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[en] The experimental set-up to measure the thermal variation of the electrical resistivity between 10.5 K and 300 K, has been developed. A four probe A.C. method with a synchronous-detection (lock'in) technique were the idoneous for our proposes. We have designed a new type of pressure sample-holder adopted to the CS-202 type cryostat. The measurements performed on samples already known have allowed us to determine the sensitivity of our experiments, which is Δ ρ/ρ=2x10-4. The measurements performed in the new Y3Rh2Si2 compound which at 10 K has no magnetic ordering, are also presented. (author)
Original Title
Dispositivo para medidas de resistividad electrica de alta precision a bajas temperaturas en muestras metalicas cristalinas y amorfas
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Anales de Fisica. Serie B, Aplicaciones, Metodos e Instrumentos; ISSN 0211-6251; ; CODEN AFBID; v. 82(2); p. 203-208
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Russell, G.J.; Gilmore, J.S.; Robinson, H.; Legate, G.L.; Bridge, A.; Sanchez, R.J.; Brewton, R.J.; Woods, R.; Hughes, H.G. III
Los Alamos National Lab., NM (USA)1989
Los Alamos National Lab., NM (USA)1989
[en] We measured neutron beam fluxes at LANSCE using gold foil activation techniques. We did an extensive computer simulation of the as-built LANSCE Target/Moderator/Reflector/Shield geometry. We used this mockup in a Monte Carlo calculation to predict LANSCE neutronic performance for comparison with measured results. For neutron beam fluxes at 1 eV, the ratio of measured data to calculated varies from ∼0.6-0.9. The computed 1 eV neutron leakage at the moderator surface is 3.9 x 1010 n/eV-sr-s-μA for LANSCE high-intensity water moderators. The corresponding values for the LANSCE high-resolution water moderator and the liquid hydrogen moderator are 3.3 and 2.9 x 1010, respectively. LANSCE predicted moderator intensities (per proton) for a tungsten target are essentially the same as ISIS predicted moderator intensities for a depleted uranium target. The calculated LANSCE steady state unperturbed thermal (E < 0.625 eV) neutron flux (at 100 μA of 800 MeV-protons) is 2 x 1013 n/cm2-s. The unique LANSCE split-target/flux-trap-moderator system is performing exceedingly well. The system has operated without a target or moderator change for over three years at nominal proton currents of ∼25 μA of 800-MeV protons. 17 refs., 8 figs., 3 tabs
Primary Subject
1989; 20 p; International collaboration on advanced neutron sources (ICANS); Los Alamos, NM (USA); 3-7 Oct 1988; CONF-8810182--31; CONTRACT W-7405-ENG-36; Available from NTIS, PC A03/MF A01 - OSTI as DE89015276; US Govt. Printing Office Dep
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Russell, G.J.; Gilmore, J.S.; Robinson, H.; Legate, G.L.; Bridge, A.; Sanchez, R.J.; Brewton, R.J.; Woods, R.; Hughes, H.G. III
Advanced neutron sources 19881989
Advanced neutron sources 19881989
[en] We measured neutron beam fluxes at LANSCE using gold foil activation techniques. We did an extensive computer simulation of the as-built LANSCE Target/Moderator/Reflector/Shield geometry. We used this mockup in a Monte Carlo calculation to predict LANSCE neutronic performance for comparison with measured results. For neutron beam fluxes at 1 eV, the ratio of measured data to calculated varies from ∼0.6-0.9. The computed 1 eV neutron leakage at the moderator surface is 3.9 x 1010 n/eV-sr-s-μA for LANSCE high-intensity water moderators. The corresponding values for the LANSCE high-resolution water moderator and the liquid hydrogen moderator are 3.3 and 2.9 x 1010, respectively. LANSCE predicted moderator intensities (per proton) for a tungsten target are essentially the same as ISIS predicted moderator intensities for a depleted uranium target. The calculated LANSCE steady state unperturbed thermal (E < 0.625 eV) neutron flux (at 100 μA of 800 MeV-protons) is 2 x 1013 n/cm2-s. The unique LANSCE split-target/flux-trap-moderator system is performing exceedingly well. The system has operated without a target or moderator change for over three years at nominal proton currents of ∼25 μA of 800-MeV protons. (author)
Primary Subject
Hyer, D.K. (ed.); Institute of Physics, London (UK); Institute of Physics Conference Series; no. 97; 890 p; ISBN 0-85498-053-9; ; 1989; p. 483-496; IOP Publishing Ltd; Bristol (UK); 10. meeting of the International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources (ICANS X); Los Alamos (USA); 3-7 Oct 1988
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Russell, G.J.; Gilmore, J.S.; Robinson, H.; Legate, G.L.; Bridge, A.; Sanchez, R.J.; Brewton, R.J.; Woods, R.; Hughes, H.G. III
Proceedings of the 10th meeting of the international collaboration on advanced neutron sources1989
Proceedings of the 10th meeting of the international collaboration on advanced neutron sources1989
[en] The authors measured neutron beam fluxes at LANSCE using gold foil activation techniques. They did an extensive computer simulation of the as-built LANSCE Target/Moderator/Reflector/Shield geometry. They used this mockup in a Monte Carlo calculation to predict LANSCE neutronic performance for comparison with measured results. For neutron beam fluxes at 1 eV, the ratio of measured data to calculated varies from ∼0.6-0.9. The computed 1 eV neutron leakage at the moderator surface is 3.9 x 1010 n/eV-sr-s-μA for LANSCE high-intensity water moderators. The corresponding values for the LANSCE high-resolution water moderator and the liquid hydrogen moderator are 3.3 and 2.9 x 1010, respectively. LANSCE predicted moderator intensities (per proton) for a tungsten target are essentially the same as ISIS predicted moderator intensities for a depleted uranium target. The calculated LANSCE steady state unperturbed thermal (E < 0.625 eV) neutron flux (at 100 μA of 800 MeV-protons) is 2 x 1013 n/cm2-s. The unique LANSCE split-target/flux-trap-moderator system is performing exceedingly well. The system has operated without a target or moderator change for over three years at nominal proton currents of 25 μA of 800-MeV protons. 17 refs., 8 figs., 3 tabs
Primary Subject
Hyer, D.K. (comp. and ed.); Los Alamos National Lab., NM (USA); 847 p; Mar 1989; p. 14, Paper 37; International collaboration on advanced neutron sources (ICANS); Los Alamos, NM (USA); 3-7 Oct 1988; CONF-8810182--32; Available from NTIS, PC A99/MF A01 as DE89016602
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Fedorov, M.A.; Edwards, O.D.; Mapoles, E.A.; Mauvais, M.Y.; Parham, T.G.; Sanchez, R.J.; Sater, J.D.; Wilson, B.A.
Contributions to the Proceedings of ICALEPCS 20112012
Contributions to the Proceedings of ICALEPCS 20112012
[en] The National Ignition Facility (NIF) is the world largest and the most energetic laser system for Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF), located at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). In 2010, NIF began ignition experiments using cryogenically cooled targets containing layers of tritium-hydrogen-deuterium (THD) or deuterium-tritium (DT) fuel. The 68 μm-thick ice layer is formed inside of a 2 mm target capsule at temperatures of approximately 18.3 Kelvin. The ICF target designs demand sub-micron smoothness of the THD/DT ice layer. Precise formation and characterization of such layers is a challenging task and still an active research area. It requires a flexible control system capable of executing evolving layering protocols. At NIF, this task is performed by the Cryogenic Target Subsystem (CTS) of the Integrated Computer Control System (ICCS). ICCS is a large-scale, distributed control system which integrates scientific instruments, control hardware and computing platforms under a common object-oriented architecture. The CTS provides precise cryogenic temperature control, advanced x-ray imaging capability, and monitoring of vacuum and gases. Equipped both with automatic software engines and an interactive development environment, the recently deployed control system has enabled first NIF cryo-layered target campaigns and supported layering research. (authors)
Primary Subject
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility ESRF, 38 Grenoble (France); 1423 p; ISSN 2226-0358; ; 2012; p. 1258-1261; 13. International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems - ICALEPCS 2011; Grenoble (France); 10-14 Oct 2011; 7 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the 'INIS contacts' section of the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses:
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Ewald, G.; Nortershauser, W.; Dax, A.; Gotte, S.; Kirchner, Rolf; Kluge, H J.; Kuhl, T H.; Sanchez, R.J.; Wojtasek, Alesia S.; Bushaw, Bruce A.; Drake, Gordon W.F.; Yan, Z.C.; Zimmerman, Colin H.
