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[en] We present a study of the gravitational waveforms from a series of spinning, equal-mass black hole binaries focusing on the harmonic content of the waves and the contribution of the individual harmonics to the signal-to-noise ratio. The gravitational waves were produced from two series of evolutions with black holes of initial spins equal in magnitude and anti-aligned with each other. In one series the magnitude of the spin is varied; while in the second, the initial angle between the black hole spins and the orbital angular momentum varies. We also conduct a preliminary investigation into using these waveforms as templates for detecting spinning binary black holes. Since these runs are relativity short, containing about two to three orbits, merger and ringdown, we limit our study to systems of total mass ≥50Mo-dot. This choice ensures that our waveforms are present in the ground-based detector band without needing addition gravitational-wave cycles. We find that while the mode contribution to the signal-to-noise ratio varies with the initial angle, the total mass of the system caused greater variations in the match
Primary Subject
GRG18: 18. international conference on general relativity and gravitation; Sydney (Australia); 8-14 Jul 2007; Amaldi7: 7. Edoardo Amaldi conference on gravitational waves; Sydney (Australia); 8-14 Jul 2007; S0264-9381(08)67953-8; Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] We present an investigation into how sensitive the last orbits and merger of binary black hole systems are to the presence of spurious radiation in the initial data. Our numerical experiments consist of a binary black hole system starting the last couple of orbits before merger with additional spurious radiation centered at the origin and fixed initial angular momentum. As the energy in the added spurious radiation increases, the binary is invariably hardened for the cases we tested; i.e., the merger of the two black holes is hastened. The change in merger time becomes significant when the additional energy provided by the spurious radiation increases the Arnowitt-Deser-Misner mass of the spacetime by about 1%. While the final masses of the black holes increase due to partial absorption of the radiation, the final spins remain constant to within our numerical accuracy. We conjecture that the spurious radiation is primarily increasing the eccentricity of the orbit and secondarily increasing the mass of the black holes while propagating out to infinity
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(c) 2008 The American Physical Society; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] There is strong evidence indicating that the particular form used to recast the Einstein equation as a 3 + 1 set of evolution equations has a fundamental impact on the stability properties of numerical evolutions involving black holes and/or neutron stars. Presently, the longest lived evolutions have been obtained using a parametrized hyperbolic system developed by Kidder, Scheel and Teukolsky or a conformal-traceless system introduced by Baumgarte, Shapiro, Shibata and Nakamura. We present a new conformal-traceless system. While this new system has some elements in common with the Baumgarte-Shapiro-Shibata-Nakamura system, it differs in both the type of conformal transformations and how the nonlinear terms involving the extrinsic curvature are handled. We show results from 3D numerical evolutions of a single, non-rotating black hole in which we demonstrate that this new system yields a significant improvement in the lifetime of the simulations
Primary Subject
S0264-9381(02)34851-2; Available online at or at the Web site for the journal Classical and Quantum Gravity (ISSN 1361-6382); Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] We present results from numerical relativity simulations of equal-mass, nonspinning binary-black-hole inspirals and mergers with initial eccentricities e≤0.8 and coordinate separations D≥12M of up to 9 orbits (18 gravitational wave cycles). We extract the mass Mf and spin af of the final black hole and find, for eccentricities e < or approx. 0.4, that af/Mf≅0.69 and Mf/Madm≅0.96 are independent of the initial eccentricity, suggesting that the binary has circularized by the merger time. For e > or approx. 0.5, the black holes plunge rather than orbit, and we obtain a maximum spin parameter af/Mf≅0.72 around e=0.5.
