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No abstract available
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Journal Article
Physical Review. D, Particles Fields; v. 4(11); p. 3293-3298
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Shih, C.C.
Carnegie-Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, Pa. (USA)
Planning for the future. Zero Gradient Synchrotron workshops, summer 19711971
Carnegie-Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, Pa. (USA)
Planning for the future. Zero Gradient Synchrotron workshops, summer 19711971
No abstract available
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Argonne National Lab., Ill. (USA); p. 129-131; 1971
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Carruthers, P.; Shih, C.C.
Los Alamos National Lab., NM (USA); Tennessee Univ., Knoxville (USA). Dept. of Physics and Astronomy1986
Los Alamos National Lab., NM (USA); Tennessee Univ., Knoxville (USA). Dept. of Physics and Astronomy1986
[en] The 29 GeV multiplicity data have been analyzed for e+ -e- → hadrons using the partially coherent laser distribution (PCLD). The latter interpolates between the negative binomial and Poisson distributions as the ratio S/N of coherent/incoherent multiplcity varies from zero to infinity. The negative binomial gives an excellent fit for rather large values of the cell parameter k. Equally good fits (for full and partial rapidity range, and for the forward/backward 2 jet correlation) are obtained for the mostly coherent (almost Poissonian) PCLD with small values of k (equal to the number of jets). The reasons for the existence of this tradeoff are explained in detail. The existence of the resulting ambiguity is traced to the insensitivity of the probability distribution to phase information in the hadronic density matrix. The study of higher order correlations (intensity interferometry) among like sign-particles is recommended to resolve this question
Primary Subject
1986; 27 p; Symposium on multiparticle dynamics; Zeewinkle (Austria); 13-23 Jun 1986; CONF-8606203--4; Available from NTIS, PC A03/MF A01 as DE86015335
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Carruthers, P.; Shih, C.C.
Los Alamos National Lab., NM (USA); Tennessee Univ., Knoxville (USA). Dept. of Physics and Astronomy1986
Los Alamos National Lab., NM (USA); Tennessee Univ., Knoxville (USA). Dept. of Physics and Astronomy1986
[en] On the basis of fits to the multiplicity distributions for variable rapidity windows and the forward backward correlation for the 2 jet subset of e+e- data it is impossible to distinguish between a global negative binomial and its generalization, the partially coherent distribution. It is suggested that intensity interferometry, especially the Bose-Einstein correlation, gives information which will discriminate among dynamical models. 16 refs
Primary Subject
1986; 9 p; Symposium on multiparticle dynamics; Zeewinkle (Austria); 13-23 Jun 1986; CONF-8606203--1; Available from NTIS, PC A02/MF A01; 1 as DE86015336; Portions of this document are illegible in microfiche products.
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Carruthers, P.; Shih, C.C.
Los Alamos National Lab., NM (USA); Tennessee Univ., Knoxville (USA). Dept. of Physics1984
Los Alamos National Lab., NM (USA); Tennessee Univ., Knoxville (USA). Dept. of Physics1984
[en] Hadronic multiplicity distributions, KNO scaling and deviations therefrom are examined in a fairly general framework with emphasis on the negative binomial distribution. 19 references
Primary Subject
1984; 11 p; 15. international symposium on multiparticle dynamics; Lund (Sweden); 11-16 Jun 1984; CONF-8406183--2; Available from NTIS, PC A02/MF A01 as DE84016480
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Shih, C.C.; Carruthers, P.