Pacific Northwest National Lab., Richland, WA (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2004
Pacific Northwest National Lab., Richland, WA (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2004
[en] The 2S ' 3S transition of 6,7,8,9 Li was studied by high-resolution laser spectroscopy using two-photon Doppler-free excitation and resonance-ionization detection. The hyperfine structure splitting and the isotope shift were determined with precision at the 100 kHz level. Combined with recent theoretical work, the changes in nuclear charge radii of 8,9Li were determined. These are now the lightest short-lived isotopes for which the charge radii have been measured. It is found that the charge radii monotonically decrease with increasing neutron number from 6Li to 9Li
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
PNNL-SA--41936; KC0302020; AC06-76RL01830
Record Type
Journal Article
Physical Review Letters; ISSN 0031-9007; ; v. 93(11); p. 1-4
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[en] Electrical resistivity measurements in [Co/sub 1-x/(Fe/sub 0.5/Ni/sub 0.5/)/sub x/]75Si15B10 glasses are performed between 10 and 800 K. Low temperature logarithmic behaviour and resistivity minima are found. The temperature of the minima vary as a function of the composition in a similar way as the Curie temperatures, at which a change in the temperature coefficient of resistivity is observed. The residual resistivity increases with the FeNi content as a result of the increasing chemical disorder. Realistic values of the Debye temperatures can be obtained only from the temperature coefficients taken in the paramagnetic range, the magnetic contribution in these compounds being non-negligible at lower temperatures. On the other hand the magnetic contribution is much lower than the disorder one, as deduced from the resistivity drop at the crystallization temperatures. (author)
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[en] The National Ignition Facility (NIF), currently under construction at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, is a stadium-sized facility containing a 192-beam, 1.8 MJ, 500 TW, ultra-violet laser system together with a 10-meter diameter target chamber with room for nearly 100 experimental diagnostics. The NIF is operated by the Integrated Computer Control System (ICCS) which is a scalable, framework-based control system distributed over 800 computers throughout the NIF. The framework provides templates and services at multiple levels of abstraction for the construction of software applications that communicate via CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture). Object-oriented software design patterns are implemented as templates and extended by application software. Developers extend the framework base classes to model the numerous physical control points and implement specializations of common application behaviors. An estimated 140,000 software objects, each individually addressable through CORBA, will be active at full scale. Many of these objects have persistent configuration information stored in a database. The configuration data is used to initialize the objects at system start-up. Centralized server programs that implement events, alerts, reservations, data archival, name service, data access, and process management provide common system wide services. At the highest level, a model-driven, distributed shot automation system provides a flexible and scalable framework for automatic sequencing of workflow for control and monitoring of NIF shots. The shot model, in conjunction with data defining the parameters and goals of an experiment, describes the steps to be performed by each subsystem in order to prepare for and fire a NIF shot. Status and usage of this distributed framework are described
Primary Subject
6. IAEA technical meeting on control, data acquisition, and remote participation for fusion research; Inuyama (Japan); 4-8 Jun 2007; S0920-3796(08)00004-5; Available from; Copyright (c) 2008 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Lagin, L J; Bettenhausen, R C; Beeler, R G; Bowers, G A; Carey, R.; Casavant, D.D.; Cline, B.D.; Demaret, R.D.; Domyancic, D.M.; Elko, S.D.; Fisher, J.M.; Hermann, M.R.; Krammen, J.E.; Kohut, T.R.; Marshall, C.D.; Mathisen, D.G.; Ludwigsen, A.P.; Patterson, Jr. R.W.; Sanchez, R.J.; Stout, E.A.; Van Arsdall, P.J.; Van Wonterghem, B.M.
