[en] The Institute of Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) and the Institute for Public Health Surveillance (InVS) have been collaborating since 2003 to provide updated data on medical exposure of the French population, as requested in the European Directive 97/43. This paper is related to 2007 dataset. For private practice, a continuous and representative sample of about 1 % of the population has been followed by the National health insurance since 2006. All exams (radiology and nuclear medicine) performed to people of this sample by private practitioners are registered. They have been analysed according to the type of exam, age and sex of the patient. For public practice, as no registration was available, two national surveys have been specifically conducted: one survey performed in 50 representative radiological departments in public hospitals, and one questionnaire sent to all the 127 public nuclear medicine departments. A mean effective dose has been associated to each type of exam, using the French Dose Reference Levels, the national guidelines in radiology or nuclear medicine, recent French and European studies and data collected through the two surveys. The annual average effective dose per inhabitant in France has increased by 57 % between 2002 and 2007. It has been estimated to 1.3 mSv in 2007. This value is in the range of the European values published: from 0.4 mSv in the UK to 2 mSv in Belgium. (authors)
Original Title
Bilan des expositions en imagerie medicale en 2007 - evolution aux niveaux national et international
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
7 refs.
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Millemann, Yves; Boulouis, Henri-Jean; Haddad, Nadia; Le Poder, Sophie; Balland, Cyrille; Giraudet, Fabrice; Roudet, James; Ndagijimana, Fabien; Tirlemont, Stephane; Voyer, Damien; Meyer, Gilles; Bertagnoli, Stephane; Belloc, Catherine; Desfontis, Jean-Claude; L'Hostis, Monique; Meurens, Francois; Peroz, Carole; Boissy, Alain; Gilot-Fromont, Emmanuelle; Giraud, Etienne; Henaux, Viviane; Jourdain, Elsa; Le Bouquin - Le Neveu, Sophie; Paraud, Carine; Monchatre-Leroy, Elodie; Mormede, Pierre; Morvan, Herve; Payne, Ariane; Ponsart, Claire; Saegerman, Claude; Simon, Gaelle; Vaillancourt, Jean-Pierre; Pereira De Vasconcelos, Anne; Claudepierre, Thomas; Dore, Jean-Francois; Douki, Thierry; Falcon, Jack; Flahaut, Emmanuel; Paradis, Anne-Lise; Rols, Marie-Pierre; Simonneaux, Valerie; Gaudaire, Francois; Guseva-Canu, Irina; Hours, Martine; Lelong, Joel; LARABI, Chaker; Moati, Frederique; Mouneyrac, Catherine; Soyez, Alain; Toppila, Esko; Torriglia, Alicia; Vienot, Francoise; Yardin, Catherine; Andreeva, Valentina; Boarini, Serge; Bourdieu, Anne; Burkhardt, Jean-Marie; Chaumet-Riffaud, Philippe; Degauque, Pierre; Dulon, Didier; Dutilleux, Guillaume; Feltin, Nicolas; Fontana, Luc; Girard, Pierre-Marie; Guenel, Pascal; Letertre, Thierry; Morel, Jean-Luc; Collignon, Catherine; Etore, Florence; Cadene, Anthony; Molinet, Regis; Dopter, Aymeric; Kennouche, Paul; Poisson, Sonia; Rougier, Sandrine; Sinno-Tellier, Sandra; Grisot, Lionel; Labbe, Jean-Francois; Collin, Eric; Filippitzi, Maria-Eleni; Fretin, David; Debuire, Brigitte
Agence nationale de securite sanitaire de l'alimentation, de l'environnement et du travail - Anses, 14 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 94701 Maisons-Alfort Cedex (France)2021
Agence nationale de securite sanitaire de l'alimentation, de l'environnement et du travail - Anses, 14 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 94701 Maisons-Alfort Cedex (France)2021
[en] Farmers from two cattle farms located near a wind farm in Loire-Atlantique have reported various problems with their animals, including a reduction in milk yield and quality, behavioural problems, and an increase in mortality. ANSES stresses that these particular situations require support measures. However, it has concluded that the disorders encountered are most likely unrelated to the presence of the wind turbines. The Agency recommends establishing a suitable comprehensive diagnostic protocol, in order to be able to act promptly in the event of disorders occurring in other farms close to wind turbines
Les exploitants de deux elevages de bovins de Loire-Atlantique, situes a proximite d'un parc eolien, ont rapporte differents troubles chez leurs animaux, dont une diminution de la production et de la qualite du lait, des troubles du comportement ou une augmentation de la mortalite. L'Anses souligne que ces situations particulieres necessitent des mesures d'accompagnement. Pour autant, elle conclut que les troubles rencontres ne sont tres probablement pas lies a la presence des eoliennes. L'Agence recommande l'etablissement d'un protocole de diagnostic global adapte, pour pouvoir repondre rapidement en cas de survenue de troubles dans d'autres elevages proches d'eoliennesOriginal Title
Imputabilite a un champ d'eoliennes d'effets rapportes dans deux elevages bovins. Avis de l'Anses, Rapport d'expertise collective, Octobre 2021
Primary Subject
Oct 2021; 255 p; ISBN 979-10-286-0402-8; ; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue