[en] In the design of gas-solids contact systems, it has been of great concern the pressure drop and flow regime determination, being known solids and gas flow rate, the tube diameter and solids characteristics (density, diameter and shape). From the fundamental equations has been possible on this work to predict the transition velocity between countercurrent and concurrent flows (choking velocity), and these prediction were compared with the results obtained from Leung semi-empirical correlation. The mathematical formulation utilized is valid for systems on which the acceleration of the gas and solids has been considered. This acceleration hasn't been considered in many studies about two phase flow. The proposed formulation gives important informations on the flow parameters of gas-solids flow especially on the entrance region of momentum transfer. Aiming the better understanding of the influence of the dynamics variables, giving fundamental informations to scale up purposes on systems that involve gas-solids mixture, have been realized a study of parameter sensibility to obtain the quantitative dependence of the pressure drop on the superficial velocities of gas, mass flow rate of solids, initial pressure, initial void fraction, tube diameter and tube length
Primary Subject
Jurewicz, J.T; p. 157-162; 1986; p. 157-162; American Society of Mechanical Engineers; New York, NY (USA); 4. fluid mechanics, plasma dynamics and laser conference; Atlanta, GA (USA); 12-14 May 1986
Record Type
Literature Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Santana, C.C.; Ataide, C.H.; Massarani, G.
Proceedings of the 7. Brazilian Congress on Mechanical Engineering. v. A1983
Proceedings of the 7. Brazilian Congress on Mechanical Engineering. v. A1983
[en] By using own experimental data and also those obtained from the literature, the velocities at which transition from laminar to turbulent flows occurs are analysed in time-independent non-newtonian fluids, through the relationship between generalized Reynolds numbers and the rheological fluid parameters. (Author)
Em base aos dados disponiveis na literatura e com o subsidio de novas determinacoes experimentais procura-se caracterizar a transicao do regime laminar a turbulento no escoamento de fluidos nao-newtonianos, atraves da analise de Numeros de Reynolds generalizados para a classe dos materiais com propriedades independentes do tempo. (Autor)Original Title
Caracterizacao da transicao de regimes no escoamento nao-Newtoniano em dutos
Primary Subject
Universidade Federal de Uberlandia (Brazil). Dept. de Engenharia Mecanica; 615 p; 1983; v. A p. 247-255; 7. Brazilian Congress on Mechanical Engineering; Uberlandia, MG (Brazil); 13-16 Dec 1983
Record Type
Literature Type
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Pagliuso, J.D.; Lombardi, G.; Santana, C.C.; Gasparetto, C.A.
Proceedings of the 7. Brazilian Congress on Mechanical Engineering. v. A1983
Proceedings of the 7. Brazilian Congress on Mechanical Engineering. v. A1983
[en] An experimental system was developed in order to get data on the dynamics of a gas-solids flow in a fast fluidized bed. Measuring the mass flow rate of gas and solids and static pressure alongside the bed it was possible to calculate the longitudinal porosity profile of the system. (Author)
Foi desenvolvido um sistema experimental para a obtencao de dados sobre a dinamica do escoamento gas-solido no regime de fluidizacao com arraste. Atraves da medida das reacoes massicas de ar e de solidos e do perfil de pressao ao longo do leito obteve-se o perfil longitudinal de porosidade do sistema. (Autor)Original Title
Comportamento dinamico de leito fluidizado com recirculacao de solidos
Primary Subject
Universidade Federal de Uberlandia (Brazil). Dept. de Engenharia Mecanica; 615 p; 1983; v. A p. 143-150; 7. Brazilian Congress on Mechanical Engineering; Uberlandia, MG (Brazil); 13-16 Dec 1983
Record Type
Literature Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue