Cruz, M.E. de la; Sereni, Julian; Salva, Horacio.
Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica, Buenos Aires (Argentina)1977
Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica, Buenos Aires (Argentina)1977
[en] Carbon and Germanium resistors have been calibrated against a standard in the temperature range from 4K to 40K. From the data, values of temperature are obtained with 0,1% error (std deviation). These calibrations have been also checked against specific heat measurements. (author)
Se calibraron resitencias de carbon y germanio, entre 4K y 40K, para usar como termometros, comparandolas con una resistencia de germanio calibrada marca Cryocal de 1000 Ω nominal. De los resultados de las calibraciones se encuentra que la temperatura queda determinada con un error del 0,1%. Se verificaron las calibraciones con mediciones de calor especifico. (autor)Original Title
Calibracion de termometros en el rango de 4K a 40K
Jun 1977; 10 p
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Sereni, Julian
Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica, San Carlos de Bariloche (Argentina). Centro Atomico Bariloche1990
Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica, San Carlos de Bariloche (Argentina). Centro Atomico Bariloche1990
[en] The magnetic behaviour of 80 Ce-binary compounds is correlated with the minimum Ce-Ce spacing (D) in the lattice. Among the magnetically ordered compounds, three regions can be defined: I) with D smaller than the trivalent Ce diameter, where all the compounds order antiferromagnetically, with fractional entropy and large values of γ and θp. II) With 3.7amgstron < D < 4.1amgstron, which includes the ferromagnetic compounds, and III) with D > 4.1amgstron, where most of the compounds order antiferromagnetically with full entropy. The compounds which do not order magnetically (region IV) are distributed in two ranges of energy: < 10K for the heavy fermions and > 100K for the intermediate valent ones. Spin fluctuation effects are observed in the compounds with large D values and small volume contraction. (Author)
Primary Subject
1990; 14 p; Available from Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica, Buenos Aires (AR). Library; Pre-print.
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Sereni, Julian G, E-mail:
[en] A comparative study of the stability of a Shastry-Sutherland lattice (SSL) in Ce2Pd2Sn under different physical conditions is presented. Applied magnetic field suppresses the SSL of stoichiometric Ce2Pd2Sn in a magnetic critical point at Tcr(B) = 4.2K and Bcr = 0.13 T, whereas 25% of Ni does it at Tcr(Ni) = 3.4 K. Electronic concentration variation, driven by the increase of Pd (holes) concentration in Ce2Pd2+yIn1-y, decreases the magnetic transition down to TM = 2.8 K in the limit of the alloy solubility, i.e. y = 0.4. The existence of a M(B) plateau in SSL predicted by theory and the crossing of those isotherms, previously observed in the model compound SrCu2(BO3)2 are analyzed.
SCES 2010: International conference on strongly correlated electron systems; Santa Fe, NM (United States); 27 Jun - 2 Jul 2010; Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Journal of Physics. Conference Series (Online); ISSN 1742-6596; ; v. 273(1); [4 p.]
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Sereni, Julian G., E-mail:
[en] The absence of magnetic order in Rare Earth-based frustrated compounds allows to recognize the action of the third law of thermodynamics in the low temperature behavior of those systems. One of the most relevant findings is the appearance of a coincident specific heat ‘plateau’ in six Yb systems. This characteristic feature occurs after a systematic modification of the thermal trajectory of their entropies in the range of a few hundred milikelvin degrees. Such behavior is explained by the formation of an entropy-bottleneck imposed by the third law constraint (), that drives the system into alternative ground states. Based in these finding, three possible approaches to the limit observed in real systems are analyzed in terms of the dependencies.
SCES 2017: International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems; Prague (Czech Republic); 17-21 Jul 2017; S0921452617305264; Available from; Copyright (c) 2017 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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No abstract available
Primary Subject
Meeting of the German Physical Society, Solid-State Physics Section, and the European Physical Society Condensed Matter Division; Tagung des Arbeitskreises Festkoerperphysik (AKF) der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (DPG) und der Condensed Matter Division der European Physical Society (EPS); Dresden (Germany); 27-31 Mar 2006; Also available online:
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft; ISSN 0420-0195; ; CODEN VDPEAZ; v. 41(1); [1 p.]
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
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No abstract available
Primary Subject
Meeting of the German Physical Society, Solid-State Physics Section, and the European Physical Society Condensed Matter Division; Tagung des Arbeitskreises Festkoerperphysik (AKF) der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (DPG) und der Condensed Matter Division der European Physical Society (EPS); Dresden (Germany); 27-31 Mar 2006; Also available online:
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft; ISSN 0420-0195; ; CODEN VDPEAZ; v. 41(1); [1 p.]
