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[en] Short communication
Academia Sinica, Beijing, BJ (China). Inst. of Atomic Energy; 383 p; Sep 1992; p. 23; 16. international conference on nuclear tracks in solids; Beijing (China); 7-11 Sep 1992
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Rusov, V.D.; Glushkov, A.V.; Zelentsova, T.N.; Eremenko, V.V.; Kolos, A.V.; Rusov, V.D.; Vashchenko, V.N.
Theses of reports 'V Conference of high energy physics, nuclear physics and accelerators'2007
Theses of reports 'V Conference of high energy physics, nuclear physics and accelerators'2007
No abstract available
Original Title
Galakticheskie kosmicheskie luchi-oblaka ehffekt i bifurkatsionnaya model' global'nogo klimata zemli
Primary Subject
Dovbnya, A.N. (ed.); Natsional'naya Akademiya Nauk Ukrainy, Kyiv (Ukraine); Natsional'nyj nauchnyj tsentr 'Khar'kovskij Fiziko-Tekhnicheskij Institut, Khar'kov (Ukraine); Institut Fiziki Vysokikh Ehnergij i Yadernoj Fiziki, Khar'kov (Ukraine); 107 p; 2007; p. 18; 5. Conference of high energy physics, nuclear physics and accelerators; 5. Konferentsiya po fizike vysokikh ehnergij, yadernoj fizike i uskoritelyam; Khar'kov (Ukraine); 27 Feb - 2 Mar 2007
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Rusov, V.D.; Semenov, M.Yu.; Zelentsova, T.N.
16. international conference on nuclear tracks in solids: abstracts1992
16. international conference on nuclear tracks in solids: abstracts1992
[en] Short communication
Academia Sinica, Beijing, BJ (China). Inst. of Atomic Energy; 383 p; Sep 1992; p. 269; 16. international conference on nuclear tracks in solids; Beijing (China); 7-11 Sep 1992
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[en] Technique for radiographic image processing, which allows to calculate total amount of tracks on radiogram with regard to overlapping tracks and tracks occurring at the boundaries of radiogram scanned aperture, is suggested. Rauge of track image discreteness is from 2 up to 16 points by diameter. Efficiency of track detection equals to 95%. Technique is realized using SM-1800 computer and Fortran language, and IBM PC/AT using SI language. Processing time for 256x256 field using SM-1800 takes 3 min, while using IBM PC/AT - ∼50 s. Efficiency of track detection is 95%
Original Title
Metod raspoznavaniya yadernykh trekov pri avtomatizirovannoj obrabotke radiograficheskikh izobrazhenij
Record Type
Journal Article
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[en] In the frames of Bohm's quantum mechanics supplemented by a generalized Chetaev theorem and on the basis of the principle of least action for dissipative forces, we show that the square of the amplitude of a wave function satisfying the Schroedinger equation is equivalent semantically and syntactically to the probability density function for the number of trajectories of a particle, relative to which the velocity and the position of the particle are not hidden parameters. The conditions for the correctness of the Bohm-Chetaev interpretation of quantum mechanics are discussed.
Original Title
Pro protseduru kvantuvannya v klasichnij mekhanyitsyi yi real'nyist' ψ-polya Boma
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Ukrayins'kij Fyizichnij Zhurnal (Kyiv); ISSN 0372-400X; ; v. 54(no.11); p. 1133-1141
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Rusov, V.D.
The 2-nd International Conference 'Current Problems in Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy'. Book of abstracts2008
The 2-nd International Conference 'Current Problems in Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy'. Book of abstracts2008
No abstract available
Primary Subject
Vyshnevskyi, I.M. (ed.); Kyiv Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv (Ukraine); Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine); 214 p; 2008; p. 141; 2. International Conference on Current Problems in Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy; Kyiv (Ukraine); 9-15 Jun 2008; Available from Ukrainian INIS Centre
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Rusov, V.D.; Zelentsova, T.N.; Babikova, Y.F.
16. international conference on nuclear tracks in solids: abstracts1992
16. international conference on nuclear tracks in solids: abstracts1992
[en] Short communication
Primary Subject
Academia Sinica, Beijing, BJ (China). Inst. of Atomic Energy; 383 p; Sep 1992; p. 319; 16. international conference on nuclear tracks in solids; Beijing (China); 7-11 Sep 1992
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[en] A method of radiographic image processing which makes it possible to count the total number of tracks in the radiogram, including overlapped tracks and those crossing the inspection window boundaries, is suggested. The range of track image digitization is 2-16 points in diameter; the efficiency of track detection is 95%. In addition, a method of assessment of track diameter distribution based on a probabilistic statistical approach is proposed. It is simple and ensures sufficient accuracy, which is determined by the number of tracks of the processed image. (author)
2. All-Union conference on solid state nuclear track detectors and autoradiography; Odessa (Ukraine); Jul 1989
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Journal Article
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Babikova, Yu.F.; Rusov, V.D.; Zelentsova, T.N.; Paremuzova, I.E.
Proceedings of the 6. All-union conference on microdosimetry1989
Proceedings of the 6. All-union conference on microdosimetry1989
[en] Short note
Original Title
Pryamaya i obratnaya zadachi statistiki khromosomnykh aberatsij
Primary Subject
Moskovskij Inzhenerno-Fizicheskij Inst., Moscow (USSR); 181 p; 1989; p. 123-124; 6. All-union conference on microdosimetry; Kanev (Ukrainian SSR); 14-25 Apr 1989
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[en] A method is suggested for determination of the thickness of nuclear photoemulsions applied in luminous- and electron-microscopy autoradiography. The method is based on measuring both the speed of sample withdrawal out of the emulsion melt and the thickness of the emulsion layer applied. The emulsion layer is obtained by the slide submergence technique. Using the least square fit the curve was obtained for the dependence of the emulsion applied layer thickness on the speed of sample withdrawal out of the emulsion melt. The proportionality coefficient, k, has been defined, to characterize the emulsion properties. Thus, basing on the emulsion thickness required for the autoradiography system and knowing the k value, it is possible to determine the sample withdrawal speed corresponding to the given thickness. Every type of emulsion has its own k-value which also depends on the batch of the nuclear emulsion used
Original Title
Sposob opredeleniya tolshchiny yadernykh fotoehmul'sij v avtoradiografii
For English translation see the journal Instruments and Experimental Techniques (USA).
Record Type
Journal Article
Pribory i Tekhnika Ehksperimenta; ISSN 0032-8162; ; (no.6); p. 42-44
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