Tennessee Univ., Knoxville (USA). Dept. of Physics and Astronomy; Los Alamos National Lab., NM (USA)1986
Tennessee Univ., Knoxville (USA). Dept. of Physics and Astronomy; Los Alamos National Lab., NM (USA)1986
[en] The multiplicity distribution is expressed in terms of supercluster production in hadronic processes at high energy. This process creates unstable clusters at intermediate stages and hadrons in final stage. It includes Poisson-transform distributions (with the partially coherent distribution as a special case) and is very flexible for phenomenological analyses. The associated Koba, Nielson, and Olesen limit and the behavior of cumulant moments are analyzed in detail for finite and/or infinite cluster size and particle size per cluster. In general, a supercluster distribution does not need to be equivalent to a negative binomial distribution to fit experimental data well. Furthermore, the requirement of such equivalence leads to many solutions, in which the average size of the cluster is not logarithmic: e.g., it may show a power behavior instead. Superclustering is defined as a two-or multi-stage process underlying observed global multiplicity distributions. At the first stage of the production process, individual clusters are produced according to a given statistical law. For example, the clustering distribution may be described by partially coherent (oreven sub-Poissonian distribution models. At the second stage, the clusters are considered as the sources of particle production. The corresponding distribution may then be as general as the clustering distribution just mentioned. 8 refs
Primary Subject
1986; 10 p; 17. international symposium on multiparticle dynamics; Seewinkel (Austria); 13-23 Jun 1986; CONF-8606203--2; Available from NTIS, PC A02/MF A01 as DE86015331
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[en] Charge correlations of multihadron distributions are investigated in an improved quantum-statistical approach, using a partially coherent stochastic field ensemble with three parameters: correlation length, chaoticity parameter, and charge coupling strength. A model is developed that describes well the factorial moments for diminishing symmetric rapidity windows for both the n- and nch lower energy data from NA22, and the nch distributions from higher energy UA5 data. (orig.)
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[en] This paper presents some the recent development in the phenomenology of high energy physics concerning partial coherence. Particular attention is given to the quantum statistical correlation in the underlying field of the production process. The authors discuss how some of the existing correlations in the multiparticle distribution can be interpreted in terms of the dynamics of quantum correlation of the rapidity distribution
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Hwa, R.; Pancheri, G.; Srivastava, Y; 474 p; ISBN 9971-50-884-2; ; 1989; p. 265-274; World Scientific Pub. Co; Teaneck, NJ (United States); Perugia workshop on multiparticle production; Perugia (Italy); 21-28 Jun 1988; CONF-8806510--; World Scientific Pub. Co., 687 Hartwell Street, Teaneck, NJ 07666 (USA)
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[en] We report on using a Jaiswal and Mehta formulation of quantum statistics as a model for the hadronic multiplicity distribution, where the underlying field includes a mixture of harmonic signal and thermal noise. The joint multiplicity probability distribution of NF hadrons in the forward region and NB hadrons in the backward region is evaluated. This allows us to estimate the effect of the quantum correlation length on the slope of the forward/backward correlation, and the approximate nature of the binomial distribution for fixed NF + NB
Primary Subject
Schiff, D.; Tran Thanh van, J. (eds.); 704 p; ISBN 2-86332-060-2; ; 1988; p. 393-398; Editions Frontieres; Gif-sur-Yvette (France); 19. International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics 1988; Arles (France); 13-17 Jun 1988
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Isakari, H.H.; Shih, C.C.; Dodson, W.J.
Occupational radiation exposure in nuclear fuel cycle facilities1980
Occupational radiation exposure in nuclear fuel cycle facilities1980
[en] The occupational exposure associated with the routine operations of handling and storing canistered spent-fuel assemblies in a geological storage repository have been investigated. The integrated radiation doses in terms of man-rem per year were estimated for the average annual rate of spent-fuel canisters handled (4000 per year for the first 5 years, Phase 1; and 12,360 per year for the following 18 years, Phase 2) and the anticipated number of personnel involved in the operation (approximately 12 persons per shift). Also investigated were the age-dependent spent-fuel characteristics, i.e. neutron and photon source strengths affecting the shielding design of, and the dose rate from, the canister shipping cask, the transfer cask, the mine-level transporter and the hot cell. A large reduction in the photon (gamma-ray) source strength, compared with the neutron source strength, from 3-year-old (minimum acceptable age) to 10-year-old (average age) spent fuel can be advantageously utilized to reduce the overall estimated occupational radiation dose by at least a factor of two. It is shown that the maximum average annual integrated radiation dose can be limited to less than 50 man.rem by shielding design and by limiting occupancy. This is compared with the total annual dose received at a typical light-water reactor power station of more than 400 man.rem. The operating personnel individual annual dose is expected to be limited to less than one-third or the 5 rems currently permissible in restricted areas by the United States Code of Federal Regulations 10 CFR 20. Means of further reducing the occupational radiation dose are described. (author)
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); Nuclear Energy Agency, 75 - Paris (France); Proceedings series; p. 513-524; ISBN 92-0-020080-X; ; 1980; p. 513-524; IAEA; Vienna; Symposium on occupational radiation exposure in nuclear fuel cycle facilities; Los Angeles, CA, USA; 18 - 22 Jun 1979; IAEA-SM--242/32
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Literature Type
Conference; Numerical Data
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