Serbinski, W.; Zielinski, A.
Instytut Inzynierii Materialowej, Politechnika Czestochowska, Czestochowa (Poland); Polskie Towarzystwo Materialoznawcze (Poland); Polska Akademia Nauk, Warsaw (Poland)2002
Instytut Inzynierii Materialowej, Politechnika Czestochowska, Czestochowa (Poland); Polskie Towarzystwo Materialoznawcze (Poland); Polska Akademia Nauk, Warsaw (Poland)2002
[en] The purpose and technologies of production of the surface layers on the austenitic steel 1H18N9T stainless steel have been presented. The verification of usefulness of the applied technologies to increase the hardness and resistance to pitting corrosion has been done. (author)
Original Title
Obrobka powierzchniowa nierdzewnej stali austenitycznej
Primary Subject
5. Polish Scientific Conference, Surface Treatment; 5. Ogolnopolska Konferencja Naukowa, Obrobka Powierzchniowa; Czestochowa (Poland); 18-20 Sep 2002; 12 refs, 14 figs, 3 tabs
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Inzynieria Materialowa; ISSN 0208-6247; ; v. 23(5); p. 263-266
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Smolenska, H.; Labanowski, J.; Cwiek, J.; Glowacka, M.; Serbinski, W.
Technical University of Gdansk, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Gdansk (Poland); Gdynia Maritime Academy, Gdynia (Poland)2001
Technical University of Gdansk, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Gdansk (Poland); Gdynia Maritime Academy, Gdynia (Poland)2001
[en] Influence of manufacturing process and heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of 12% Cr heat resistance martensitic steels has been discussed. These steels are used for elevated temperatures applications like: heat and power plants, chemical and petrochemical installations. Some cases of manufacturing mistakes of steam pipelines and turbine blades had been presented. These mistakes led to imperfect microstructure resulting in reduced lifetime and insufficient reliability of installations. (author)
Primary Subject
16. Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science Conference on Advanced Materials and Technologies AMT' 2001; Gdansk-Jurata (Poland); 16-20 Sep 2001; 11 refs, 6 figs, 1 tab
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Inzynieria Materialowa; ISSN 0208-6247; ; v. 22(5); p. 857-860
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue