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Masubuchi, Yusuke; Shimada, Suzuka; Yamashita, Akira; Chida, Koichi; Inaba, Yohei; Kageyama, Michiya, E-mail:
[en] Skin injury in patients due to radiation exposure has been a complication in percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) for a long time. To the best of our knowledge, there have been no reports comparing radiation dose by treatment area with diagnostic reference levels (DRLs) 2020, although the radiation dose varies by treatment area in PCI. In this study, the treatment areas were classified into four segments (i.e., AHA no. 1-3, AHA no. 4, AHA no. 5-10, and AHA no. 11-15), and each segment was compared with DRLs 2020. This retrospective study included 984 consecutive patients with single-vessel disease and non-chronic total occlusion. PCI was performed on a single device. The median radiation dose was 1640.8 mGy, and the radiation dose for AHA no. 4 was 2732.0 mGy, which was significantly higher than the other treatment areas (p<0.001). In AHA no. 4, the radiation dose increased due to the heavy use of the left cranial view, and the patient background contributed to the increased lesion complexity. Therefore, it was challenging to evaluate AHA no. 4 and the other treatment areas with a uniform DRL value. Establishing a subdivided index for each treatment area is crucial if DRLs are used as a reference during procedures and as a guide for dose optimization. (author)
経皮的冠動脈形成術(percutaneous coronary intervention: PCI)では,被ばくによる患者皮膚障害が従来より問題となってきた.PCIでは治療区域ごとに被ばく線量が異なるが,治療区域別の線量を診断参考レベル(diagnostic reference levels: DRLs)2020と比較した報告はわれわれの知る限りではない.後ろ向き調査の対象は,単一の装置で施行された単一枝病変(single-vessel disease: SVD)かつnon-chronic total occlusion(CTO) PCIで,連続した984症例であった.本調査では治療区域をAmerican Heart Association(AHA)冠動脈セグメント分類に基づいて右冠動脈(right coronary artery: RCA)をno.1-3, no.4,左冠動脈(left coronary artery: LCA)主幹部(left main trunk: LMT)から前下行枝(left anterior distal branch: LAD)をno.5-10,左回旋枝(left circunflex artery: LCX)をno.11-15に分類し,それぞれをDRLs 2020のDRL値と比較した.調査全体での患者照射基準点空気カーマ積算値の中央値は1640.8 mGy,no.4は2732.0 mGyであり,no.4は他の治療区域に対して有意に高かった(p<0.001).no.4では,手技や患者背景に起因した特異な線量増加が起こると考えられた.そのため,他の治療区域と同等の線量での手技完結は難しく,同様にno.4と他の治療区域を一律のDRL値で評価するのは困難と考えた.したがって,次期DRLs策定の際には,手技別・治療部位別での細分化された指標が必要である.(著者)Original Title
経皮的冠動脈形成術における治療区域別被ばく線量とDRLs 2020の比較
Primary Subject
Available from DOI:; 46 refs., 2 figs., 5 tabs.; 雑誌名:日本放射線技術学会雑誌
Record Type
Journal Article
Nippon Hoshasen Gijutsu Gakkai Zasshi (Online); ISSN 1881-4883; ; v. 78(11); p. 1306-1313
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue