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Aspects of pulmonary parenchyma and variants in high-resolution tomodensitometry concerning 30 cases
Senac, J.P.
Proceedings of the 75th anniversary scientific assembly and annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (Abstracts)1989
Proceedings of the 75th anniversary scientific assembly and annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (Abstracts)1989
[en] Thirty volunteers were examined with high-resolution tomodensitometry to determine the normal aspects and the variants of pulmonary parenchyma. High-resolution tomodensitometry provides thru GOUGH sections of pulmonary parenchyma. These are essentially pulmonary vessels which normally define pulmonary parenchyma (mainly lobular arteries and perilobular veins). The authors define the regions of pulmonary parenchyma observed and describe the possible artifacts at the level of pulmonary parenchyma that can lead to errors in diagnosis. Finally, the authors point out the importance of the gravito-dependence and its repercussions on the semiology of pulmonary parenchyma. The definition of normal parenchyma in high resolution tomodensitometry is essential in order to deal with the pathologic abnormalities of pulmonary parenchyma
Primary Subject
Anon; 654 p; 1989; p. 91-92; Radiological Society of North America Inc; Oak Brook, IL (USA); 75. anniversary scientific assembly and annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America; Chicago, IL (USA); 26 Nov - 1 Dec 1989; CONF-8911163--; Radiological Society of North America, 1415 West 22 St., Oak Brook, IL 60521 (USA)
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Giron, J.M.; Joffre, P.; Cousine, O.S.; Senac, J.P.
Seventy seventh assembly and annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America1991
Seventy seventh assembly and annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America1991
[en] Four years ago, the authors thought that MR imaging should be the method of choice to visualize the vocal organ, because of its capability in soft-tissue contrast and its three-dimensional approach. In this paper, the authors attempt to prove this through a prospective study. Disease in 90 consecutive patients with biopsy-proved laryngeal malignancy was staged with CT and MR to assess the in-depth involvement to submucosa, ligamental, and cartilaginous surroundings. The CT sections were oriented according to the plane of the vocal cords during the passage of an iodine bolus. MR was performed on a Magniscan with a special surface coil of a saddle configuration. Compared to our head coil, the saddle coil had a 40% improvement in signal-to-noise ratio so that strap muscles could be seen on T1-weighted images. The comparative ability in staging with CT and MR has been tested in seven areas of interest: pre-epiglottic space, paraglottic space, anterior commissure, cartilages, subglottic region, perilaryngeal tissues, cervical lymph nodes. The first 5 areas (key zones of extension) offer important data for the possibility of reconstructive surgery. On each area the matched data allow the use of the McNemar test
Primary Subject
Anon; 469 p; 1991; p. 214; Radiological Society of North America Inc; Oak Brook, IL (United States); 77. scientific assembly and annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America; Chicago, IL (United States); 1-6 Dec 1991; CONF-911201--; Radiological Society of North America Inc., 1415 West 22 St., Oak Brook, IL 60521 (United States)
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[en] Any of the numerous anatomical variants and variations observed in the thorax can be a radiological pitfall. The pitfalls produced by such variants can be either obvious, such as a curved brachiocephalic trunk artery, or more subtle, like those created by abnormal pulmonary returns or the upper recess of the pericardium. Variations of the horizontal fissure and of the triangular ligament have been better known since high-resolution millimetric sections have been used. Must we still say that the lesser fissure is horizontal and the oblique fissure complete, when detailed CT studies reverse statistics and make a predominant pattern out of a variation. Our work is both too thorough and not complete enough, according to the reader's point of view, as are all studies of pitfalls and variants. However, we hope that this collection of variant portraits, will be our contribution to the state of the art in thoracic CT
Il existe de nombreuses variantes et variations anatomiques thoraciques qui peuvent etre autant de pieges pour le radiologiste. Ces pieges, que ces variantes induisent, vont des pieges grossiers, comme un TABC a genoux, jusqu'aux pieges plus subtils que creent les retours pulmonaires anormaux ou encore le recessus superieur du pericarde. Les variations de la petite scissure et celle du ligament triangulaire sont mieux connues depuis l'utilisation des coupes millimetriques en haute resolution. Doit-on toujours dire que la petite scissure est horizontale ou que les grandes scissures sont completes quand l'etude TDM fine permet de renverser les statistiques et de faire d'une variation la facon d'etre majoritaire. Comme tous les recensements de pieges et de variantes notre travail est a la fois trop et pas assez complet selon le point de vue a partir duquel le lecteur le lira. Nous esperons cependant contribuer un peu a une sorte d'Etat de l'Art en matiere de T.D.M. thoracique grace a cette galerie de portraits variantsOriginal Title
Pieges et variantes en TDM thoracique
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No abstract available
Original Title
Augmentation de l'epaisseur de l'espace extra-pleural dans les ponctions biopsiques thoraciques sous TDM
Primary Subject
43. French meeting on radiology; 43. Journee Francaise de Radiologie; Paris (France); 26 Oct 1995
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Giron, J.M.; Senac, J.P.; Martyane, C.; Cousine, O.S.; Mary, H.; Godard, P.
