[en] A field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of different plant densities on growth and yield of white mustard during Rabi 2008-09 under rain fed conditions. Three plant spacing (5, 10 and 15 cm) and three row spacing (10, 20 and 30 cm) were applied during the course of study. Results indicated that plant density has significant effects on growth, seed yield and oil contents of white mustard. Number of pods per plant (2002), number of seeds per pod (4.67), 1000 seed weight (5.02 g), oil contents (32.21 %) and fatty acids except linoleic acid significantly increased by increasing plant spacing due to less competition among plants for moisture, light and nutrients. The maximum plant height (148.9 cm) was with 10 X 20 cm/sup -1/ spacing. Maximum seed yield (2046 kg ha) was recorded for row spacing 15 cm where plants were spaced 10 cm within rows. At higher plant density, the overall seed yield of white mustard increased with increasing number of pods per plant. Thus, it is concluded that white mustard should be grown at 150 cm grids for higher yield output. (author)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences; ISSN 0552-9034; ; v. 49(1); p. 21-25
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Appropriate nutrient management and harvesting date are the main and quickest means for increasing maize production. A field experiment with three nitrogen fertilization rates (N = 50; N = 100; N = 150 (kg ha/sup 1/) and three harvest dates (H/sub 1/ = 50, H/sub 2/ = 60 and H/sub 3/ = 70 DAS) was carried out at the Agronomic Research Area, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad to predict the response of maize (Zea mays L.) fodder yield and its quality attributes to optimal nitrogen input rates and harvest dates. The results showed that increase in nitrogen fertilizer input resulted in significant (P 0.05) increase in yield and quality traits. Yield attributes as plant height (179.40 cm), stem diameter (3.59 cm), leaf area plant (3755 cm/sup 2/ ), dry matter (33.44%), dry matter yield (17.68 t ha ) and green fodder yield (71.32 t ha ) were significantly increased with nitrogen input of 150 kg N ha . Among nitrogen input rates, 150 kg N ha level was also responsible for highest crude fat (3.09%), crude protein (11.48%) and crude fiber (34.21%) except ash contents (10.17%) compared to other nitrogen treatments. Twenty days delayed for harvest proved to be best for increasing growth and quality characters of maize plants. The interaction between nitrogen rates and harvest dates was found to be highly significant except for plant height, dry matter percentage and crude protein. Nitrogen input of 150 kg N ha/sup -1/ with 70 DAS harvest date (N/sub 3/ at H/sub 3/) significantly improved the stem diameter (5.11 cm), leaf area plant (4108 cm ), dry matter yield (21.35 t ha ), green fodder yield (83.87 t ha ) and crude fiber (37.21%) while crude fat (2.47%) and ash (9.17%) contents were decreased. In conclusion, on the basis of growth and quality parameters, the nitrogen application at 150 kg N ha and harvesting time (70 DAS) was the suitable option to attain highest maize fodder yield. (author)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences; ISSN 0552-9034; ; v. 50(1); p. 75-81
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] A field experiment for the comparison among different wheat genotypes (Iqbal-2000, Chenab-2000, Aqab-2000) for its maximum yield potential in response to different moisture regimes, a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with split plot arrangement in triplicate run was carried out during the year 2006-07. Factors were: wheat genotypes (Iqbal-2000, Chenab-2000, Aqab-2000) in main plots and five irrigation levels 0= no irrigation (control), 1= irrigation at tillering, 2= irrigation at tillering + booting, 3= irrigation at tillering + booting + anthesis and 4= irrigation at tillering + booting + anthesis + milking in subplots. Results showed that maximum LAI was attained on 2 February and 4 March harvest and genotype Iqbal-2000 was superior compared to other genotypes. Irrigated treatments significantly increased LAI than control (0) treatments at all harvest dates. Iqbal-2000 showed maximum CGR (32.69 g m/sup -2/ d/sup -1/) and LAD (319.42) compared with lowest CGR (25.49 g m/sup -2/ d/sup -1/) and LAD (278.50) given by genotype Chenab-2000 under 3 and 4 treatments throughout the growing season. Radiation use efficiency ranged from 17.58-18.27 DM MJ-1 of intercepted radiation. Mean accumulated radiation interception (754, 736 and 784 MJm-2) was assessed in genotypes (Iqbal-2000, Chenab-2000 and Aqab-2000), respectively but not significant effect on net assimilation rate. Genotype Iqbal-2000 and Aqab-2000 had highest TDM (21670; 21220 kg ha/sup -1/) respectively while 4 (Irrigation at tillering + booting + anthesis + milking) had the highest TDM 22240 kg ha/sup -1/ verses I0 (no irrigation) 18070 kg ha/sup -1/. Aqab-2000 showed the highest grain yield (5458.78 kg ha/sup -1/) as compared to Chenab-2000 (4536.71 kg ha/sup -1/) whereas 4 (Irrigation at tillering + booting + anthesis + milking) produced more grain yield (6376.25 kg ha/sup -1/) than all other irrigation treatments. (author)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences; ISSN 0552-9034; ; v. 49(3); p. 275-280
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] In order to optimize the nitrogen rates in three wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars for obtaining higher grain yield, a split plot experiment based on Randomized Complete Block Design with three replicates was conducted in the research field of University of Agriculture, Faisalabad during Rabi season 2006-07. Among treatments nitrogen levels (N0= 0, N/sub 1/= 50, N2= 100, N3= 150 kg ha/sup -1/) in main while wheat cultivars (V1= Punjnad-I, V/sub 2/= Fareed-2006, V3=Uqab-2000) were allocated in sub plots during the course of growing season. Traits as plant height, fertile tillers, spike length, spikelets spike-1, grains spike-1, 1000-grain weight, straw yield, grain yield and harvest index (HI) were significantly (P=0.05) affected by treatment combinations. Maximum grain yield was obtained by V3 (Uqab-2000) cultivar when treated with N3 (150 kg ha/sup -1/) fertilizer level. Also, results showed that with increasing nitrogen rates, wheat yield increases significantly up to a level of significance (P=0.05). Increasing nitrogen levels led to significantly increase in plant height (101.81 cm), spike bearing tillers (495.77), grains spike/sup -1/ (61.45), straw yield (8.60 t ha/sup -1/) and harvest index (36.17%) of V3 (Uqab-2000). In all traits except germination count, V3 (Uqab-2000) was found to be superior. (author)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences; ISSN 0552-9034; ; v. 49(4); p. 491-496
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Shehzad, M.A.; Nadeem, M.A.; Sarwar, M.A.; Naseer-ud-Din, G.M.; Ilahi, F., E-mail: asifbukhari01@gmail.com2012
[en] A field experiment was carried out to study the efficacy of different post-emergence herbicides for controlling weeds in wheat during a Rabi season 2008-09. Experiment comprised of six treatments, i.e. weed-infested control, pyroxasulfone at 50 g a.i ha/sup -1/, metribuzin at 250 g a.i ha/sup -1/, isoproturon at 1080 g a.i ha/sup -1/, clodinafop propargyl at 240 g a.i ha/sup -1/ and as post-emergence herbicides. Results revealed that Post-emergence application of bromoxynil + MCPA at 247+247 g a.i ha/sup -1/ isoproturon (1080 g a.i ha) proved to be best for obtaining maximum grain plus straw yield up to the level of weed-free -1 -1 control. Bromoxynil + MCPA (247+247 g a.i ha) and clodinafop propargyl (240 g a.i ha/sup -1/) also gave maximum spike bearing tillers, number of grains spike and 1000-grain weight. Isoproturon (1080 g a.i ha/sup -1/) strictly reduced the weeds population as well as biomass as compared to weed-infested control. Poor weed control was achieved by using pyroxasulfone and metribuzin treatments. Hence, post-emergence Isoproturon (1080 g a.i ha/sup -1/) followed by bromoxynil + MCPA (247+247 g a.i ha/sup -1/ ) was provide to be the most effective herbicide against weeds and resulted in maximum wheat yield. (author)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences; ISSN 0552-9034; ; v. 49(1); p. 27-34
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] A field experiment was carried out to study the efficacy of different post-emergence herbicides for controlling weeds in wheat during a Rabi season 2008-09. Experiment comprised of six treatments, i.e. weed-infested control, pyroxasulfone at 50 g a.i ha/sup -1/, metribuzin at 250 g a.i ha/sup -1/, isoproturon at 1080 g a.i ha/sup -1/, clodinafop propargyl at 240 g a.i ha/sup -1/ and bromoxynil+MCPA at 247+247 g a.i ha/sup -1/ as post-emergence herbicides. Results revealed that Post-emergence application of isoproturon (1080 g a.i ha-1) proved to be best for obtaining maximum grain plus straw yield up to the level of weed-free control. Bromoxynil+MCPA (247+247 g a.i ha/sup -1/) and clodinafop propargyl (240 g a.i ha-1) also gave maximum spike bearing tillers, number of grains spike-1 and 1000-grain weight. Isoproturon (1080 g a.i ha/sup -1/) strictly reduced the weeds population as well as biomass as compared to weed-infested control. Poor weed control was achieved by using pyroxasulfone and metribuzin treatments. Hence, post-emergence Isoproturon (1080 g a.i ha/sup -1/) followed by bromoxynil + MCPA (247+247 g a.i ha/sup -1/) was provide to be the most effective herbicide against weeds and resulted in maximum wheat yield. (author)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences; ISSN 0552-9034; ; v. 49(1); p. 27-34
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] A field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of different plant densities on growth and yield of white mustard during Rabi 2008-09 under rain fed conditions. Three plant spacing (5, 10 and 15 cm) and three row spacing (10, 20 and 30 cm) were applied during the course of study. Results indicated that plant density has significant effects on growth, seed yield and oil contents of white mustard. Number of pods per plant (2002), number of seeds per pod (4.67), 1000 seed weight (5.02 g), oil contents (32.21 %) and fatty acids except linoleic acid significantly increased by increasing plant spacing due to less competition among plants for moisture, light and nutrients. The maximum plant height (148.9 cm) was with 10 X 20 cm spacing. Maximum seed yield (2046 kg ha/sup -1/) was recorded for row spacing 15 cm where plants were spaced 10 cm within rows. At higher plant density, the overall seed yield of white mustard increased with increasing number of pods per plant. Thus, it is concluded that white mustard should be grown at 150 cm grids for higher yield output. (author)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences; ISSN 0552-9034; ; v. 49(1); p. 21-25
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue