Karpov, A. B.; Semynova, Y. V.; Takhauov, R. M.
11th International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association, 23-28 May 2004, Madrid. Spain: Full paper2004
11th International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association, 23-28 May 2004, Madrid. Spain: Full paper2004
[en] The purpose of the present is to study the potential of laser correlation spectroscopy of biological samples in preclinical diagnostics of homeostatic disturbances connected with dose loads by internal radiation in plutonium plants personnel. Subfractional composition of expired air condensate, blood serum and urine was examined in 36 males with different doses of internal radiation (between 0,4-130 nCi) by Pu incorporating, and in the control group by the pair choice method. Biological samples were taken in the morning on an empty stomach. A comparative analysis of the results obtained revealed reliable differences in the subfractional composition of the blood serum in somatically healthy volunteers and persons with dose loads. The degree of the revealed homeostatic disturbances raised with increasing the effective dose of internal radiation. Thus, on the basis of the results obtained it can be concluded that only laser correlation spectroscopy of blood serum allows us to estimate the direction and evidence of homeostatic shift in persons exposed to technogenic influence before a detailed clinical picture. Taking into account the dependence of spectral characteristics of biological samples on local peculiarities of population residence, the first reference samples of laser correlative spectrum of blood serum in healthy persons of the Siberian region seem to be the important results of work. (Author) 7 refs
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359 p; ISBN 84-87078-05-2; ; 2004; [7 p.]
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Freidin, M. B.; Goncharova, I. A.; Karpov, A. B.; Takhauov, R. M.
11th International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association, 23-28 May 2004, Madrid. Spain: Full paper2004
11th International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association, 23-28 May 2004, Madrid. Spain: Full paper2004
[en] According to the mostr common definition a DNA-bank is a system of a genetic material storage. Applying to nuclear-chemical plant workers, DNA-bank creation is determined by the necessity to preserve a hereditary material of these people and their descendants for the further evaluation of consequences fo technogenic factors action on human genome using a contemporary conceptual and applied advances of genetics. In the frameworks of the study of technogenic factors indluence on human genome and genetic-caused disorders development the Seversk Biophysical Research Center is being created DNA-bank of Siberian Group of Chemical Enterprises workers exposed to radiation, their descendants, and ZATO Seversk and Tomsk city inhabitants. The DNA-bank will be a basis for all major research laboratory projects: analysis of molecular basis of individual radiosensitivity; analysis of technogenic factors role in congenital malformations and hereditary diseases development in nuclear-chemical plant workers offspring; elaboration of genotype-specific tes-systems of cancer prognosis and development of cardiovascular and other common disorders connected with the effect of technogenic factors. The DNA-bank creation is a technological issue aggravated by ethical problems. Whereas the DNA isolation is not a problem today, ethical complication id debated widely in the world. These questions strongly arise in a view of advances of Human Genome Project. Information consent on DNA usage is imperative today. Also questions on DNA property (who is its owner a doner or a banker) and of a confidentiality, which maintenance is a doubtable question in a case of multiple genetic testing, are not solved today. At present, the Genomic Medicine Laboratory disposes the DNA samples of more than 400 Sevesk and Tomsk inhabitants affected with breast and lung cancer. More than 800 blood samples of main manufacture of the Siberian Group of Chemical Enterprises workers are collected. About 1500 DNA samples are planned to be collected by the end of 2004. All participlants gave an information consent. A Computer program to support the DNA-bank and for integration of teh genetic information obtained on its basis by medico-dosimetric register created by the Severesk Biophysical Research Center is under construction. (Author) 9 refs
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359 p; ISBN 84-87078-05-2; ; 2004; [8 p.]; IRPA; Madrid (Spain)
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Izmestyev, K. M.; Maslyuk, A. I.; Takhauov, R. M.; Andreyev, G. S.; Bogdanov, L. M.; Goncharova, N. V.
11th International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association, 23-28 May 2004, Madrid. Spain: Full paper2004
11th International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association, 23-28 May 2004, Madrid. Spain: Full paper2004
[en] The paper presents the research in dose reconstruction of the thyroid gland exposed to ''131I gas and aerosol blow-out of the siberian Group of Chemical Enterprises (SGCE). The statistical analysis of data on ''131I blow-out in gas and aerosol forms was carried out. It was shown that it is necessary to carry out additional research to determine the dependence of the average value on maximum and minimum parameters. A comparative analysis of average long-term data of meteorological factors as well as the data for the particular time periods has been carried out. (Author) 5 refs
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359 p; ISBN 84-87078-05-2; ; 2004; [6 p.]
