[en] Toxicity studies of S-2-(3 aminopropylamino)-ethylphosphorothioic acid (WR-2721) access patients in remission following radiation therapy. The dose has been escalated from 25 to 250 mg/m2 without significant symptoms. Inconsistent variation in the systolic blood pressure in some patients has been observed over an 8-10-point range without producing any symptoms. Combining WR-2721 with conventional radiotherapy is contemplated by intravenous injection the drug 20 to 30 minutes before irradiation. This will start as weekly injections, and the number of weekly injections will be increased progessively. Animal studies suggest that the level already safely reached could give significant protection to the normal tissues without protecting tumor
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Cancer Clinical Trials; ISSN 0190-1206; ; v. 3(3); p. 217-221
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Kolar, J.; Sprindrich, J.; Zidkova, H.; Slavik, M.; Konopasek, B.
V. Czechoslovak radiological congress with international participation
V. Czechoslovak radiological congress with international participation
No abstract available
Original Title
Radiodiagnosticke moznosti u komplikaci kycelnich nahrad
Primary Subject
Slovenska Lekarska Spolocnost, Bratislava (Czechoslovakia); 213 p; nd; p. 92; 5. Czechoslovak radiological congress; Bratislava (Czechoslovakia); 2-3 Sep 1981; Published in summary form only.
Record Type
Literature Type
Report Number
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Two intriguing tumours in the appendicular skeleton are coined by odontogenic terms: the adamantinomas and cementomas (or cementifying fibromas ). Both are extremely rare, mainly the latter. Eight verified observations are presented here: five adamantinomas and three cementomas. Whereas in adamantinomas, the localization and radiographic picture was very typical in all cases, only one cementoma was found in the metaphysis of a long tubular bone in our survey. Diaphyseal tibial localization in one, and metacarpal in the another patient are the first two atypical localizations, described for this tumor in the world's medical literature. Angiography is characteristic for a benign expansive lesion and should be carried out in all cases. An en bloc resection is the intervention of choice for both these entities. (orig.)
Zwei interessante Tumoren der Knochen des Becken- und Schulterguertels und der Extremitaeten sind nach einer odontogenen Nomenklatur benannt worden. Es sind dies die Adamantinome und die Zementome (oder zementierende Fibrome ). Sie sind ausserordentlich selten, insbesondere die letztgenannte Art. Acht bestaetigte Beobachtungen werden vorgestellt: 5 Adamantinome und 3 Zementome. Waehrend bei den Adamantinomen Lokalisierung und Roentgenbild in allen Faellen hoechst typisch waren, fand sich die der Metaphyse eines langen Roehrenknochens bei unserer Untersuchung nur ein Zementom. Die beiden erstmals in der internationalen Literatur beschriebenen Lokalisierungen sind eine diaphyseale Lokalisierung in der Tibiagegend bei einem Patienten und eine metakarpale bei einem benignen ausgedehnten Gebilde von cahrakteristischer Bedeutung und sollte stets durchgefuehrt werden. In beiden Faellen ist en-bloc -Resektion der Eingriff der Wahl. (orig.)Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Roentgenstrahlen und der Nuklearmedizin; ISSN 0015-8151; ; v. 135(4); p. 471-477
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue