[en] Human peripheral blood lymphocytes isolated using a Ficoll-Uropolinum gradient were exposed to between 1 and 25 Gy X-rays and were cultured for period of up to 72 hours. Before irradiation and after 2, 24, 48 and 72 hours total numbers of surviving cells per ml of culture were determined as well as the frequencies of cells spontaneously forming rosettes (E) and active rosettes (AE) with sheep red blood cells, cells bearing receptor for activated complement (EAC) and cells spontaneously forming rosettes with mouse red blood cells (ME). Irrespective of the duration of in vitro culture, the radiosensitivity of the subpopulations of human lymphocytes increased in the order E < EAC = ME < AE rosette forming cells. Calculation of the frequencies of surviving cells, null with respect to the surface markers (E and EAC), showed that disappearance of rosette-forming cells under the influence of radiation was largely due to the shedding of their receptors and not exclusively to cell death. It is suggested that the extreme radiosensitivity of the subpopulation of T lymphocytes capable of AE rosette formation, if confirmed by in vivo studies, may possess diagnostic significance in persons accidentally exposed to radiation. (author)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
International Journal of Radiation Biology and Related Studies in Physics, Chemistry and Medicine; ISSN 0020-7616; ; v. 39(3); p. 253-263
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Experience is reported with the treatment of iatrogenic pancytopenia in primary chemotherapy with massive doses of cytostatic drugs, namely alterations of the immune and the blood formation systems. The condition can be considered to be a model of the acute irradiation syndrome, thus allowing to define the principles of diagnosis, prevention and therapy. (L.O.). 10 refs
Original Title
Nemocni s cytopenii vyvolanou masivni chemoterapii jako model akutni nemoci z ozareni
Primary Subject
English translation available from Nuclear Information Center, 156 16 Prague 5-Zbraslav, Czechoslovakia, at US$ 10 per typewritten page.
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Journal Article
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Marrow cells from ten healthy adult donors were cultured in plasma clot diffusion chambers implanted intraperitoneally into mice. Host animals were conditioned by two injections of phenylhydrazine and 600 cGy of x-rays. Cultures (5 X 10(4) cells/chamber) were continued for between 2 and 40 days and the chambers were retransplanted into new host animals every 5 days. Following termination of cultures, plasma clots were stained with benzidine-hematoxylin and analyzed microscopically. Erythroid, neutrophil, monocyte, eosinophil, megakaryocyte, mixed, undifferentiated, and fibroblastoid colonies were grown with neutrophil, erythroid, monocyte, and eosinophil colonies being the most frequent. A total of between 25 and 60 colonies was observed per chamber at any time point
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[en] The hemopoietic regeneration following midlethal irradiation in Wsup(v)/+ mice had similarly biphasic kinetics as in their hematologically normal +/+ littermates. The first abortive phase of regeneration was either severly reduced (formation of transient endogenous spleen colonies, reticulocyte count, granulocyte count) or absent (spleen and femur cellularity, platelet count, PCV) in Wsup(v)/+ mice, when compared to +/+ mice. The second phase leading to permanent recovery of hemopoiesis was in Wsup(v)/+ mice delayed in time. Moreover, although to a lesser extent the values of spleen and femur cellularity, PCV and platelet count were decreased in Wsup(v)/+ mice. Postirradiation bleeding, which stimulated particularly the 1st phase of regeneration both in Wsup(v)/+ and +/+ mice did not lead to the minimization of differences between above two genotypes. It is suggested that the observed differences in the abortive regeneration between Wsup(v)/+ and +/+ mice are primarily dependent on the presence in Wsup(v)/+ mice of selective defect of transient endogeneous colony forming units (TE-CFUs). Moreover, it is possible that the differences in the second phase of regeneration leading to permanent recovery are secondarily dependent on the TE-CFUs defect, as most probably the TE-CFU is the step in stem cell differentiation to mature cells. (orig.)
Die haematopoetische Regeneration nach halbletaler Bestrahlung von Wsup(v)/+-Maeusen zeigte eine aehnliche zweiphasige Kinetik wie bei den hoematologisch normalen +/+-Artgenossen. Die erste unvollstaendige Regenerationsphase lief bei den Wsup(v)/+-Maeusen im Vergleich zu den +/+-Maeusen entweder mit wesentlich verminderter Intensitaet ab (Bildung kurzzeitiger endogener Milzkolonien, Anzahl der Retikulozyten und Granulozyten) oder fehlte (Milz- und Femurzellularitaet, Thrombozytenanzahl, Haematokrit). Die zweite, zur dauerhaften Wiederherstellung der Haematopoesefunktion fuehrende Phase war bei den Wsup(v)/+-Maeusen zeitlich verzoegert. Ausserdem waren, wenn auch in geringem Ausmass, die Werte fuer Milz- und Femurzellularitaet, Haematokrit und Thrombozytenanzahl bei den Wsup(v)/+-Maeusen verringert. Blutungen nach der Bestrahlung, durch die insbesondere die erste Regenerationsphase sowohl bei den Wsup(v)/+- als auch bei den +/+-Maeusen stimuliert wurde, fuehrten keinen Ausgleich der Unterschiede zwischen beiden Genotypen herbei. Die beobachteten Unterschiede bei der ersten Regenerationsphase von Wsup(v)/+- und +/+-Maeusen sind vermutlich primaer auf einen selektiven Defekt der Aufbaueinheiten kurzzeitiger endogener Kolonien (TE-CFUs) bei den Wsup(v)/+-Maeusen zurueckzufuehren. Darueber hinaus haengen moeglicherweise die Unterschiede bei der zweiten, zu dauernder Erholung fuehrenden Regenerationsphase sekundaer vom Te-CFU-Defekt ab, da die Bildung kurzzeitiger endogener Kolonien hoechstwahrscheinlich den Schritt von der Stammzellendifferenzierung zur reifen Zelle darstellt. (orig.)Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Strahlentherapie; ISSN 0039-2073; ; v. 161(7); p. 437-441
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Normal hematopoietic progenitors and acute myelogenous leukemia cells show a differential requirement for the encoded product of c-myb proto-oncogene for proliferation. To determine whether c-myb is also differentially required for the proliferation of hematopoietic progenitors of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), mononuclear cells derived from both chronic phase and blast crisis were exposed to c-myb antisense oligodeoxynucleotides and assayed for colony-forming ability. Exposure of CML-BC cells from 12 patients to c-myb antisense oligodeoxynucleotides resulted in significant inhibition of leukemia colony formation and was accompanied by down-regulation of c-myb expression. Colonies derived from CML chronic phase progenitors were virtually unaffected in 10 cases, but down-regulation of c-myb expression was not detected. However, in studies conducted with CD34+ leukemia cells, a subset highly enriched for hematopoietic progenitors, colony formation was inhibited at both disease stages, whereas CFU-GM colony formation derived from normal CD34+ cells was not affected by exposure to c-myb antisense oligodeoxynucleotides. These data suggest that CML chronic phase and blast crisis progenitors are both sensitive to the inhibitory effects of c-myb antisense oligomers, and that the lack of inhibition in partially purified CML-chronic phase progenitors is probably due to inefficient penetration of oligodeoxynucleotides into the clonogenic cells. The preferential effect of c-myb antisense oligodeoxynucleotides on colonies arising from the compartment that includes CML-CD34+ progenitors likely reflects the expansion of a cell population with high proliferative potential and elevated c-myb mRNA levels. (author). 26 refs, 4 figs, 3 tabs
Original Title
using labelled compounds
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Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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