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Schulte, R.
Rocky Mountain Oilfield Testing Center, Casper, WY (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Fossil Energy (FE) (United States)2001
Rocky Mountain Oilfield Testing Center, Casper, WY (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Fossil Energy (FE) (United States)2001
[en] The Rocky Mountain Oilfield Testing Center (RMOTC) has recently completed two tests of a high-energy gas fracturing system being developed by Western Technologies of Crossville, Tennessee. The tests involved the use of two active wells located at the Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 3 (NPR-3), thirty-five miles north of Casper, Wyoming (See Figure 1). During the testing process the delivery and operational system was enhanced by RMOTC, Western Technologies, and commercial wireline subcontractors. RMOTC has assisted an industrial client in developing their technology for high energy gas fracturing to a commercial level. The modifications and improvements implemented during the technology testing process are instrumental in all field testing efforts at RMOTC. The importance of well selection can also be critical in demonstrating the success of the technology. To date, significant increases in well productivity have been clearly proven in well 63-TPX-10. Gross fluid production was initially raised by a factor of three. Final production rates increased by a factor of six with the use of a larger submersible pump. Well productivity (bbls of fluid per foot of drawdown) increased by a factor of 15 to 20. The above results assume that no mechanical damage has occurred to the casing or cast iron bridge plug which could allow well production from the Tensleep ''B'' sand. In the case of well 61-A-3, a six-fold increase in total fluid production was seen. Unfortunately, the increase is clouded by the water injection into the well that was necessary to have a positive fluid head on the propellant tool. No significant increase in oil production was seen. The tools which were retrieved from both 63-TPX-10 and 61-A-3 indicated a large amount of energy, similar to high gram perforating, had been expended downhole upon the formation face
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Secondary Subject
27 Feb 2001; 1.55 Megabytes; DOE/RMOTC CRADA NO. 2000-004; Available from OSTI as DE00794437;
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[en] The article reports on the problems of nuclear power stations and their financing for an efficient power economy. A reform of the legislation on energy economy and the protection of the general public by unbiassed information are also recommended. (RW/AK)
Es wird ueber die Problemkreise Kernkraftwerke und Finanzierung fuer eine leistungsfaehige Elektrizitaetswirtschaft berichtet. Ausserdem werden die Neuordnung des Energiewirtschaftsrechts und der Schutz der Bevoelkerung durch sachliche Information empfohlen. (RW)Original Title
Problematische Elektrizitaetsversorgung
Primary Subject
VDEW meeting; Hamburg, F.R. Germany; 3 Jun 1975
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Elektrotech. Z., A; v. 96(9); p. K125-K127
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Proton therapy, in particular, and ion therapy, just beginning, are becoming an increasing focus of attention in clinical radiation oncology and medical physics. Both modalities have been criticized of lacking convincing evidence from randomized trials proving their efficacy, justifying the higher costs involved in these therapies. This session will provide an overview of the current status of clinical trials in proton therapy, including recent developments in ion therapy. As alluded to in the introductory talk by Dr. Schulte, opinions are diverging widely as to the usefulness and need for clinical trials in particle therapy and the challenge of equipoise. The lectures will highlight some of the challenges that surround clinical trials in particle therapy. One, presented by Dr. Choy from UT Southwestern, is that new technology and even different types of particles such as helium and carbon ions are introduced into this environment, increasing the phase space of clinical variables. The other is the issue of medical physics quality assurance with physical phantoms, presented by Mrs. Taylor from IROC Houston, which is more challenging because 3D and 4D image guidance and active delivery techniques are in relatively early stages of development. The role of digital phantoms in developing clinical treatment planning protocols and as a QA tool will also be highlighted by Dr. Lee from NCI. The symposium will be rounded off by a panel discussion among the Symposium speakers, arguing pro or con the need and readiness for clinical trials in proton and ion therapy. Learning Objectives: To get an update on the current status of clinical trials allowing or mandating proton therapy. Learn about the status of planned clinical trials in the U.S. and worldwide involving ion therapy. Discuss the challenges in the design and QA of clinical trials in particle therapy. Learn about existing and future physical and computational anthropomorphic phantoms for charged particle clinical trial development and support. Research reported in this presentation is supported by the National Cancer Institute of the National; Institutes of Health under Award Number P20CA183640
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
(c) 2015 American Association of Physicists in Medicine; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
External URLExternal URL
[en] Proton therapy, in particular, and ion therapy, just beginning, are becoming an increasing focus of attention in clinical radiation oncology and medical physics. Both modalities have been criticized of lacking convincing evidence from randomized trials proving their efficacy, justifying the higher costs involved in these therapies. This session will provide an overview of the current status of clinical trials in proton therapy, including recent developments in ion therapy. As alluded to in the introductory talk by Dr. Schulte, opinions are diverging widely as to the usefulness and need for clinical trials in particle therapy and the challenge of equipoise. The lectures will highlight some of the challenges that surround clinical trials in particle therapy. One, presented by Dr. Choy from UT Southwestern, is that new technology and even different types of particles such as helium and carbon ions are introduced into this environment, increasing the phase space of clinical variables. The other is the issue of medical physics quality assurance with physical phantoms, presented by Mrs. Taylor from IROC Houston, which is more challenging because 3D and 4D image guidance and active delivery techniques are in relatively early stages of development. The role of digital phantoms in developing clinical treatment planning protocols and as a QA tool will also be highlighted by Dr. Lee from NCI. The symposium will be rounded off by a panel discussion among the Symposium speakers, arguing pro or con the need and readiness for clinical trials in proton and ion therapy. Learning Objectives: To get an update on the current status of clinical trials allowing or mandating proton therapy. Learn about the status of planned clinical trials in the U.S. and worldwide involving ion therapy. Discuss the challenges in the design and QA of clinical trials in particle therapy. Learn about existing and future physical and computational anthropomorphic phantoms for charged particle clinical trial development and support. Research reported in this presentation is supported by the National Cancer Institute of the National; Institutes of Health under Award Number P20CA183640
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
(c) 2015 American Association of Physicists in Medicine; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
External URLExternal URL
[en] Services of the police can be ordered for physical protection of nuclear installations of any kind and of nuclear materials transports in cases where there is danger that those first responsible cannot cope with the situation. The contribution discusses physical protection measures as a licensing requirement, the duties of the police forces within the given scope, the measures that can and may be taken by the police, the establishment of special commissions, as well as the particular provisions for nuclear materials transports. The provisions governing police services for physical protection have led to an efficient and well furnished system in terms of organisation, personnel, and materials, which guarantees protection to a great extent. (orig./HSCH)
Kerntechnische Einrichtungen, und hierzu zaehlen Kernkraftwerke, Wiederaufarbeitungsanlagen, Nukleartransporte und andere atomare Anlagen, sind gefaehrdete Objekte im Sinne des polizeilichen Objektschutzes. Das heisst, dass die Sicherheitsorgane dann taetig werden muessen, wenn Gefahr besteht, dass der Verantwortliche sich mit eigenen Mitteln nicht mehr durchsetzen kann. Eroertert werden die Sicherungsmassnahmen als Genehmigungsvoraussetzung, der polizeitliche Auftrag, die polizeilichen Schutzmassnahmen, Einsatzvorbereitungen, Bildung von Schutzkommissionen sowie Sicherung und Schutz von Nukleartransporten. Der organisatorische, personelle und materielle Aufwand der Polizei zur Sicherung kerntechnischer Einrichtungen gegen Stoermassnahmen und Einwirkungen Dritter ist sehr gross und garantiert damit einen weitgehenden Schutz. (orig./HSCH)Original Title
Prinzipien und Einsatzgrundsaetze der Polizei beim Schutz kerntechnischer Einrichtungen
Primary Subject
Gessenharter, W.; Froechling, H. (Universitaet der Bundeswehr, Hamburg (Germany, F.R.)) (eds.); Militaer, Ruestung, Sicherheit; v. 50; 349 p; ISBN 3-7890-1639-X; ; 1989; p. 245-254; Nomos Verlagsges; Baden-Baden (Germany, F.R.)
