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Khokhlov, I.M.; Shvetsov, V.S.; Klokov, N.V.
Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR)1976
Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR)1976
[en] The invention is related to collective accelerators. The adgezator (compressor) is a part of a collective accelerator and is intended to produce electron-ion rings. Adgezators are known in which the chamber mounted in a framework is made of thin metal sheets. To minimize shock, vibrational and thermal loads, whereby the service life of the adgezator is extended in a broad operating frequency range, the space between the framework and the chamber is tight and filled with a magnet-permeable liquid wetting the chamber and framework surfaces. As a result, the shell of the chamber becomes heavier becaues of the additional weight of the wetting liquid. Thus the dynamic rigidity of the adgezator chamber is substantially improved
Original Title
Primary Subject
15 Jan 1976; 2 p; SU PATENT DOCUMENT 499693/A/; Filed 22 Mar 1974.
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Tyutyunnikov, S.I.; Shalyapin, V.N.; Shvetsov, V.S.; Shcheulin, A.S.
Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (Russian Federation)1991
Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (Russian Federation)1991
[en] The experimental results on measuring the synchrotron radiation power of the electron ring with parameters: the electron number - (3-5)x1012, the electron ring radius - 3-8 cm, the electron energy - 10-20 MeV, the impulse duration - 10 mc are presented. The measurements are made in the wave length range of the infrared (IR) radiation 2-400 μm. The manymirror optical system for the radiation focusing and escaping are used. The experimental and theoretical values of the radiation power density on the 300 μm wave length are equal to 6x10-4, that is by some orders higher than the power of the well-known sources. The possibility to create the IR-spectrometer with unique parameters for investigations in the solid state physics is shown. 4 refs.; 11 figs.; 1 tab
Original Title
Ehksperimental'naya proverka vozmozhnosti ispol'zovaniya sinkhrotronnogo izlucheniya dlya infrakrasnoj spektroskopii vysokotemperaturnykh sverkhprovodnikov
1991; 18 p
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] In the system NH4I-CuBr-CUI by the methods of X-ray, differential thermal analyses and by measuring electric conductivity compound NH4Cu4Br3I2, possessing superionic conductivity above 384 K, was detected. Boundaries of isostructural solid solutions, when bromine is partially substituted for iodine, are ascertained. Electric conductivity and temperatures of melting, phase transitions and decomposition of the superionic conductors, are determined
Original Title
Provodniki NH4Cu4Br3+xI2-x s bystrym perenosom ionov medi
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy; ISSN 0002-337X; ; CODEN IVNMA; v. 26(8); p. 1734-1736
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Komogorova, L.V.; Lachinov, V.M.; Makoveev, V.K.; Smolin, D.A.; Shvetsov, V.S.
Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR)1976
Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR)1976
[en] The automatic Hall detector drive (coordinator) of the MIKh-2 magnetometer is considered, used for pulse field measurements in collective accelerator adgesator chamber. The positioning accuracy relative to coordinator scales is less than 0.2 mm for radius and hight, and 0.50 for asimuth. The coordinator section located at the chamber does not have any metallic elements. Manual and automatic mode control with computer communication has been provided. The control system uses a reverse decimal counter
Original Title
Avtomatizirovannyj privod magnitometra MIKh-2 pri izmereniyakh impul'snykh magnitnykh polej v adgezatore UTI
1976; 16 p; 5 refs.; 8 figs.
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Dege, K.; Geler, V.; Mironov, V.I.; Shvetsov, V.S.; Shcheulin, A.S.
Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR). Dept. of New Acceleration Methods1984
Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR). Dept. of New Acceleration Methods1984
[en] Calculations and model test results of heat transfer intensification by cooling the walls of KUTI-20 heavy ion collective accelerator adhesator are presented. Maximum temperature, distributions of profile of temperature and velocity in radial slots dependent on cooling medium, slot width, mass flow and radial distribution of heating are determined with semiempirical formulae and numerical simulations. It has been obtained that the efficiency of cooling could be sufficiently increased using water as a coolant, diminishing radial slot by 2-3 mm and boundary layer control in the maximum temperature area with total mass coefficient Vsub(j)/V=0.04-0.2. Investigatins allow one to conclude as to the optimum efficiency of vacuum chamber cooling upto f=20 Hz repetition frequency (heat supply Q=100 kW)
Original Title
Raschet i ehksperimental'nye issledovaniya intensifikatsii okhlazhdeniya vakuumnoj kamery adgezatora KUTI-20
Primary Subject
1984; 8 p; 8 refs.; 8 figs.; 1 tab.
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Voronenko, Yu.V.; Gul'chij, O.P.; Chujko, A.P.; Prus, L.A.; Shvetsov, V.S.
Radiobiological conference. Pt. 1. Summaries of reports1993
Radiobiological conference. Pt. 1. Summaries of reports1993
[en] Short communication
Original Title
Tendentsii v izmenenii zdorov'ya beremennykh zhenshchin, prozhivayushchikh v Kievskoj oblasti
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Gaziev, A.I. (ed.); Pushchinskij Nauchnyj Tsentr, Pushchino (Russian Federation); 444 p; 1993; p. 193; Radiobiological conference; Radiobiologicheskij s''ezd; Kiev (Ukraine); 20-25 Sep 1993
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[en] Infrared spectroscopy is one of the main methods of studying the physics of solids. For the mid-IR wavelength range, λ approx-lt 20μm, diffraction spectrometers with an ideal black-body radiation source made of silicon carbide are sufficiently effective. In the long-wavelength region, λ approx-gt 100μm, the spectral density of these sources is very small. Synchrotron radiation sources were proposed for use as an IR source for the spectroscopy of solids, using the electron ring of a heavy ion collective accelerator. This source offers several special features. First the spectral range of the IR radiation generated may be varied, since the radius of the electron ring can be varied. The spectral range is limited by the limiting radii at which it is possible to extract radiation from the ring. In the authors case, the range of radius is 3 to 8 cm, giving a wavelength range of 2 to 30 μm. Shorter wavelength radiation is almost absent, a very important point. Second, the synchrotron radiation flux depends linearly on the electron density in the rings, which in a heavy ion collective accelerator is in the range 3-5x1012. One of the main problems in using synchrotron radiation lies in forming a beam of given dimensions by focusing as large a light flux as possible from the window of the accelerator chamber
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Cover-to-cover Translation of Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoj Fiziki (USSR).
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Experimental results are given on the measurements of the synchrotron radiation power of an electron ring with parameters: electron number is (3-5)x1012, ring radius is 3-5 cm, electron energy is 10-20 MeV, pulse duration is 10 ms. Measurements are carried out in the wave length range of IR radiation of 2-400 μm. The developed multimirror optical channels are used for radiation focusing and extraction. Experimental and calculational values of radiation power density at λ 300 μm coincide and are equal to 6x10-4 W/μm, i.e. some orders of magnitude higher than the power of known sources. A possibility is shown of development of the IR spectrometer with unique parameters for investigations in the solids physics
Original Title
Ehksperimental'naya proverka vozmozhnosti ispol'zovaniya sinkhrotronnogo izlucheniya ehlektronnogo kol'tsa dlya infrakrasnoj spektroskopii tverdykh tel
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Bijskij, S.M.; Mazhulin, A.V.; Mironov, V.E.; Razuvakin, V.N.; Sarantsev, V.P.; Sumbaev, A.P.; Fateev, A.A.; Shvetsov, V.S.; Shirkov, G.D.
Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (Russian Federation)1992
Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (Russian Federation)1992
[en] A project of Electron Ring Ionizer ERIS (Electron Ring Ion Source) in JINR is submitted. The electron accelerator SILUND-20 and the adgezator (compressor) KUTI-20 after reconstruction have been taken as a basis to create ERIS setup. Some designs of the adgezator were reconstructed to reduce the ring radius up to 2 cm and increase the electron ring time confinement till 60+100 ms. The ERIS ionizer is supposed to investigate the electron shells of highly charged ions with X-ray spectroscopy methods. It is equipped with a compact crystal diffraction spectrometer of high resolution. According to the calculation it is possible to ensure the ionization factor jτ=0.5x1022 cm-2 in the ERIS electron rings and obtain the high charge states of ions (Xe48+, Kr34+) with a number up to 1010 ions in one ring. The results of the first stage of this project and spectra of Kα and Kβ X-rays of Kr and Xe ions from electron rings are presented in this communication. 9 refs.; 6 figs
Original Title
Ehlektronno-kol'tsevoj ionizator ERIS
Primary Subject
1992; 10 p
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Bijskij, S.M.; Mazhulin, A.V.; Mironov, V.E.; Razuvakin, V.N.; Sarantsev, V.P.; Sumbaev, A.P.; Fateev, A.A.; Shvetsov, V.S.; Shirkov, G.D.
Proceedings of the 13. workshop on charged particle accelerators. Volume 21993
Proceedings of the 13. workshop on charged particle accelerators. Volume 21993
[en] Development results of ERIS electron-ring ion source are described. Investigations into physics of electron shells of multicharged ions represent the aim of ERIS development. ERIS is being developed on the basis of SILUND-20 electron induction accelerator and KUTI-20 electron ring adhesion facility. A new variant of compression magnetic system was made, its tuning was started and pilot recording of X-ray radiation in the first retention cycle of electron ring was conducted. Service life of electron ring within 4 cm radii constituted 30 - 40 ms. 9 refs., 6 figs
Original Title
Ehlektronno-kol'tsevoj ionizator ERIS
Primary Subject
Vasil'ev, A.A. (ed.); Ministerstvo Rossijskoj Federatsii po Atomnoj Ehnergii, Moscow (Russian Federation); Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (Russian Federation); 430 p; 1993; p. 115-119; JINR; Dubna (Russian Federation); 13. workshop on charged particle accelerators; 13. soveshchanie po uskoritelyam zaryazhennykh chastits; Dubna (Russian Federation); 13-15 Oct 1992
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