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[en] The knowledge of the creep behaviour of concrete under multiaxial stress at raised temperatures is necessary for the design and calculation of prestressed-concrete reactor pressure vessels due to the loading conditions prestressing and internal temperature. Therefore, in addition to the research programmes on the behaviour of concrete under multiaxial short-term stress at normal temperature done at the 'Institut fuer Massivbau' in the framework of the prestressed-concrete pressure vessel programme, the influences of raised temperature is experimentally tested. (orig./LH)
Fuer den Entwurf und die Berechnung von Spannbeton-Reaktor-Druckbehaeltern ist wegen der Lastfaelle Vorspannung und Innentemperatur die Kenntnis des Kriechverhaltens von Beton unter mehrachsiger Beanspruchung bei erhoehten Temperaturen notwendig. Deshalb werden am Institut fuer Massivbau im Anschluss an Forschungsprogramme ueber das Verhalten des Betons unter mehrachsiger, kurzzeitiger Belastung bei Normaltemperatur im Rahmen des SBB-Programmes auch die Einfluesse erhoehter Temperaturen im Versuch studiert. (orig./RW)Original Title
Kriechen von Beton bei mehrachsiger Beanspruchung und bei erhoehten Temperaturen
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Deutscher Ausschuss fuer Stahlbeton, Berlin (F.R. Germany); vp; 1975; Conference on research and development in the field of prestressed-concrete reactor pressure vessels; Berlin, F.R. Germany; 13 Oct 1975; AED-CONF--75-541-020; 9 figs.; 3 refs.
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Nechvatal, D.; Stoeckl, S.; Kupfer, H.
Technische Univ. Muenchen (Germany). Inst. fuer Bauingenieurwesen 3 - Massivbau, Stahlbau. Funding organisation: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn (Germany)1992
Technische Univ. Muenchen (Germany). Inst. fuer Bauingenieurwesen 3 - Massivbau, Stahlbau. Funding organisation: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn (Germany)1992
[en] Creep and creep recovery tests at stress levels between service stress and long-time strength are described. Two types of cement, viz. - ordinary Portland cement PZ 45F, and - Portland limestone cement PKZ 35F. And two different storage conditions up to the beginning of the creep tests were examined, viz. -at 20 C with full immersion in water, and - at 20 C at 35% relative humidity. During the creep and creep recovery tests the samples were sealed. The concrete mix was identical in all cases (w/c ratio = 0.6, 300 kg cement/m3 concrete). In this study sealing of the pre-dried or pre-moistened samples respectively during the creep and creep recovery tests served to prevent further moisture exchange with the environment. Through sealing, creep and creep recovery behaviour of samples of varying degrees of moisture content at a greatly reduced level of drying shrinkage and drying creep could be examined. (orig.)
Es wird die Durchfuehrung von Kriech- und Rueckkriechversuchen zwischen der ueblichen Gebrauchsspannung und der Dauerstandgrenze beschrieben. Dabei werden 2 Zementarten, naemlich - normaler Portlandzement PZ 45F bzw. -Portlandkalksteinzement PKZ 35F sowie 2 Lagerungsarten in der Zeit bis zu Beginn der Kriechversuche, naemlich - 20 C/unter Wasser bzw. - 20 C/35% rel. Luftfeuchte untersucht. Waehrend der Kriech- und Rueckkriechversuche waren die Proben versiegelt. Das Betonrezept war in allen Faellen gleich (w/z=0,6, 300 kg Zement je m3 Beton). Die beim vorliegenden Programm vorgenommene Versiegelung der vorgetrockneten bzw. vorgenaessten Proben waehrend der Kriech- und Rueckkriechversuche verhinderte einen weiteren Feuchteaustausch mit der Umgebung. Durch die Versiegelung wurde es moeglich, das Kriechverhalten von Proben mit unterschiedlichem Wassergehalt bei stark eingeschraenktem Einfluss des Schwindens und des Trocknungsfliessens zu studieren. (orig.)Original Title
Kriechen, Rueckkriechen und Dauerstandfestigkeit von Beton bei unterschiedlichem Feuchtegehalt und Verwendung von Portlandzement bzw. Portlandkalksteinzement
Primary Subject
Dec 1992; 60 p; CONTRACT DFG KU 239/63-1; Available from TIB Hannover: F93B 1027
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[en] The experimental investigations at the 'Institut fuer Massivbau' at the Technical University, Munich, in the field of reactor construction can be essentially grouped into two sections, namely that of the multiaxial concrete stress and that of concrete creep under raised temperatures. The study of these questions was more strongly coupled with the development of suitable test methods and testing equipment than in other fields of reinforced-concrete research. In the present report, a brief survey is given on the machine equipment developed in Munich. (orig./LH)
Die Untersuchungen experimenteller Art am Institut fuer Massivbau der Technischen Universitaet Muenchen zum Gebiet des Reaktorbaues lassen sich im wesentlichen in zwei Bereiche gruppieren, naemlich den Bereich der mehrachsigen Betonbeanspruchung und den Bereich des Betonkriechens unter erhoehten Temperaturen. Das Studium dieser Fragen war in staerkerem Masse als in anderen Bereichen der Stahlbetonforschung an die Entwicklung geeigneter Versuchsmethoden und Versuchseinrichtungen gekoppelt. Im vorliegenden Bericht wird kurz ueber die in Muenchen entwickelten maschinellen Einrichtungen berichtet. (orig./RW)Original Title
In Muenchen entwickelte maschinelle Ausstattung fuer Untersuchungen an Reaktorbeton
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Deutscher Ausschuss fuer Stahlbeton, Berlin (F.R. Germany); vp; 1975; Conference on research and development in the field of prestressed-concrete reactor pressure vessels; Berlin, F.R. Germany; 13 Oct 1975; AED-CONF--75-541-018; 20 figs.; 6 refs.
