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[en] The purpose of any technique for solidification of high-level liquid wastes is transformation of a solution of fission products of known type into a solid product which has been studied in the laboratory. The process used must therefore permit fabrication of the desired product. The author discusses the techniques used in the fabrication of: calcinates, glass-metal composites, modified-calcinate-metal composites, and glasses or products of strong glassy phase. (Auth.)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Radioactive Waste Management; ISSN 0142-2405; ; v. 2(1); p. 49-82
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Jouan, A.; Sombret, C.
Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe (Germany, F.R.). Internationales Buero/Uebersetzergruppe1977
Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe (Germany, F.R.). Internationales Buero/Uebersetzergruppe1977
[en] Converting fission product solutions into a solid, vitrified product for safe ultimate storage is the approach pursued by France in the treatment of this type of waste. The continuous vitrification technique developed by the CEA for the conversion of fission product solutions at the same time helps to greatly reduce the volume of such solutions. The equipment used for this purpose, i.e., a rotary calciner for calcination of the solution and a melting furnace for vitrification of the calcination product, is described in the article. The results of experiments conducted on the equipment in a prototype system built at the Marcoule Nuclear Research Center for a total of approximately 7,400 hours are reported and discussed. Also a new vitrification furnace is described which operates by direct induction in the molten glass. Thanks to the satisfactory results achieved with respect to performance and reliability of the equipment, the development of this line has been extended up to the industrial scale. A system employing this principle has been set up on the Marcoule site. (orig./HPH)
Die Umwandlung der Spaltproduktloesungen in ein verglastes, festes Produkt zur sicheren Endlagerung ist der Weg, den Frankreich bei der Behandlung dieser Art von Abfaellen eingeschlagen hat. Das vom Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique entwickelte kontinuierliche Verglasungsverfahren zur Umwandlung von Spaltproduktloesungen fuehrt gleichzeitig zu einer ganz erheblichen Verminderung ihres Volumens. Die dafuer eingesetzte Apparatur, Rotationscalcinator zur Calcinierung der Loesung und Schmelzofen zur Verglasung des Calcinats, wird in diesem Artikel beschrieben, und es werden die Ergebnisse der Versuche von etwa 7.400 Stunden, denen die Apparatur an einem im Zentrum von Marcoule gebauten Prototyp unterzogen worden war, angegeben und diskutiert. Ebenso wird ein neuer Verglasungsofen beschrieben, der mit direkter Induktion in geschmolzenem Glas arbeitet. Dank der befriedigenden Ergebnisse hinsichtlich der Funktionsweise und der Zuverlaessigkeit konnte die Entwicklung bis zum Industriemassstab weitergefuehrt werden, und auf dem Gelaende von Marcoule konnte eine nach diesem Verfahren arbeitende Anlage erstellt werden. (orig./HPH)Original Title
Die kontinuierliche Verglasung von konzentrierten Spaltproduktloesungen
Primary Subject
Oct 1977; 23 p; 1 fig.; 4 tabs. Translated from French: La vitrification continue des solutions concentrees de produits de fission.
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Sombret, C.
Compagnie Generale des Matieres Nucleaires (COGEMA), Centre de Marcoule, 30 - Bagnols-sur-Ceze (France)1982
Compagnie Generale des Matieres Nucleaires (COGEMA), Centre de Marcoule, 30 - Bagnols-sur-Ceze (France)1982
[en] Glass shows interesting technical and economical properties for long term storage of solidified radioactive wastes by vitrification or embedding. Glass composition, vitrification processes, stability under irradiation, thermal stability and aqueous corrosion are studied
Le verre presente des proprietes interessantes, techniquement et economiquement pour le stockage a long terme des dechets radioactifs solidifies par les procedes de vitrification ou d'enrobage. On etudie la composition des verres, les procedes de vitrification, stabilite thermique et sous irradiation ainsi que la corrosion aqueuseOriginal Title
Le verre et les dechets nucleaires
Primary Subject
Oct 1982; 17 p; Annual meeting of the international commission on glass; Toronto, Ontario (Canada); 3 - 6 Oct 1982
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Sombret, C.
Proceedings of the 61. annual meeting of the Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft and of the meeting of the Societe Francaise de Mineralogie et de Cristallographie with a symposium on 'applied mineralogy' of the Group of European Mineralogists 1983 in Muenster. - Proceedings of the spring meeting of the DMG Section Geochemistry 1983 in Koeln1983
Proceedings of the 61. annual meeting of the Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft and of the meeting of the Societe Francaise de Mineralogie et de Cristallographie with a symposium on 'applied mineralogy' of the Group of European Mineralogists 1983 in Muenster. - Proceedings of the spring meeting of the DMG Section Geochemistry 1983 in Koeln1983
No abstract available
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft e.V., Regensburg (Germany, F.R.); Fortschritte der Mineralogie. Beiheft; v. 61(1); 259 p; Aug 1983; p. 202; Schweizerbart; Stuttgart (Germany, F.R.); 61. annual meeting of the Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft e.V. and meeting of the Societe Francaise de Mineralogie et de Cristallographie; Muenster (Germany, F.R.); 16-27 Sep 1983; Published in summary form only.
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Sombret, C.
CEA Etablissement de la Vallee du Rhone, 30 - Bagnols-sur-Ceze (France)1982
CEA Etablissement de la Vallee du Rhone, 30 - Bagnols-sur-Ceze (France)1982
[en] Research and development carried out in France for a long time about solidification of high level radioactive wastes have been mainly directed toward the glassy state. Investigations about borosilicates lead up to choose glass as a final form for the fission products solutions stored in both reprocessing plants. Works related to various techniques to make use of this type of material started also a long time ago. A two steps continuous process was selected owing to satisfactory results rised from a long term prototype running with respects to the glass manufacturing as well as the remotely handling ability. AVM, the Marcoule Vitrification Plant has been running since 1978. Further Vitrification Plants related to the La Hague reprocessing plant are under design
Primary Subject
Apr 1982; 11 p; A.N.S. Nuclear waste conference; Richland, WA, USA; 19 - 22 Apr 1982
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Sombret, C.
CEA Etablissement de la Vallee du Rhone, 30 - Bagnols-sur-Ceze (France)1984
CEA Etablissement de la Vallee du Rhone, 30 - Bagnols-sur-Ceze (France)1984
[en] A brief historical background of the research and development work conducted in France over 25 years is first presented. Then, the papers deals with the vitrification at (1) the UP1 reprocessing plant (Marcoule) and (2) the UP2 and UP3 reprocessing plants (La Hague). 1) The properties of glass required for high-level radioactive waste vitrification are recalled. The vitrification process and facility of Marcoule are presented. (2) The average characteristics (chemical composition, activity) of LWR fission product solution are given. The glass formulations developed to solidify LWR waste solution must meet the same requirements as those used in the UP1 facility at Marcoule. Three important aspects must be considered with respect to the glass fabrication process: corrosiveness of the molten glass with regard to metals, viscosity of the molten glass, and, volatization during glass fabrication. The glass properties required in view of interim storage and long-term disposal are then largely developed. Two identical vitrification facilities are planned for the site: T7, to process the UP2 throughput, and T7 for the UP3 plant. A prototype unit was built and operated at Marcoule
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Feb 1984; 34 p; 11. Annual energy conference; Knoxville, TN (USA); 21-24 Feb 1984; 4 tabl.; 11 figs.
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Sombret, C.
CEA Etablissement de la Vallee du Rhone, 30 - Bagnols-sur-Ceze (France)1983
CEA Etablissement de la Vallee du Rhone, 30 - Bagnols-sur-Ceze (France)1983
[en] High level radioactive wastes generated by the reprocessing of spent fuels is an important concern in the conditioning of radioactive wastes. This paper deals with the status of the knowledge about glasses used for the treatment of these liquids
Les effluents liquides de haute activite provenant du retraitement des combustibles irradies, occupent une place importante dans le traitement des dechets radioactifs. Cet article resume l'etat des connaissances sur les verres utilises pour le conditionnement de ces liquidesOriginal Title
Verres utilises pour le stockage des dechets hautement radioactifs
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Jun 1983; 14 p; 26. Colloquium on metallurgy; Saclay (France); 20-22 Jun 1983
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No abstract available
Primary Subject
European nuclear conference; Paris, France; 21 Apr 1975; Published in summary form only.
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society; v. 20 p. 680-682
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[en] To meet waste acceptance specifications, it is necessary to demonstrate that the glass produced at the site is suitable for long-term disposal. The experimental studies carried out in France for such a demonstration have been performed according to the following strategy: (1) selection, definition, and characterization of a reference glass; (2) performance of sensitivity tests to quality a sufficiently broad compositional region that covers all credible compositions to be produced; (3) demonstration that the inevitable process disturbances taking place in the glass-making process can be detected and corrected in time to avoid any additional modification of glass formulations from those obtained in the range tested during the sensitivity test; and (4) implementation of a quality control plan guaranteeing the control of the process parameters under normal and degraded operating conditions
Primary Subject
Annual meeting of the American Nuclear Society; Dallas, TX (USA); 7-11 Jun 1987; CONF-870601--
Record Type
Journal Article
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Sombret, C.
CEA Etablissement de la Vallee du Rhone, 30 - Bagnols-sur-Ceze (France)1983
CEA Etablissement de la Vallee du Rhone, 30 - Bagnols-sur-Ceze (France)1983
[en] The conversion of high level radioactive liquid wastes into glass is now considered in every nuclear country. The glass composition must take into account the components of the solutions and be formulated in order to meet certain requirements, mainly those necessary for safe further disposal. The compositions of these glasses, all borosilicates, are consequently unusual. Heat due to β γ decay generates some devitrification but it has not yet been demonstrated that this is detrimental. β irradiation has minor effects on the glass structure but the effect of α emitters is not presently totally investigated. If stored energy consequenses are negligible, further experiments must be carried out to ascertain the effect of helium build up or the behaviour of the mechanical properties. Processes of industrial interest have been developped and a plant has already produced radioactive glass blocks for 5 years
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Sep 1983; 19 p; 61. Annual meeting of the German Society of Mineralogy; Muenster (Germany, F.R.); 21 Sep 1983
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