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[en] Nuclear Power International (N P1) has been established as a joint subsidiary of Siemens and Framatome in 1989, thereby combining the experience accumulated in both parent companies with more than 100,000 MW capacity installed or on order in nuclear field. We intend to compete in a potential nuclear power project in Turkey on the basis of the German Pressurized Water Reactor Technology. We intend to establish a Consortium which on the foreign suppliers side will include Siemens, Framatome and GEC-Alsthom. In addition to the foreign partners in the Consortium we will include the Turkish industry in our proposal in order to achieve a maximum possible local content, which in our previous proposal was in the range of 30 % of the contract-value
Primary Subject
TMMOB Chamber of Mechanical Engineers, Ankara (Turkey); 302 p; ISBN 975-395-117-5; ; 1994; p. 58-75; International Nuclear Technology Forum: Future prospects of nuclear power plants and Turkey; Uluslararasi Nukleer Teknoloji Kurultayi: Nukleer guc santrallarinin gelecegi ve Turkiye; Ankara (Turkey); 12-15 Oct 1993; 11 figs.
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[en] The development of the NPPs in the FRG up to their high, actual technical standard is characterized - besides the always dominating and obvious aspects of nuclear safety - through the continuous improvements regarding operability and manoeuvrability. The sum of these numerous improvements led, aside from the main design features already available 20 years ago, to the commercial importance of nuclear electricity generation in the FRG, which through its participation of approx. 40% of the total energy generation reached a remarkable magnitude. This development was only possible through the constant experience exchange between the vendor Siemens/KWU, the utilities, the licensing authorities and the participating industries. Also after the presently occurring commissioning of the so-called KONVOI-plants this experience exchange will be continued and utilized for future design improvements. The transformation of gained knowledge regarding operability and manoeuvrability in adequate technical improvements was and still is a permanent and important challenge to the managements of all partners who cooperate in this exacting and responsible technology
Primary Subject
Nuclear Energy Agency, 75 - Paris (France); 785 p; ISBN 92-64-03239-8; ; 1989; p. 286-318; Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development; Paris (France); International Symposium on Achievement of Good Performance in Nuclear Projects; Tokyo (Japan); 17-20 Apr 1989
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[en] In April 1989, the two major reactor manufacturers in Europe, Siemens/KWU and Framatome, signed a contract for long-term cooperation on a broad basis. For this purpose, the common subsidiary 'Nuclear Power International', (NPI), was established. The contractual goals and the tasks of NPI are explained, referring primarily to the plans for a joint venture for the development of a future-oriented, French-German PWR technology. (orig.)
Im April 1989 haben die beiden bedeutendsten europaeischen Reaktorhersteller, Siemens/KWU und Framatome, eine langfristige und breit angelegte Kooperation vereinbart. Zur Umsetzung dieser Kooperation wurde eine gemeinsame Tochtergesellschaft, die 'Nuclear Power International' (NPI), gegruendet. Die Ziele dieser Koopertation und die Aufgaben der NPI werden beschrieben. Hierbei wird vorrangig auf die Ueberlegungen hinsichtlich der Entwicklung einer zukunftsorientierten gemeinsamen deutsch-franzoesischen Druckwasser-Reaktortechnik eingegangen. (orig.)Original Title
Deutsch-franzoesische Zusammenarbeit bei der Entwicklung der naechsten Geneneration von Druckwasserreaktoren
Primary Subject
Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (VDI) - Gesellschaft Energietechnik, Duesseldorf (Germany); VDI-Berichte; no. 884; 323 p; ISBN 3-18-090884-X; ; 1991; p. 171-182; VDI-Verl; Duesseldorf (Germany); Conference on nuclear energy: Today, tomorrow; Fachtagung ueber Kernenergie: Heute, Morgen; Aachen (Germany); 18-19 Mar 1991
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[en] The main emphasis of activities within the Franco-German collaboration of 'Nuclear Power International', set up by Siemens and Framatome, lay, during the first three years, in the development of a common concept for the next generation of pressurized water reactors. This contribution describes the current status of the discussions and the more important technical characteristics of such a reactor concept, which, up to the present time, as a result of the solutions mutually worked out by Siemens and Framatome, has been the basis of discussions held with the utilities in both countries. 7 figs
Original Title
Der Deutsch-Franzoesische Druckwasserreaktor
Primary Subject
[400 p.]; 1992; p. R7-1-R7-11; Schweizerische Vereinigung fuer Atomenergie (SVA); Bern (Switzerland); SVA-Information meeting: nuclear energy - the next steps; SVA-Informationstagung: Kernenergie - die naechsten Schritte; Bern (Switzerland); 22-23 Oct 1992
Record Type
Literature Type
Conference; Numerical Data
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[en] The article reports on the worldwide market situation of nuclear power plants from the viewpoint of Germany's reactor producer number one. The need for nuclear power plants and the situation of orders of the reactor producers are main points of interest. (UA)
Aus der Sicht des groessten deutschen Reaktorherstellers wird hier ueber die weltweite Marktsituation der Kernkraftwerke berichtet, wobei insbesondere der Bedarf an Kernkraftwerken sowie der Auftragsbestand der Reaktorlieferer im Vordergrund stehen. (UA)Original Title
Der Markt fuer Kernkraftwerke
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Deutsches Atomforum e.V., Bonn (Germany, F.R.); 428 p; ISBN 3-922798-23-3; ; Feb 1986; p. 53-72; Technical meeting of Deutsches Atomforum e.V.: Nuclear power - the international market; Bonn (Germany, F.R.); 15-16 Oct 1985; Available from Deutsches Atomforum e.V., Bonn (Germany, F.R.)