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Takhauov, R. M.; Karpov, A. B.; Kubat, I. I.; Maslyuk, A. I.; Semenova, Y. V.; Freidin, M. B.; Trivozhenko, A. B.; Litvinenko, T. M.
11th International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association, 23-28 May 2004, Madrid. Spain: Full paper2004
11th International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association, 23-28 May 2004, Madrid. Spain: Full paper2004
[en] Population health is greatly determined by social factors, mode of life, ecological situation, amount and quality of medical assistance. The analysis of reasons of health troubles increase in population should be done taking into account the above aspects. Main consideration should be given to the development of measures aimed at the highest possible decrease of technogenic and anthropogenic factors influence on a human. Thereupon a complex programme of main diseases screening and monitoring in the personnel of the Siberian Group of Chemical enterprises (SGCE) to be the biggest one among Russian atomic plants has been developed. The purpose of the present paper is to determine main diseases at the earliest stage, the decrease of death rate, as well as the complex estimation of technogenic factor influence on the personnel of radiation dangerous plants nand their offsprings. In this case a long-term effect of low doses seems to be the main risk factor. Taking into account the structure of death rate causes of the population of industrialized countries as well as the spectrum of stochastic effects of ionizing radiation, the screening of cardiac ischemia and arterial hypertension, localization of cancer and congenital malformations have been chosen as the program priorities. Algorithm of instrumental laboratory screening of a particular disease includes modern diagnostic tests. Groups ar risk are formed taking into account a complex of exogenous and endogenous risk factors (age, chronic diseases, bad habits, length of service at a radiation dangerous plant, dose loads, hereditary factors) and on the basis of the screening examination results. The information obtained is entered in the list of database of the Regional Medico dosimetric Register of the SGCE personnel and Seversk residents followed by analysis and monitoring of groups ar risk. (Author) 4 refs
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359 p; ISBN 84-87078-05-2; ; 2004; [5 p.]
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Ilyin, L. A.; Kiselev, M. F.; Panfilov, A. P.; Kochetkov, O. A.; Ivanov, A. A.; Grinev, M. P.; Soloviev, V. Y.; Semenov, V. G.; Tukov, A. R.; Koshuurnikova, N. A.; Takhauov, R. M.; Melnikov, G. Y.
11th International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association, 23-28 May 2004, Madrid. Spain: Full paper2004
11th International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association, 23-28 May 2004, Madrid. Spain: Full paper2004
[en] Epidemiological studies of nuclear industry personnel contain the significant abilities to assess the prolonged radiation exposure effects in the human health. The clarification of these assessments and following improvements of the scientific justification of radiation regulation require the expansion of factual basis of the research currently, Branch Medical Dosimetric Registry (BMDR) of atomic industry and nuclear power employees is under the development in Russian to compose a number of regional registries. This work is coordinated by the State Research Center- Institute of Biophysics (Moscow). The first phase of this project was devoted to the forming of the regional registry of Mayak PA employees (Ozersk, South Uranl region). the employee registries of Siberian Chemical Plant (SCP, Seversk, Tomsk region) and Mountain Chemical Plant (MCP, Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region) are at the finalization. At later phases, BMDR will be added by the information on other enterprises and on operating NPP too. The paper describes the structure, general issues of the forming and current status of BMDR. The comparison of major BMDR features versus LSS registry (which is the one of basic components for international radiation protection recommendations and current radiation protection standards) demonstrates that BMDR information can be more preferable to assess the significance of the man made radiation at high and intermediate dose ranges. Particularly, the number of employees (20-40 year age range) exposed to doses specific to detectable radiation health effects (above 2000 mSv) is almost ten times more than that for LSS cohort. Besides, the health monitoring was elaborated since the employment start point (Whereas, since year 5 for LSS cohort). BMDR dose records were measured (against LSS reconstructed doses) and the employee exposure duration was equal to years and decade (alternatively to momentary exposure recorded in LSS). BMDR data quantity and quality correspond to basic requirements of international cooperative studies and can be easily integrated to these studies upon the registry finalization. The unique information accumulated by BMDR can predispose the assessment of the man made irradiation significance as well as to be the source of new fundamental considerations. (Author) 7 refs
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359 p; ISBN 84-87078-05-2; ; 2004; [7 p.]
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