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Lanig, N.; Stoeckl, S.; Kupfer, H.
Technische Univ. Muenchen (Germany). Inst. fuer Bauingenieurwesen 3 - Massivbau, Stahlbau; Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn (Germany)1988
Technische Univ. Muenchen (Germany). Inst. fuer Bauingenieurwesen 3 - Massivbau, Stahlbau; Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn (Germany)1988
[en] Long-time tests of three-axially loaded, sealed cylindrical specimens d = 15 cm, h = 40 cm, were carried out. The 20-cm-cube strength of the concrete was app. 45 N/mm2. The creep stresses were chosen in the following ranges: 0,3 ≤ σc/βc≤ 2,1; 0 ≤ σr/σl≤ 1,0. The creep coefficients obtained were clearly depending on the multi-axial stress conditions. The creep coefficients for a t = 2 years loading were reaching app. 1 for σl/βc = 0,3 and app. 3 for σl/β c = 2,1, when the test evaluation was based on the initial deformations meausred after 1 minute. For σl/βc = 2,1 the creep coefficients obtained were about 4 times as large, proceeding form calculated elastic deformations. Further evaluations concerned the Young's modulus E, Poisson's ratio μ, the bulk modulus K and the shear modulus G. The preceding permanent load leads to an increase in the Young's modulus of the concrete in longitudinal direction of the specimen up to about 4 times the value of not preloaded comparative specimens. (orig.)
Es wurden Langzeitversuche an dreiachsig beanspruchten, versiegelten zylindrischen Proben d = 15 cm, h = 40 cm, aus B 45 durchgefuehrt. Die Kriechspannungen lagen in folgenden Bereichen: 0,3 ≤ σl/βc ≤ 2,1; 0 ≤ σr/σl≤ 1,0. Die gefundenen Kriechzahlen waren deutlich von den mehrachsigen Spannungszustaenden abhaengig. Die Kriechzahlen fuer t = 2 Jahre lagen fuer σl/βc = 0,3 bei etwa 1 und fuer σl/βc = 2,1 bei etwa 3, wenn die nach 1 Minute gemessenen Anfangsverformungen zugrunde gelegt wurden. Fuer σl/βc = 2,1 ergaben sich etwa 4 mal so grosse Kriechzahlen, wenn man von errechneten elastischen Verformungen ausgeht. Weitere Auswertungen betrafen den E-Modul E, die Querdehnzahl μ, den Kompressionsmodul K und den Gleitmodul G. Die vorangegangene Dauerlast fuehrt zu einem Anstieg der Betonsteifigkeit in Probenlaengsrichtung auf etwa den vierfachen Wert gegenueber nicht vorbelasteten Vergleichsproben. (orig.)Original Title
Versuche zum Kriechen und zur Restfestigkeit von Beton bei mehrachsiger Beanspruchung
Primary Subject
Dec 1988; 169 p; CONTRACT DFG KU 239/43-1; DFG KU 239/43-2; DFG 239/43-3; DFG 239/43-4; DFG 239/43-5; DFG 239/43-6
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[en] To provide detailed information for the calculation of prestressed concrete reactor vessels, investigations of the behaviour of concrete under multiaxial loading and on creep at elevated temperatures were made at the Institut fuer Massivbau of the Technical University of Munich. The strength of concrete under triaxial compression is dependent on the stress ratio. The less the stresses differ from hydrostatic compression the more strength increases. Triaxial compression increases very much the deformability of concrete. Plastic deformations of +-10% and more (all stresses compression, but not equal, strains compression or tension) are possible without large cracks. The creep deformations are considerably dependent on the temperature. Creep at 800C is about three to four times higher than at 200C. The Poisson's ratio of creep at elevated temperature seems to be bigger than at normal temperatures at a rate of loading of 35% and 50% of the ultimate strength. (Auth.)