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[en] Within the cooperation between Framatome SA and Siemens AG in the field of Pressurized Water Reactors, Nuclear Power International (NPI) was established in 1989. The basic objectives of this joint venture are the marketing of PWRs and the development of a common French-German technology for the next generation of PWRs. The organization and the time schedule of the development work are described. Basic safety trends are indicated and the main technical features of this reactor (safety systems on the primary side, secondary-side heat-removal systems, reactor building and containment, instrumentation and control) are outlined, as they are proposed today to the French and German utilities by NPI, Framatome and Siemens. Tentative safety probabilistic target: no family of events should lead to a core melt frequency higher than 10-7/year and the overall core melt frequency should not be higher than 10-6/year. The overall strategy for severe accidents is defined in such a way that the probability of high pressure core melt scenarios should be reduced by providing a highly reliable secondary-side heat removal and safety-grade primary bleed functions to a level significantly below 10-7/year. (Z.S.) 6 figs
Primary Subject
European Nuclear Society (ENS), Bern (Switzerland); Czech Nuclear Society, Prague (Czech Republic); Slovak Nuclear Society, Bratislava (Slovakia); 235 p; Jan 1993; p. 28-37; ENS Topform '92: ENS East-West topical meeting on the safe and reliable operation of LWR NPPs; Prague (Czechoslovakia); 18-21 Oct 1992
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Report Number
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[en] For many countries the peaceful use of nuclear energy was and still is an appropriate means of reducing their dependence upon imported energy sources, of conserving the available fossil reserves, of reducing the environment impact when burning fossil fuel and of developing high-tech spin-off products. Since only a few industrialized countries have the nuclear technology know-now, the other countries can only gain access to this know-how by cooperating with a competent and experienced partner who is not only willing to supply technology of a high quality standard, but who is also prepared to impart the associated engineering and manufacturing know-how by means of technology transfer. Compared to other major industrialized countries, particularly the United States, the Federal Republic of Germany had a relatively late start in the nuclear energy field. However, the German industry was able in a rather short period of time to make up the time lag behind the United States. Already in 1971, the first order for a 1300 MW unit was placed with KWh. Today all areas of reactor technology have reached commercial maturity as manifested in the present standard convoy plants
Primary Subject
Korea Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc., Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Korean Nuclear Society, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of); 519 p; Apr 1987; [18 p.]; 2. KAIF/KNS Annual Conference; Seoul (Korea, Republic of); 28-30 Apr 1987; Available from KAIF, Seoul (KR); 11 figs
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[en] Nuclear Power International (NPI), a joint subsidiary of Framatome and Siemens was established in April 1989 to coordinate the development and marketing of a common PWR technology for the world market. Both parent companies command well proven PWR technology and can rely on experience gained with over 100 000MWe of nuclear capacity in operation, under construction or on order. The technology from each is being offered through NPI until the joint PWR technology which is under development, becomes available. NPI's experience to date is reviewed. (author)
Original Title
Pressurized water reactor development and marketing
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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[en] Unlike the domestic market, the export countries accessible to us show a clear preference for reactor plants of electric powers not exceeding 1000 to 1100 MW; this is because of their power grid conditions, supply structures, and expected growth rates. In the light of these boundary conditions, and on the basis of the rich experience in building and operating convoy and pre-convoy plants, respectively, KWU created the concept of the PWR-1000. This concept is optimally adapted to the needs of those countries and can compare with conventional, coal fired power plants in terms of economics. The safety standard of the PWR-1000 is based both on the safety criteria valid in the Federal Republic of Germany and on international rules and guidelines. Proof of its licensability has been given in an expert opinion by GRS. The very different criteria which had to be met for a variety of potential sites abroad with respect to siting factors and man-made influences were accommodated in the highly modular design of the plant. The flexibility this permits in plant layout allows the plant to be adopted even to the most difficult site conditions. (orig.)
Im Unterschied zum Inlandsmarkt ergibt sich in den uns zugaenglichen Laendern fuer den Export wegen der dort vorhandenen Netzverhaeltnisse der Versorgungsstruktur und den in diesen Laendern zu erwartenden Zuwachsraten eine klare Praeferenz fuer Reaktoranlagen mit einer elektrischen Leistung von 1000 bis 1100 MW und kleiner. Unter Beruecksichtigung dieser Randbedingungen und aufbauend auf die vielfaeltigen Bau- und Betriebserfahrungen mit den Konvoi- bzw. Vorkonvoi-Anlagen entstand bei KWU das Konzept fuer den DWR-1000. Dieses Konzept ist an die Beduerfnisse dieser Laender optimal angepasst und auch in der Lage, den Wirtschaftlichkeitsvergleich mit konventionellen, kohlegefeuerten Anlagen erfolgreich zu bestehen. (orig.)Original Title
Der KWU-3-Loop-Druckwasserreaktor fuer den internationalen Markt
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[en] A new concept for a power reactor in the 200/400MWe range is described. It makes use of proven components but is neither a scaled-down version of a large reactor nor a modified ship propulsion reactor. Safety is not comprised in this simplified BWR design. The approximate cost of electricity generation for a 200 MWe unit is DMO.02/KWh, therefore for 6000 full load hours/annum, the operating cost is DM24 million. When compared with DM130 million for an oil fired plant, the difference in annual cost is enough to offset the high capital cost of the plant. (U.K.)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Nuclear Engineering International; ISSN 0029-5507; ; v. 26(320); p. 20-22
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