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(c) 2008 The American Physical Society; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Healy, James; Laguna, Pablo; Shoemaker, Deirdre, E-mail: jchsma@rit.edu2014
[en] We demonstrate that in binary black hole (BBH) mergers there is a direct correlation between the frequency of the gravitational wave at peak amplitude and the quasi-normal mode frequency and damping time of the final black hole. Since the ringing frequency and damping time of a black hole are related to its mass and spin, the correlation discovered also provides a connection between the parameters of the final black hole and the frequency of the gravitational wave at peak amplitude. This correlation could potentially assist with the analysis of gravitational wave observations from BBH mergers. (fast track communication)
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Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] We present results from fully nonlinear simulations of unequal mass binary black holes plunging from close separations well inside the innermost stable circular orbit with mass ratios q ≡ M1/M2 = {1, 0.85, 0.78, 0.55, 0.32}, or equivalently, with reduced mass parameters η ≡ M1M2/(M1 + M2)2 = {0.25, 0.248, 0.246, 0.229, 0.183}. For each case, the initial binary orbital parameters are chosen from the Cook-Baumgarte equal-mass ISCO configuration. We show waveforms of the dominant l = 2, 3 modes and compute estimates of energy and angular momentum radiated. For the plunges from the close separations considered, we measure kick velocities from gravitational radiation recoil in the range 25-82 km s-1. Due to the initial close separations our kick velocity estimates should be understood as a lower bound. The close configurations considered are also likely to contain significant eccentricities influencing the recoil velocity
Primary Subject
S0264-9381(07)40685-2; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] We present results obtained by scattering a scalar field off the curved background of a coalescing binary black hole system. A massless scalar field is evolved on a set of fixed backgrounds, each provided by a spatial hypersurface generated numerically during a binary black hole merger. We show that the scalar field scattered from the merger region exhibits quasinormal ringing once a common apparent horizon surrounds the two black holes. This occurs earlier than the onset of the perturbative regime as measured by the start of the quasinormal ringing in the gravitational waveforms. We also use the scalar quasinormal frequencies to associate a mass and a spin with each hypersurface, and observe the compatibility of this measure with the horizon mass and spin computed from the dynamical horizon framework
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(c) 2008 The American Physical Society; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Evans, Christopher; Ferguson, Deborah; Khamesra, Bhavesh; Laguna, Pablo; Shoemaker, Deirdre, E-mail: cevans216@gatech.edu2020
[en] A popular approach in numerical simulations of black hole binaries is to model black holes as punctures in the fabric of spacetime. The location and the properties of the black hole punctures are tracked with apparent horizons, namely outermost marginally outer trapped surfaces (MOTSs). As the holes approach each other, a common apparent horizon suddenly appears, engulfing the two black holes and signaling the merger. The evolution of common apparent horizons and their connection with gravitational wave emission have been studied in detail with the framework of dynamical horizons. We present a study of the dynamics of the MOTSs and their punctures in the interior of the final black hole. The study focuses on head-on mergers for various initial separations and mass ratios. We find that MOTSs intersect for most of the parameter space. We show that for those situations in which they do not, it is because of the singularity avoidance property of the moving puncture gauge condition used in the study. Although we are unable to carry out evolutions that last long enough to show the ultimate fate of the punctures, our results suggest that MOTSs always intersect and that at late times their overlap is only partial. As a consequence, the punctures inside the MOTSs, although close enough to each other to act effectively as a single puncture, do not merge. (letter)
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Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Jani, Karan; Healy, James; Clark, James A; London, Lionel; Laguna, Pablo; Shoemaker, Deirdre, E-mail: kpj@gatech.edu2016
[en] This paper introduces a catalog of gravitational waveforms from the bank of simulations by the numerical relativity effort at Georgia Tech. Currently, the catalog consists of 452 distinct waveforms from more than 600 binary black hole simulations: 128 of the waveforms are from binaries with black hole spins aligned with the orbital angular momentum, and 324 are from precessing binary black hole systems. The waveforms from binaries with non-spinning black holes have mass-ratios q = m 1/ m 2 ≤ 15, and those with precessing, spinning black holes have q ≤ 8. The waveforms expand a moderate number of orbits in the late inspiral, the burst during coalescence, and the ring-down of the final black hole. Examples of waveforms in the catalog matched against the widely used approximate models are presented. In addition, predictions of the mass and spin of the final black hole by phenomenological fits are tested against the results from the simulation bank. The role of the catalog in interpreting the GW150914 event and future massive binary black-hole search in LIGO is discussed. The Georgia Tech catalog is publicly available at (paper)
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Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] Coincident detections of electromagnetic (EM) and gravitational wave (GW) signatures from coalescence events of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) are the next observational grand challenge. Such detections will provide the means to study cosmological evolution and accretion processes associated with these gargantuan compact objects. More generally, the observations will enable testing general relativity in the strong, nonlinear regime and will provide independent cosmological measurements to high precision. Understanding the conditions under which coincidences of EM and GW signatures arise during SMBH mergers is therefore of paramount importance. As an essential step toward this goal, we present results from the first fully general relativistic, hydrodynamical study of the late inspiral and merger of equal-mass, spinning SMBH binaries in a gas cloud. We find that variable EM signatures correlated with GWs can arise in merging systems as a consequence of shocks and accretion combined with the effect of relativistic beaming. The most striking EM variability is observed for systems where spins are aligned with the orbital axis and where orbiting black holes form a stable set of density wakes, but all systems exhibit some characteristic signatures that can be utilized in searches for EM counterparts. In the case of the most massive binaries observable by the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna, calculated luminosities imply that they may be identified by EM searches to z ∼ 1, while lower mass systems and binaries immersed in low density ambient gas can only be detected in the local universe.
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Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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