Primary Subject
Jaeger, T.A. (comp.) (Bundesanstalt fuer Materialpruefung, Berlin (Germany, F.R.)); International Association for Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology; Commission of the European Communities, Brussels (Belgium); British Nuclear Energy Society, London; v. 3 p. H1/3 1-13; 1975; North-Holland; Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 3. international conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology; London, UK; 1 Sep 1975
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[en] Within a German PRCV-program at the Institut fuer Massivbau of the Technical University of Munich tests are made in order to provide the information necessary for an analytical modelling of thick concrete cylinders. In 1976 the series was started with 2 tests on large size unreinforced concrete rings (inner diameter 10.9 cm, outer diameter 36.5 cm resp. 62.5 cm, thickness 10 cm) under inside pressure. The loading was electronically controlled under the condition of a linear increase of the mean strain rate (0.0002/hour). This method provides detailed information on the deformation behavior during rupture of the specimen. The main strain was measured at the inner side of the ring by 8 inductive gages. To obtain the information necessary for a finite element analysis the specimen was subdivided by a triangular net for which all tangential strains have been measured by inductive gages, whereas all radial and diagonal strains have been measured using strain gages. Additionally the increase of the ring diameter has been recorded. (Auth.)
Primary Subject
Jaeger, T.A.; Boley, B.A. (eds.); International Association for Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology; Commission of the European Communities, Brussels (Belgium); v. H p. H4/8 1-11; ISBN 0 444 85062 7; ; 1977; v. H p. H4/8 1-11; North-Holland; Amsterdam, Netherlands; 4. international conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology; San Francisco, USA; 15 - 19 Aug 1977
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[en] Within a German PRCV-program at the Institut fuer Massivbau of the Technical University of Munich tests are made in order to provide those informations necessary for an analytical modelling of thick concrete cylinders. In 1976 the series has been started with 2 tests on large size unreinforced concrete rings (inner diameter 10,9 cm, outer diameter 36,5 cm resp. 62,5 cm, thickness 10 cm) under inside pressure. The loading was electronically controlled under the condition of a linear increase of the mean strain rate, a method well proved in our laboratory since years. This method provides detailed informations on the deformation behavior during rupture of the specimen. According to the information necessary for a finite element analysis the specimen was subdivided by a triangular net, for which all tangential strains have been measured by inductive gages whereas all radial and diagonal strains have been measured using strain gages. Additionally the increase of the ring diameter has been recorded. The strain-controlled loading allowed to observe the behavior of the specimen also beyond the maximum load level at the descending branch of the load down to 0.73 of the maximum load. The strains indicate clearly the formation of two cracks (primary crack and secondary crack at opposite point). Strain reduction at the neighbouring region of the cracks was recorded. At maximum load the tension strain at the primary crack was measured as 0.0002 which corresponds to the ductility of the concrete. It should be noted that due to the small strains at the outer face of the ring the strains at the inner side could be enlarged beyond the maximum load to 0.00054 without
Primary Subject
v. H; 1977; H 4/8, 11 p; 4. International conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology; San Francisco, Calif., USA; 15 - 19 Aug 1977
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[en] Tests on the triaxial stress-strain-relation of concrete in compression and tension were done utilizing the Munich testing equipment (a rigid prestressed concrete frame with brush bearing platens). The specimens are cubes of 10 cm square. All stress states can be managed. During the test all deformations were measured. The concrete being tested has a similar mixture as concrete used in PCRVs. The strength of concrete under triaxial compression is dependent on the stress ratio. The less the stresses differ from hydrostatic compression the more the strength increases. Triaxial compression increases very much the deformability of concrete. Plastic deformations of +-10 per mille and more (all stresses compression, but not equal, strains compression or tension) are possible without large cracks. Tension in at least one direction which is connected with compression in the other direction(s) causes a sudden failure and a reduction of strength. The deformations measured show a nearly constant modulus of elasticity. The second test series examines creep of concrete under elevated temperatures with multiaxial loading. The specimens (discs of 20/20/5 cm) were loaded in two directions by brush bearing platens under temperatures of 20 deg, 50 deg and 80 deg Celsius. The creep deformations are considerably dependent on the temperature. Creep at 80 deg C is about three to four times higher than at 20 deg C. The Poisson's ratio of creep at elevated temperature seems to be bigger than at normal temperatures at a rate of loading of 35% and 50% of the ultimate strength
Primary Subject
v. 3 (pt.G,H); 1975; H 1/3, 13 p; 3. International conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology; London, UK; 1 Sep 1975
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Stoeckl, S.; Kupfer, H.; Bierwirth, H.; Zhou, Y.