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Sereni, Julian; Nieva, Gladys; Olcese, G.L.; Herr, A.; Kappler, J.P.
Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica, San Carlos de Bariloche (Argentina). Centro Atomico Bariloche1990
Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica, San Carlos de Bariloche (Argentina). Centro Atomico Bariloche1990
[en] The fcc-Ce3In compound is presented as the best available approximation to reproduce the main magnetic properties of γ-Ce at low temperatures, where such pure phase does not exist. The electronic specific heat shows a maximum at 18K and an anomaly at 2.2K, with an entropy of 0.8Rln at 32K. The susceptibility shows a broad maximum at 1.8K, while in the magnetization there are no trace of ordering up to 18 Tesla at 1.5 and 4.2K. The experimental results are interpreted as governed by a quadruplet crystal field ground state, which undergoes a quadrupolar transition at 18K. At lower temperatures a heavy fermion ground state developes with Cel/T = 500 mJ/Ceat.K2 for T → 0 and χT/Cel = 0.ll emu K/J for T < 5K. (Author)
1990; 13 p; Available from Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica, Buenos Aires (AR). Library; Pre-print.
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Numerical Data
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] CePd_1_-_xRh_x undergoes a continuous evolution from ferromagnetic order in CePd to an intermediate-valence (IV) ground state for CeRh. Close to the disappearance of magnetic order at x_c_r ∼ 0.87 unusual behavior of the ac susceptibility and the specific heat was observed. It was explained with a broad distribution of local Kondo temperatures T_K from below 2 K to above 50 K due to the disorder introduced by Pd-Rh exchange. The thermopower S is very sensitive to Kondo scattering even for diluted 4f systems. In Ce compounds a large positive maximum in S(T) is usually observed around T_K. We studied S(T) in CePd_1_-_xRh_x in order to evaluate the presence of Kondo scattering and the involved energy scales. Pure CeRh shows typical IV behavior with a large maximum at 220 K and small values at low T. Already 5 % Pd substitution leads to a strong enhancement of the low-T thermopower. Even larger values are found around x_c_r, while the high-T maximum shifts only moderately. Our results are in line with the existence of low (local) Kondo scales in the presence of IV behavior at high Rh content x > x_c_r. For lower Rh content a decreasing (average) Kondo scale is found.
79. Annual meeting of the DPG and DPG Spring meeting of the condensed matter section (SKM) together with the divisions history of physics, gravitation and relativity (toghether with the Astronomische Gesellschaft e.V.), microprobes, theoretical and mathematical physics and working groups energy, equal opportunities, information, philosophy of physics, physics and disarmament, young DPG; Berlin (Germany); 15-20 Mar 2015; Available from; Session: TT 71.3 Mi 15:00; No further information available; Also available as printed version: Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft v. 50(3)
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft; ISSN 0420-0195; ; CODEN VDPEAZ; (Berlin 2015 issue); [1 p.]
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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Sarkar, Rajib; Baenitz, Michael; Geibel, Cristoph; Sereni, Julian, E-mail: rajibsarkarsinp@gmail.com2010
[en] A recent investigation of the low temperature properties of the paramagnetic heavy fermion system CeRuSi revealed an anomalous decrease of the coefficient C/T below 6 K, indicating a second low energy scale well below the Kondo temperature of about 50 K. We started an investigation of this unusual behavior using the local probe 29Si-NMR. Here a preliminary 29Si field sweep NMR study in the temperature 4.2-200 K is reported. 29Si-NMR powder spectra obtained at 72.9 MHz could be simulated and shift components 29Kab(T) and 29Kc(T) were determined. The shift along the basal plane 29Kab(T) shows the expected behavior with a Curie-Weiss dependence at high T merging in a constant value below 15 K. In contrast the shift along the tetragonal axis reveals an anomalous T dependence below 15 K where 29Kc(T) drops by a factor of 2, confirming the presence of a further low T energy scale. We suspect this drop to be related to the anomalous decrease of C/T below 6 K and discuss possible mechanism.
ICM 2009: International conference on magnetism; Karlsruhe (Germany); 26-31 Jul 2009; Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Journal of Physics. Conference Series (Online); ISSN 1742-6596; ; v. 200(1); [5 p.]
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
External URLExternal URL