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[en] The inclusive production properties of D- and D-bar-mesons produced from pp interactions at √s=27.4 GeV have been measured. An empirical formula is given, which describes well the differential distributions. The QCD fusion model predicts D/D-bar production which is in good agreement with obtained data, except for the magnitude of the cross section that is sensitively dependent upon the assumed mass of the charm quark
Original Title
Obrazovanie ocharovannykh D-mezonov v pp-vzaimodejstviyakh pri 400 GehV/c
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Numerical Data
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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[en] Defining notoriety, or the level of public agitation, continues to be a difficult venture. It was like this ten years ago, when construction of the Brokdorf Nuclear Power Station was completed. The controversial decisions in energy policy preceding the start of power operation are almost forgotten, or have been dismissed, by now. In the early eighties, newspaper archives reserved many meters of shelf space to these topics. In late 1982, the press coverage exceeded everybody's imagination. The archive of the HEW utility at that time held some 11,000 press clippings in 30 files, and this collection was far from being complete. After all, Brokdorf was a hot topic not only in Germany. News about Brokdorf was published all over the globe, in Australia, the United States, Argentina, and Alaska. It is hard to unterstand today why Brokdorf had such a catalytic action at that time, causing either complete rejection or raising the question whether a measure of energy policy once approved was to be upheld by politics. Yet, the protests launched at that time still read like instructions to anybody wanting to exploit emotions for purposes of shaping policy. Rarely has there been a similar case in the history of industry of a company polarized, politicized and, in certain phases, even paralyzed like this. This makes the 'Battle of Brokdorf' a fascinating, little known piece of contemporary controversial energy policy. (orig.)
Bekanntheitsgrad oder das Mass oeffentlicher Erregung zu definieren, ist nach wie vor ein schwieriges Unterfangen. Das war auch vor zehn Jahren so, als der Bau des Kernkraftwerks Brokdorf abgeschlossen war. Was vor Aufnahme des Leistungsbetriebes an kontroverser Energiepolitik passierte, ist heute nahezu vergessen oder verdraengt. Anfang der achtziger Jahre verwiesen Zeitungsarchivare auf nach Metern zu bemessenden Regalraum. Ende 1982 sprengte das damals vorliegende Presse-Echo bereits jeden Rahmen. Im Archiv der HEW lagen damals rund 11 000 Ausschnitte in dreissig Aktenordnern, und diese Sammlung war noch unvollstaendig. Denn Brokdorf war nicht nur in Deutschland ein Thema. Ueber Brokdorf gab es Nachrichten ueberall in der Welt, in Australien, Amerika, in Argentinien und Alaska. Aus der Sicht von heute ist kaum noch nachvollziehbar, warum Brokdorf wie ein Katalysator wirkte: Entweder zur voelligen Ablehnung oder zur Frage fuehrte, ob eine einmal beschlossene energiewirtschaftliche Massnahme politischen Bestandsschutz haben sollte. Die Protestmassnahmen von damals lesen sich jedoch auch heute noch wie eine Handlungsanleitung fuer den, der Emotionen zur Politikgestaltung nutzen moechte. Selten zuvor aber ist in der Wirtschaftsgeschichte vorgefuehrt worden, wie ein Unternehmen polarisiert, politisiert und, in gewissen Phasen, sogar paralysiert wurde. So ist der 'Kampf um Brokdorf' auch heute noch ein interessantes und wenig aufbereitetes 'Zeitstueck' kontroverser Energiepolitik. (orig.)Original Title
Der Kampf um Brokdorf
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Atw. Internationale Zeitschrift fuer Kernenergie; ISSN 1431-5254; ; v. 41(8-9); p. 581-584
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Against the background of the latest events relating to the building of nuclear power stations the author argues against the exaggerated requirements of protectors of the environment. He emphasises that the same people who today hinder the erection of nuclear power stations will later, when the capacity of the electricity supply industry is inadequate, reproach the industry because it has not been able to extend its installations in good time. The author is of the opinion that within the forseeable future there is no comparable alternative to nuclear energy which would ensure electricity generation at a similar favourable cost, and with so little effect on the environment. There can be no conflict of interest between the application of nuclear energy by the electricity supply industry and the protection of the population, because the safety aspect is given absolute priority. For the solution of the problems arising from the financing of the construction of nuclear power stations the granting of special allowances for depreciation is proposed. (orig.)
Vor dem Hintergrund der juengsten Ereignisse im Zusammenhang mit der Errichtung von Kernkraftwerken wendet sich der Verfasser gegen ueberzogene Forderungen von Umweltschuetzern. Er betont, dass die gleichen Leute, die heute die Errichtung von Kernkraftwerken verhindern, bei spaeter fehlenden Kapazitaeten der Elektrizitaetswirtschaft vorwerfen werden, sie sei nicht in der Lage gewesen, ihre Anlagen rechtzeitig auszubauen. Nach Auffassung des Autors gibt es in absehbarer Zeit keine vergleichbare Alternative zur Kernenergie, die eine aehnlich kostenguenstige und umweltfreundliche Stromerzeugung gewaehrleistet. Einen Zielkonflikt zwischen der energiewirtschaftlichen Nutzung der Kernenergie und den schutzwuerdigen Interessen der Bevoelkerung kann es nicht geben, weil der Sicherheitsaspekt absolute Prioritaet geniesst. Zur Loesung der sich aus dem Bau von Kernkraftwerken ergebenden Finanzierungsprobleme wird die Gewaehrung von Sonderabschreibungen vorgeschlagen. (orig.)Original Title
Tagesfragen der Elektrizitaetswirtschaft
Primary Subject
VDEW meeting; Hamburg, F.R. Germany; 3 Jun 1975; AED-CONF--75-332-001
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Elektrizitaetswirtschaft; v. 74(13); p. 413-415
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] A wall-less ion-counting nanodosemeter, conceived for precise ionisation-cluster measurements in an accelerator environment, is described. The technique provides an accurate means for counting single radiation-induced ions, in dilute gas models of condensed matter. The sensitive volume dimensions, a few tissue-equivalent nm in diameter by a few tens of nm, are tunable by a proper choice of the gas pressure and electric fields: nanometric sub-sections can be electronically selected. Detailed ion-cluster distributions are presented for protons of 7.15, 13.6 and 19.3 MeV, in biologically relevant DNA-like sensitive volumes of low-pressure propane. Experimental results are compared to model simulations. (author)
Primary Subject
13. symposium on microdosimetry; Stresa (Italy); 27 May - 1 Jun 2001; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
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No abstract available
Original Title
Ionenrueckdrift in Mehrfach-GEM-Strukturen
Primary Subject
2001 spring meeting of Fachverbaende Gravitation und Relativitaetstheorie (GR), Teilchenphysik (T), and Theoretische und Mathematische Grundlagen der Physik (MP) of Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft e.V. (DPG) with physics and book exhibition; Fruehjahrstagung 2001 der Fachverbaende Gravitation und Relativitaetstheorie (GR), Teilchenphysik (T), und Theoretische und Mathematische Grundlagen der Physik (MP) der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft e.V. (DPG) mit Physik- und Buchausstellung; Bonn (Germany); 26-30 Mar 2001
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft; ISSN 0420-0195; ; CODEN VDPEAZ; v. 36(3); p. 49
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