Seventy seventh assembly and annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America1991
Seventy seventh assembly and annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America1991
[en] This paper reports on the utility of MR imaging in the staging of lung cancers. This prospective study was conducted to test the sensitivity of the two methods with respect to the extension (T) and lymph node involvement (N). A prospective and comparative study included 202 consecutive lung cancer stagings. The results of CT and MR imaging were compared with surgical evaluation with total nodal dissection and pathologic findings. The distinction between N2 and N3 (of clinical and prognostic importance) was done. MR imaging was performed with T1- and T2-weighted images at 0.5T. The results showed poor sensitivities for the T (58%-68%) and N (63%-68%) evaluation. MR imaging has better sensitivities but the magnitude of the difference in sensitivities is relatively low according to the McNemar test. The significance is of higher magnitude. for the T2/T3-T4 extension with MR imaging (and even better with surface coil) versus CT, but the surgical consequences ar minor (en bloc resection). MR imaging is superior to CT with its three-dimensional demonstrations and the T2 qualitative differentiations. This superiority is of statistical significance but not of diagnostic significance, so that the utility of MR imaging appears only when CT remains inconclusive, especially for the relations with mediastinal vascular structures. MR imaging is expected to give an answer in difficult cases after CT staging. Another goal for MR imaging could be to avoid the false thoracotomies due to pleural metastases
Primary Subject
Anon; 469 p; 1991; p. 109; Radiological Society of North America Inc; Oak Brook, IL (United States); 77. scientific assembly and annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America; Chicago, IL (United States); 1-6 Dec 1991; CONF-911201--; Radiological Society of North America Inc., 1415 West 22 St., Oak Brook, IL 60521 (United States)
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No abstract available
Original Title
Maladie de Weneger. Interet de la TDM thoracique. A propos de 12 cas et revue de la litterature
Primary Subject
43. French meeting on radiology; 43. Journee Francaise de Radiologie; Paris (France); 26 Oct 1995
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No abstract available
Original Title
Apport de la tomodensitometrie spiralee a la detection des bronchectasies du lobe moyen et de la lingula
Primary Subject
43. French meeting on radiology; 43. Journee Francaise de Radiologie; Paris (France); 26 Oct 1995
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[en] The files of 50 consecutive patients (1987-89) operated for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) and examined with CT were studied. The criteria for inclusion were surgical features. - CT can be made more accurate for the study of AAA: - Thus the location of the neck of the aneurysm relative to the renal arteries was defined in 94% of all cases. - In addition, CT yields information about the wall of the aneurysm, whether it be thickened (3 inflammatory aneurysms were properly diagnosed) or, more importantly, weakened (solution of continuity in the wall in the prior-to-rupture appearance). - Owing to the quality of its performances and to its noninvasive character, CT with contrast injection was regarded as an essential technique for the preoperative assessment of abdominal aortic aneurysm in most cases. The examination must be carried out strictly, especially for the contiguous sections of the renal arteries and their extension to the crural arch. - As it demonstrates weakened areas more easily, a more accurate study of the aneurysmal wall with CT might increase the surgical indications for some smaller aneurysms, the potential evolution of which does not seem to be associated with their diameter only
Les dossiers de 50 patients consecutifs (1987-89) operes d'un anevrisme de l'Aorte Abdominale (AAA) et ayant eu un examen TDM ont ete etudies. Les criteres d'inclusion etaient chirurgicaux. - La TDM peut etre affinee dans l'etude des AAA: - Ainsi le siege du collet par rapport aux arteres renales a pu etre apprecie dans 94% des cas. - La TDM, par ailleurs, fournit des renseignements sur la paroi de l'anevrisme: qu'elle soit epaissie (3 anevrismes inflammatoires ont ete correctement diagnostiques) ou surtout fragilisee (etats de pre rupture avec un aspect de solution de continuite de la paroi). - Par la qualite de ses performances, son caractere peu invasif, la TDM avec injection apparait comme indispensable dans la majorite des cas au bilan pre-operatoire d'un anevrisme de l'aorte abdominale. Sa realisation technique doit etre stricte avec en particulier des coupes jointives au niveau des arteres renales et une extension jusqu'a l'arcade crurale. - Une etude plus precise de la paroi anevrismale par la TDM pourrait, en objectivant de facon plus performante des zones de fragilite, elargir les indications chirurgicales pour certains anevrismes de petite taille dont le potentiel evolutif ne semble pas uniquement lie au diametreOriginal Title
Place de la TDM dans l'evaluation pre-operatoire des anevrismes de l'aorte abdominale
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No abstract available
Original Title
Dilatation arterielle associee a un defaut de remplissage luminal: un signe de grande valeur dans le diagnostic d'embolie pulmonaire segmentaire en tomodensitometrie spiralee
Primary Subject
43. French meeting on radiology; 43. Journee Francaise de Radiologie; Paris (France); 26 Oct 1995
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No abstract available
Original Title
IRM et Cine-IRM du diaphragme - Technique et applications a la pathologie diaphragmatique: enphyseme, traumas, tumeurs de voisinage
Primary Subject
43. French meeting on radiology; 43. Journee Francaise de Radiologie; Paris (France); 26 Oct 1995
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