[en] This paper describes a prototype system that integrates social media analysis into the European Flood Awareness System (EFAS). This integration allows the collection of social media data to be automatically triggered by flood risk warnings determined by a hydro-meteorological model. Then, we adopt a multi-lingual approach to find flood-related messages by employing two state-of-the-art methodologies: language-agnostic word embeddings and language-aligned word embeddings. Both approaches can be used to bootstrap a classifier of social media messages for a new language with little or no labeled data. Finally, we describe a method for selecting relevant and representative messages and displaying them back in the interface of EFAS.
Primary Subject
20 p; 2019; p. 646-659; ISCRAM 2019: 16. International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management; Valencia (Spain); 19-22 May 2019; Available https://iscram2019.webs.upv.es/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/ISCRAM2019_Proceedings.pdf
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The wetted solid - a generalization of Plateau's problem and its implications for sintered materials
Salomon, P.; Berry, R.S.; Carrera-Patino, M.E.; Chicago Univ., IL; Andresen, B.
Copenhagen Univ. (Denmark). H.C. Oersted Inst1988
Copenhagen Univ. (Denmark). H.C. Oersted Inst1988
[en] We introduce a new generalization of the Plateau problem which includes the constraint of enclosing a given region. Physically the problem is important insofar as it bears on sintering processes and on the structure of wetted porous media. Some primal and dual characterizations of the solutions are offered, and aspects of the problem are illustrated in one and two dimensions in order to clarify the combinatorial elements and to demonstrate the importance of numerous local minima. (orig.)
Primary Subject
1988; 31 p; GRANT DE-FG02-86ER13488
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