Transactions of the 11th international conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology1991
Transactions of the 11th international conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology1991
[en] In the 10th SMIRT conference, a report was presented on the Munich tests on the creep behavior of sealed concrete cylinders of 15 cm diameter and 30 cm height under triaxial compressive stresses. The method of comprehensive representation of all results for one observed level of the related longitudinal stress is shown. Some further evaluation was done, and the results are reported. In order to get deformation values with very small creep influence, load was applied very quickly. Nevertheless, the measured deformation values at the beginning of creep curves included creep components, and the improvement is necessary. The basic elasticity values K and G used for the multiaxial studies of isotropic materials were derived. The result of the evaluation in accordance with these formulas is shown. With the basic elasticity values Ki and Gi, the initial strains are obtained. An example showed that creep deformation already occurred in a short time despite very fast stress application. The result of the improvement is shown. Creep process is frequently represented by the related values instead of deformation. A creep coefficient is generally used for the creep of concrete. (K.I.)
Primary Subject
Shibata, Heki (ed.) (Tokyo Univ. (Japan). Inst. of Industrial Science); Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Tokyo (Japan); 6297 p; 1991; v. H p. 169-174; Atomic Energy Society of Japan; Tokyo (Japan); 11. international conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology; Tokyo (Japan); 18-23 Aug 1991
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Stoeckl, S.
Thermal expansion, modulus of elasticity, shrinkage, creep and residual strength of concrete for PCRVs at uniaxial stress state and elevated temperatures. Tests on the influence of level of loading on the creep of concrete1981
Thermal expansion, modulus of elasticity, shrinkage, creep and residual strength of concrete for PCRVs at uniaxial stress state and elevated temperatures. Tests on the influence of level of loading on the creep of concrete1981
[en] In this paper a small test program (16 specimens) about creep of concrete is described. The dependance of the final creep on the following parameters was investigated: - level of loading (about 0,3 to 0,8 βsub(c)) - quantity of cement (250 and 360 kg/m3 concrete respectively) - water/cement ratio (0,45 - 0,60 - 0,80) - consistence of the concrete mix (K2 and softer than K3 in the definition of the German code). The influence could be analysed clearly. The final creep increased with - an increased level of loading - the quantity of cement in the conrete - the water/cement ratio - softer consistence of the conrete mix. A comparison with the German code values shows a good conformity with the test results at lower level of loading. (orig.)
Es wird ueber ein kleines Versuchsprogramm (16 Kriechversuche) berichtet, in welchen die Abhaengigkeit des Endkriechmasses von folgenden Parametern studiert wurde: - Einfluss der Belastungshoehe (etwa 0,3 bis 0,8 x βsub(c)) - Einfluss des Zementgehaltes (250 bzw. 360 kg/m3 Beton) - Einfluss des w/z-Wertes (0,45 - 0,60 - 0,80) - Einfluss der Frischbetonkonsistenz (K2 und > K3) Die Einfluesse konnten deutlich analysiert werden. Das Endkriechmass steigt - bei Belastungshoehe 0,8 βsub(c) etwa auf das doppelte des Wertes im Lastbereich <= 0,3 βsub(c) - bei hohem Zementgehalt - bei hohem w/z-Wert - bei weicher Konsistenz. Ein fuer den unteren Lastbereich gueltiger Vergleich der Versuchswerte mit Werten nach DIN 1045 bzw. DIN 4227 ergab sehr gute Uebereinstimmung. (orig.)Original Title
Versuche zum Einfluss der Belastungshoehe auf das Kriechen des Betons
Primary Subject
Aschl, H.; Stoeckl, S; Schriftenreihe des Deutschen Ausschusses fuer Stahlbeton; no. 305; 130 p; ISBN 3-433-00927-9; ; 1981; p. 113-130; Deutscher Ausschuss fuer Stahlbeton; Berlin (Germany, F.R)
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