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Schissel, D.P.
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech., Cambridge (USA). Plasma Fusion Center1982
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech., Cambridge (USA). Plasma Fusion Center1982
[en] A three-dimensional, guiding center, Monte Carlo code is developed to study ion orbits in Alcator C. The highly peaked ripple of the magnetic field of Alcator is represented by an analytical expression for the vector potential. The analytical ripple field is compared to the resulting magnetic field generated by a current model of the toroidal plates; agreement is excellent. Ion-Ion scattering is simulated by a pitch angle and an energy scattering operator. The equations of motion are integrated with a variable time step, extrapolating integrator. The code produces collisionless banana and ripple trapped loss cones which agree well with present theory. Global energy distributions have been calculated and show a slight depletion above 8.5 keV. Particles which are ripple trapped and lost are at energies below where depletion is observed. It is found that ions pitch angle scatter less as energy is increased. The result is that, when viewed in velocity space, ions form probability lobes the shape of mouse ears which are fat near the thermal energy. Therefore, particles enter the loss cone at low energies near the bottom of the core. Recommendations for future work include improving the analytic model of the ripple field, testing the effect of del . B not equal to 0 on ion orbits, and improving the efficiency of the code by either using a spline fit for the magnetic fields or by creating a vectorized Monte Carlo code
Primary Subject
6 Aug 1982; 80 p; Available from NTIS., PC A05/MF A01 as DE82021690
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[en] These experiments were a cooperative program of research on the Doublet III tokamak by GA Technologies Inc. (GA), the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) with the pellet injector supplied by Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). Continuous pellet fueling from the ORNL centrifugal injector was used for the first time in Doublet III to sustain and increase the plasma density with the gas flow shut off. Sustained, deep pellet penetration was found to improve energy confinement in neutral beam heated discharges, but no in ohmic heated discharges. Using pellets to improve tau/sub E/ seems to be mainly a matter of matching the pellet speed and size to the target plasma to get deep penetration. An experimentally verified ablation model is needed to properly design future experiments
Primary Subject
Gethers, F.E; Milora, S.L.; Becraft, W.R. (eds.); Oak Ridge National Lab., TN (USA); p. 23, Paper 12; Jun 1986; p. 23, Paper 12; International pellet fueling workshop; La Jolla, CA (USA); 30 Oct - 3 Nov 1985; Available from NTIS, PC A99; 3 as DE86014354
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Schissel, D.P.
General Atomics, San Diego, CA (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Energy Research, Washington, DC (United States)1998
General Atomics, San Diego, CA (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Energy Research, Washington, DC (United States)1998
[en] As the number of on-site and remote collaborators has increased, the demands on the DIII-D National Program's computational infrastructure has become more severe. The Director of the DIII-D Program recognized the increased importance of computers in carrying out the DIII-D mission and in late 1997 formed the Data Analysis Programming Group. Utilizing both software and hardware improvements, this new group has been charged with increasing the DIII-D data analysis throughput and data retrieval rate. Understanding the importance of the remote collaborators, this group has developed a long term plan that will allow for fast 24 hour data access (7x24) with complete documentation and a set of data viewing and analysis tools that can be run either on the collaborators' or DIII-D's computer systems. This paper presents the group's long term plan and progress to date
Primary Subject
Sep 1998; 7 p; Workshop on remote participation in fusion experiments; Prague (Czech Republic); 28-29 Jun 1998; CONF-9806161--; CONTRACT AC03-89ER51114; ALSO AVAILABLE FROM OSTI AS DE99001202; NTIS; INIS; US GOVT. PRINTING OFFICE DEP
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Schissel, D.P.; Bramson, G.; DeBoo, J.C.
GA Technologies, Inc., San Diego, CA (USA)1986
GA Technologies, Inc., San Diego, CA (USA)1986
[en] Centralized databases for handling reduced data for physics analysis have been implemented for the DIII-D tokamak. Each database record corresponds to a specific snapshot in time for a selected discharge. Features of the database environment include automatic updating, data integrity checks, and data traceability. Reduced data from each diagnostic comprises a dedicated dataset (a subset of the database) with quality assurance provided by a physicist. For the confinement database, these datasets will be used to create profile datasets which will be input to a transport code to create a transport dataset. The databases are implemented on a Digital Equipment Corporation VAX 8600 running VMS. The database management system is S1032 from Software House, Inc
Primary Subject
Mar 1986; 13 p; High temperature plasma diagnostics; Hilton Head Island, SC (USA); 9-13 Mar 1986; CONF-860324--25; Available from NTIS, PC A02/MF A01 as DE86010216
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Schachter, J.; Peng, Q.; Schissel, D.P.
General Atomics, San Diego, CA (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)1999
General Atomics, San Diego, CA (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)1999
[en] Data analysis at the DIII-D National Fusion Facility is simplified by the use of two software packages in analysis codes. The first is GAP1otObj, an IDL-based object-oriented library used in visualization tools for dynamic plotting. GAPlotObj gives users the ability to manipulate graphs directly through mouse and keyboard-driven commands. The second software package is MDSplus, which is used at DIED as a central repository for analyzed data. GAPlotObj and MDSplus reduce the effort required for a collaborator to become familiar with the DIII-D analysis environment by providing uniform interfaces for data display and retrieval. Two visualization tools at DIII-D that benefit from them are ReviewPlus and EFITviewer. ReviewPlus is capable of displaying interactive 2D and 3D graphs of raw, analyzed, and simulation code data. EFITviewer is used to display results from the EFIT analysis code together with kinetic profiles and machine geometry. Both bring new possibilities for data exploration to the user, and are able to plot data from any fusion research site with an MDSplus data server
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Secondary Subject
1 Jul 1999; 21 p; 2. IAEA Technical Committee Meeting on Control, Data Acquisition and Remote Participation on Fusion Research; Lisboa (Portugal); 19-21 Jul 1999; AC03-99ER54463; Also available from OSTI as DE00766927; PURL:
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GENERAL ATOMICS (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2003
GENERAL ATOMICS (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2003
[en] A Data Analysis Monitoring (DAM) system has been developed to monitor between pulse physics analysis at the DIII-D National Fusion Facility ( The system allows for rapid detection of discrepancies in diagnostic measurements or the results from physics analysis codes. This enables problems to be detected and possibly fixed between pulses as opposed to after the experimental run has concluded thus increasing the efficiency of experimental time. An example of a consistency check is comparing the experimentally measured neutron rate and the expected neutron emission, RDD0D. A significant difference between these two values could indicate a problem with one or more diagnostics, or the presence of unanticipated phenomena in the plasma. This new system also tracks the progress of MDSplus dispatched data analysis software and the loading of analyzed data into MDSplus. DAM uses a Java Servlet to receive messages, CLIPS to implement expert system logic, and displays its results to multiple web clients via HTML. If an error is detected by DAM, users can view more detailed information so that steps can be taken to eliminate the error for the next pulse
Primary Subject
1 Feb 2003; 23 p; AC03-99ER54463; Also available from OSTI as DE00836122; PURL:
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Schissel, D.P.; Brooks, N.; Burrell, K.H.
General Atomics, San Diego, CA (USA)1989
General Atomics, San Diego, CA (USA)1989
[en] Understanding and increasing the energy confinement time (/tau//sub E/ /identical to/ W/P) remains a primary goal of fusion research. This objective is being pursued on DIII-D via investigations of /tau//sub E/ in limiter and single- and double-null divertor discharges with Ohmic heating and neutral beam heating. This paper examines the dependence of /tau//sub E/ on ion mass, plasma current, neutral beam power, toroidal field, and safety factor. The data presented is for neutral beam injection in the direction of the plasma current, although /tau//sub E/ is the same for both co- and counter-injection. 12 refs., 5 figs
Primary Subject
Jan 1989; 4 p; 16. European conference on controlled fusion and plasma physics; Venice (Italy); 13-17 Mar 1989; CONF-890302--9; Available from NTIS, PC A02/MF A01 - OSTI; 1 as DE89006916; Portions of this document are illegible in microfiche products.
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Schissel, D.P.; Kardaun, O.J.W.F.; Ryter, F.; Stroth, U.
General Atomics, San Diego, CA (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)1993
General Atomics, San Diego, CA (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)1993
[en] In order to predict the global energy confinement time in the next generation of large tokamaks it is essential to have data from machines of different sizes and operating parameter regimes. This data can also be used to construct dimensionless scalings and thereby attempt to differentiate between Bohm and gyro-Bohm based transport models. Previously, at the request of the ITER project, H-mode global confinement data was assembled from six machines ASDEX, DIII-D, JET, JFT-2M, PBX-M, and PDX into a single database. This collaboration has continued with the initial database being expanded by extending the plasma parameter space as well as by improving the precision of some of the relevant calculated plasma parameters. This paper summarizes work that has been performed on the newest version (ITERH.DB2) of the confinement database
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Secondary Subject
May 1993; 4 p; 20. European conference on controlled fusion and plasma physics; Lisbon (Portugal); 26-30 Jul 1993; CONF-930720--16; CONTRACT AC03-89ER51114; OSTI as DE93016984; NTIS; INIS; US Govt. Printing Office Dep.
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[en] Understanding and increasing the energy confinement time (τE ≡ W/P) remains a primary goal of fusion research. This objective is being pursued on DIII-D via investigations of τE in limiter and single- and double-null divertor discharges with Ohmic heating and neutral beam heating. This paper examines the dependence of τE on ion mass, plasma current (Ip), neutral beam power (Pb), toroidal field (BT), and safety factor (q). The data presented is for neutral beam injection in the direction of the plasma current, although τE is the same for both co- and counter-injection. (author) 12 refs., 5 figs
Primary Subject
16. European conference on controlled fusion and plasma physics; Venice (Italy); 13-17 Mar 1989
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Conference; Numerical Data
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Peng, Q.; Schachter, J.; Schissel, D.P.; Lao, L.L.
General Atomics, San Diego, CA (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)1999
General Atomics, San Diego, CA (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)1999
[en] An interactive IDL based wrapper, IEFIT, has been created for the magnetic equilibrium reconstruction code EFIT written in FORTRAN. It allows high temperature fusion physicists to rapidly optimize a plasma equilibrium reconstruction by eliminating the unnecessarily repeated initialization in the conventional approach along with the immediate display of the fitting results of each input variation. It uses a new IDL based graphics package, GaPlotObj, developed in cooperation with Fanning Software Consulting, that provides a unified interface with great flexibility in presenting and analyzing scientific data. The overall interactivity reduces the process to minutes from the usual hours
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Secondary Subject
1 Jun 1999; 7 p; 11. IEEE/NPSS Real Time Conference; Santa Fe, NM (United States); 14-18 Jun 1999; AC03-99ER54463; Also available from OSTI as DE00767041; PURL:
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