Lawrence Livermore National Lab., Livermore, CA (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2005
Lawrence Livermore National Lab., Livermore, CA (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2005
[en] A shot automation framework has been developed and deployed during the past year to automate shots performed on the National Ignition Facility (NIF) using the Integrated Computer Control System This framework automates a 4-8 hour shot sequence, that includes inputting shot goals from a physics model, set up of the laser and diagnostics, automatic alignment of laser beams and verification of status. This sequence consists of set of preparatory verification shots, leading to amplified system shots using a 4-minute countdown, triggering during the last 2 seconds using a high-precision timing system, followed by post-shot analysis and archiving. The framework provides for a flexible, model-based execution driven of scriptable automation called macro steps. The framework is driven by high-level shot director software that provides a restricted set of shot life cycle state transitions to 25 collaboration supervisors that automate 8-laser beams (bundles) and a common set of shared resources. Each collaboration supervisor commands approximately 10 subsystem shot supervisors that perform automated control and status verification. Collaboration supervisors translate shot life cycle state commands from the shot director into sequences of ''macro steps'' to be distributed to each of its shot supervisors. Each Shot supervisor maintains order of macro steps for each subsystem and supports collaboration between macro steps. They also manage failure, restarts and rejoining into the shot cycle (if necessary) and manage auto/manual macro step execution and collaborations between other collaboration supervisors. Shot supervisors execute macro step shot functions commanded by collaboration supervisors. Each macro step has database-driven verification phases and a scripted perform phase. This provides for a highly flexible methodology for performing a variety of NIF shot types. Database tables define the order of work and dependencies (workflow) of macro steps to be performed for a shot. A graphical model editor facilitates the definition and viewing of an execution model. A change manager tool enables ''de-participation'' of individual devices, of entire laser segments (beams, quads, or bundles of beams) or individual diagnostics. This software has been deployed to the NIF facility and is currently being used to support NIF main laser commissioning shots and build-out of the NIF laser. This will be used to automate future target and experimental shot campaigns
Primary Subject
21 Sep 2005; 10 p; ICALEPCS 2005; Geneva (Switzerland); 10-14 Oct 2005; W-7405-ENG-48; Available from; PURL:; PDF-FILE: 10 ; SIZE: 0 KBYTES
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Lagin, L.J.; Bettenhausen, R.C.; Bowers, G.A.; Carey, R.W.; Edwards, O.D.; Estes, C.M.; Demaret, R.D.; Ferguson, S.W.; Fisher, J.M.; Ho, J.C.; Ludwigsen, A.P.; Mathisen, D.G.; Marshall, C.D.; Matone, J.T.; McGuigan, D.L.; Sanchez, R.J.; Stout, E.A.; Tekle, E.A.; Townsend, S.L.; Van Arsdall, P.J.2008
[en] The National Ignition Facility (NIF) at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is a stadium-sized facility under construction that will contain a 192-beam, 1.8-MJ, 500-TW, ultraviolet laser system together with a 10-m diameter target chamber with room for multiple experimental diagnostics. NIF is the world's largest and most energetic laser experimental system, providing a scientific center to study inertial confinement fusion (ICF) and matter at extreme energy densities and pressures. NIF's laser beams are designed to compress fusion targets to conditions required for thermonuclear burn, liberating more energy than required to initiate the fusion reactions. NIF is comprised of 24 independent bundles of eight beams each using laser hardware that is modularized into more than 6000 line replaceable units such as optical assemblies, laser amplifiers, and multi-function sensor packages containing 60,000 control and diagnostic points. NIF is operated by the large-scale Integrated Computer Control System (ICCS) in an architecture partitioned by bundle and distributed among over 800 front-end processors and 50 supervisory servers. NIF's automated control subsystems are built from a common object-oriented software framework based on CORBA distribution that deploys the software across the computer network and achieves interoperation between different languages and target architectures. A shot automation framework has been deployed during the past year to orchestrate and automate shots performed at the NIF using the ICCS. In December 2006, a full cluster of 48 beams of NIF was fired simultaneously, demonstrating that the independent bundle control system will scale to full scale of 192 beams. At present, 72 beams have been commissioned and have demonstrated 1.4-MJ capability of infrared light. During the next 2 years, the control system will be expanded in preparation for project completion in 2009 to include automation of target area systems including final optics, target positioners and diagnostics. Additional capabilities to support fusion ignition shots in a National Ignition Campaign (NIC) beginning in 2010 will include a cryogenic target system, target diagnostics, and integrated experimental shot data analysis with tools for data visualization and archiving. This talk discusses the current status of the control system implementation and discusses the plan to complete the control system on the path to ignition
Primary Subject
6. IAEA technical meeting on control, data acquisition, and remote participation for fusion research; Inuyama (Japan); 4-8 Jun 2007; S0920-3796(07)00494-2; Available from; Copyright (c) 2007 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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