection et la surete nucleaire en agissant sur la qualite des equipements et materiels, moyens de calcul et procedes en verifiant notamment l'adequation des produits aux besoins exprimes, sur la qualite de l'exploitation en participant a la formation du personnel et en assurant la prise en compte du retour d'experience, sur la qualite de l'intervention dans les situations accidentelles et postaccidentellesOriginal Title
Les centres de qualification d'equipements de securite nucleaire du CEA: leur apport a la surete des installations nucleaires et a la protection des travailleurs
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Secondary Subject
International conference on radiation protection in nuclear Energy; Conference internationale sur la radioprotection et l'energie nucleaire, organisee par l'AIEA; Sydney (Australia); 18-22 Apr 1988
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[en] The Institute for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety (IPSN) of the Commissariat a l'energie atomique (CEA) has set up testing centres for equipment connected with the safety of facilities and staff protection. These centres, established in order to co-ordinate the resources of the CEA and of its subsidiaries, particularly in relation to testing, are responsible, each within its own field of activity, for the following main tasks: (1) approval of equipment, calculation techniques and processes; (2) participation in national and international standardization work; (3) specialized training activities; (4) centralization and dissemination of available information. So far, three centres have been set up and are playing an important role in radiation protection and nuclear safety through their work in relation to: (1) the quality of equipment and materials, calculation techniques and processes, ensuring in particular that products are adequate to meet the needs expressed; (2) operational quality, through participation in staff training and by ensuring that the feedback of experience is taken into account; (3) the quality of the actions undertaken in accident and post-accident situations. (author). 1 fig
Original Title
Les centres de qualification d'equipements de securite nucleaire du CEA: Leur apport a la surete des installations nucleaires et a la protection des travailleurs
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); Proceedings series; 522 p; ISBN 92-0-020488-0; ; 1988; v. 2 p. 269-276; IAEA; Vienna (Austria); International conference on radiation protection in nuclear energy; Sydney (Australia); 18-22 Apr 1988; IAEA-CN--51/17
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[en] An attempt is made to develop a method for assessing the indoor exposure of populations to radon and especially to determine the contribution of potential sources as well as human and environmental factors that are liable to interfere. A a preliminary step, integrated measurements of radon content in the atmosphere are made in about 100 houses located within a small area. These measurements, made with passive detectors, are systematically repeated to take into account differences due to climatic factors and to the way of living. The results are analysed according to architectural and environmental criteria. A a second step, some houses that have the highest levels of radon are studied more carefully, i.e., by means of active measurements of radon in the atmosphere and with respect to ventilation rate (measured by SF6); the most important meteorological variable are also taken into account. The whole process takes 3 to 4 days. The experiment is complemented by measurements of radon content in the drinking water and by a few measurements of radon emanation rate from soils around the houses and/or their walls. (author)
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International Seminar on indoor exposure to natural radiation and associated risk assessment; Anacapri (Italy); 3-5 Oct 1983
Record Type
Journal Article
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Radiation Protection Dosimetry; ISSN 0144-8420; ; v. 7(1-4); p. 259-262
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[en] The Cyberknife system allows radiotherapy of thorax cancers in stereotactic conditions to be performed, with a precision and a real time target tracking system which are commonly used for the treatment of lung cancer. The authors report an investigation of the use of this system in the case of breast cancer. They designed a phase 1 escalation dose study for this purpose. Fifteen patients have been submitted to a protocol with different dose levels. The anatomo-pathological examination revealed five complete responses, and thirteen complete clinic responses have been observed. These are promising results which are to be confirmed. Short communication
Original Title
CyberKnife et chimiotherapie neo-adjuvante pour des tumeurs du sein localement evoluees: resultats des 4 premiers niveaux de doses
Primary Subject
21. national congress of the French society of oncological radiotherapy; 21. Congres national de la Societe Francaise de Radiotherapie Oncologique (SFRO); Paris (France); 6-8 Oct 2010; Available from doi:
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[en] The rates of quaternization of six CH3- or CD3-substituted pyridines in acetone at 250C with CH3I or CD3I were determined conductimetrically. The main results which are presented indicate that in all cases replacement of CH3 by CD3 causes a small acceleration. This secondary isotope effect could be due to steric and/or electronic components. These are estimated and the results are shown and discussed. (author)
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Journal Article
Journal of Chemical Research. Synopsis; ISSN 0308-2342; ; (no.2); p. 44-45
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